Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, August 13, 1910, Image 7

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD. A Typical Southern Show, The Great Appalachian Exposition, Knoxville, Tenessee. Sepl. 19k—Od. 12th, 1910. Excursion Rates Via Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad. See The Ticket Agent! ANNOUNCEMENTS JUDGE J. L. 8WEAT FOR REPRESENTATIVE. We .ake pleasure in announcing the name of Hon. J. L. Sweat, for Repres- ntatlve from Ware county In the next legislature of Georgia, subject to the Democratic Primary. Wnile uot an aspirant for the posi tion in the sense of a candidate seek ing office for selfish interests or the ratification of personal ambition, yet n response to numerous requests not 'ctily from Wnycross but other por tions of the county, Judge Sweat has consented if nominated and elected, to serve the people to the full extent of Ms ability and ripe experience, promoting the best Interests of Ware county. South Georgia and the entire tate. This January 17, 1810. Many Citizens. \JL B. & A. R. R. I “The Standard of Exelence in Passenger Service,” SCHEDULES, EFFECTIVE MAY 29TH, 1910. Northbound. pm. Lv. Brunswick Ar. Southbound. 8:00 pm. €.03 am. 8:40 pm. Lv. Thalman Ar. 7:20 pm. 7:45 am. althful service, formerly In that cap- 9:25 am. 9:55 pm. Lv. Waycros* Ar. 6:05 pm 6:35 am. citv, frohra which office I voluntarily 10:53 am. 11:35 pm. Lv. Douglas Ar. 4:30 pm. 6:01 am. etlred several years ago on account 11:55 am. 12:36 am Ar. Fitzgerald Lv. 3:25 pm. 4:00 am. f 111 health. My health having been estored I would be glad to fill the nice again and to that extent I «ol 8:10 am 7:45 pro. Lv. Thomasvllle Ar. 6:45 pm. 4:00 am. 9:15 am. 8:52 pm. Lv. Moult r | 0 Lv. 5:38 pro. 7:65 am. cit tho support of the people. / 10:25 am. 10:00 pm. Ar. Tifton Lv. 4:30 pm. 6:55 am. Respectfully, W. J. SPEER. 12:00 m. 12:48 am Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:15 pm 3:95 am. 1:35 pm. 2:05 am. Lv. Cordele Lv. 1:50 pm. 2:35 am. To the Voters of the Waycross Judl- 1:44 pm. 2:27 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:18 pm. 2:35 nm cial Circuit. 2:45 pm. 3:10 am. Lv. Montezuma Lv. 12:35 pm. 1:25 am. I hereby announce myself as a can- 2:55 pm. 3:20 am. Lv. Oglethorpe Lv. 32:30 pm. 1:20 am. didate for Solicitor General of the 4:23 pm. 4:39 am. Lv. Talbotton Lv. 11:01 am. 12:09 n’t. Waycross Judicial Circuit, subject to 5:22 pm. 6:41 am. Lv. Woodbury Lv. 9:04 am. 10:52 pm. ‘he primary election. I desire to <3:17 pm. 6:36 am. Lv. Senola Lv. 7:20 am. 9:54 pm. hank ray many friends from the sev- 8:00 pm. S:25 am. Ar. Atlanta Lv. 7:20 am. 8:15 pm. eral counties of the Circuit for their assurance of friendly interest and sup port. I shall appreciate the support 6:10 pm. 6:10 am. Lv. Lagrange Lv. 9:15 am. 10:10 pm. 10:00 pm. 10:10 am. Lv. Talladega Lv. 5:30 am. 6:25 pm. and votes of ray follow citizens, and 1:00 pnt. Ar. Birmingham Lv. 3:30 pm. promise If elected, to perform the du ties of tho office according to the These schedules are adjusted to the best connections at Junction and terminal points. Sleeping cars opreated on night trains between Atlanta and Thomas* vflle, and between Atlanta and Brunswick, making close connection at Brun swick, with steamers for St. Simon’s and Cumberland Islands. W. H. Leahy, O. P. A., A .D. Daniel, T. P. A. Atlanta. Ga. Atlanta, Aa. FOR 8TATE TREASURER o the People of Georgia: Hon. Pope Brown, having decline to be'come a candidate to ruoceed himself as state treasurer, I hereby nnounce myself a candidate for that office subject to the action of the Dem ocratic party at the next primary for he selection of state house officers. My candidacy Is based on my qua! flealons to fill the office of state reasurer as demonstrated by long and Atlantic Coast ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. From Savannah ( (Train 189 5:50 am Traln~185 1:15 pm (Train 21 5:55 pm (Train 57 10:00pm From Montgomery (Train 58 5:15 am (Train 180 5:46 pm From Bainbrldgo & Thomasvllle Train 182 9:60 am From Albany Train 93 6:00 am (Train 91 1:55 am (Train 97 6:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwest I. C. Special (yia Albany)....4:55 am ©We Flyer (via Tifton) ....6:26 am Couth Atlantic Limited 6:35 am From Brunswick Train 9G 7:35 am Train 90 6:55 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 5:55 pm Train 32 10:05 pm Tranl 94 10? 