Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 29, 1910, Image 2

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WAtCKOSS EVENING HERALD. THE EVENING HERALD Published By rH« HERALD PUBLISHED A. P. Perham. it. A. P- Perham, Jr, Kdltor. jnrt proprietor*. Miss Carrie P.rh.rr, P.-.jnal, Society and Local BIGGEST PLACE ON THE MAP. Savannah will l>e the biggest place CO. i en the map on November 11 and 12. I Hundreds of thousands of news mat ter about the races will be sent to < every quarter of the globe. Let' Announcements. Tie IVaycroaa Herald founded la It Sa. The Dally Herald founded In (Sf2 by A. P. Perham. St. -Telephone, lluslness Office 28 Editorial Office 25 Itealdence 2N>- Svery Afternoon Eicept Sunday Sintered at the Waycross, Ga., Post ««>> ■! second clasa mall mallei Tffice No. ■ Jana StreeL RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Month * « I Months **-*• • Months •.•••« 1 Tear * 5 00 SPECIAL NOTICE AH obituary notices, cards of thank*, (•solutions and notlcea of entertain- lienta, where charges are made, will ho charged at advertising rates of 6 costa a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do pot receive the paper promptly and usrly will please ring up the ClrctiU* >Jon Manager and report the Trouble to him. as this Is the only means that *e can assure you prompt and aarlv delivery. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of the City of Wnycrosi Official Orcan of Ware County. Official Organ of the County Hoard of Education. Official Orgun of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCRQSiS, GA., OCT. 29, 1910. Quite n heavy snow fell In North Georgia last night. + Mr. Henry Hrlggs, a leading citizen of Y’aldosin. died yesterday. a| Mr. Durand, Director of Census, has decided that the census of Tacoma he taken over again. Don't forget to corao out and voto for Win. (J. llrantley, the nominee for Congress, on the 8th of Novembor. * : The air ships scorn to bo making new records every day. They fly far ther and higher every time they try. The grand father clause Is declared valid tu Oklahoma. Well that docs not effect anybody in this neck ot the swamp. + 8otue people would accomplish a lot more if thev didn’t waste aO much time tolling other* what they are go ing to do. It Is sV<1 that Chicago has had about six hundred murdeta and two hangings during the past year. The proportions usually runs about that way. —; Several state tickets will appear on the ballot in the Pennsylvania election next month. They are the Republican, Democratic. Keystone, Prohibition, So cialists, Workingmen's I.or.ugo and In dustrial Parties. Waycross, Ga.. Sept. 27, 1910. i 1 hereby make announcement of my » candidacy ns Alderman from to* ev- Third Ward In the coming municipal i eryone expend every effort to the | election to be held December 1910. Afi- I end that we may be proud of what the ^ Hired a* I am of the vote* of many j world Is saying about us. j friends who have know n me for years, j The Savannah Automobile speedway I 8n d believing many of those who j has the reputation of being the finest I Lave, hut lately become citizens oi , in the world. If we all get together j Waycross, but do not know me will, and boost as hard na we can we will j upon inquiry gladly cast their vote make this race greater than the other j for me, who like.themselves is a union and Savannah will again and forever i man and stands upon the principle establish her claim to the distinction dear to the heart of all lovers of right which Is generally accorded her. I Equal rights to all men, Specla Don't jook at the race from some J privilege to none. If elected. I promise point along the track other than the J to pay close attention to their inter standa. Remember that many of our I fe8 t. that most nearly affects the most prominent citizens are making J working man. big sacrifices to make these races a j Youra truly, success. There Is an enormous guar- j N. B. Garrett antee fund to be paid. Do the “need-1 —— ful and proper" by your neighbors j FOB ALDERMAN THIRD WARD and friends. I At the •oitelUtion of friends I have The mammoth standg are being rap- | decided to announce as ft # candidate idly completed. Within a few days { for Alderman from the 3rd ward sub they will be ready. Go out and take a look at them. Atlanta baa her big race meet next week. Let's show the Capitol City contingent that we are the second city In Georgia in population only. The military of the city arc making a big sacrifice In guarding the course. Many of them have no opportunity to see the races from a point of vantage. Make their duties light by assisting them In every way you can. They hold the key to the situation. It Is reasonable to believe that there will be a larger number of peo ple at the races this year than tw'o years ago. It, therefore, behdoves every on^ who can furnish bed or board to notify Mr. Darnes at the Bu reau of Information In case they can provide either or both. Arthur Solomon, Secretary Savannah Automobile Club. If you would lift mo you must bo on higher grounds. Jf you would lib erate me, you must bo free. If you would corroct my false view of facts —hold to me the same facts In the truo order of thought.