Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, November 12, 1910, Image 2

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERAL0. THE EVENING HERALD Published By THE heralo publishing CO. A. P. Ptrham, 8'- A. P- Parham, J r - r.ditora a** Proprietor*. • Miss Carrie Perharr, p#-gjnal, Society and Local 1 »ie Waycross H«*ral«* founded in \ The Dally Herald founded In iW2 by A. P. Perhaiu. ?r. Telephones Business Office M. Editorial Office S$ Residence 2tb. 2*ery Afternoon E>.cept Sunday Entered at the Waycross. Oa., Post- afllco as second cla»'J wall matter. Office No. » Jana Street. RATE8 OF SUBSCRIPTION t Month. **■“ I Year ,..>5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, card* of thanks, ^solutions and notices of entertain* 'leota. where charges are made, will Be charged at advertising rates of I e^nte a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Sub*crlberM to The Hera«d that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring up the ClrccRa- •Jon Manager and report the trouble ollm. as this la the only means that iu con aspire you prompt and aarlv delivery.' THE HERALO IS THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross Official Orran of Ware County. Official Orgnr. of thu County Board of Education Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern DlMtrlct of Georgia WAYCROSS. GA., NOV. 12. 1310. the * Nobody killed In day. Always Hornet I iul for. vatinah yeater to he thank* — * Taft is a ell route to Jh up ill the In* briny deep. Politically, he Mammoth .crowdh wUnosaed the Savannah Autojnoblle races yesterday aud today they will he doubled. The Washington Herald quotes Hot*. Hoke Smith, Governor-elect of Geor gia, hh picking Woodrow Wilson as the next nominee for President of the United States. Hood! Then wouldn't it tie fine to 'have a Georgian in second place o„ the ticket? And how would It sound to have the tick et read. "Wilson qtid Smith?" Mr. Wilson, nu ginla and i could give you, was horn In Vlr- 'ried In Savinnm'ii. We ••arty support to that HOW READING PAYS. lly reading whut other men tmv* done, and are doing. I bellow* teat any thoughtful irnn cun add at least $800 a j ear ie tils Income more rliau he could without reudlug. The dis coveries of scientists taut lire help ful lo the farmer ran only he learn ed by reading about what they hate done, and how their discoveries cun ho applied in practice the farm press tells us. And yet, there aiv I lions and# struggling with poor land, und not knowing now to better It. who will not lead and learn. The great problem with those who would help these ineu Is how to get at them and Induce them to learn. I sometimes think that the only way wV will c\- cr get a reading farm population Is to raise |t i (trough the rural school* and the col»-ges of ugrtcultim- work Itig together, and thus to finally ro place the muirendliig men with a reading people.—W. F. Massey Rallegti (\. C.) Progressive I'u and Gazette. political advancement than o public Interest. When the people feel sure that they have found the men they want they are nor apt to keep them inofllce as long a« they are willing lo stay. They have faith in Gov Harmon of Ohio, who, two years ago, uhh ezioaeii chief executive of the state by a ma jority of approximately 20,000. He has Just bel-n re-elected by a majori ty that will reach 60,000, and B »»»>’ prove to be much larger when tin* returns arc offleluIlly declared. In some of the reports his majority i« placed as high as 100,000. And the fact must not he overlooked that Ohio is a Republican state. Tiie chief reason why the people have turned to him so strongly Is I e *L that most nearly that he has proved himself to be a J working man. capable and faithful public servant, j The people are quifek to discover officials having those qualifications. Gov. Harmon had a record for faith ful performance of public duties be-1 Announcements. Waycrose, G».. 8cpt. 27, 1310. I hereby make announcement of my candidacy as Alderman from ttw Third Ward in the coming municipal Mention to be held December 1910. As- Mired uh I am of the votes of many friends who have know n me for years, and believing many of those who lave but lately become citizens o' Way cross, but do not know ine will, upon Inquiry gladly cast their vole for me, who like themselves is p union man and stands upon the principle dear to Jhe heart of all lovers of right viz Equal rights to all men, Speclu privilege to none. If elected. I promise to pay close attention to their Inter affects the Tours truly, N. B. Garrett. FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD At the solicitation of friends I have fore he became governor, end that Is | decided to announce as a candidate „by be wu elected to that offlee Hit j ,or Alderman from the 3rd ward «ub a Republican state. HIs administra tion has shown the people that they were not mistaken in him, and so they have re-elected him by a great ly Increased majority. Mr. Woodrow Wilson is yet to bo fried. His campaign