Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, May 14, 1910, Image 2

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I V THE EVENING HERALD I HERALO PUBLISHING CO. A. R. Parham. S'. A. R. Parham, Jr. K.ifor, an* Proprietor*. Mih Cirri* Parhair , Param.i, Saclaty an* Local jar Wayeroaa llrnlil founded In •HO. Til* Dally Herald Luuded la (HOI by A. P. Parbnm. gt. T«lrphon«a Mima OBe* II. KdltoriaJ Oflce U H«ld»ca 1»*. Crtry Afternoon Recap! Sunday Entered at Ike Wayrro**. Oa.. Pool- aBco aa second elnan mall ailltt. Office Ho. I Jan* Strait. RATES OR SUBSCRIPTION Boalb * « » BoolSt «•*» S Boats. « 1 Year W.00 SPECIAL NOTICE AXI obituary notice*, card* of tbanka. raaolatlona and notices of entertain* MBta. wtere charge* are made. »lll to dfearged at advertlaiaf rate* of • seat* a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCNIBENt Baborrlbera to The Heraid (tat do not rewire the paper promptljr and anil? will pleaae Has np (fca Clremla- •Jon Mamaer and report tba troabla ♦o him. H this la the onle mesas that vr ran assure you prompt and aarlr dellrery. THE HERALO IB TMB 0«he| Oman of the City of Warcroaa. Official Organ of Ware County. Oflclal Organ of the County Board of Mocitloa Official Oman of the Tnlfed Btatea Court frf the Southern DUtrlct of OeEKgla WAYCROSS. OA.. MAY 14. 1910. PRACTICAL WATERWAYS DEMONSTRATION. A waterway a demonstration that will commeod Itself aa eminently practi cal la discussed by H. If. Windsor It. the June number of popular Mechan ics. He aaya: “While It does not quite reach from the l*ake» to the (lulf. It does extend from Ht. l/iiils to New Orleans, which la no small distance. A strictly mod ern river boat, with luxurious cab ins for pasitenxers and capacity for two or three thou»and tons of freight will be built. “No fourteen to twenty-four foot channel will l>e required for this boat, as Its draught la extremely shallow, measured In Inches. No «A|pvuslve docks and slips need tie constructed nor nay other unusual expenditures made to permit the experiment. The river and wharves are fatten Just as they are. and the boat la built to ac comodate Itself to existing circum stances. “The distance of the river le the two cities Is about IU50 miles; hence continuous day and night travel, with necessary stoppage for fuel sod landing of passengers, should enable the boat to make the down trip In five days and the return trip In six days. This dues not compare unfav- orably with lb* promt moramant ■\T_ W . Hrloanc 1 a of frrlfhl by railroad, otbor lb.a ibe iNv" V71icail9)l_/a. The weather Is Just < nmdher a|a There are t by Tennessee. » heat iM'St things to ne of them I e other Is Mm to pulp. It It h!II rnnkt* then feel nn> l»etl«r. the stand pat ten are at liberty to at tribute the In 'in rent« fire in the mid dle We i fo llnltcy's comet Considerable nil* In-en said and written first and ln*t in illNpariiKcmcnt of tier Idh' rich, hut nppnrenlly most of lh*» trouble of the real trouble I* J ciimhI h> our busy ginning rich. I fast freight lines for perishable com modltles, such as fruit and vegetables. Not man> classes of freight can af ford the high rates charged by the fast trains. “The decadence of Mississippi riv er trade la understood to be due less to an Insufficiency of water than the policy of the railroads to make ex change of freight batwaaa tba boat pensive and unsatisfactory as possi ble. It Is said that there is a chronic lines and car lines as difficult, ex- csr shortage where river sml dock companies have freight to transfer to the railroads for transit to Inland dettlniitiona. wml that this has been Inferred to an extent which hu* grad ually worn out the paiienee »f tho shipper, until In desperation lie “gave up the ship.* if this bo so, the Interstate Com merce Cotmnliodon should he aide to remove the rust from rails where It Hill do the most good; and In th ■ meantime nil honest, unprejudiced effort should he made to determine, nt least. Unit fn ight cannot he eco nomically moved |n shallow river hoe by train The scheme commend itself to |Mdltlrnns, hut to the rest of um ims a large element of common sense mill promise." HOW’8 THIS7 We offer On# Handrwd Dollars I# ward for any coat of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, CO*. Toledo, O. W#» tho undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for tho Mot Iff years, and belleva him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by als firm. Wilding, Klnnam and Marvin, Wholesale iJrugglsU, Toledo. O. Hall s Catarrh Cura Is taken Intern ally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials seat free. Price. 