—R. W. Emer son. * # WILL CONTINUE BUSINESS. HE WILSON LAUNDRY THE WIL80N 8TEAM LAUNDRY WILL CONTINUE BU8INE88 AS HERETOFORE. MR. HENRY WIL SON WILL BE IN. CHARGE AND THE LAUNDRY WAGON8 WILL visit our patrons as in the past. MR. HENRY WIL80N WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AND IN BEHALF OF HI8 DEAD D07HER RETURN THANKS FOR PAST FAVORS. 10 4w. ject of course to the action of the Democratic white primary, to be held later. Now boys you told me If 1 would announce that was all I had to do, you would do the rest, now It Is up to you go your route. You will know my time for electioneering Is quite limited. I can only promise to use my own common sense and Jud* ment for the best interest of our town and surroundings. Yours truly. Geo. W. Barnes. September 26, 10. The Light oi Today The astonishing brilliancy of the . new Mazda Arc for &ore lighting is calling forth muph praise. Merchants who are search ing for an ideal illumination in their stores should look carefully into the merits of this superior fixture and compare its qualit es with those of the illuminants of yesterday. Mazda Arcs signify more and better light at lower cost andtheyembodyall that one can wish for in the proper illum ination of stores and shops. Ware County Light & Power Co. SHADE TREE8 FOR SALE. 5.000 Oak and Maple hade trees for gale. Will aet them out and warrant their living. Price $1.00 each, careful ly aet out. Orders solicited. R. \V. Lewis, 13 ads 8L Aug. 20 Smontba FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. At the solicitation of a number of friends in ray own Ward, and I n the City of Waycross I announce my can didacy for Alderman from the Fifth Ward, subject of course to the action of the white primary. If the citizen,! of Waycross roc fit to elect me I will use every effort to give satisfaction In tho discharge of the ditties of the office. Soliciting your sut^ort, I am, Very truly yours, C. M. Williams. X solicit tho support of all citizens in my candidacy for placo as Aider- man Third Ward, In tho approaching primary and promise If elected the somo courteous fidelity In the dls charge of future duties that charao terlzed my former administration o< this office. I will appreciate your sup port and If you elect me I will endeav or to give you my best service. Rospoctfully, R. B. Ballard. "OLEYSSIDNEYPIIXS A Japanese critic nay* that Atner* Iran soldiers arc not as good as those of Janpati and he intimates that moat of them arc soldiers of for tune. .There in where tho Jap is wrong. The American soldier, general thing, enlists in the array cause he would rather fight than do . t . .. anything else. The Japs had better . /Jt- Hot deceive themselves Into thinking < ' that lie will not figbL—Ex. ■ ' 1 4> ! dlally Invited to meet with ue. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OP PYThiAS. Meets cr*ry Monday *:30 In Castle Hat ?Unt ave. Members a®*' requested to attend, and visiting Knights are moet There are fortunes' as well as mis fortunes in aviation. Some of the fly ing men fall and break their neck;, to be sure, hut othera of themalight j on soft cushions of bank notes. A I dozen or fifteen aviators last year are J credited with having won., or received. a total of prizes end fees of not lest than $1,000,000. This was exclusive of houortum* for giving Instructions. Taulhan pulled down the biggest bunch, his year’s work netting him $82,080. Morane came next, with $53,- 4)00. Latham took down $52,000. All ■of these are foreigners. The biggest wfnndr among the Americana wdl Glenn Curtiss, who got $16,000—not bad .pay, and more than the beet cub .ftewgpnpef 'reporter could win In the name timajv* . . - > *V; — * J. LEE CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. * S. * M. oi F. WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. 21. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets .T«ry Honda, .v.nln* In Rad Ueu'a Hall, Lott-HItcb building nt I P. m. 4 Visiting brother, cordial), timed to meet with on. 8|>«rOd Collin., L. Carl CoUtnA Rcc-Secty. Councilor. