Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, April 30, 1910, Image 2

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WAYCKOSS EVENING HERALft THE EVENING HERALD •r I HERALO PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perhsm, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. Cdiiora and Proprietor*. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local Tli»» Wajcioss H**raM fouad»*d In i»l$. Th* Dally Herald found-d In Ik>2 by A. I* Perham. Hr Telephones Builni'U Offlcs* 25 Kditorlal Office 21 R»*ld*QCo W1 Every Afternoon Except Sunday Knurl'd at tb- Waycroaa. Ga.. Post- efflr* aw cla*e mull matter. UNCLE SAM AND HIS SUILOINOS. The United Staten Government *• the greatest builder In the country. It own# bulldin?* worth mere than $3*>0.- OOO.Omi, and s;»enil» $2".mift.OOO a year on new ones. The Government carries no Ineur- ance on Its property -that Is, It act* as Its own Insurant*. rompaay.lt safe- retards lts»*if against |<n« by erecting | building* that wool burn. If It ear- ried Inauranre the premiums would amount to 16'Mifto a year: a* It Is. the yearly loss from fire Is only $in,. VERY LOW ipiai’liil Excursion Rales! ”* 1 1 he Geolo Office No. • Jane Street. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION Month • t Months f Months W- W 1 Tesr M-00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notice* of entertain' Bents, where chug**" sre made, will fee chsrgej st advertising rates of S •ant* • Use NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Bn'.** fiber* to The ifera'.d that do Bot rendte the paper promptly and earh will pl**a-e ring up the Clrcuh- ♦Jon Man ger and report the trouble to him. a» this Is the onlv means that We ***n a-eure you prompt and warlv delivery THE HERALD IS THE Offlcl-il Organ of the Cl tv of Wayrrosa. Offlritl Organ of Ware County Oflri.if Organ of the Count) Board of Education Offlrial Organ of the Cnlted Plate* Court of the Routhern District of Oeo.g1a WAVCROSS. GA. APRIL JO 1*10. Folk* are wondering ml snnah Pres* doe*n't take Congressman Edward* f« l he Hav- i -hot at tow qute certain that ' I lie late freeze the of Georglu will be very d +-— rumored that Wlllin inv again heroine u survey ha* carried on elaborate lest* of all sort* of ma terial* and ha* determined which re sists fire most successfully. A* a con sequence of these tests, in recent years the government has made it* large building* **fe from fire by the of hollow terra cotta tile In floor*, partitions and column covering. The new pomoffle In Chicago Is one of the most retent instance* of this thorough fireproof construction. An other I* the War College in Washing ton. In the same way the Congre>- ►tonal Library, the Marine Barrack*. • he Corcoran Art Gallery, the Bureau of American Republic*, the pension Office and many other government structure* are made practically Indes tructible by fire The Federal author- me* are making it a policy, through out the country, to protect the *teel frames of public building* with the burned tlay fireproofing material ..Atlantic.. Coast Line f Telephone $00 Day or Night What iIt. •Iitht it* Fuel, knock out I lie po cr man step* In vere punch The Florida p Hum win* living Ic ton hears, I lie wcntli anil gives then) n *e 4 Rattlesnake Instead of Rabbit A negro woman living on Mr W. 1. Harrell'* plare heard her dog •viking at on old hollow stump In le field Hhe thinking It was a rale »L. and how nice It would be to have rabbit hash for dinner, proceed 'd to the old stump and ran her hand Into the hollow when a huge rattle, nake grabbed her by the finger. Hhe still thought it was a rabbit and that It was the “varmint** that was doing the hitting, so she poked her hand In again with the re*ult of another bite. At this Juncture she *.