l n New Jersey is the subject of wide comment. The present Governor, a Republican, was elected by a majority of uhout 8,000 Mr. Wilson overthrew that majority and won his election by a majority that D» between -10,000 and 80,000. If he makes good ns Governor higher political honors await him. Gov. Hurmou and Governor-elect Wilson ore already being spoken of f»»r the Democratic nomination fdf President. Gov. Harmon lias ti:e ad- van I ago because he carried his state by a larger majority than Mr. Wilson did, and also because be has a record as an administrator that invites con fidence. Bui both are the sort of men o whom Mr. Wilson called at tention in bis Princeton address. They uro the sort of men the people nre looking for. They are certain to put the public interests before their own political advancement. Neither may he nominated in 1912 for Presi dent. but at this time both are In the mlnda of the Democratic masses for the nomination to that high office.— News. Ject of course to the action of the Democratic white primary, to bp held later. Now boys you told, me If 1 would announce.that was all I bad to do, you would do the rest, npw It Is up to you go your route.' Ton will know my time for electioneering Is quite limited. I can only promise to use my own common sense and jud- ment for the beat Interest of our town nnd surroundings. Yours truly. .» Geo. W. Barnes. September 26, 10. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. At the solicitation of a number of frienda In my own Ward, and i n the City of Waycross 1 annour.ee my can- didacy for Alderman from the Fifth Ward, subject of course to the option of the white primary. If the citizen* of Waycross see fit to elect mo I will nise every effort to give satisfaction j In tlie discharge of the duties of the office. Soliciting your support, I am, Very truly'yours, C. M. Williams. Said the Mistress to Her Maid: “You have no idea, Jennie, what a snap it is to do the ironing with an electrical flatiron. It’s twice as easy and twice as quick as using the old fashioned stove irons. You need no fire, never have to change your iron, save all the footsteps between board and stove, and there is no soot whatever to soil the clothes. We have the General Electric flatiron for users of electric light to connect to lamp sockets already in the house. Let us send you one on trial. WARE COUNTY LIGHT 4. POWER CO GOOD RESULTS ALWAYS FOLLOW The use of Foley Kidney Pills. They are upbuilding, strengthening and soothing. Tonic In action, quirk In results. Gem Pharmacy. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCA8 COUNTY,— ts Frank J. Cheney makes oath chat • Im senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo. County and stato uforcMild. nnd that the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each nnd every ense of Ca tarrh that cannot he cured by the use J of Hull's Catarrh Cuer.**- v FRANK. J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember. A. D., 1S8C. (Seal) A. W GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tuken Inter nally. and arts directly o n the blood and mucous surfaces of the .>>’8(010. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation .- A GOOD POSITION, an be hud by ambitious young meu dJ * and ladles in the field of ‘•Wireless’’ k I pr Railway telegraphy. Since the 8- r« hour law became effective, and since a * fh<* wireless companies are establish- In Ing stations throughout the country er [ there la a great shortage of telegr* J phers. Positions pay beginners from to $90 per month, with gooo * chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six students sud citizens of Princeton, j official Institutes in America, under immediately after the election Mr. ’ supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offi- Woodrow WIIk>|, said; ‘"Hie people ^ clals and places all graduates Into po- nre anxious to find new men through j aitlons. It will pay you to write them whom they may give expression to . for full details at Cincinnati, O.. Phlt- thelr desires aud it Is •iuccrtly to be adelphla. Pa.. Memphis, Tenn., Daven* ! solicit the support of all citizens in my candidacy for place as Aider- man Third Ward, In the approaching primary and promise If elected the name courteous fidelity In the dls charge of future duties that charac tcrlzed my former administration this office. I will appreciate your sup port and if you elect me I will endeav or to give you my best service. Respectfully, • R. B. Ballard. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. To The Qualified Voters of the City: I beg to submit my name as a can* didate for Alderman from the 6th ward. Subject to the wfiltn primary Docember the 3rd, 1910. .If elected I promise a faithful dis charge of all matters that come be fore me. Yours very respectfully, G. N. Morton. NEW MEN WANTED. In the course of his address to the hoped that they will not be disap pointed In the men chosen In this and other states." The people are looking for honest and capable men. men whose ambi tion Is to promote the welfare of the stale and the happlneea of the peo* ph\ 8uch tuen are not so easily found. Too many of those choeen lo port, la., Columbia. 