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. To The Qualified Vsttra of the Cityi I beg to .ubmlt my name as a can didate for Alderma 0 from tbs Btb ward. Subject to the white primary December the Srd, 1910. It elected I promise a faithful dis charge of alt mattera that come be fore me. Tour, eery respectfully, — O. N. Morton. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. The friends ot Mr. John Youmant announce that be will be aupported for Alderman nt Waycross from the 5th ward, subject to tbc primary to be held later. Mr. Youmans' was rais ed In Waycroa. and this aectlon and la well and favorably known to u.-nll If elected we guarantee that be will do hit full duty and make an accept able and thrustworthy offlcl.il. Wo ask the support of the votor. of the city. Many Friend*. 5^ James Sinclair. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD I hereby announce myoelf as a can didate for re-election aa Alderman from the Fifth Ward. Subject to the December Primary. C. E. Dunn. HENRY AGATHEN FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. The many frlenda of Mr. Henry Aga- then announce that bo will be support ed tor Alderman from the First Ward of Wnycrosi. Mr. Agathen's candida cy la subject to the action ot the white primary to be held later. We are quite .ore that Mr. Agathen will make an efficient and faithful officer. Many friends. WHEN MERIT- WIN8. When the medicine you take cures ycur disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more rigorous than before. That M what Foley’s Kidney Pllts do for you. in all cases ot backache, bead rchc, nervousnes?. loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that Is caused by any disorder of the Idneys or bladder. For sail by Gem Pharmacy. Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If yon have wished for a beautiful waxed floor you can have it now. For you don’t have to buy a heavy, expen- . slve waxing brush and wear yourself out y/', pushing ft over the floor. tj • Golombus Liquid Wax has changed that. There’s no effort at all in applying it. Apply With a Cloth Covers More Surface Apply with a soft doth, and One-gallon will cover 2,£00 15 to 30 minutes rub lightly to 3,000 square feet, a lustrous finish. Goes many times as far as , Columbus Liquid Wax dries ' “J Paste wax. hard, with •- satin-like lustre, t « h on hard or soft wood and the floor can be washed “ 00rs * furniture, pianos and {with water without injury tol y ,0 °f. w ° rk ’ Come in and ) the wax. ' Fw£t£f Ve Booklet on It contains no paraffine*or, ’ ,J fother greasy substance to soil 1 f rugs and clothing. Heel-marksI j don’t show. ’ Scuffing of furnl*' ttye won’t scratch it. • „ 'Tb. Easiest Applied. Floor Flnl.lv ° For Sals by Watt Hardware Co. w P IF* WAYCROSS LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON tECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 7:S0 P. M. Ml Maseru Invited to Attend. W. D. MORTON, W. M. W.J. CLARK, SEC. FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD. t hereby announce myselr as a cab* dld.te for alderman from the thin, ward of the city of Waycross, sub ject of the primary to be held somo- time In December of this year. I de sire to say that If I am elected I Shall stand tor everything that Is tor the betterment and the upbuilding of the city ot Waycross, and shall try to be broadminded enough to represent the Interest of all the people of (be city. Fled Brewer. FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. 1 hereby announce myself as a can dldate tor reel action from the First Ward. Subject to the December prim- Kidney Pills What They Will Do tor You They will cure your backache strengthen your kidneys, cor. sect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, end eliminate the excess uric acid 1 that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’a Disease and Dta- bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. FDRSAIE BY OEM PHARMACY J. T. McGee shoes your bones and guarantees the work, tl Albany ave nue. ’ —t-'-i. Him PK—caqgaEJca What Is Your Time Worth? S Read and Be Interested! See and Be Convinced! A Good Investment is Worth A Lifetime of Labor. Now is the Time to Invest in SEAL ESTATE Waycross is Growing—A big Boom is sure to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Do it now. Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycross Dirt Will Never be Cheaper than Now. If You Want to Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade. See Us RAINWATER BROS. Jane StreeL Under Vlrd Is Hotel. PKONE 47a Try a AVant Ad.