Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, January 16, 1909, Image 1

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Waycross Weekly Herald 1 mi sill mill OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS VOLUME XXIH WAYCROSS GA SATURDAY JANUARY 16 1909 NUMBE< 43 mu rn limnr snr T n nnnusniT «ir nn , nP „ , 1KP _, ~ —" ' ~ , PANAMA CANAL BONDS INTRODUCED BY 8ENATOR HOPKINS. Washington, Jan. 14.—Senator Hop kins has introduced a bill Increasing to $500,000,000 the amount of bonds that may be issued by the government to raise money for the construction of the Panama canal. It is provided that the bonds shall be redeemable after ten years, in the discretion of the President, and pay able within thirty years from the date Issued. As In the case of bonds which may be issued under the present authority Of law they will draw 2 per cent GOV-ELECT BROWN. AT WASHINGTON, GA SALE OF WHISKEY Washington, Oa„ Jan. 13.—Gov-clect and Mrs. Joseph M. Brown arrived to- night from Thomson, and will be guests of Washington until Friday morning. An Informal reception for Mr. and Mrs. Brown was held tonight. Tomorrow at noon, the next Gover nor will speak at the Court House. The visitors will be given a dinner by Col. James A. Bensln, Thursday afternoon and will be guest of honor at a ban quet Thursday night at Hotel Fitzpat rick. The proposed relay race from Au gusta to Washington with a message from President-elect Taft was called oil tonight on account of weather. - Men's and Boy's sweaters cheap, j H St. The Lewis Watson Co. I a READ THE WANT ADS. ■" WITHIN FOUR MILE8 OF ANY 8CH00L HOU8E IN TENNS8EE PASSES. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 14.—Senate bill No. 1, providing for the prohibi tion of the sale of liquor within four miles of any school house in Ten- nesseefl has passed its third and Anal reading in the Seuate. The vote was 20 to 13. Immediately after the vote in tho Senate yas announced the wildest dls INTO STATE TREASUR TREASURER PARK8 IS VERY MUCH GRATIFIED AT IMPROV< ED CONDITIONS. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 14,—-A golden tide Is beginning to flow Into the state treasury from every county in the state, more than a million dollars bo- ing on hand now. Treasurer Park Is very much gratified ut general con ditions, nnd in an interview says: •Ocular demonstration and steru statistics both show that no other ociiniB uuiiuuuceu iuu ui»- uuiu hiiuw umi uu uini'l order prevailed. As soon as a motion! section of the United States Is cxliib to adjourn-was put and carried, _ frantic crowd surrounded the prohibi tion senators and the celebration took on the form of a love feast. IT 18 NOW UP TO GOVERNOR PATTER80N. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13.—The bill to prohibit the sale of intoxicating li quors in Tennessee passed tho lower House of the General Assmbly this af ternoon. The vote was 62 to 36. Fif ty votes is a majority. Twenty-two Re publicans voted for and ono against the measure. The measure passed Is tho one fa vorably acted on yesterday by tho Sen ate and now goes to Gov. Patterson He is expected to veto It, but under the constitution his veto only oper ates as a suggestion, not as a stay and a bare majority ma y pass the bill over the executive's unfvorabte action.* The Governor is allowed to hold a bill five days. If at the expiration of this time it has not been returned to the As sembly It becomes a law without his signature. ltlng more significant progress at the present time than the South, and no portion of tho South Is more pros peroug than Georgia,” says Captain Park. “The South has come at last to be recognized as a financial and indus trial power. The growth In banking in Georgia has continued apace dur; ing 1908, and has grown from 443 state banks in active operation Jan uary 1, 1908, to 490 state banks on January 1, 1909, This number win be increased as shown by application for charter in the office of the. secre tary of state." CAROLINA LEGISLATURE STANDS BY TILLMANi Columbia, 8. C., Jun. 14—The legis lature of Sauth Carolina ha. unani mously adoptej resolutions commend ing Senator Tillman and condemr.ini what tho resolutions term the "vln- dlctivo and sensational methods of the President of the United States In hla reckless and malicious attacks." Ladle's muslin gowns 50c to 12.00 14 3t. The Lewis Wntson Co. POWER COMPANY HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR. CLOTHES THAT LOOM WEI FIT WELL AND WEAR WELL. CET A HIGH ART SUIT AND YOU HAVE THE COMBINATION For they are made of the very best cloths and t by the highest class tailors. Style and fit are two things High Art Clothing excell others in. i A fine line of Hanan’s and Howard & Foster shoes. All the new blocks in Stetson Hats as well as EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN FURNISHINGS TO MAKE THE OUTFIT COMPLETE. THE LEADING CLOTHIER. H. G. SEAMAN WAVCftOSS GEORGIA. On Monday the annual meeting of ho stockholders of tho Waycross i«:ht and Power Company was held and all the old