75c, per bottle. 8old by All Druggists. Take Halls Family Pills for Con stipation VERYLOW Excursion Rates Atlantic.. Coast Line Oa aato Bay 11-U-U. Limited May so. Washington, D.C. Oa tala Bay lt-1711, Limited June L AtlanticCity,NJ. Oa aa). May IS-17-II. Limited June S. Atlanta, Ga. On sale May 33-31. limited June 1st Charlottesville,Va On sale June 15-li-17-lS-30-27. July 5-11. Limited 15 Days, h'xtcnnlon by deposit and payment $1 »m» fee to Hcptcmber 1. Knoxville, Tenn. On sale June 19-20-31-2S-2G. July 2-9-10 16. IJmlted 15 days fronvdnte of sale. Intension by deposit and payment $1.00 fee to September 30. Telephone ffOO Day or Night Private Chapal and Morgue MARVIL & O’QUINN; Formerly Lott. Fat* & Co, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. W. L. HINSON & Co. Lnderiakers and Embalmers. •Rhone. SI and 1U. THE CLAIM AND ADJUSTMENT CO 420-422 LA ORANOE BUILDING OTcrch.ro. Lot*’ and Domata Claim* Collected. Regardless of point of origin or daa (matloo of tblpmosL WILSON BENNETT &LAMBD1N ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OR INSURANCE. LA GRANDE BLOG. ROOM 30E S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Practice Limit*, a* in* EYE, EAR. NOSE ANO THROAT. -OOce Room -24 LaOraada Hotel- Balldlag HOCKS ID A. M. TO 2 P. B. Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If you have wished Lor a beautiful waxed floor you can have It now. For you don't have to buy a heavy, axpen- give waxing bruah and wear yourself out 4. /, pushing it over the floor. f/f Columbus Liquid Wax hxs changed that There’s no effort at all in applying it. Covers More Surface One gallon will cover 2,500 to 3,000 square feet. to .lustrous finish. “ ** “ Columbus Liquid Wax dries .[ on ha ^j or Kft wood hard, with a aatin-li'ce lustre, flooff| ( nra j ture , pianos and and the floor can be washed uy woo d VVO rk. Come in and with water without injury to J _ et instructive Booklet, on Apply With a Cloth Apply with a aolt cloth, and in 15 to 30 minutes rub lightly the wax. It contains no paraffine or other greasy substance to soil rugs and clothing. Heel-marks don’t show.} Scuffing oi furni ture won’t scratch it. get Floors, Free.. j/}ouBnba& TWtoaSatMpSiS nearWelsh' Watt Hardware Co. Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted when you can have It done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed j J. M. MARKED Attorney-**. Off.ce lit Lcuii ALSO TO MANY OTHER POINTS.; ALL RATC3 CPCN TO THE PUBLIC Worrying About tho ComoL lllll Ny# one© said or wrote: “MiiHi fear hns ht-ea the result of the comet » ii|ipoaniiin> ever slnre the world ln» Vice President Rberiniiti ndinifs lliat hi* |»aity may urn in rev 1st* the tariff. IivttIn* ready, tin doubt, to bunco the j Ran, *»t».| It Is s good thing to worry- public In »h<* l?»12 platform. The lie- i about an any thing f know of. If wo niorrnrv however, will he comttilssioa- r«»uld get dose to the comet without f'd to make ih«» next revision + Kdllor Itrantlev ttdnk* the census enumerators uilh*rtl at least n foutrr «»( the iwplv In Valdosta, pretty tough on the census troys. Hut none of the town* Will have an mu iih there ais|s**nth to l»e In them.—Adel New s Mr. Smiths* Motion, t'oluiittsus Knqulrer Hun It Is dtruMful If Mr Smith really •Voire* to t— governor annin, and If he should announce it would he for another purpost" than merely to bo elected to thl* offfre. in the 1 first pla«-c Mr. Minlth has not gotten over his defeat of two jear* ago at the hMids of governor Crown, and he would - io doubt like very much to *>.:«t h‘m from the offire of chief ex- IllIVS llui the pruts* hill tic* are that Mr. Hinlth would have a stmnger motive In makliiK the r.ire for governor than mere spite .lunlnst (lovernor llrown The tmpreiasloii prevails throughout the state, whh h I* no doubt true, that he WAUt.4 to he frilled Htsets Senator, and that g he runs for governor It will Im* with the Idea that It would Ik. easier to step into tho senate from the governor* chair thatn from the >t.tsls< It lotlK lif»rr»r. that Mr. Minlth aay (rum oMitnlnx rtthar t ..... o »^*. II, i, nor a* .tn>na talitliall, in tlw.rxta now .. ha «... I»l> vr«r. «... nt.rn hr ... iir(*t«l l», a maj.trlt, „f nt.wjt trn ibonMtu) 'ot* 1 *. an* It t. wry llk.ly it fc. nltonlJ run acaln ihl, yrnr In w.HlI.I In* *t' t-»l.,t b> an trrrn.MM majortty. But rtw if hr tiouU l*n rlKtnt llov- rmnr. uhlrti U .1 rattiar dmitittut aa* aun.pt(on, hr wnuM by no utonn, hay. fbo aountomM). rlurkad. Malty who •atlrht utt, for turn for xovoruor la ti.tr to alrr him a rhanro to avoa u with intern or itnonn mould ava ttoaih hit acho.no to *0 to tho ton. I aaS would 0990m hlaa tkorrfofo. that th* at- 1 political arhofnc*. it ho haa I rhaaco at bolus frnt- Irlxht.'nlnn It nway wo could And Hint wo could walk throuah II anywhero na w.