-«*- the snake. hirh was of enormous *|/«». Her hand bled very freely and they 1o*ed her heavily with stump liquor to kill the effect* of the stump rattler, so It Is thought that she may recov* Her finger was lorn very badly by t reptile -Wlgham News Chicago, III. On sale May 1-2-3, Limited May 16th. \ugusta, Ga. On sale May 2-3-1, Limited May 31st. Cincinnati, O. On"sale May 5-9-10-11, Limited May 22 Extension by deposit and payment of $1.00 f*w to May 3. Baltimore, Md. On sale May S-9-10. Limited June In. Richmond, Va. On sale May 11-12, Limited May 25th. New Orleans, La. On »»le M»> 131(15. Limited May 3' W ashington.D.C. On *ale May 16-I7-1S. IJmited June 1 At!anticCity,N.J. On sale May 16-17-18. IJmited June 5 Atlanta, Ga. On sale May 23-24. IJmited June 1st C harlottes ville,Va on sale*June 15-16-17-1S-20-27. July 5-11. Limited 15 Days.. Extension by deposit and payment fI.Oo fe»- to September 1. Knoxville, Tenn. On sale June 15-2't-21-25-26. July 2-5-lft 16. Limited 15 day* from date of sale. Extension by deposit and payment j ll.uO fee to September 3ft. | j ALSO TO MANY OTHER POINTS. ALL RATES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • Private Chape) j gad Morgue id MARVIL & O’QUINN J Formerly I.ott. Fain S Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANO EMBALMERS. I W. L. HINSON & Co. jLnderlakers and Embalmers. •Phone, tl and ISA THE CLAIM ANO ADJUSTMENT CO 420422 LA ORANOE SUILDINO Overcharge. Loss and Damage Claims Collected. Regardless of point of origin or dee tinatloD of shipment WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS CR INSURANCE. LA GRANDE ELDO. ROOM 308 S. S. LUDLUM. M. O. Practice Limitstf to tn« EYE, EAR, NOSE ANO THROAT. -Office Room 524 LeGrwnd* Hotel-* Building— HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. Royal Refrigerators Is economical in the use of Ice. Is Hygenic-easy to clean and to keep clean. IVe have an Excellent Line ol Water Coolers and White Mountain Freezers J WATT HARDWARE CO. JSSSSSSSS. sss1 50c per tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed ; Folks'Block DR. DANIEL The Dentistj i J. M. MARKED A tto rn f y-A t-un * OP.ce ?n Coart WAvv.ROSS. nvnur villi- llnl Sudii •til ihr lisle periodical ••rnntnrlal firework* < iNilest on.- «>f the Dismi«$ion From Admi'iatrat.on. Georgia wain: county Whereas Kll.-n r Parnell. AdmJn. strutor of Maflle K, flanrn, represent* in the court In her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered MaHIc Baum* •••tale . Till * of I lie Blade i thirteen . lit I* roil | vl a oTitliifnl il ! to develop ; * therefore, to rite all per | son... knldr.'d and creditors, to show | runs.'. If any they can. why said Ad ministrator should not be discharged fiom Iot administration, and receive i Letter* or Dismission on » •lay in May, 1510. B II Thomas Ordinary j l.lltCl. FOR DIVORCE IN WARE SI I'KRIOR COURT Minnie Lee William*, vs. Jim Wil liams To Jim Williams: You are hereby required to appear a: tb.- Superior Court of said county Third Monday In May. next, in person or t»y Attorney, to an- rertalB lll»e| for dlvorre there : again*! you as defendant In I 1 f.uft whereof tl.e said tourt will I pro . 4,| a* to ju«tl« e shall appertain. ! MHn.^s the lion T A parser. Let- of said court, this Ihf'lSth day ••« Aptll. l5|o R. J Berry. ♦Terk. W are Superior Court. FCI.Ii YS KlDNEYPlUS •-I Ticket Agent, or writ .