Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, May 07, 1910, Image 8

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J ~ WAYCXOSS EVENING HERALD. VERY LOW Excursion Rales .Atlantic.. Coast Line Chicago, III. O* Ml* lUjr l-M, IJaHcd May l«lb. Augusta, Ga. Ob aala May l-M. IJaltM Hay Slat Cincinnati, O. Ob aa(a*May D-9-J0-1I. Unllad May 11. Extrn.lon by dapoalt asd paymaat of 11.00 (ca to May 3. Baltimore, Md. On aale May H D-10, Mn.lied June l«t. Richmond, Va. Ob aale May 11-12, l.lmlted May 39th New Orleans, La. On aale May 13-H ID, United May 30. Washington.D.C. Ob aale May 1C-I7-IH, United June I. AtIanticCity,NJ. Oa aale May IS-I7-IH, United lane 8. Atlanta, Ga. On aale May 2331, Unllad June lat. Charlottesville,Va Oa sale June 15-1S-17-IS 20 27. July Ml, United 15 Days.. Kxtrmlon by deposit and payment $1.00 fee to September 1. Knoxville, Tenn. On aale June l»20*21*25-26, July 2 0*10 16, I.lmlted 15 day a from date of aale. Intention by deposit and payment $1.00 fee to September 30. ALSO TO MANY OTHER POINTS. ALL RATES OPEN TO THE PL0LI& Bee neareat Ticket Agcn.’. or write to nny repreaentatlve of tho Ailuntiy Coast Line It. It., for further informa tion. E. M. NORTH, 0 P A. tfnvantiuli, (In. News From the Gate City Foley's Kidney Pills What They WIU Do lor You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build op the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dis rates, and restore health ar.d Strength. Refuse eu'jslitules. FOR SALE GY.GEM PHARMACY. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE RCSIOEN CE LOTS IN THE CITY. ' DO. 100 FEET $100.00 EASY TERMS. LE*r US SHOW THEM TO YOU RIVERSIDE PARK CO. 40S-40S LA CRANDE OLOG. WAKEFIELD LOOMS, NO. 37 KNICH1S OF PVT.-AS. nr Monday yi , • v •»*»»*.* ft MUITII wV' evi-ulag nt :I*rt lu / * f V ,rnatl* Hal avi I ,\f. 9^ if,J Members ■- requests , v '1® Mlend. and vlsltln r- .1/ Knights or** moat jj eve cquestsd visiting Knights art* moat 3+ daily Invited to meet with ua. O. F. HEARN. C. C. r 11 Miller. K. of lUS.ft M. of P, WAVCROSt COUNCIL NO. 21 J». O. U. A. M. M~i» rv*ry Monday attains In Rad Hall. IsXttllteb building nt » P m VlUMni brothers cordially Invited to nirsrt with ua. lltwJ Cotilna. L. Carl Collins. Councilor WAYCR0S3 LODGE N*. SOS- Fa & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND ANO FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT •:» P. M. All Maaaaa Invit'd In Attend. W. D. MORTON. W. M. 6 A. MATS, Sta ». Oa . May The way*e automobile racing opened here yesterday for a threa days' program, foff on lag two days of aeroplane dam* oaMratK na by Hamilton, tb* known aviator. A great crowd attend ed tho am days* meet Thursday, and watched DePalma in a Flat 60 win the flrat event, a 20 mile stock car race. In tha record breaking lime of 1l:ft7:4l, which clipped a minute from the record for tha track. Atlanta. Ua., May 6.—Threa men were Injured and two* cam were smashed In an automobile rolllalon Juat at duak Wednesday afternoon on the Hewnrt Avenue road near Atlan ta. Ti.e smaah-up wan due to the driv er of nt.e machine leaving It without proper lights, stalled In the road whlL* he went off somewhere else,—he say*, to get dang« r lights to put on the car, Sidney P. Phelan, Jr., agent for Speed wells In Atlanta, was driving the live machine, bringing llarry Green, sin? *r at a motion picture theater, und M. It. Dalnel, ho ne from an if.tiiiooiJ at the Spillway.'* Phelan had to turn out for a wagon, lie aaya, and did not ree the stalled machine till hla lights ware right on It. Ilofti machines tum id turtle. Phelan eacaping the weight of hla own car In the fall, but Ureeo and Daniel were pinioned under IV. All were taken to the hospital where Orcta still la 'n a rather serious con dition. Another accident wn« at the corner of llarria and Peachtree atret where an automobile driven by M. II. Cook, of the Ragon-Malone Company, col lided with a street car and waa thrown against a delivery wagon belonging to A. Wood and Co. No one waa hurt In the three cornered collision. Atlanta, Gs, May fi. A. K. Wilson, an Atlanta Attorney, belleics “all Is not gold that glitters, lie went to collect a bill and wound up in the At lanta police court to answer n charge of fighting. Wilson ho Id that Ocorge Collins, employee of n motion picture ♦how, owed him u fee lor starting bankrupt proceeding, and Hint when Collins after it prevlopa Interview n- hunt (lie fee, told him and see him at the he waa going to get ht CoJlliiH lit oti liliu und i hie Li, and tho srrup. police vs Itli Ills fee «t||| uncollected. Atlanta, (la.. May U.