Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 26, 1908, Image 8

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THE WAYCWT-SS w-HALD THE GREAT RACE CONTINUES With Waycross Business College And Ferguson Shorthand hi the Lead. A New and Startling Record Has been Made Witk FERGUSON SHORTHAND 75 Words Per Minnte Alter Studying 13 Days. Can you b.eat that with tho older systems? Why wastu your time and money learning someth I yg obsolete? In this age of invention and progresKiveneaa. the old roust give way to the new. However, if >ou hate a de«drc to take a ride in the “OLD HORSE CAR”, we have the team to pul 1 It, but you are liable not to have anyone with you but the driver. Our teachers are skilled in the older system*. but make a specialty of FERQUSON 8HORTHAND. I C'C< HO'V IS THIS FOR ANOTHER RECORD AFTER 12 WEEK8 STUDY, ONE OF OUR YOUNG MEN ACCEPTED A POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER AT $75.00 PER MONTH. IF YOU DOUBT THIS, WRITE U8, AND WE WILL FURNI3H YOU WITH PROOF, i What are your Plans For The Coming Vear? Wouldn't you like to make life happier Would you not like to In crease your earning capacity and bank account? IF SO, JUST SPEND A FEW MONTHS WITH U8 AND LET US PUT YOU IN LINE FOR PROMOTION. Write us at onc e *or application blanks and make arrangements to enter the beginning of the Winter Session January 5, 1909. The System Off BOOKKEEPING U*ed In our school, la taught In the largest colleges in tho United States, and Is considered by the business men, the very best for giving a thorough knowledge of practical affairs, Special attention given to ARITHMETIC, ENGLI8H, CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, RAPID |CALCULATIONS, PRACTICAL LAW PENMAN8HIP, ETC. •nniiiiiniia>itiiii no w Youno teoplz, j We have put others on the road to success, why not let us put yoii | there? Life Is too short to experiment It has been fully demonstrate § ed that the UNTRAINED MAN OF WOMAN MUST GIVE WAY TO THE 1 TRAINED. *** + **** +.+ * * * * + * * OUR QUARTERS HAVE BEEN ENLARGED New furniture purchased, and more teachers employed, making this one of the finest equipped schools in this section of tho country. Every indi cation favors a very lar«o enrolment January- 5, 1909. For Full Information address: R. F. ZEIGLER, PRINCIPAL WAYCROSS BUSINESS COIIZGE THE ADVERTISING MAN. From on down to Boersheba. And back again to I>ait t The forceful ptinh of commerce la the advertising man. In the onward inarch of progress, That house la In the van Whose life Is known to people Through the advertising man Ye page of Dunn and Srndntreut, Inquiring optica scan. And whore A 1 la noted, There's an advertising man. *11» Snith’s have all gono Into deep mourning Tor a very distant rel ative Don't you jlhlnk Ua a sign ihey’re rich!" "No, Its a tilgn the distant relative was rich." + Rumor baa It that Governor Smith haa already decided that <?ol. Ben- i Ltt’a time a« Solicitor of the Bruns wick Circuit expires la January and that after that date ho will make an appointment to fill the vacancy. Cromwell doesn't seem to thtik .it fa anybody's business who got ithe forty millions, so Uncle 8am got the canal Others do not agree with Mr. Cromwell Tho merchant who advertise* is si- ways and under all circumstances the t»est and most liberal man to trade with. Notice and sec If this Is not a .act. 4. A subsection of President Roose velt's country life commission Is now la session In Richmond. We hsve known country dlfo In Virginia intim ately and well for a number of years. To our way of thtuklnr there la not 4,' oe tenth the need of a commission to 4hcw Old Dominion farmers how to live as there Is for a commission to teach Roosevelt how to mind his own fcastaoss.-—Norfolk VIrgtnIa-PIloL —F GREATEST CONFLICT | SINCE CRUSADES. As. Mr. Carrington Phelps truly says In one of his articles in tlve Broadway Magazine, tho mightiest morn! conflict waged since tho days of the Crusades is now under way In tho United States of America— th fight against the liquor traffic and the right of the liquor traffic to hold Its ONE WAY TO GET HUBBY BACK FOR CHRISTMAS. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 22.—W. W. Kel- k*y, employed by Turner Brothers, at the horse and mule market. Nation al stock yards, started from East St. Ixiuls last night to make his fourth annual visit tl Georgia at the ox- grounds. In this conflict many ele-! P n8 ° of town of Carroiton, Ga. ments of society and many forces anu Kelk»y*B wife has brought him home organisations aro engaged, and capl- ev r y Christmas sine their separa- ( engaged In a controversy arising ov- tal and Investments representing t,on f° ur T*** 11 * a 8° securing a er gonj 0 alleged misconduct of Moore, over six billions of dollars and over warrant charging him with child, Moore, according to the witnesses, 50,000.000 people aro engaged. It is abandonment. He haa two children, Bhot the officer dead. Leonard Smith the conflict of tho centuries, tho on ° and ono h®? 