Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, August 13, 1910, Image 8

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WAVCROSS EVEN1NO HEkALli. pur line pt Floor Coverings. Consists only of the be& to be had. They are se lected with the greatest care as to the newest pat terns, the mo& durable matciials, the perfectly matched and blended de signs, and the greatest val ues that money and ex perience can buy. We are justly proud, of what we cunsiJtr the best assorted line at the lowest price on display in this city. 9x12 Carpet Size rteamle*# Wilton Velvet, i $35.00 9x12 Carpet .Size, 5-Frame Body Brussel*, .. .. * *30.00 9x12 Carpet Size, Standurd Grade Axmlnlster 9x12 Carpet Size, 8 Wirt, Tap Brussclls $14.50 9x12 Carpet Size Velvet 9x12 Carpet Size, 10-Wlre Tapestry Brussels, $17.25 9x12 Carpet Size, 9-Wlre Tapestry Brussels, $16.00 9x12 Carpet Size, 7-Wlro Tapestry Brussels, $12.80 9x12 Carpet Size, Genuine CREX $ 8*75 8x10 Genuine CREX, $ 7.75 9x12 Carpet Size, American Fibre, $9.76 9x12 Carpet, Sizo, Koran Pro Brussels. * •*$ 8.76 Best Grade Inlaid Linoleum, 2-yds. wide, per sq. yd., $ ‘.50 Best Grade Printed Linoleum, 2-yds. wide, r?r sq. yd .... 75c Good Grade Printed Linoleum, 2-yds. wide, per sq. yd 62 1*2c . Good Grade Printed Floor Oil Cloth,1 yd. wide, per sq. yd flic Good Grade Printed Floo- Oil Clctb, 1.1*2 yds. wide, per lineal yd., ....66c Terms at these Pricee, 1-3 Cash, Balance, 30, 60 and 90 Days. Ain CnUnrinvcl We P ay our customers 10 percent iVL/ K/UllKLlUl O. in coupons, good in trade at cash prices, to bring their payments to the store. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT OUR NEW PLAN OF DOING BUSI NESS. WE HAD FELT FOR SOME- TIME, PRIOR TO MAY 1ST., THAT COLLECTORS WERE AN UNNEC- CF8SARY EXPENSE OF 10 PER CENT TO EVERY FURNITURE DEALER, ANO AN “ANNOYANCE" AND "INCONVENIENCE" TO THE MAJORITY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. SO ON MAY 1ST., WE' PUT INTO OPERATION OUR "NEW PLAN" OF PAYING OUR CUSTOMERS 10 PER CENT. IN TRADE TO BRING THEIR PAYMENTS TO THE STORE. WE ARE PROUD OF THE SUCCESS WITH WHICH OUR NEW PLAN HAS MET. WE WISH TO THANK CUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR HEARTY CO-OPERATION, AND TO INVITE EVERYONE TO INVESTI GATE THE SAVING MADE BY DEAL- ‘ ING WITH A FIRM—THAT HAS m<V Room size; very h^avy, reversible, seamless Rugs. None Charged, each v - •* SIO 53-Piece Dinner Set. Juift Received, Beanti ul Patterns, Gold or Floral. These are Brand New Patterns. 6—4 IN. FRUITS. 6—4 IN. PLATES. 6—6 IN; PLATES. 6—7 IN. SOUP>LATES. 6—IND. BUTTER DI8HE8. 1—7 IN. DISH. 1—9 IN. DISH. ..... 1—7 IN. COVERED DISH. 1—7 IN. DEEP DISH. 1—7 IN. BAKER. 1—7 IN. PLATE FCR CAKES. 1—E IN. PLATE FOR BUTTER. 1—7 IN. NAPPIE. 6— CUPS. 6—SAUCERS. 1—JUG FOR CREAM. 1—SUGAR BOWL AND COVER. NO Collectors. All Fop $1.00 Cash; 50c per week. $6.00 VACATION TIME. You can save part of the expense of your trip by buy ing your trunk of us. and we will sell you a trunk that wi not only leave in good condition but it will come back in the same shape, we dpnt cut the QUALITY in order to save you money. We BUY them cheaper, because we buy large quantities. WE SELL THEM CHEAPER BECAUSE WE BUY THEM CHEAPER. Sizes from 28 to 38 inches. Prices, $4.00 to $19.00 The Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit Is Good. WALKER-MULLIGAN FURNITURE CO. 106 Plant Avenue. rtnir" inuTTf s—B—1 A. R. HOOD, Mgr. Phone 499. TOXrorqsSESEiOaSG 'ill TROUBLE IN VERY ACM: “JAG8-0N-VILLE” Atlanta, Gn., Aug. 13.—The Brown I club is getting very busy in Fulton I county, not because It foars defeat j declares Manager Bd Maddox, but More than one Georgia excursionist •got In bad"—or to be more precise— AT THE CHURCHES AT FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m„ and 7:30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor, Rovt A. M. Bennett There will be special music at both services. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. The public Is cordially invited to attend these services. I Sunday School at 4 p. m. I Preaching ever/ Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 8:CO p. m. Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. Weekly prayer meet* Ing Thursday S:00 p. m. because It Is naturally desirous of j;ot Into the city Jail yesterd?" *'* " J making Just as big a siiowlug as poa* taking In the sights of the city and j $lhlc. The latest evidence of activity ] incidentally what it la alleged not to j Is a bouse to house canvass tuat is ' rightfully belong to them. being made from ward to ward with n view to ascertaining the real situa tion and seeing Just how each voter stands. The club will probably an nounce the results of tile canvas3, and the flrst public show of strength will j be made when the monster rally Is i held Saturday, August 20th. Information at Brown's headquar- ters from Richmond county is to the j effect that Augusta and the county j trill give Brown a considerably larg- Three pals—or companions—arrived In Jacksonville yesterday from Way-j come# cross and proceeded forthwith to en-j Joy themselves. All went merrily j along until the "necessary” began to j dwindle until it reachd the "nonest" stage. And then—but that's another story. Arthur Ricketson and W. B. Spivey will have an opportunity of relating In the courts. But the story In which 8. H. Story CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Brunei and Reed streets Rev. W. H. Scruggs, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. Sunday School at 4:00 p. m. Efverybody is most cordially invited PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH. Divine Services and Preaching at 11 a. and 8: CO p m. ( Sabbath School at 4:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night of each week. Seats free and every one Invited to worship with us. Rev. R. A. Brown, Pastor. lc CLASSIFIED ADS. PHONE 25. lc A WORD SITUATION WANTED ASS FREE WHEN REQUESTED. A WORD MISCELLANEOUS. cr majority than two years ago, when I1 ’ a - Vctl tt,L ' tra * lc P ar L ** nforeiald, the vote wax very close. | I be men were l n a happy mood until | all Oe money ran out. except that To Antwer tor Murder o» Long Ago. I that was In tho Inalde vest pocket of . . . Story. And that'a another itory. Aa Columbus, O . Aps 13.—When Chas ' the, day wore on the party wore out— Clayton, aliaa IV.l^y Price, I. rcleas j but Story hod the wherewith, and hla ed from th eOhlo State penitentiary J companions knew It. They conspired here nest Te.iday he will have little to otitatn a few .heckle, from Story chance to enjoy hit freedom, for a : while he slept. Story say. they did GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mary and Pendleton Street!. Rev. William Hirst Halgham, Recter. Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m. Literary and Holy Ei-'.iariit, 11 a. Sunday tchool, 4:00 p m. Evening Prayer. 7:45>p. m. Everybody welcome. - requisite,, baa been granted for bl, return to Illinois t’o answer for i murder commuted fifteen years ago. Clayton I, now completing a lour yean' .rntenre for 'ootae Healing In FTauk!l n county. Some time alter hi. arrival at Ibe prlsoa here be con. Crowd to the anthorKle. that he haJ committed murder In TlUnols many years ago and wastad to he triad for the crime In order that hla conscience might be cuaed. Toe crime In Illinois had bee„ all hut forgotten when a search ot the' not leave him a fou. The matter was reported to police headquarters by Story, who told hi. TRINITY CHURCH, v Rev. J. B. Thrasher, Pastor. Love feast every Sunday 10:09 a. m. Preaching every Sunday Ham. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday 8cbool 3:30. Y. P. M. S.. Tuesday, 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PEPSI-COLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, LOOK BET TER. Red keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA B0TUN6 WORKS. D. L. KEEN,proprietor. ELECTRICAL WORK. For the best electrfcal work come to j o*. We also carry a full line of elec* j trie supplies, etc., also globes, both j arbon and Tungoten. ‘ Southern Electric Supply Co. | Sylvan M Byck. Mgr 20 Lott Street 4 1m. heart cn left side, answers to name* of Doc. Ten dollars reward for In formation. Phone 219, Jefferson Ho tel, night clerk. LOST^-Engllsh brlnJle bull dog; blaze face, white feet, ring around the shoulders. Two months old and. (answers to name of Bill, August 3. Phone 299. PhoBC 174j G E gbultx. 