Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, August 06, 1910, Image 2

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- —U V—J—— WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD. ] \fmmamsmmm THE EVENING HERALD Publish* By— TH« HERALO PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, Sr* A. P- Perham, Jr» Kdltor# and Proprietors. MIm Carrie Perharr, Personal, Society and Local lbe Waycroa* Herald founded In I'll, The Daily Herald founded in by A. P. Perham. Sr. Telephones Business Office 25 Editorial Office 25 Residence 2#'b. Every Afternoon Eicept Sunday Entered at the Waycross. Ga.. Post- air fSco as second clasr. mall matter. Office No. R Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Month I •« • Month. «1 J5 * Month! *2-50 1 Tear 15.00 SPECIAL NOTICE AH obituary notices, cards of thanks, eeaolctlons and notices of entertain- Meats, where charges are made, will fr# charged at advertising rates of S tents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do pot receive the paper promptly and early will please ring up the Clrcola- '.Jon Manager and report the trouble to him. as this is the only means that re ran assure you prompt and aarl* delivery. THE HERALO IS THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross. Official Organ of Ware County. Official Organ of the County Board of Education. Official Organ of the Halted Staten Court of the Southern District of Oeoigla. WAYCROS3. GA., AUG. • 1910. MR.PERRY AND THE FARMERS P.iMln Courier In !.• • speech In Dublin tl.o other day M,\ j. A. Perry, K i. candidate for railroad t-irnimlaau :u-r against Hon . (•. it Steven.*, sti’id ti.nl some fellov. wrote an article in a paper recently playing him aa a fa*»uer candlelit in IIh *ai<l that he raw the gentlen u ti and told him that he did not ki o\v that farming was a pre- requisite to the intelligent discharge of tin* duties of that ifflce ».nd that the ma.. replied: **l del i care much about- It. hut Col. Stevens came from iny section «nd I trough* I would play him ns a fariiieh thin time. We challenge that rtaten ent of Mr. Pnry. We do r.ot lAUevo that there is a newspaper man In the state who is supporting Col. Stevens who (would apologize or It l n any such ii tinner. No man In the slate has to “play" Mr. Stevens as a farm er. In (liul s name. If \»r. Sti vena Is . wiiii t const Jute* a farm- ci? 1 • ha* been engaged in agricul- lure al in.-. Ho mv u now exten sive fi n i.ig interests not only in sou:I (.* .m i ' h it in no. .n Georgia. Not <ml. is Mr. Sic yells a farmer and t. at very iute"')iU huitid Up wit.i hla fellow farmers t.u: h.- Ic the > i y fanner on the rnIVn I c.»:n- uiUslon. There are now thice law yers on the hoard, one 'mslness man ami on • i armor. A dnimmer U trying to deliih tlu* business man utul a lawyer M trying to defeat the farmer. If Hum ssful the hoard will he compos ed of »i.e drummer and four 'awyera. ln hlJ speech Mr. Parry said that (he rale from certain cistern point* to Nashville, Tenn., was higher by cloven cents than to Dublin What has the' to do wl;li the candidacy for rnll oad commissioner? p he doe* not knev that even If he Is elected and desire* ever go mu. i to do so hi can do nothing towards fixing the rate trom eastern points to Dublin, be cause the Interstate Commerce com mission and uot the Georgia railroad romtnlf-xion fixes tin- rates l:oui au> point <- iitside of the sta e to Dublin If Mr. lorry does not know this he is uot a.« much of a lawyer as we though he was. Tin- people arc not is ignorant as Mr Pcr-y thinks they *re if he be lieves ttev will be ca ;ght by *ik>. argument. They know the Georgia railroad commission cannot Ilk a ra'«* estop* Horn oue point in the star,- to mother point in the state. There is a great deal of difference between In- ter-stat. rate# and tntrV-ststa rate* Mr. Petry argues as if they are one and the same. Ifr. Terry made a nu- iber of cha; as against Mr Stevens Pcthtps he thought be would have to do it to or der to go before the people in some kind of shape. Perhaps it Is a sort of apology for endeavoring io defeat the only representative the farmers have on the railroad commiiaion. Tlie i tople understand these charg es, however. They know that, they are maoc for the purpose of defeating Mr. Stevens and will believe him about as quick as they would If we charge'’ Mr. Perry with ueuig a wo man or an Indian. Mr. Ft evens served the people too long and too faithfully lor them