Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 05, 1910, Image 2

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WAV CROSS EVENING HERALD. THE EVENING HERALD Published By ftJC HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Perham, 5r. A. P- Perham, Jr.. Editor* a nri Propri-tor*. MIm Carrie Perha-r, the Sec- 375 lesj P*-«jnal, Society and Local Vie WaycroaH Ifernli: /< IbSo. Ttie Dally Herald f< 1882 by A P. Perham. ?r. Telephone* He.slne.su Office Editorial Office Residence 2fS. 2very Afternoon E>cept Su^da Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Month J/2 f Months mi * Months {2.50 I Tear * 500 SPECIAL NOTICE Ail obituary notices, card* of thanks (•solutions and notices of entertain- tients, where charges are made, will bi» charged at advertising rates of 6 cents a line. the Eleventh district wit tion of 227,335. and that ond district with 226.980, than the Eleventh. The Telegraph xayn that there are eighteen counties ! ri the Herond dis trict with a population of ;:;7,o9i. When the last rrnsu*, was taken there were fifteen comities in Tie Second and a population of 226.980. There may he eighteen counties In the district now, and the population, of \oourse, more than 2?6.9x<». hut there has also been some new coun ties added to the Eleventh and the AN UP-TO-DATE DRUGGIST snrprionf how' many old* ■nicdies are being uv-,1. which ,v that it is hard to improve grandmothers* old, time-tri • l id glos-y. nothin.- «*q»i tion of sulphur old-fashioned I. effective as a ■ herl; 1 of gif m ami Imply -k foi nl*o population of this district grown enormously. ! By the census of 1X90 the Eleventh j district was the largest In area, but i the smallest In population, #.nd ten l years later was the largest In popula- » tlon as well as In aA-a. The Tele- j graph will admit that that was grow'- I ing some. j Company, Wvcth's Hag<* and Sulphur, ration i« sold by nil loading >r .Vi cent* and 81 a bottle, or ■ccr hr tlm Wyeth Chemical •tlandt St., New York upon receipt of price. or Sale and recommended by Chero ee Pharmacy. * NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber* to The Herald that do pot receive the paper promptly and early will please ring up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this Is the only means that ve can assure you prompt and earls delivery. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross. Official Orn»n of Ware County. Offlciat Orgnr. of the County Board of Education. Official Organ of the United States Coart of the Southern District of Geoi-gla. WAYCROSS, GA.. NOV. 5f 1910. mistake in the posl- Wade of Dublin re- upt of Toni Watson 1 before dtion to he Suva STRONG EXPRESSION Publlu Courier. “The tion of P gardlng i to place I the Eleventh district in <>| Congressman Brantley,” snj nah Press. "It effectually prevents any Insurgency in the ranks of the organized democracy of that district and Mr. Watson will have to go else- whore to satisfy his desires.' Mi. Wade’* curd, published in The press yesterday, wan clear and dignified. no ambiguity in any single sentence, and the -work it i do will be done." There wa thought (i Intended Truth i pie In tli Mr. Wad' enough, that hr \ lliptv home peo rank < enter thought of whit iiuld be to he Ilia l her chance that of election. We believe, with the Mr. Wade’s card was dignified and clear-cut ami that there was "no am- 'Announcements. Waycross, Ga„ Sept. 27, 1910. I hereby make announcement of my candidacy as Alderman from Third Ward In the coming municipal Ju»t what the population of the j election to be held December 1910. A.- Second and the Eleventh now In wi'17 J ture( l fl n 1 nm of the Tote, of many not he known until the cen.it, Hr- I ,rleDd8 who have know n me for year,, urc« are given out. hut we believe [“ d believing many of tho,e who we are safe in predicting that the Eleventh has greatly increased her lead over the Second and all of the other districts of the state. If n new district is formed It will doubtless be made up large!? of counties in the Eleventh district, with a few counties of the First and Third added. A few counties from the Second may be added to the Third to pay back counties taken by the new Twelfth. Ootherwlse the Second may not be disturbed. As the new district must go when the great Increase In population In this section is bound to be some where near the center of It. 1 DRESSED IN “BLACK AND YELLOW. Xot “Football Colors" but the color of the cartoon containing Foley's Hon ey and Tar the best and safest cough remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Hondy and Tar in a yellow cartoon with black letters. Clem Pharmacy. The Kitchen, We sell the noted Monarch Ranges, the best range made Also