* could ilirouxh II10 aUro of n lorch lluhl iiroccation. Wo should live that wo will not to* aahatuod to look a comet in the cyo. however. 1-c*t u, |Wy tt|. our now.papcr atibacrlpllona and lotol attch llroa that when tlio comet alrlkea wo will bo road,." RESIDENCE lots on high rol ling PROPERTY, SOLO TO WHIT ES ONLY IF YOU WISH TO SEE ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY CALL AT RIVERSIDE RARG C. 404-40. LA GRANDE RLOQ. Why twy n*nl? Ton caa own your owe horn- and Iw your own landlord. Wo hate n pUa for you. Addroau. P. O. Hoi 5t*. 11 at. WAKEFIELD LODGE. NO. V KNICHTS OR RYT-'AS. /f»* r Una #v 9J Baida, /VTx-\ ctonlaf at ■ Canlla Hat :S0 la -t«»l nrn . , Mcmbora a»* rouuo.ua to alia ad, and vlattlaf 7 ' Kut.hu nr* mnot 50 dltdy Invited 10 moat with aa. S F. HEARN. C. C. r. 11 Mlllrr. K of K. * S. A B. of F. n»nrc«t Tlehct j\gen:. or write .. reprrscntullve of tho Atlantic l.lne K II., for further infonim- W. •»• GMisETT -O.NTKACl > AND 0UILO2R kt*.denes *$ Msrgsrer fit.. E. M. NORTH, 0. P. A. Savannah, (2a. Foley’s Kidney Pills What They Will Do (or You They will cure your backache, atrengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the exccaa uric acid that causes rheumatitm. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dio- bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitute a. FOR SALE BY OEM PHARMACY. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE RESIOEN CE LOTS IN THE CITY, 50x100 FEET S100JM EASY TERMS LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU RIVERSIDE PARK CO. 40S-40S LA ORANOE BLDO. **■ TR V THE WANT ADS <«• TRY THF. WANT ADS ™ ti A AYCROSS COUNCIL NO. if. 0. U. A. M. Meal, .ter, Monday avaslai la Rad Mon*. Hill. lent Hitch bulldlns al « Vlalilax brother, eord'all, tnvtud to meet with as. Shcrod Cortina, l» Carl Colllaa. Roe-Bcciy. WAYCROSS LOOOE N*. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY BVBNINOS AT S:)B P. M. All Mumi tnvltad to Attand. W. * MORTON. W. M. C. A. MAYS, SEC. Buy your (groceries from the old reliable Groc ery sotre THEi llbidK 6B0CE8Y co. Wilson • [Block PHONE 1281 PHONE 103. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Office lu Redding lilock. Over Btoi Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Southern B idding. OFFICE HOURS •-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 7-S F. M. J. C. WITHER1NGTON Contractor and Builder »ERCENTAGE SUPERINTENDING A SPECIALTY. 1 Peaffletoo SL PLont 42* Folks’ Block OR. DAMEL The Dentist IT TAKES BUT LITTLE 1 ROOM AND MAKES OOUBLV WELCOME State Agent R.A. Brown, Manager Telephone 150 IF* 1 A. FLEMING. M. D. GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence tl Teheao. Ofleo PkOM W. R. THOMAS. M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. AND MICROSCOP.ST. 1 Offle* Ov*r Cantral Pharmacy. Tealdeac* Phom* *# -••'tow Phan* «»> C L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Op italra Reddlhf Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. BeaJ. O. Park* Harry D. Raid PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. South am Hetal SulMln, WAYCROSS. OCOROIA JOHN J. MOORE. LAWYER. Conccttoaa and Criminal Lav a Specially. OBe* Raid BnlMlaf, ap itolra orar Cratral Pharmacy. Wayemaa. Oa. Puoa* SIS. JOHN S. WALKER, TTORNEY * COUNSELLOR at LAW Ofltoe op italra taaban HitaL WAYCROSS. Desirable Home FOR SAIT: Cheap. by owner* on Eliza beth Street, but lira block, from tb* beta)*, a five-room two atory bouse, two hall*, batb roost, pantry, wired, four fire-place, nice yard fence. wiP bt completed ready to occu py is a few day*. This is the coming, part of Waycoss. You will have to hurry if you want a chance at this bargain. RAINWATER BROS. Jane Street Under Virdln Haiti. PHONE 470. EVERY CARPENTER CARRIES THIS CARO WHEN IN GOOD STAND IND REQUEST HIM TO PRODUCE IT WHEN YOU EMPLOY HIM WORKING CARO UNITED BROTHERHOOO OP CARPENTERS A JOINERS OP AMERICA LOCAL NO. 779 WAYCROSS, OA. Thle eartlSaa that Bra t, a member of thla n-o-i haw las paid aB daa*. Seat tad a? to and Utctadtas th* mMdh •urn pad oa otkar aMa B. r. HEARN, Prealdrat R. L. SINGLETON. R. Seerrtary. Tn. other *Ua EMU Sara the (f. ■) Plaaadal Eatraun BehMs _