officers ami directors of the company were re-elected, as follows: J. E. Wndley, President. C, M. Sweat, Vice-President. A. Foote, Secretary and Treasurer Board of Directors: J. E. Wad ley, Geo. Dole Wndley, J. L. 8went, M. Sweat, P. N. Harley, Williams, II. H. Williams, J. s. Bnl ley slid A. M. Knight. A report of the buHlnens of the pany for tho past year was made and was considered very satisfactory, con slderlng the financial stringency ex isting throughout the year. In addition to carrying a fair sized sum to the profit account, the report showed numerous Improvements which were carried through during the year and considerable betterments which ore now being made. During the past few months many of the old poles and lines of wiring on the streets havo been replaced with new material, new transformers have been installed and many other Improvements made. The power plnnt of tho company is now undergoing it complete recon struction. Tho three boilers which havo been in use for some years nro being replaced with three new boll- ers of ICO bourse-power each. Tho riew boilers arc of the latest pattern nndt it is claimed will Lava the com pany a considerable amount in fuel. brick nnd.steel boiler room, absolutely^.flro proof, Is also to bo instructed by (he company Immedi- at; ly nfrer the installation of the new boilers U» completed. In tho dyne mo room two new dyna mos have beon I istnllrj during (ho •err and a:e in continuous, tho t^ay current hnvlng been f..arted somo months ago. The electric light riant in being thoroughly equipped to take In increased busInosH during the year 1D0D and to five the people of Way- crons a better srrvico than ever be fore. IN HONOR ROBERT E. LEE’S BIRTHDAY EXERCISES TO BE HELD BY DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDER ACY TUESDAY. WOMAN OF MYSFfRY The Daughters of tho Confederacy have secured tho use of tho Central School nudllorlum for the exercises lo bo held on Tuesday, Jan. 19 in hon or of Hen. It. B. l-eo's birthday. Tho Daughters Invito tho Rifles, tho Veterans nnd the children of tho Con federacy to attend In a body and seats will be reserved so Oat they can bo seated. Tho officers of tho Francis b. nbrtow Chapter, tho ministers Invited lo take part In tho exorcises, tho sing ers, tho officers of Vctorans* Camp and tho speaker will ploaso occupy tho stage. Tho Francis 8. Bartow chapter mem bers aro requested to bo present and assist In serving n hot lunch to the Veterans nt tho Rifles Armory, Imme diately nftor tho exercises, which oc cur at 11 o'clock. Tho following pro gram will bo rendered: Prayer—Rot. R. A. Brown, Song—America, Audience, Song—Selected. Address, Robert E. Lee.—Mrs. E. A. Pound. Song—Selsctod Closing Prayer—Rov. Mr. Scruggs MRS. ROBT. ODOM, 8oc. MRS. E. A. POUND, Pres. A GOOD SINGING COMPANY Flno voices, the latest song, anil a lino qunrletlo nro Iho features of J. A. Coburr's Greater Minstrels first part at tho Parker Theatre next Mon day. It Is the best singing show ho tins over carried nnd ro|>orca from all points along tho route montlon Iho singing particularly as being first class. T.io comedians too nro good, their songs tho latest and best, nnd cry black face singer Is a lino dan- ;■ ns well which adds snap and fin ish to their work, and semis the chor us along with n vigor nothing else enn Dom' miss Iho host minstrel show or iho scnsoii. Watch for tho parade ami niund- concert nt noon. THE CRESCENT COMEDY COM- PANY PLEASING LARGE AU DIENCES. Tho Weird work of Miss Allen, ihu woman of mystery, caused a sensa- 1,011 at tho Parker Theatre Inst night The marvelous exhibition proved to ho greater than her first two efforts and from tho Uuie she appeared on the stage until the fall of the curtain “' ,0 proved to hnvo the audience un der her complete control. She nn- sworej apparently every question asked by che audience with lightning rapidity. She told tho past and pres- ont and predicted Iho future of the many who Inquired. She fold where missing friends and relatives could bo found nnd located loat Jewolry for ita owners. Mnn y report that thoy had found their missing articles, and In ono par ticular lnstanco Miss Allon created qulto a sensation by answering ' a question written by a lady, "Where Is my necklace?" Miss Allen au- awored, "This necklace Jocsn’t belong to you but to Miss Marguerite Knox. I m sorry, but sho will not recover It." nnd tho Indy admitted lo tho presonco of all that Miss Allen was right. TO WALK IN CHRIST'S FOOTSTEPS. Cleveland, O., Jan. 1.1.