15 pm Train 92 10*45 pm Prom Tampa, High 8prlngs via Du pont Train 42 7:25 pm For through Schedules, Pullmsn E. M. North, A. G. P. A. Savannah ,Ga. I-Jne Schedule. DEPARTURES. For Jesup ud Savannah Train 68 5.2; an Train 182 10:00 an Train 180 7:80 pn Train 22- 6:10 pa For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 am Train 67 10:16 pn For Balnbrldge and Thomaavlll,. Train 180 6:10 nm For Albany Train 92 10:50 pn Train 96 7:60 am -rain 00 6:05 pn For Chicago and Northweit I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:50 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tl(ton) ... .JOia# pn loath Atlantic Limited 16M* pn For Brunswick Train 91 10:06 an Train 97 6:4* pm For Jacksonville rain 96 (Dixie Flyer) 61SI an Train 93 6:0* an Train 33 6:40 an rain 21 6:16 pn For Tampa, High Spring, Train 43 6:W an reservations, etc., Call On R. B. Pollard, Ticket Agent WaycTOM, (la oath of office and to tho very beat of my ability. Respectfully, M. D. Dickerson. Foley’s Kidney- Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor, rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and De bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes, FORSALE BY GEM PHARMACY NOTICE TO THE FACTIONS. The columns of tho Herald arc open to the supporters of Hon. Hoke Smith for the purpose of publishing the!* notices, calls for meetings, dates and places of speaking by their orators and other matters of news and inter est connected with the campaign, which they may desire to put in print We have hundreds of subscribers and warm personal friends among •mlt*i supporters and recognizing the fact that we publish the only daily paper in the community, we would not do them an injustice by taking al- vantage of our position. They are wel come to the use of our columns In legitimate way. To the partisans of Mr. Hart and to the scattering but undaunted forces for TIM* Joe," we make the same proposition. All communications of a personal nature from either faction are barred unless paid for. The Herald desires to be not only fair and square, but liber al. This Is not only our duty, but we can afford to do so i For Overland, i'eerluss, Acme. Good a and Continental tires and any- hing In Bicycle sundries or repairs. J. T. McGee. 21 Albany Avenue. 10 tf edf 4 To The Capital City! Annual Excursion To Atlanta. VIA. A. B. & A., R. R. Tuesday, August 16th, 1910. FIVE DAY8 OF PLEASURE AT AN EXTRA ORDINARY CHEAP RATE. Tickets will be sqld for regular trains leaving Atlanta at 9:25 a. m., ^nd 9:55 p. m., Tuesdays August 16th. good to return leaving AtHnta to and including Sunday August 2lst Rate , from Waycross84.50 fer the round trip. You can’t afford to miaa this trip. * j W. H. Leahy. O. P. A., E. H. Fell, A.-O. P A. I Atlanta, Oa. Atlanta, Ga. & B. Pollard, *. A„ Wayciosa, Oa. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Representative from Ware County, subject to tho primary to oe held August 23. I may not be able to see all tho voters of the county, but earnestly solicit the support of every voter whether I see him or not. I am In favor of everything that Is for the upbuilding of tho county. Leonard P .Taylor. F. B. SIRMANS ANNOUNCES.. FOR STATE SENATE Tho Herald Is authorized nnd re quested to announce the candidacy of Hon. F. B. airmans for tho state enate. Subject to the action of tho Cllnco county Democratic primary. To keep your health sound; avoid the ills of advancing years; to onserve your physical forces for n ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley’s Kldne; Remedy. For sale by Gem Pharmacy. Foleys orinoiamiyf capable assistants. "I respectfully request tho favora ble consideration of the Democratic voters of the State. Peyton M. Hawes, Elberton, Ga., May 7, 1910.” TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORQIA. T