•-en; •!».c of the Arlanti K it. foi further infoi ut NORTH, D. P. A. Savannah. Ga. TRY THE WANT ADS • «nd pr al Uollei > rash toQsldrratUir. is lieltev ar.il the • ant •V tight to do wha* them Tilt- prison Commission Is of the opinion, however, that this would In* iu effect reviving the old nvstem of leasing convict* Chairman Hutch cn* ►€> ruled atvi oa* been sustained by attorney general John C Hart Buy your Groceries from the old reliable Groc ery sotre THEi Biifidi mm to. Wilson • [Block PHONE 1281 Foley’s Kidney Pills Whit They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys* cor- I reel urinary irregularities, build j J- C. WITHERINGTON ° Ut ,i5Sue •’ * n ?| Contractor and Builder eliminate the excess unc acid that c*u»e» rheumatism. Pre . ••"CENTAGI superintending vent Bricht's Disease and Dia- ! * SFECIALTV. bates, and restore health and j 7 P-ndl.ton St. Pkos* 4» strength. Refuse substitutes. 1 A. FLEMING. M. D. W. .1. GASiETT C0NTHAC1 ' ANO OUILDIR hcu;dence ftS MargarnT St. PHONE 103. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Office In Redding Block. Over Stm Clothing Stern. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OfTce In Southern G uiding. OFFICE HOURS S11 A. M. J4 P. M. 7S P. M. SLIP, A BOX OF ^CAISDIES IN VOUR GRIP. IT TAKES BUT LITTLE ROOM AND MAKES *0Uu OOUBLV WELCOME State Agent R.A. Brown, Manager Telephone 150 si FOR SALE BY GEM PHARMACY. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE RESIDEN CE LOTS IN THE CITY, 50x100 FEET $100.00 EASY TERMS. LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU RIVERSIDE PARK CO. 406-408 LA GRANDE CLOG. OJict orcr I GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tcbeac. Office Phon* j Jftf. Residence phone 440. WAKEFIELD LODGE. AC*. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYT- \S. * • x M*•■.» fT .rr Monday ' xw**;'. evening at ■' V-' Ca.11. tlal / jeA i/| Member* *•“ requested . ‘ 10 u, n ‘l- an<l ▼tohlni * ^ KtiUbt* wre moat or dUlly Invited to meet with us. B F. HEARN. C. C. r II Miller. K of U & S. L M. of F. W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. AND MlCROSCOf- 9T. ave Office Ov«r Central Pharmacy. 'tesidence Phon- ui* ttm 1Phone 452 C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. l*p stairs Bedding Block. WAYCROS8. CE*ORGIA. iAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. 21 Jr. 0. U A. M Meets every Monday evening to Red l-c** Hall. !.o:t Hitch building at * VUItlnt brother* ^ord«ally invited to m.-et with us. Sherod Co-Hn*. I. Carl Collins, erjjsetr Counctlot BenJ. C. Parks Barry D. Reed PARKS A REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotel Building WAYCROSS GEORG! J WAYCRTSS LODGE No. 305 F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND ANO FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 8:00 P. M. All Minki Invited to Attend. W. 0. MORTON. W. M. C A. MAYS. SEC. OPPORTUNITY Now is the time to invest in REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE INCREASING EVERYDAY Waycron Dirt Will Never Be Cheaper Than Now TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE IT WILL PAY YCU TO SEE US BE FORE CLOSING ANY DEAL. INVST* ICATE OUR LIST OF BARGAINS. RAINWATER BROS. Jan, Street. Under Vlidie Hotel. Ikano JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER. Collection* nr.d Criminal Ijvt * Sp»T<*a-ty. Office !tee<! Building, up .. tUfrs over Central rhxrroacy Waycrowa. Gx.. T-one 555 JOHN S. WALKER. TTORNEY A COUNSELLOR «t LAW OIRe, up (tetri £out*.«m H<t,l. WATCH OSS GEORGIA EVERY CARPENTER CARRIES THIS CARD WHEN IN GOOD STAND- INO. REQUEST HIM TO PR00UCE IT WHEN YOU EMPLOY HIM WORKING CARD UNITED BROTHERHOOO OF CARPENTERS A JOINERS OF AMERICA • LOCAL NO. 779 WAYCFCSS. GA. This certlfce that Pro !« a of thla union, bsv- tos paid •!» dues, fl^e* ! tvaeweinetts up to and Including the -moath stamped on Other eld: B F HKAR.V. preeident. R I- srXGLLTON. R Secretary. The other side should have the if. S) FtnaacUl SecreUry signature