Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 10, 1910, Image 2

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD. THE EVENING HERALD ———Published By T** HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perhem. A. P- Psrhem, it. Editors and Proprlttora. V.ln Carrie Ptrhaf, p.-.jnil, Society and L'eel CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ida Wayeroea Herali! loandnd Ip tV The Dally Herald fcuaied In tt»2 h; A. P. Perhara. Sr Telephone! Business Office 25. Editorial Offlce 25 Residence 2(b. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. It la often hard when ChrlaUnae By vlrtud of an order ol the Court in.,- cornea around to think of prea- ot Ordinary of uld County, enta, which, he.idee carrying with j «»> be aold nt public out cry ou them their meaaage of remembrance ( 'be Plrat Tuesday In January. 1SI1» and good will, will nlao prove of real “t ‘be Court House In Bald County, use and bring practical pleasure to j between the uauu| bora of aale th our friends. Sometimes, however. It I following real eitate: Forty-five (45, Is possible to lilt on a gift in the < I acres more or levs of lot of land num- joyirent of which rnany^can nharo*— J ,>er 8eventy-alx (76) In the 8th Di»* ^omeialnK that Ik uted in common and | {, ^ ct of ftaId count), bounded, to-»U. 2very Afternoon E>.cept Sunday ffrttered at the WaycroM, Oa., Poat- oBl?e se second class mail matter. Office No. n Jana Dtreet. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Month t Months **•*? S Month. 1 Tear »5»® adds to the pleasure and comfort o' the whole family circle; and in such catea the "blessing of giving" 1» in rteased by Ju»t «o many tiroes as the number of those who receive. A good lamp la one such gift. A i ptatands for so much, that Is pecu liarly Intimate and friendly Its light ning marks the end of tho day’s work and the approach of the pleas antest hours of the whole twenty-fou SPECIAL NOTICE AH obituary notices, cards of tbanki. (^solutions and notices of enterUto- rJents, where charges are made, will »e charged at advertising rates of S tents a line. TO BUI Subscriber* to The Herald that do tot receive the psper promptly and early will please ring up the Clrcols- ♦Jon Manager and report the Trouble to him. as this Is the only means that te can assure you prompt and earlv delivery. THE HERALD IS THE fflldal Organ of the City of Waycrosa Official Orc*n of Ware County. Official Organ of the County Board of Education. Official Organ of the Unlto.i Slates Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR089. OA., DEC. 10, 1910. Can’t tell who is goin gto k t until Uie count Is over. ^— It Isn’t necessary to believe forever what you believe once. Shop early, and shop often flints what the Herald says. ———-+ Only I wo inoro weeks until Xinas- Do your shopping now. It’s mwfuly hard to convince sonic men that other people have rights. + Better keep your temper; It Is worth aiore to you than to anyone else. The game of |K>lltlcn is all right for men who wish to try out their repu- tatlons. —4* — desire to get even lias A stllhhi brought a tall. futronl they are i lens'vel.v today i wards. On the North by original land line, on the South by Caraweil a lands, on the Hast by lands of D. W. Sweat, on ihe West by A. II. & A. Railroad, one acre situated on the South side of the above described land excepted for church purpoie*. .Also Twenty (20) acres more or less of lot of land num ber Seventy-six (76), In the 8th Dis trict of said County, bounded as fol lows; On the Nori’u by lands of A. —when the old people and the young J ** 0D the ®° uUl bjr ,and * °* come together for rest and play. J "Ideman, on the E.et by A': B. t when the neighbor, drop In to make A Railroad, on the West by lands ol the evening merry; when the Inborn j ■ ,u,lu, A - - - . . ! The sale will continue from day ;o day between the same hours until all our home merchants :thing their goods **x the best men will win in for niilermeti from three and the worries of the work-a-day world without are put aside for a time. Frowns and wrinkles are smoothed out, laughter springs up and spreads spontaneously, under the lamplight glow; and. If this same lamp was a Christmas present from a friend, how pleasantly the thoughts of those it shines upon should tun towards the giver. Those for whom "the spirit of the lamp” has an appeal in which they would like some relative or friend to ghare would do well before going farther to look Into the merits and cftarms of the Rayo lamp. The Rayo, which is placed on the market by the Standard Oil Company, Is a low-priced lamp, but all-important advantages are claimed for If. Opticians unite In condemning the tendency among many readers and workers to sit im mediately under a small but strongly concentrated light, and physician* have found it easy to trace a close connection between eye trouble and affetlona of the head and nerves and oven of the digestion. Of all artificial lights the eye spec ialists agree that an oil lamp U eas iest On the human oye, giving tbo light that, in its effect on the optic nerve, conies nearest to the nutural light of day; and the light from the Rayo lamp, while clear and bright, |s remarkably soft, mellow and diffused. The new burner with which this sea sons model Ik fitted gives extra strength and prevents all flickering, so- tiiat it does not strain the eyes even of those who are sitting far a- way from It. In appearance tbo Rayo satisfies the most exacting; Its light- giving qualities cannot be surpassed. Mrs. D. Gilkeson, 326 Ingles Ave., Vougstown. Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My llttlo girl had a se vere cold and coughed almost contln- uously. My elstef recommended Fol ey’s Honey and Tar. The first dose-1 gave her rellcred tho Inflsmailon In her throat and after using only one bottle her throat and lungs were en tirely free from Inflamation. Slnco then 1 always kep n bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar In the house. Accept no substitutes. Gem Pharmacy. of said property 1s sold. Terms cash. This 6th day of December, 1910. Julius A. James, Administrator of the Estate of W. T. James. GEORGIA -WARE COUNTY. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgn havev applied ip the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Mrs. Millie Jeffords, deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts and dlstrl button. Said application will bo heard at the regular term of court of ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday In January, 1911. This 6th day of Dec. 1910, H. J. Jeffords, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs, Millie Jeffords, deceased. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C-, November 26, 1910 Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 3 o’clock p. m. the 7th day of January* 1911, and then opened, for the construction (includ ing plumbing, gas piping,, beating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o ftbe United States Post Office at VAYCROSS. GA., in accordance with drawings and Specification, copies of which may he had from the Custodian of site at Waycross, Ga., or at this office at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, 'i Sd \*t7’ tog Architect. banks on sure things now. "I’ll never be without Dr. King’s New Life Pills again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm Street, Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed.”. Un equaled for Biliousness, Janndle, In digestion. Headache, Chills, Malaria and Debility. 26c at All Druggists. ASTHMA CATARRH cue THIS IS THE WAY. Frank I.. Stanton In Constitution. This is th, way the Christmas comes; Willi a plant of horns and u heat of drums. And a bllxznrd « thills that gives us the chills. Till we trek for a hiding place under, the hills. This Is The way Christmas comes, And you can’t heat the bills A» you beat the drums. • * —V A ROBBER TRUST. The American Tobacco Trust, known as the American Tobacco Company, has just ordered a dividend of forty per cent on Its highly watered stock for 1910. This will make seventy mil nitons dollars paid in dividends by this nice little Innocent Trust In six years. This would ho all rtghft K it was all right, but as U happens that the stock In this company represents' nothing on -sarh but hot air and the blind trust-' tng faith of the long suffering Amert- j ran people, It Is seen that It la simply) difference bow lone you have been a plain unfinished ease of highway rob bery carried on by such methods of oppressive tyranny and piratical prin ciples as to cause the “night riders’* •f Kentucky to wage war upon them. Unless the Government can handle such Illegal combination*, some day the people will take Utelr punishment info their own hands. The Sherman Act seems unequal to this task. Let’s have a stronger aqU-Trost law. Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senplnt- New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by Tho Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package ot Senplne, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver. BronchitU. and Catarrh, which to mailed free ot charge to all who w rite for it. It is curing thousands of the most stubborn eases. It makes no GEORGIA -WARE COUNTY. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1911, at the court bouse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property* to- wit: One but headed cow, color white with red head mark; one but headed liclfer yearling, color brov/i^, with white face, marked; one but headed cow, color browu; one but headed yearling, color brown; .one blabk and wwhite spotted heifer yearling marked one but headed bull with red face, un marked. Yearling marked crop and two splits In one ear and swallow- fork In the other ear; also one 1 horse wagon. The above described personal prop* uty UWctl on as the properly tof A, B. Fisher to satisfy an execution Is sued from the City Court of Waycross In favor of j. D. Herrin. This December 9th, J91l>. (Signed) D. A. Woodard.) Sheriff City Court of Waycross. Catarrh is a blood on constitutional CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL A PLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the (disease, disease, and in order to curd tit yon must take internal remedies.* Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull’s Catarrh Curcuma not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians- in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It ig composed of the best tonics know n, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The‘perfect combination of tre two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO„ Props. ' * Toipdo, o. Bold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall’s Family pills for consti pation. ' * suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live. Sen- nine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a cure do not bo discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly merltous remedy which ts scientific compound discovered by a Professor FARM FOR SALE. Do jou w.nt a four hundred acre, Ware count, farm. conveniently locat ed to market, wet of- Waycrosa. on the Brunswick and Western Railroad between Hasty and SatUla Hirer. Tim ber and wood on the land would pay for It, If marketed. 30 acres baa 1 In cultivation. Publtc road pa through it. Well watered. Fuitnoor creek it it. eastern boundary. Owner wants to sell tor dfrtitoa. Go and tea II will bear Inspection. Call oa or wrt.te Simon W. Hitch. Wajcrou, Ware County, Ga. tt ini ' mi niture Repairing and Upholsiering We are still doing business ' at the same old stand, 22 Brew er Street near the Court House. We will repair—clean up and revarnlsh your old furniture, and make It new—We also do ail kinds of upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. All our work Is strictly cash when finished-No work deliv ered without the money—Work left in the shop thirty days af ter it is finished will have stor age charges added and will be liable to be sold for charges. J, I. Waite & Sod. Phone 294 22 Brewer SL NOTICE. Having sold my stock In the First National Rank of Waycross, 1 nave severed ray connection with the above as an officer. In severing my connoctlon with tbo above good bank I wish to thank my friends and patrons ol the bank for their confidence and ask them to countinue their patronage. S 3(}t J. E. Wadle7. YOU MUST READ THIS IF YOU WANT THE BENEFIT. J. W. Greer, Greenwood, La., suff ered with a severe case of lumbago. "The pains were bo Intense I was forced to hypodermic injections for relief. These attacks started with a pain In the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing. My attention was attracted to Foley’s Kidney Remedy and 1 am glad to say after using this wonderful medicine 1 am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy lumbago." Gem Phar macy. City Court Recessed to Third Monday In December, Waycross, Ga., Nov. 22nd, 1910. The City Court of Waycross Is hereby adjourned or recessed from the second Monday, to the third Monday, In December, 1910, at ten o’clock a. m., and all juorrs, parties, witnesses and others Interested, will take due notice and be. present on the third Monday In December ready to pro ceed with the business of the Court. This change in date for ths City Court is made necessary because Ware Superior Court will be In session on the second Monday, and during that week. The Clerk will spread this order on the' Minutes of the Court, and pub lish the same. 7 lfit John C. McDonald. Judge, City Court of Waycross. Third frenday, Traverse Jurors, City Court. W J Clark It C King W W Crews WW'Jotted O T Barry J M Herrington H Arnett H C Gattes S B Armadorr W G Bradly G L Anderson C H Ficken G A Barber Roe Lee A M Bailey F B McDonald S B Avant IR B James R D Rallird Whitley Langston W H Buchanan M S Let* F B tunic, C H Andrews . P N Harley P A Edwards J H John,on J A Green Jack Uaelc R A Brown W D O'Qotaa M L Bunn M J Murray W J Adams J M Co* R K Bowers ^ ft****** Gem Pharmacy, Foley-Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion, quick in result*, and rt store the natural action of Um kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities. GOOD COFFEE tm EARLY every way of making cbffee has some good points, bufc The Electric Percolator plan combines them all Extracts the delicious flavor without the injurious elements Simple Safe Rapid 9 Economical No alcohol to spill on the polished table CHAFING DISHES, WATER HEATERS OVENS, FLATIRONS, STOVES, ETC. WARE COUNTY LIGHT * POWER CO DUPLEX RAZORS Watt Hardware Co. What Is Your Time Worth? j Readmit] Ik- Interested! See om.1 Be Cotmrccdl * A Good Investment »*, VV. rth A Lifetime of Labor. Now is the Time to Invest'in REAL ESTATE Waycross is Growing—A big Boom is sure to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Do it now, Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycross Dirt Will Never be Cheaper than Now. If You Want to Buy, Sell, Rent or Trade, See Ps RAINWATER BROS. \ J J*ne Street, Under VIrdie Hstst. PKONE 470. POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHINGS, TAILORS and BARBERS. Tailoring At 1 ,Reasonable Prices, TflEUGRANDE BARBERSHOP 10 Plant Ave. LaGrande Bldg.