10 and 13 ycar8 , rushed to tho rescue of the officer, strauger that It has originated tn this °W. Joules that ho is to blame, W hen Herschel Moore attacked him FOUR MEN KILLED IN 3LOODY FiOHT AT OCILLA- Occilla, Ga., Dec. 23.—In a four cornered street duel at 9:30 o'clock tonight Policeman Cain Walters, I.iconard Smith, a son of Chief of Police Smith, Charlie Moore and his brother, Herachcl Moore, were In stantly killed. Acordlng to eye witnesses, Charlie Moore and Officer WalterJ became comparatively new country rather than In Europe, where civilisation Is old , Asia, tho birthplace of the human raco and the* oldest land, witnessed the first movement against strong drink. Mohammed, tho Arabian prophet, was the first great prohibi tionist. The religion ho founded for bids the drinking of Intoxicants, and all consistent Mohammedans, even today, are abstainers. But with feat exception the war on liquor haa been limited to America, the New imux Christian Europe and Budhlstlc Asia are looking curiously at what the de scendants of the Pilgrims ana trie Cavaliers are doing tn the new land. How will the conflict terminate, and of what nature will be the settle ment or adjustment? That Is the question. President-elect Taft, has been web corned to Augusta and is now a clti- on of that beautlfud and hospitable city. "" i "Lawd,” prayed the old colored for the separation, and declares he provides Tor )tho children. H laid before the tnln pulled out that there was no possibility of a reconciliation between his wife and himself, but that each year Juat before Christmas she secures a warrant on which re quisition paper* aro always issued by two governors. On previous oc- casslons when Kelley has been marched back to Georgia, ho haa been furnished In the vitiate calaboose with a line Christmas dinner by his accusing wife, and he la generally placed on parole, so that his home coming Is robbed of Its disagreeable feantres. Tho charges have always been dismissed after the holidays. S. J. Causey, Chief of Police of Car rollton, Ga., Is Kelley's escort this yoar. Kelley has laid In a store of Christmas gifts for hfs children, as he had teen looking forward to bla arrest. THE LE8SON OF CHRI8TMA8 GIVING. It is a beautiful custom—the* Joy of giving, which comes to us, more urgently nt this season than at any other. Yet there should be more In the Christmas festival than tho giv ing of a doll to the girlie, the pair or skates to the boy, the hanging-up ct the (!u* Hocking, f.j decking .1 the Christmas tree, or the dinner which Is to follow. All this Christ- mas-giving Is but a symbol recalling the great gift of God—tho giving of the 8avlour to the sin-cursed world. To every child should this story be told In all Its loving details, as often There Is only one certain thing we know about that Panama Canal mon* We didn't get any of It- with a volley of pistol shots, also as the Christmas-tide comes round. killing Smith Instantly. In the meleo Herschel Moore re ceived wounds from which he died on the spot. Charlie Moore died from injurii Inflicted by the officer, who fought gamely, Clough mortally wounded. While tya trouble started from a very trlval matter. It Is stated there was 111 feeling between the Moore boyt and the chief of police, whose son was shot In the duel. SHOWING OUR MONKEY BLOOD. The batsman, congratulated on his home run, flapped himself proudly on the chest, and began to boast of still finer home run* that he had made In the past. Did you see that gesture of the stricken brasst?" said an ethnologist of Harvard. "Whenever we make that gesture In our vanity we prove the Darwinian theory up to the hilt. You know the gorilla. Kipling and Du ChiiUu describe him—an enormous ape that In his Indomita ble bravado beats his hreist with a NOTICE. Nutted Is hereby given that the fnu of T. O. Bibb and Pinch hereto- engaged In the grocery busln* f* the city of Waycross. Georgia. U *-t* day dissolved by mu:ral consent, r. G. Mbb retiring therefrom. The tooted* will be conducted at the waav ptaro by G. 6. Finch who will settle all firm liabilities and receipt tor aT debts doe the firm. Thin November 23rd, 1808. O. 8. Finch, T. O. Bibb. deacon, "dls yer's the christ’musj London. Dec. 28.—Recent statistics sound like the rolling of tho muffled time, w'en do saints Is expectin’ mo'njrtow that what Is called "Admlnls*j drums of Memorial day. what dey been a getln' In de provt- dentlal line. 1 wll knows, Lawd, dat U ain't cordin' ter scrip- ter ter lay up treasure on nlrth, nut it's my belief*, Lawd, dat It wou'd be a good Idea tsr give dat scrlpter a recess endurin' de holiday season, t been dreamin' cr money dts long time, Lawd, but you* dream money (s no good fer turkey an* trtmman's; what dls ol' saint is a wantin' at dts pci tickler time, ta the money wld de eagle on one side an’ de lady's head on de yuther. Do holfdy season Is In de midst er ue. e* I may say. an’ Uat's Tbs whsr de hongry feelln* U, an* other 3,000,000 make their homes. London property is insured against Are for more than $5,000,000,000. One person In every thirtymie Is a pau per and more than $5,000,000,000 la annually expended through Its chqrl ties. There are In the city 28,265 factories employing 558.641* men. women and children; there are fifty- three theatres forty-nine music halls 261 concert hall*, eleven museum 4 eighty one public libraries and many .treasure on atrthll come Jn mighty I inks. In on* year' Londoner* wrote handy an' wholcaom’ long orboutl 772.100,000. letters and ,168,800.000 now!”