13 6t. I TO RENT 1 FGPrRENT^EShrroomB~houce~3?, FOR SALE Taken up on College Still; Three Jane street. Apply 39 Jane damages and for this ad. Ap/y Mrs. FOR RENT—Five room cottage. No., F. H. McGee, i 46, corner Lee avenue and Miller : street. Water and lights ln building. I FOR SALE—House hold goods and. Apply to G. Lang, 63 Eadi St 9 5t' one bicycle. Apply 81 Albany Ave. tf- NOTICE! D.\ Lewia Jonathan Burch, a Post- Graduate of the Eye, Ear lnformatorv ard Post Graduate Medical School of New York, has located in Waycroas You are cordklly invited to attend! ALd wil1 Umit »‘ s P r « ,lc ‘ l ° Ear Nose. Throat and Chronic Dir an. or all of these services. story to Detective Philip F. Ford—,oi 8T ‘ JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH, there I. another atory to tell.-Thei Summer Schedule: , detective soon "rounded up" Rlcketson and Spivey and escorted them to the police station, where they arc occupy ing a cell awaiting their story this morning in the municipal court. They botb assert in positive terms that they are innocent. But Story aaya Thats another story. Administration of Holy Commnnion at 7:00 a. m. Mass and Benediction cf the Bleated Sacrament at 9:00 a. e&sea. LeGrande Hotel, 4th, floor, room <14. Office hours 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p. m colored people. J PATENTS FOR. RENT—Seven room house; 43 Gilmore street, meats. Apply Grande Building, rooms 324. 11 4t advance fee. Patent Exchange, Jen*- t. All modern Improve j px—Wg-PROCURED ALSO to W. B. Ellington. La-, g 0)d on commission. ’ Positively no FOR RENT—Furnished room Brunei street. Apply to J. H. Collie. 11 3L — fer Building, Washington, D. C- tt FOR RENT—Eight room house; hot and cold wkter. Apply Waycross Ga rage or Mrs. F. H. McGee. tf. .YEPMBWHEg. BOARDERS HOARDERS WANTED—And rooms- to rent, No. 100 Carswell street 25 12t wanted Warships Going To Chllt. | Sa B Francisco, Cal., Aug 18.— 1 The INITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST- hnt division of the PacIBe BeeL un- At OBohrlat Park J C Pnmphrey pastor Preaching,'at 11 a. m. and 7:30 g,m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. record, fallowing Clayton’s confession; lowing a lover,’ quaael Clayton lured! Young People meeting Friday night again brought the particular, to light, j the girl to the wood,, heather to *7:15 Everybody Invited. The victim of the mnrder was Clay-|death with a dub, according to i j first METHODIST CHURCH ton's sweetheart, the young lad ■ (confession, and then hid the remains r, v . c. r. Jenkins, Pastor, tented to an eaUmsblc family. Fol ia an abandoned wetL I Da der the command of Rear Admiral Harber. will sail tomorrow for Val paraiso, Chile, to take part In the Chilean centennial celebration begin ning September 13. The division eon- lists of the battleships California (Sagahlp. Washington, Pennsylvania. jC A DOWNEY M D V ! VETENARIAN j 13 Albany Avanue Waycresa, Oa. Day and Night Phone 595. WANTED—Either on Jane or Elis abeth street, two connecting room* or one .r rye room. Address "B" care Herald oSce. 11 3L FINSNCIAL LOANS. CITY LOANS. I nCT avis cm tvn Wmej loaned oa basinet* property - LU3 ‘ :VL» , tB4 cUy residences. .Interest Is reap LOST—Twenty dollar MU on streets | a.,.,,. ... , I doable ind yes have plenty ot tune- between Cherokee Pharmacy and in relay. > have ifnr (Ueete tbar Veteran, Jewelry store. Finder re-1 will make Investments of this kind tern to Herald oBlce and receive lib-' J. M. Marker. Ln Grand* Bldg. era! reward. 11 3L' - When yes want eggs, freak Bah. LOST—Boll dog. He was last I chickens or .vegetables. Phone 13*. teen going away from town Sunday I Waycross FUh and Produce Co. , J. K. Bibb. ' ^ -J, -gi •