Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 08, 1910, Image 2

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iVAJCKOSS EVENING HERALD. 1HE iXWm HfcKALU ——Published By - THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P, Psrham, Sr * A. P. Pcrham, Jr.. Editor* and Proprietor*. Mlu Carrie Perharr, P»-*jnal, Society and Local 1 .«} \V aprons Hcraiu founded In l?«-. The Dally Herald founded In 1992 tiy A. I*. Perbam. Sr. . o with the children of tenants or cropper a. Moving from place to place tlifjr c'.'.itdhooil Is not fixed to any one community, their associates vary, and opportunities for advancement in vorld are lessened. their Telephonist Boslnesc OflW -8 (Editorial Office 26 Residence 2fS. Zvtry Afternoon E>ccpt Sunday ^ntored at th** Wsycro atlb:* n» gpcouil cla*fi tn »*, Ga., Post- ill mattvi. “lfncs No. » Jane Street. ' RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 Months 11.25 12.50 1 Temr 25,00 SPECIAL NOTICE Ail oMtnary notices, cards of thank*, resolutions and notices of entertain- tJlenta. where charges are made, will bn charged at adverting rates of l cents a line. VcurSidney trouble may be of Ion? fiUiuiing, It may be either acute or rl.rcr.lc, hut whatever It Is Folev’* Kiur.ey Remedy will aid you to set rid «f i< quickly and restore your natural' I .al*}) and vljjor. “One bottle of Fol- (V* Kidney Remedy made me well", sail J. Sibbull of Grand View, Wia. Commence taking It now. For sals by t,( m Ifiiarmacy. AN OLD-TIME PRESCRIPTION In a modern product. From time imme morial »ase aad Hulpbur have b**eu used for the hair and scalp. Almost every one knows of the value of such a com bination for darkening the hair and mak ing it grow. In oldeu times the only way tr get a hair tonic of this sort was to . brew it in the borne fireplace, a method which was troublesome and not always ; satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up- i to-date druggist can supply his patrons with a ready to use product, skillfully compounded in perfectly equipped labora tories. Much a preparation I* Wyeth’* Mage and Sulphur, which Is sold by all I leading druggists for ?JOe. and $1.00 a ; bottle, or which is sent direct by the ' ’ Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 CortlandS ■ fit., New York City, upou receipt of pries* I or Fal« and recommended by Chero I ee Pharmacy. $ % NOTICE TO AUB8CRIBER9 ^nb^’rlbem to The H*ra*4 that do gisai receive the paper promptly and pnrly will please ring up the Circula tion Manager and report fhe trouble "t him. a» this I* the only means that • «* can assure you prompt and •nrU , lellnry. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross. Official Orrsn of Ware County. Official Organ of the County Board of Education. Official Organ of the United States Court of tho Southern District of Peoyla WAYCROS8, OA., OCT. 8, 1910. FARMERS SHOULD OWN HOMES. AugtiKta Chronicle. No better advice could be given thommnds of our farmers than that contained In the address on Imui*- owning isaiinri by f'barles S. Barrett to the members of the Farmera’ Un ion, of whleh lie in national pros!- dent. ***^. Mr. Rarrett says; “One of the greatest evils America J**- fm+lmn *miny f* rru<f»ilwtti In *hf country diatricts In other word*, that condition which makes millions of far mers fvnants upon the land from which they must onrti a living." We can hardly agree with Mr. liar rett as to the seriousness of the dan ger. So long as there are thousands of unt tiled acres, and so long ns there bo laws of primogeniture, the forma tion of any extended land monopoly may not be feared. Tin re are well nigh «s many peryotis who are "land poor" as are land rich. However, there Is no good reason why every Able-bodied farmer should not own a good faint and a comfort able homo. whereo u he may rear hi* family and leave an estate when he depitrih this earth. There are many reasons. In sentiment, duty and coo lioirlcs why 'a*- should own hN own land. Wt do not believe that the system of tenancy, or “cropping" has grown In the country, particularly In tho South. If trey have. It Is due to a de crease In t e number of wage-work ers on the farms, and markka degree of progress It Is a step from the wage hand to the cropper, and from the cropper, or "shares" worker, to the renter and from tin* renter to tho