to believe that the late-diy charges of Mr. Pcry are true. They will treat them a- a political canard. Mr. Stevens will carry his usual one hundred and twenty-five counties this yeai AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR. Who does not know of th» value of sage and sulphur for keeping the hair dark, soft, glossy and in good condition? As a matter of fact, sulphur i* a natural element of hair, and a deficiency of it in the hair Is held by many *cj!p *p— ciaiists to be connected with loss of color and vitality of the hair. Unques tionably, there is no better remedy for bair and scalp troubles, especially pr- ma ture grayness, than «age and sulphur, i properly prepared. The Wyeth Chemical Company. 74 Cortlandt Ft.. New Y,ric City, put up ?n ideal preparation o' r 1jI- kind. call ’ Wyeth's Fago and Sulphur. It is sol y all leading druggist*, for C0c. and 11.00 a bottb, or is sent dir.- by the manufacturers upon receipt y price. or Sale and recommended by Chero- ee Pharmacy. SUMMER SCHEDULES ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD. Announcement is made t>y the A, B. and A., R. R.. that a general change In schedules will be made effective 12:01 a. m., Sunday, May 29th; new terminal figures will be as follows: Train No. 4, now leaving Atlanta 10:10 p. tn., will leave at 8:15 p. m.. giving an arrlva! Brunswick at 8:30 a. m., connecting with the steamers for St. Simon's and Cumberland. Also glvtng arrival at Waycross 6:35 a. m.. connecting with South Atlantic Limi ted of the Coast Line for Jacksonville. Train No. 17. will leave Fitzgerald at 6:00 a. m.. arriving Thomasvllle 9:00 a. m. Train No. 26. will leaving Birming ham 3:30 p. m.. arriving Manchester 11:15 p. m., connecting with No. 4. Train No. 3, will leave Brunswick 8:00 p. m., leave Waycroas 9:55 p. m., arrive Atlanta 8:25 a. r Train No. 20, will leave Thomasvllle for Fitzgerald 7:45 p. m., arrive Fitz gerald 11:00 p. m., connecting with No. 3, for Atlanta and Birmingham. T Train No. 25, will leave Man chester 6:20 a. m., nrrlng Birming ham at 1.00 p. m. Train No. 1, will leave Brunswick 7:15 a. m., Way cross 9:23 a. m.. one hour later than at present, making all junctions and terminals about one hour later than present schedule. Train No. 2, will leave Atlanta 7:20 a. m., with slight changes at Junc tions and terminals. Sleeping car line will he Inaugurated on Trains 4 and 3, between Atlanta nnd Bruns wick. nnd the Atlanta-Thotnasvllle sleeping car line handled on these trains will be maintained. W. H. Leahy. G. P. A. EXCURSION RATES VIA Atlanta, Birmingham 6. Atlantic. Reduced rates have been authoriz ed for the following occasions: ' Cordele ,Gn., Annual Convention, B. Y P. U. of Georgia Juno 21-23, 1911 Savannah, Ga., Annual Session Ini perial Order Red Men, Juno 15-76, 1910. Athens, Summer School University of Georgia, June 27th, July 29th. Athens. Ga., Grand Lodge K. of P Colored, July J2-15. Ticket agents will furnish full In formation. Telephone 600 Private Chapel Day or Night and Morgue MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain & Co.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers. 'Phone* 91 and 153. THE CLAIM AND ADJUSTMENT CO 420422 LA GRANDE BUILDING Overcharge. Loss and Damage Claim, Collected. Rcgardlee, of point ot origin or dee tlnatlon of ablpment WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN- ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. LA GRANDE BLDG. ROOM 308 August and September § Are very hot months. An electric fan is a splendid thing to have during the dog days and now is the time to purchase one. We have a large assortment of them and are well prepar ed to suit your particular needs. Ware County Light & Power Co. S. S. LUDLUM, M. D. Practice Limited to tn# EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THHOAT. —Office Room 524 LaGrande Hotel- Building HOtTR8 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. For Overland, Peerless, Acme. Good it a end Continental tires and any- 'ilnv In Bicycle sundries or repairs, pc J. T. McGee. 21 Albany Avenue. 