— Rclween 5,- 090,000 nnd 0,000,000 young Christians will he following In tho footsteps of Christ, not as an experiment, but per manently, within a short tlmo It tho plans formed by tho lenders of tho movement In Cleveland are carrloj out. A commlttoo of thirty, composed of ten representatives oacti of the Kp- worth League, the Young People's So ciety of Christian Endsavor and tho Baptist Young People's Union has beon appointed to undertake tho task of making tho movement a national one. Letters have been sent to Rov. Dr. Fisncts E. Clark of Boston, president •if t! o Christian Elidestol; nishop W. A. Quaylo and Bishop W. A. Chandler, presidents respective of tho North ern nnd Southern branches of the Ep- wo-tb League, nnd to Rev. Dr. E. Y. Mullins, of Louisville, Ky., president of the Baptist Young People's Union. T*riff Asked on Nnvsl 8torts- At n special meeting of tho dlrec torn of the Savannah Board of Trade yesterday n resolution was passed asking that Congress Impose n duty of 25 per cent, nd valorem on nil na val alores brought Into the United States. The action wan taken as a menus of protecting the industry from the Importations from France, which have reached considerable volume during the past few years. Don't forget that the First and Sec ond Ware County Divisions of the Mutual Life Industrial Association of Georgia are going to ho filled dur ing tho year IMP, and kept filled. If you bare let your policy lapec, re new It. ' H you have not taken a pol icy In thin company, aeo or write J. C. Langston, IT Elizabeth atreet. Ag- nts wanted on liberal cofnmlailon. Pleasant Moments Station will to night show In moving pictures "Sul mile, nnd also her mother nnd-tao uu worthy King llerod ns well ns their cruel treatment of John The Baptist. This will bo of groat Interest to nil who hnvo ever ronJ or hoard of those notnbla characters. Wo will also show other highly Interesting moving pictures tonlg'nl. Tomorrow night wu will show In moving pictures. "Colonial Virginia" Historical scenes and Incidents con neeted with tho founding of James- town, Vs., also other subjects Hint are sure to Interest you. will show maps of Italy and Cnlabrla and Sicily—Earthquake and tidal wave district— and 23 other tlldca showing pictures of that section in which perhaps, the greatest cata strophe In the history of the world oc curved. 200,090 people lost their lives. Think of It I Bo sure to bo on hand tonight nnd tomorrow night, Friday the 15th between 4 and 9:30 p, m. nt Pleasant Moments Station. 8EEDI SEEDI. SEED! II Seed rye, seed outs, seed cue, seej Peas, seed Irish Potatoes at 14 6td 2tw. Hardy Bros. Some desirable residences at reas onable rates for renL Ssa »t eod D. A O. LotL I do my own prescription work, ud need your business. 1* U- O. K. Bilnsou. Tho Atlanta, Clrtnthim and Allan- Railroad calendar for 1809 contain ing a map of the Line I* ready for distribution, ud will bo sent upon up plication, enclos' ; 6 cents to core poeL'.o. W. H. Leahy, Gad- Paas Agent, A Ihuil n, Os. A number havo been asking who la Miss Allen nnd where Is aha from? Miss Allen Is tho grandnughter of a Grand l.hamn of tho Rajl Zog, Rajah Rom Khan, High Priest of the Secret Brotherhood of Eighty, which was tho greatest power of tho occult aelcnco of tho Indian Empire. She wnn horn In the year of 1883 ,ln tho lumplo of Basarapobul, (Dlvlno Knowledge,) at Iho foot of tho Himalayan Mountalne, Northern India. She was tnc daugh ter of n full caste Rlndoostnn Princess mid of a llrlllsh army ofilcer named Allon. On ono nldo she has tho blood of the AngloSnxon race while from mother she inherits nemo of tho richest blood of India, coming from n long line of royal ancestors, allied closely with tho Ancient Occult Phil osophers, envunls of Iho Mahatmas, Sfo.Tls .Seyrna and other sects of the brethren of the RnJI Zog. tracing hack generation' In generation, mull tho line Is lost right In Iho dim shadow of of nnliqtllfy. Tho play presented by tho Cres cent Comedy Company was an unus* "ally good one Inst night. Tho on- lire performers fl|| e ,| , hc | r linrls lo perfection. The song nnd dance of Enrl Hlgly delighted tho audience, --who allowed their appreciation of this clover com edian by loud applause. Tonight the company will play "Noll Owyne, tho moat gorreous play over attempted by an y company. neauliful costumes and special scenery will be a feature. Saturday a matinee to ladles only will be given. Don’t forget that tho First and Sec ond Ware County Divisions of tbs Mui-nl Life Industrial Association of Georgia are going to ho filled dur ing the year 1909, nnd kept filled. If you have let your policy lapoe, re new It. If you have not taken a pop Icy In thin company, see or write J. C. Lengston, 3T Elisabeth street. Ag ents wuted on liberal commission. ■ ■ —■ MAY’S MILL AND FEED STORE NOTICEI Wo will discontinue leaving mils where our customers fall to leave tho empty bottles ouL We. ire compelled tv do this on 'account of losing so many bottle*. 19 lm W. E. Bleedle, A Son. Wo hnvo our now mill In operation and nro prepared to make u One a quality of mill, as uy water mill could possibly make. We ham large mill rocks that run very slow which prevents tho meal from heating- Our irud Is much sweeter than tho ship ped meal, as we do not blotch onr corn, which destroys Its natural sweetness. We will In > few days , ubllsh the names of ’ theGrooery v ho sell our meal. If you have not yet tried our Horso ud Cow Feed, try a sack. It Is put up strictly to com ply with the Pure Food Lav. Phone *. Mays' Mill A Iced Store.