tioine owner. v Farm lamia have grown much In value during the last several years, i But In many sections of this and o'.!; r Mate good lands located In os- ’ tab! I shed or growing communities can j be obtained at front fjt to $20 per acre. Any young fnnner of good Imldt* and I intelligence and healtt, can soon save j enoug'o money with which to be able to make first aaymem on WO or more [ seres. He will find that prorated an-! Dual payments ran be taken care of almost as easily ns rent In addition to acquiring ow nershtp. he'ean at the | same time make Improvements that . will be Ids ow n and reap full benefit, c | from growing values. The t>ei>l reason why all farmers should aim to own their owu farms lie* in the fart that such gives them better environment for raising famil ies. There is something staple In the "horns place." and men'and women who ham known on# look back to U through a mass of fond memories. Not THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY'S SPEC- j IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. . The Paclfflc Monthly, of Portland, I Ore., Is a beautifully illustrated month- j Jy magazine which give# full lnforma- j t!on about the resources and opportu-1 nltlea of the country lying West of I the Rockies. It tells about the Oov- J eminent Reclamation Projects, free j “ Government land and tells about the j Telephone 500 districts adapted to fruit talslng, dairy ing, poultry raising, etc. It has splen did stories by Jack London and other noted authors. The price Is $1,50 a year,, but to In- troduce It we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must he accept * d on or before February 1, 1911. Send your name and address accom panied by fifty cents In stamps ami learn all about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California. Address: The Paclfflc Monthly, Port land, Oregon. 1 a m tf. r—«si DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tre cni There Is only one way to cure; deaf ness, nnd that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is mused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin Ing of the KdBtachaln .Tubtf ~ When fit!* tube I* Inflamed you have a rum bllng sound or Imperfect hearing, nnd when it is entirely closed, Deafness fs fhe result, and unless tt.e fnffama- tlon can lie tnkc n out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hom ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca torrh, which is nothing but an Inflam ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We w ill give One Hundred Dollar* for any ease of Deafness (caused by Catarrj, that cannot bo cured by Hall's Cntanh Cure. Send for clrcii lms fr« e. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggist*. 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. Private Chape) Day or Night and Morgut MARV1L & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain L Co* FUNERAL DIRECTORB AND EMBALMER8. W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers. 'Phones 91 and 153. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, Southern Hotel Building. Waycross, Ga. WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DEEN & BVflNET --■Aa-ITlNDS OF INSURANCE. LA QRANDE BLDGL ROOM 303 To the An Eledtric Sewing Ma chine Motor is a great boon. For it relieves her of the ar dious labor of “pumping” a machine. It takes the work of sewing from her and per forms all the duties for the small sum of 34 of a cent per hour. We sell many of them. Won’t you try one? Ware County Light & Power Co. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Sc.uth.rn Hotel Building. U#Stalr.. S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Practice Limited to the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THhOAT. -Office Room 524 l,aGranda Hotel— Building HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 P M. Red Star Bottling Works Waycross, Ga. general .Ine of soft drinks. In eluding Lemon, Ginger Ale, Saxsapa rlia. Peach. Pine Apple, ttc. Orders promptly attended to. No. 80 Plant Avonti* Rubber Stamps I CAN.SUPPLY YOU WITH RUBBER STAMPS, ANY SIZE, ON SHORT NOTICE. ALSO SEALS, OF ALL DES CRIPTIONS. JEWEL OR ALUMINUM. DATES. ETC SEE ME AT ONCE AT HER ALO OFFICE. H. JOHtySEN. CITY TAX NOTICE. Tax payer* will please remember tha. under the amended city charter one third of their taxes was due the 15th of April, one third on the 15th balance October Kdb. Those who have failed to pay the first two Installments are now re quired to pay Interest on the amount nntll paid, and will also be charged Interest on the October payment It that Is not paid when due. The law can be seen by calling at this office and this notice Is published as Information io all concerned. H P. Brewer, Tax Collector. v T-- J. M. MARKED Attorney* Aiu-% Office In Conn IV o. WA -JFOSP Gwo-*- W. .1. GASaETT CONTRACT 1 AND BUILD&R Residence 48 Margaret St. PHONE 103. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Offlp*. fn Redding Block, Over Btai Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Southern Building. OFFICE HOURS 9-11 A. M. 34 P. M. 7 8 P. M. A. FLEMING. M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebeau. Office Phom 08. Residence phone 440 W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office fn LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Postoffice. Hours: 9 to 11 n.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p. m. C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up stairs Redding Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. JOHN S. WALKER, TTORNEY A COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up italra SoutUrn H >tel. WATCROSB. QEORQ1A SOUTHKRN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO II kind, of Electrical Work and Supplle ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 30 Lott ^treet Phone 29! WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 163, Meets first, and third Thursday ‘i each month. Masonic Hall. » Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. Dr. Lewis Jonathan Burcb PRACTICE LIMITM^B* Eye*, Ear, Nose, Throat and Chronic Diseases. Store, Residence S Lincoln street. Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. colored people. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYTliAS. Meet* ev*r Monde evening at ':30 In Castle Hal ?*ant avi Members »*v request©* to attend, aad vtsttlot Knights are most -or dlally Invited to meet with us. J. LEE CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. & S. * M. of P. leu). G. Parks Harry D. Reed PARRS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. tctftherr Hotel Building • «;rorgia JOHN J. MOORE. LAWYER. Collection, am] Criminal Tat a Ipnrltltj. Offlea Read Building, np- .. lUlra am Central Pharmacy. . ... 4 STwerOM, Qt, j J K.ooc MS. W. J. CLARK, SEC. ^ IVAYCROSS COUNCIL • HO. 21 Jr. O. U. A. M. Mcvta rrrrj Monday erealng In Re. •lon'e Hall. Lott-Hlich bnllillna at * m. / Vleltln, brother, eordlall, IdtIw. to meet with u«. She.od Collin.. L Carl Collins. ttec-Eretr Coanolloi .Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If you have wished for n beautiful waxed floor you can have it now. For you don’t have to buy a heavy, expen sive waxing brush and wear yourself out >/ pushing it over the floor. f * Columbus Liquid Wax has changed that. There’s no effort at all in applying it. Apply With a Cloth Covers More Surface Apply with a soft cloth, and One gallon will cover 2.SQ0 T in 15 to 30 minutes rub lightly to 3,000 square feet. 'to a lustrous finish. Goes many times as far as 5* Columbus Liquid Wax dries ' an y P aste wax. hard, with a satin-like lustre, Use il 00 hard or soft wood pnd the floor can be washed floors - f “™‘ture, pianos and Mm.viZ SS3S b’SSJL’S. It contains no paraffine or, Floors ' Frec -’ . other greasy substance to soil' . rugs and clothing. Heel-marks ] , don’t show. Scuffing of furni-’ . ture won’t scratch it;' Watt Hardware Co) WAYCROSS LODGE No. 105 F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON J SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 7:30 P. M. All Maaons Invited to Attend. P)7 ■> W. D. MORTON. W. M. What Is Your Time Worth? Read :;nd He Interested! See nnd He Convinced! A Good Investment !s Wurth A Lifetime < f Labor. Now is the Time to Invest in MM ESTATE W aycross is Crowing—A hit* Boom is sure 4 to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Do ir now. Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycross Diit Will Never bo Cheaper than Now. If Yon Went to Bnv, Se». Rent or Trade. See tls RAINWATER BROS. Jane Street, Under Vlrdle Hotel. PKONE 470. C3EBT 4 Try a Want Ad. ■BTfiTTi 11'