10 tf cxV NOTICE TO THE FACTIONS. The columns of the Herald are open r > the supporters of Hon. Hoke Smith for the purpose of publishing thel' notices, calls for meetings, dates nnd places ot speaking by their orators ami other matters of news and Inter est connected with the campaign, which they may desire to put in print We have hundreds of subscribers and warm personal friends among the Smith supporters and recognizing the fact that we publish the only dally paper In the community, we would uot do them an Injustice by taking al- \antage of our position. They are wel come to the use of our columns ln a legitimate way. To the partisans of Mr. Hart nnd to the scattering but undaunted forces (-r *! nil* Joe,” we make the same proposition. All communications of & personal nature from either faction are barred unless paid for. The Herald desires to be not only fair and square, but liber- »l. This Is not only our duty, hut we can afford to do to tf. J. M. MARKET Attorney-a» #. Office ip flonvt WA YCROSS, GEOROT ' W. .1. GASbETT CONTRACT AND BUILDSR Residence 48 Margarae 8L. PHONE 103. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Office tn Redding Block, Over BUi Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON, Office In Southern Building. OFFICE HOURS HI A. M. 34 P. M. 7-8 P. M. A. FLEMING, M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebeau. Office Phone 08. Residence phone 440. W. R. THOMAS. M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office in Southern Building. Residence Phone 99—Office Phone 16. C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up itatri Redding Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. lonj. G. Park, narry D. Reed PARKS A REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Bcutherr Hotel Building. *A * GEORGIA A tracklesi trolley has been propo* ed for use on the atre is of lx*eds. England JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER, Collection, uid Criminal .Law . Specialty. Offlc. Read Building, up .. lUfra over Central Pharmacy. JOHN S. WALKER, TTORNEY u. COUNSELLOR at LAW ORIca up italra gout!,era Hittl. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 11 glnds of Electrical Work and Supplier ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 20 Lott Street. Phone 299 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 163. Meets first and third Thursday in each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. • WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYT*«iAS, Meets ev«y Mondaj evening at ':30 ln ,vl Castle Hal’ ?lant ave Jr j Members •*«» requested attend, and visiting Knights are most '-.or* dlally invited to meet with us. J. LEE CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. & S. & M. of F. .Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If you have wished for a beautiful waxed floor you can have It now. For you don’t have to buy a heavy, expen sive waxine brush and wear yourself out y/i pushing it over the floor. Columbus Liquid Wax has changed that. There’s no effort at all in applying it. Apply With a Goth Givers More Surface Apply with a soft cloth, and One gallon will cover 2,500 t in 15 to 30 minutes rub lightly to 3,000 square feet. ' to a lustrous finish. Goes many times as far as fc Columbus Liquid Wax dries T any paste wax. hard, with a satin-like lustre, f. UsB « on hard or soft wood and the floor can beHvashed .with water.without injury to J ee f SSw Booklet on .the wax. Floors, Free.i It contains no'paraffine or_ ’ other greasy substance to soil rugs and clothing. Heel-marks ) don’t show. Scuffing of furni-' . ture won’t scratch it. 'Tbc For Sale by APF)i,a.noor.Fini(lv Watt Hardware Co. « 4AYCR0SS COUNCIL NO. 21 Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday evening to Red Men’s Hall, Lott-Hltch building at 8 V. m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to meet with us. She.od Corltns, L Carl Collins. Rec-Secty. Counclloi WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305- F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 8:30 P. M. Alt Ma,oni Invited to Attend. | W. D. MORTON, W. M. i C. A. MAYS. SEC. Pure Linseed Oil Paint at fl.SO pc, gallon. Can you lieht U' You only get this kind from $•7 3m. W J. Gassett, Agt What Is Your Time Worth? jj Read and Be Interested! See and Be Convinced! A Good Investment Is Worth A Lifetime of Labor. to Invest in Tirae REAL ESTATE Waycross is Growing—A big Boom is sure to come. W hy not get in on the ground floor? Do it now. Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycross Dirt Will Never be Cheaper than Now. If You W r ant to Buy, SeM, Rent or Trade, See (Js RAINWATER BROS, j Jane Street, Under Virdle Hotel. PKONE 470. i .Waycroaa, Ga, •it _ Hammur Condensed Paint Guaran I taed for 3 year,. See i Krona 553. 6-7 Jm. W. J. Qaaaott, Agt Try a Want Ad. fl