Gasolene and Coal Oil Ranges— Hooslcr kitchen Cabinets—Granite- ware and cooking utensils of all kinds at the Waycross Furniture Co. have but lately become citizen* of Waycross, but do not know me will, upon Inquiry gladly cast tbelr vote for me, who like themselves Is a union man and stands upon the principle dear to the heart of all lovers of right viz Equal rights to all men, Specla privilege to none, If elected. I promise to pay close attention to their Inter est, that most nearly affects the working man. Yours truly, N. B. Garrett. FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD At the solicitation of friends I have decided to announce as a candidate for Alderman from the 3rd ward sub ject of course to the action of the Democratic white primary, to be held later. Now boys you told uio If I would announce that was all I had to do, you would do the rest, now It Is up to you go your route. You will know my time for electioneering is quite limited. I can only promise to use my own common sense and Jud- mont for the best Interest of our town and surroundings. Yours truly. Geo. W. Barnes. September 26, 10. Said the Mistress to Her Maid: “You have no idea, Jennie, what a snap it is to do the ironing with an electrical flatiron. It’s twice as easy and twice as quick as using the old fashioned stove irons. You need no fire, never have to change your iron, save all the footsteps between board and stove, and there is no soot whatever to soil the clothes.’ We have the General Electric flatiroa for users of electric light to connect to lamp sockets already in the house. Let us send you one on trial. WARE COUNTY L GHT A POWER CO. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY,— ss Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that I nlor partner of the Arm of F. j FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. hlgtiity in Hlngl« thought or sen- »vcred the ground and p disagree with the Press In - other conclusions it tried to . but the reference of that |>a- to Mr. Wade's card was timely appreclati-il by the frleinds of M. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that the said firm will par the Him of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use nf Hall’s Catarrh Cuer. FRANK. J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed my presence, this 6th day of De- •mber, A. D.. 1S8C. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally. and acts directly o n the blood and mucous surfaces of the ..ystem. Send for testimonial* free. F. J, CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. I SUM THE ELEVENTH IS THE LARGEST DISTRICT, j Dublin Courier. "The Albany Herald, belliMlng that * Georgia will bo entitled to nu addl- j tiona! representative under the 1919 , census', looks upon it as a "foregone conclusion that the Second district ! will have to give up several of Its ’ counties and sill have Us boundary J Hues changed very considerably l tt I any reditit fitting plan that may be a- . dopted by the legislature.’’ say* the WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIQHT8 OF PYTHiAS. Meets sv iry Monday evening at :S0 in \ Castle Hal ’lant ave. • Member* •**' requested . to attend, and visiting * ’* Knight* are most Tor dlally invited to meet with u*. J. LEE CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Miller, Iv. of R. & S. & M. of F. AAYCROS3 COUNCIL NO. 21. jr. 0. U. A. M Meet* every Monday evening 1n Rdd Men's Hall Loti-Hitch building at t At the solicitation of a number of friends In m.v own Ward, and l n the City of Waycross I announce ray can didacy for Alderman from the Fifth Ward, subject of course to the action of the white primary. If the citizens of Waycross see fit to elect me I will -so every effort to give satisfaction in the discharge of the duties of the office. Soliciting your support, I am, Very truly yours, C. M. Williams. I solicit the support of all citizens in my candidacy for placo as Alder man Third Wnrd, In the approaching primary and promise If elected the same courteous fidelity in the dls charge of future duties that charac terlzed my former administration Ot this office. I will appreciate your sup port and if you elect mo I will endeav or to give you niv best service. Respectfully. R. B. Ballard. P m. Visiting brother* cordially Invited to mont with ns. She.od Coillus. L. Carl Collins. Rec-Secty. Councilor WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305- F. & A. M. Macon Tplegreph. "The Second now j REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON has eighteeu counties and a popular Ion of 237,091, the largest district In populatio n and the second largest in point of counties In the state." It U not often that the Macog Tel- -•graph