8. C.. or Portland, Ore.. According to where you wish to enter. 16 30t A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. . To be really valuable must show 1 equally good results from each mem ber of the.family using It. Fotsy's Honey and Tar doea just this. Wheth er for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tnr la beet nnd offle* Chink morg »( thtU m gj FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD. The friends of Mr. John Yoiimnn'a nrnounc.* that ho will te nupportdfl for Alderman at Waycross from the 6th ward, suh.Wt to the primary to ho held later. Mr. Youmans’ was rais ed In Waycross and this section and Is uell and favorably known to us all. If elected we guarantee that lie will do his full duty and make an accept able and trustworthy official. We ask the support of the voters of the clly. 1 Mr»ny Friends. FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD.* 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for alderman from .the thtru ward of the city of Waycross, sub ject of the primary to be held some time In December of'this year. I de sire to say that if I am elected I shall stand for everything that Is for the betterment and the upbuilding of the city of Waycross, and shall try to be brand minded enough to repreeent the Interest of nil the people of the city. Fred Brewer. James Sinclair. FOR ALDERMAN FIFTH WARD l hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as Alderman from the Fifth Ward. Subject to the December Primary. C. E. Dunn. HENRY AGATHEty FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD, j The many friends of Mr. Henry Aga-• then announce that he will be support ed for Alderman from the First Ward | of Waycross. Mr. Agathen's Candida-j ey Is subject to the action of the white primary to be held later. We[ are quite sure that 8|r. Agath.cn will j make sn efficient and faithful officer. ( *. • Many friends. SAVES AN IOWA MAN’$ LIFE. Thd very grave seemed to yawn beforo Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks Jn tho hospital, four of the best phy sicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, after elghl months of frightful suffering from liv er trouble and yellow Jaundice, get ting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 5 ft c nt AH Drug gists. DRESSED IN “BLACK AND YELLOW. Not "Football Colors” but the color of the cartoon containing Foley’s Hon ey and Tnr tlm best and safest cough remedy for ail coughs and colds. Do not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow cartoon with black letters. Gem Pharmacy. Everyone Can Have Waxed Floors Now If you have wished for a beautiful waxed floor you can have it now. For you don’t have to buy a heavy, expen sive waxing brush and wear yourself out it pushing it over the floor. / Columbus Liquid Wax has changed that. There’s no effort at all in applying it. Apply With a Cloth Coven More Surface Apply with a soft cloth, and One gallon will cover 2,S00 in IS to 30 minutes rub lightly to 3,000 squate feet, to a lustrous finish. Goes many times as far as * Columbus Liquid Wax dries buy paste wax. hard, with a satin-like lustre * Use il on hard or soft wood and the floor can be washed «»<>", furniture, pianos and Jiu, r „ *, „ B «sas*s! It contains no paraffine or v other greasy substance to soil rugs and clothing. Heel-marks i H&r don’t show. Scuffing of furai- 1 c/t IlHif-fayijJ — ture won’t scratch it. eCWIwl M/CMC 0> ' J The Euiut *»lic3 Floor Finish * For Sale by - Watt Hardware Co. Ijcxm SHALL WOMEN VOTE? If they did. millions would vote Dr. King’s New Lite Pills the true rem edy for women. For banishing dull, tagreed feelings, backache nr head ache. constipation, dispelling colds, Imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're unequaled. Essy, sate, sure. ISc at All Druggists. HEX AMETHYLENETERTRAMINE. Is the name at s German chemical,, oae of the many valuable Ingredients 'of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexame- I thy tenet etramlne Is recognised by FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. Itnedlcal lest books and authorities as , . . .. ’a uric acid solvent and antl-septlc for I hereby announce myaell at a can-j U , grins. Take Foley’s Kidney Rem- dtdate for rejection from the Flrst cdy promptly at the drat sign of kid- War^^bW te Um Deoember priu,! £ ^ What Is Your Time Worth? Kead and Be Interested! See and Be Convinced! A Good Investment Is Worth A Lifetime of Labor. Now is the Time to Invest in REAL ESTA1E Waycross is Crowing—A big Boom is sure to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Dolt now. Values are Increasing Every Cay. Waycross Dirt Will Never beCheaptr than Now. If You Want to Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade. Ste B» RAINWATER BROS. Jane Street, Under Virdi* Hotel. PKONE 470. Try a Want Ad.