hereby announce my candidacy for (he office of State Treasurer, sub ject to the Democratic white primary of 1910, (o be held on a date to be selected by tho State Democratic Ex* ecutlvc Committee. "In making this announcement I feel that Is appropriate for mo to say that my sorvice Tor seven yoars In both branch** of the Georgia leg islature, during which time many of the present iawc relating to banks and banking were enacted, and my service at (he same time on the house commit tee o n banks and banking, by which these laws were considered, has given mo a clear Insight Into the Georgia laws concerning banking and finance. "In addition to the foregbieg exper ience, I have bee n for fifteen years, President of the Elberton Loan and Savings bank, in which capacity I may say I have gained wide practical ixperience concerning the operation of these laws; and as a result of which I am In a position to recom mend certain improvements In the present lawa which will better safe guard the Interests of the depositors i n Georgia's state banks. "If elected to this Important posi* ‘ion, shall give my every effort to the faithful discharge of Its duties, to assist me fn which I shall seenrt the service of trained# expert and TO MY FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby make public announcement of my candidacy, for the Judgeshl of the Wnycross Judicial Circuit. I deeply appreciate the loyal sup port of my fellow citizens In the past, and will bo grateful for their sappy* In my present candidacy. If elec* >J I ahull do In future as I have done in the past, endeavor to administer the lawa faithfully and Impartially. T. A. Parker. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. At the request of friends I beg to announce my candidacy for represen tative of Ware county subject to the primary to he held August 23rd, 1910. In making this race I beg to say, that If ejected «iy object will be to serve the best Interest of the majority or our people and I will not he controlled or governed by any Clan or Clique but will always stand for.the best In terest of Ware county. Thanking you In advance for any support received at your hands, I am. Yours truly. CALVIN W. PARKER. Waycross Garages j ’^^ ow ^** w * w ^****** # «« irMm ' J Automobiles | Motorcycles ! Bicycles And | Supplies. Automobiles with Safe ' Drivers For Hire PAYORNIGHT. F. H. McGEE, Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St. WAYCROSS-GEORGIA. ' Write Us! For Your Wants In Ready-To Wear Apparel. WE GUARANTEE YOU Better Values For the Same Price Than Can Be Had Elsewhere. We Carry A Full and Com plete Line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods For Men, Women and Children. | B. H. Levy Bro. & Co.Ij SAVANNAH, ■ GEORGIA. 4 ’ «: Wright & Boyd Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging, a specialty All work guaranteed. Es timates Furnished. 96 Marion and 64 dley Street. TO THE V0TER8 OF THE WAY CROSS JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. At the (elicitation of my friend, throughout the Circuit I have decided to announce my.elf a candldato 'or the office of Judge of the Superior Court, of „ld Circuit, rubject to the action of the'Democralte Primary. Your .upport and Influence will be appreciated, and If elected I'promUe a faithful tad Impartial discharge of the dutle, of aald office. Toon truly, ANDREW B. ESTES. BtacfcAetf, GaJ July 23, 1*1*. -THE- Southern States Life Insurance Co. Arthur W. Almand, GENERAL AGENT- 312 LaGrande BIJg. Waycross. Ga. «44e4*4444t*«*4**444Mm«444«74444»**4M44«4444 ROUND TRIP RATES VIA A., B. & R. R., and Connections August 17th, 1910. WAYCROSS TO CHICAGO, ILL,....: J. 620.00 WAYCROSS TO LOUISVILLE, KY„ ...6153)0 WAYCROSS TO ST. LOUIS, MO, *17.00 WAYCROSS TO ASHEVILLE, N. C, ..*10.60 AND TO ANY OTHER DESTINATIONS AT EQUALLY LOW RATES. RETURN TRIP TO BEMADS PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT, SEPTEMBER 1ST. 1010. • ‘ ASK A, B. * A, R. R„ TICKET AGENT FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION, OP WRITE W. H. LEAHY, GENERAL PASSENGER ADEN *. ATLANTA, GA ' • ' .