—Frank L. Stanton. ' 'postal cards. * tratlve London" has an area of 74,8261 "As big as a bull, as swift as a cat acres of land and water and that I» powerful as an elephant, the gorilla within that area live 4, 795,789 hu- j believes himself unconquerable, and man beings, while In the suburbs an- in the vain glory of that belief he in flates his longs and beats his swollen breast till the jungle rin^a like gong. “We tn our moments of foolish and excessive vanity inflate cut lungs and slap our swollen breast*. “Thus, alas, we show the monkey bleed in us."—New Orleans Times- Democrat. The gift of God Is greater than the toy park of the mythical Santa Claus and*the little heart should early be filled with appreciation of his wonder ful love, and Its utter dependence for all good and happiness on the great parent heart of God. The child's own eyes can aee with what Joy you fill all its little wants, and the lesson cf the higher love should be carefully Impressed upon the sympathetic little heart. Let your love tor him, your loving tenderness, be to tnc child's a symbol of the love that with the gift of His Perfect Son, promined to "With him, giro freely of al> things-" We are all jiist little children, in need of the aupport of tho Father's lore. No effort of our own will spar? us from some of the discomforts anu trials of existence. While It Is re quired of us that w« "da," It is alii demanded of ua that we “trust”. In a sense we Jo, all of ua, trust to some .Higher power; but we shauld learr to trust more—to belie re more, an<f to take courage with stronger hearts, because of the great parents love of God. In these time* of stress and worry, of cruel want and weary wait- lug. we must do as the children do- look to the higher love. The cloua.a will dear, things will mend.* timo. will brighten, and although Jatt now, lu many homes, tho lack Ij great, we must believe In the power which pro-, claimed "Peace on earth BIG MONEY AGENTS, FREE SAM PLE OFFER. (15 dys only), bright sparkling, famoua, $5 Bo mat to Simu lation diamond ring; brilliancy equals genuine—detection baffles experts— fills every requirement of tho most x- actingfr—at only ont-thirtith the cost of a real diamond. As means of in troducing this' marvelous and won derful, scintillating gem, and aecurin as many new friends as quickly as possible, we are making a special in* duccmcnt for tho new year. We* want you to wear this beautiful rlng r this Masterpiece of Man's Handi craft, this stimulation that sparkle* with all the beauty, and flashes wltht all the fire of the Genuine Diamonds We want, you to show it to your friends and take orders for us, as 1C •ellls Itself—sella at sight—«nd makes 100 per cent profit for you. absolutely without effort on your part We want goo!, honest representative*; everywhere, In every locality, city or* Country, in fact, iu every couAtir throughout the world, both men and women, young and old, who will not tell or pawn the Baroatto Stimulation; Diamonds under the pretense that' they ore genuine gems, as suclF ac tions sometimes leads to trouble or* rmbarmsment. If jou want a 8tim»- *u!a!lon Diamond, r. fubstltute for the genuine—don’t watt—act today, as. this advertisement may not appear* again—first come, first served. For* Free Sample Offer, beautiful Ring,, Earrings, stud or Scarf (stick) Pin;, address »»w-wsii THE BARNATTO DIAMOND CO. Girarl Building, Chicago. Mention this paper Say what you will about Mr; Brynfi, ^ he got just exactly 1,351,211 more VLtes than Judge Parker did in 1904 That don't look as if the democratic party was losing grounds. FOR RENT-The West farm on VValtcrtown read. Apply to Chas. West, 52 Jane street, Waycross, Ga. Says an Exchanv: “President Roosevelt’s place lu Hi Mery has not Sol been defined." Let'* wait till hsj for the first time: comes back from Africa before plac*j "Ton do solemnly swear. In the tng hlb£ | presence of Almighty God and these ; U:nesses, that you desire to become- ' *°* 4 will j a night rider; that you will not write to men. Let ua accept the lesson,,'talk cr te'I to anyone of the secret? lookl.* up « . mu, chUd. rnd bo- of ,hU ord.r of oi-h, ,hot. If Kurin, flrmlv ,h„ do u)k wr „ 0 •on any of ih, weret. of (be order. ve are permitted to. do r.lth you « de too at. Ton knew doatb, bell and destruction will be your portion, and tbnt your body will not be baited In n graveyard. Do yon willingly, and freely submit to nit tht. in ' Je i„ vsu Godr r llerlng Bratly that “Hit doetb all i'ofngs well." We wish you n comfor- tnbft, end choerfcl CbtlMtnu!— Helen W.tta in Bryan. - Cotnoncr. THE NIOHT RIDERS OATH. The night rider, oath U here given