—On Saturday morning, front New York, the path- flndlpg car that Mire* the way for • he r.‘1o c«hI rond* tour pioinoted by an Atlanta new»uapcr and u New York dal*>. start*. ftoiu the ofllee ot the lac- . hound for A'ltnta over 111 nuilon.H .liiLiiway these two papers hiive estahilshcil. The highway « •* reu i , 4 lel north back to ?>w York. Tin* |!»| t rood loads t*n:r jtait .Iii.i- . r I a::Lea In New York In Loe ti.- .n :..aal xath-rlug there *: »!•• • • dV* vclro .j?o*t reception. V . *..-i . o :!i*:n manager of th* .V? • • i •• nho ir.ntrlbutcc* d« *oeces4 of the lou- a : " :M. :. •. meetly interested in **’* u ‘ ‘ ■ t • e (tip thlj year. Atlanta. «;.i. May 6.—Wilmer I* Mocre, Jr min of a prominent Atlan ta Insurance man. has the distinction rf dl*to\eiIng t, ow f 0 WMUI . a lien set when *■!•*• d»v-sn't want to. Young Moore trie,I |t recently. lie believe, that cal* kens as well as nth. ra should carry o**» the linowtrrlt policy. So he grahlH*>l the r«. alcltrant cacklor l»y j ••her day when,site! 'I'amferrcd his grasp! to her f*v\ an,| », t her loop the loop i **»vern| ti.iie^ ..-.iin nls head. Whet*! I.»* cot thioiMa nho was nandlln Ini # 4c; to i . h m, that when he act her* r.i t*. «, ,j„. r.'marently didn't know J or Civ V *. -:»•*; it w,*s n real ucjt or h«.Hot t*o\ Tha* waalwo weeks n?o ! mil she is mill „n t h«* Jot* Tho I*. !f you v%rttii •„ maUo a hen s»«f, j iiuike ,;er drunl; If you ; warn to 1 htea^ her of •■>,» m.tcb i!otuer.*lty. «lv,» her the ie:u|M*ranco turn of a •louse in cold water. Kveryhody knows the utter. Flora! Feto io Santa floss. S..nta llnss. Cal. May .V -itnda and 'iloaoma of e\»-ry hua and color, foil- •re and fens or rounlleas kiniCs. and p'anrs and shmha ,4 all varieties form «*| th,. «ott.’ng todav for tbn opening f? Santa Rn«a's annual rose rarnivaL Thskusinds «f vl«lror« were on hand to cajoy the opening feat I v Hies. Tho crnUal pttksrv.nme rotors a porlod •»f three davs and Is flllod with liter 'nt features in iho way of ronl •oral pageants. Iilii’nlmt*-! pandas, niton obllo races, hallo atd cowckrtw Tho drdlcatloo of the majaUkoat wow • ounhoaao Is al«o to bo an otreat w* the rtrnltaL Complete, Straight Liae Key bond A Key far Every Ouneter Removable and InterchsDge- able Platens Reversible Tabulator Rack ) Bafl Bearing Carriage Complete Control from Keyboard Stencil Cutting Device Forged Type Bar* efficiency is its key-for-every-charader keyboard. One simple stroke prints any charader. This saves time, increases speed and insures accuracy. Model 10 Visible I Perfect Line Lock I Bichrome Ribbon lUniform Touch ■Ball Bearing Type Bar | Column Finder and Para graph er | Decimal Tabulator IPerfect Erasing Facilities I Interchangeable Carriage* I Right and Left Carriage I Release Levers I Swinging Marginal Rack ■Visible Writing IProtected Ribbon | Gear Driven Carriages [Ribbon Controlled from Keyboard IVariable and Universal Line Spacer IPerfect Durt Guard ■Back Space Lever [Carriage Retarder Write lor information to The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Inc. Syracuse, N Y- BthkIm mqnrlicr: lEicapement, Speeding Ever Deviied SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY MUTUAL LIFE BUIL3IN0. SECOND FLOOR. JACKSONVILLE. r < A Peary’s Own Story , OF 1UE DISCOVERY of the NORTH POLE The highest-priced editorial feature that ever appeared in a magazine,—a masterpiece among the world's great stories of adventure and discovery—full of grit, indomitable effort and character-building stuff such as ought to be read by every man, woman and youth in the land. Ever)- instalment complete in itself. Now appearing exclusively in HAMPTON’S Ik a 0*7 HAMPTON'S is a new Magazine. It is astounding all America by its amazing success and rapid growth. Peo ple everywhere are enthusing over the remarkable articles and stirring stories crowded into each issue. Newsdealers an "selling out" again Ind again and we have had to print extra editions to satisfy the demands of our rapidly grmriig subscription list. - Declined Arrangement Savannah, Ua., May 4.