make* an error, but It has made the ►orae one that the Dawson News did some months ago. Tue Second district la not the largest In population i Q Georgia, hut ranks sec* ond, the Eleventh being first, SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS ‘AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. W. D. MORTON, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. To The Qualified Voter* of the Cltys 1 beg to submit my name as n can didate for Alderma n from the 5th ward. Subject to the white primary December the 3rd, 1910. If elected I promise a faithful dis charge of all nutters that come be fore me. Yours very respectfully, G. N. Morton. FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for alderman from the thin, ward of the city of Waycross, sub ject of the primary to be held some time In December of this year. I do sire to say that if I am elected I shall stand for everything that Is for the betterment and the upbuilding of the city of Waycross, and shall try to be broadminded enough to represent the Interest of all the people of the city. - Fred Brewer. FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election from the First Ward. Subject to the December prim- j ary. | James Sinclair, i FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD j I hereby announce myielf as a can didate for re-election as Alderman from the Fifth Ward. Subject to the December Primary. C. E. Dunn. | .Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If yon have wished for a beautiful waxed floor you can have it now. For you don’t have to buy a heavy, expen- '1 sive waxine brush and wear yourself out W pushine it over the floor. - ' Columbus Liquid Wax has changed that. There’s no effort at all in applying it. Apply With a Goth Covers More Surface Apply with a soft cloth, and One gallon will cover 2,{00 ( in 15 to 30 minutes rub lightly to 3,000 square feet. to a lustro* s finish. Goes many times as far as I Columbus Liquid Wax dries I any Paste wax. hard, with a satin-like lustre, * „ Use ,t ° n hard or soft wood and the floor can be washed ®“° rs - ^ rmtu L , re ’ P ian °f » nd s? «■»»; , < sas , a • .. . • = Floors, Pm... It contains no paraffine or, i other creasy substance to soil rugs and clothing. Heel-marks) don't show. Scuffing of fumi-* ture won’t scratch it. HENRY AGATHEN FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. | For Sale by Watt Hardware Co. SHALL WOMEN VOTE? It thpy did. million, wonld vote Dr. King’s New Ufo Pill, the true rem edy tor women. For banishing dull, fnggeed feelings, backache or head ache. con.tlp'gllon, dl. pelting cold,. Imparting appetite and toning up the T>e congmeelonal d.mctory crmltt. ^j^Yt'lunSSm!^’ FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. The friends of Mr. John Youmans arnounc? that he will be supported for Alderman at Waycross from the 5th ward, subject to the primary to be held later. Mr. Youmans* was rais ed In Waycross and this section and It The many friends of Mr. Henry Aga- * IF** then announce that he will be support ’d for Alderman from the First Ward of Waycross. Mr. Agathen's candida cy Is subject to the action of the white primary to be held later. We are quite sure that Mr. Agathen will make an efficient and faithful officer. Many friends. j well and favorably known to us all If elected we guarantee that he will do his full duty and make an accept able and thrnstworthy official. We ask the support of the voters or the city. Urey Friends. SAVES AN IOWA MAN’S LIFE. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington. Iowa. when, after seven weeks In the hospital, four of the best phy sicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For. after eight months of frightful suffering from liv er trouble and yellow jaundice, get ting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless * medicine completely cured him. Its > positively guaranteed for Stomach, j Uver or Kidney troubles and never! disappoints. Only 50c at A!! Drug gists. What Is Your Time Worth? j Read and Be Interested! See and Se Convinced! Jj A Good Investment Is Worth A Lifetime of Labor. Now is the Time to Invest in REAL ESTATE Waycross is Growing—A big Boom is sure to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Do it now. Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycross Dirt Will Never be Cheaper than Now. If You Want to Buy, Sell, Hentor Trade, Ste tls China. We c.rrr a full line of H»tI land China, English and German China and American and English Porcelain In handsome pattern.. Waycross Fur niture Co. L RAINWATER BROS. Jan. Street, Undtr Vlrd le Hotel. PKONE 470. Try a Want Ad. L : ■:, .... I . -v - ed^u.- ve.: tisaliitwaiff-iti^'f>'itivriw'ir»i r - -"Tr*