—Tha Direc tor* of t4e Savannah Board at Trade have formally declined to enter an arrangement with the city of Savan nah and the Chamber of Commerce to raise a ft>ml of $2«\<mmi for the par* jkjsc of auv**rtl»lnR the city. Thv plan was to hvvn the city give $10,000 from It* Treasury and have the rest raided by popular aulMcrlpdon. The Hoard of Trade Directors aay the sum proposed I* entlidy Inadequate and that wall** a httulp-d thousand dol lar* * Loo 1*1 lie raised the city should donate It all and not call upon the huain-'Mi uirn for apt dflc appropria tion*. Mayor Tldeman says It w»* otly pioposed to u**» $20,000 the flr*t I year and to Increase the auiojnt there after. It remain* to bo *sen what ef* f*ct the nrtfon of the Hoard of TrnJe Directors will have upon the plan. Sav. Ready for Knights Tern. Savannah, Ga., May 4.—There was a meeting yesterday afternoon at five o'clock of the committee having tu charge the preparations for the meea* Ing in Savannah neit week of th» Knight* Templars of Georgia. All at* rangements have been made for tha reception of the visitor*. The conv.-o* lion will meet on Wednesday and will be in session two days. There wilt be a parade on Wednesday morning when the Aiunuta Commandary wilt act a* the escort to the Grand Ofl eer* and i epretent stives. This l» quite a (IlntinetloR. The grand Con clave is to open after the parade. Mr. r:**a.»ant A. Stovall will welcome tha visitor* on Inhalf of Palestine Coin- tuandary of which Mr. F. W. Clark* U Eminent Commander. ATLANTA SPEEDWAY MEET. Atlanta. Ca.. May 5.—The second ^crtfng of tho Atlanta Antonio* TO COMPETE AT 3I8LEY. Montreal. May II.—The roar c.-.nete who arotrt represent Canud.* in the j bile As-o.-Iatloa began on the Allan- K.it pi re Huy shoot at Hl*le>- on Mav i ta spee.lway today end will contlnun 21 sailed for Rnsbtnd today on the | over Friday and Saturday. An at* Allan line Rteaumhlp Corsican.. The j tractive prozra^irae and a large en- term I* made up of Cadet Bttet of try list combine to give promise of n Hamilton, Cadet LI hly ot Duuuas, Ca- hkhly successful meeting. Twenty •let Crawford of Quebec, and Csdet Tldnnell of Hamilton. At Rlstey tna f awitflan boy* will test their skill nt tru rk*msn»li!p against the teams re*< teai-ntlng - the Cnlted Kingdom, and -oath Africa. Cpon their arrival In £uthnd the Canadians will A pend n v*gk In practice on the Hlsley ranges before the matches begin. Santa Fa’s New Line In Tease. Amarflla. Te*„ May L-A largw {party of railroad ofldals and bus> ne»* men have arranged to go to the :o«n of Flovdada tomorrow for tke j arrival of tke first passenger trains over tke Rente fti new line across the eastern middle plain*. Floydada Is the term lass ot tke new road, wkick taps a large sect ten of fertile conn- try. Tke com ply tJen of tke Una and Ilia opening to trafle is to be made • for n two days celebration with speech contests are carded for the three days ranging all the way from •• single mile daih freeforal!; ten, twelve, twenty, for:y, fifty and sixty-ralle r* -res to the 'wo-hnadr d-mile events. About $-*,i/00 in .ca»h nnd a dozen cups and me«tals will be distributed a uong the rlnners. Royal Letters ut tale. Imndon, May 4.—An autograph sal# of extraordinary Interest, consisting of manuscripts and letters of kings and quevn# and other famous persons, was began at Sothbey*s today. Romo of the most notable Items to go under tke hammer are autograph letters of Catherine de Medici. Charles L. Prison Charles Edward. Tke Young Pretsn* * King Philip of Cast He. Queen KUrabeth aed the unfortunate Mery Queen of Roots. } ei»e. «4 Mb.r t.„bn* - TRY THE WANT ADS **