Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 24, 1910, Image 12

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CHILDREN’S Chairs and Rockers. A Large Assort ment from ;• 30c to $3.50 Make elegant presents. We have a beautiful assortment from $14.25 to $50.00 SMIMRMMki 1 8ANKS ON SURe THINGS NOW. "I’ll never be without Dr' Klugv New Ufe Pill, again." write. A. Sohinge?k. tflT Kim 8treet, Buffalo: N. Y. "They dured rre of chronic eon- itlpailon urhen all others failed.". Up equaled for Dillouaness. Jaundle. In digestion, Headarhe, Chllla. Malarn and Dolniy. SSp ot All Drugg!«ta Atlanta, flu., Dec. 2:t. in the elec- (iott of officers .for another year the Arab Temple of the Mystic Shrine In Atlanta signally honored more than one man. The drat la Forrest Adair, re-elected ' illustrious jmtentate, after - serving 1 revere) years and declining to accept the office again. The other officers for the ensuing year are: Arthur Van Dyke, chief raban: Robert (frees, assistant rattan: J. A. Hinds, high priest and prophet: I J. C. Joiner, oriental guide; Jatnea W.. Engl lib, treasurer; and George E. I Argard. recorder. Mr. At Card le aec- FLOOR FINISH Nataral sod Colored. Is mode to* stand hard usage, constant walking, scuffing, the tramping of children. Kjranixs will atandva)! tlds—end mote.. ■ no cncouagemcnt was held out for i Tnaoc Mark* ncw.st Ccevmr isra Ac American. ter than she ever did In her life." - Mrs.O. M. jwtirotis. (Wa guarantee this letter to he gendlae.) We here for years recommended j Vino! ate e grand tonic and body-build- 1 *r. and every year we gain mors and more faith In Its wonderful virtues. It Is certainly the heat and simplest tonic restorative we know of. Tbs Reals Pharmacy. 1 /■ If it Is a Sweater you want you' hart no excuse those cold days. For j It con be had Juit by bringing a little t money to Sam Heller’s. 4? Albany avenue. if ' listen, everybody!! Brtrg the last] receipt we gave yen and gel your Xnua present They are beautiful ■ndeed. Sam Heller. tf- WATT HARDWARE COMPANY. wot 1 •««. t "TRY THE WANT ADS WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Special Christmas Sale OF FRUIT DECORATED CHINA ' We are continuing our GREAT SALE of ONE THOUSAND pieces of this : beautiful ware at TEN GENTS EACH. This, the la£t sale of the year will be the greatest value we have given during the entire year. Don’t puzzle any longer about what to give for presents, a few pieces would male appropriate and inexpensive gifts. None ehargcd,none delivered, ne telephone orders taken. ROCKERS Wo bave a truly beautiful line of Rockera, all atylea, sixes, prices, finish, and designs. There is nothing that makes a more appreciated preseot- Ours arc all great valuea. A beauty, exactly like cut, ex’ra heavy, uphols tered in best Spanish leather at We have the hand somest line of Matched Dining Room Suits ever shotvn in this city. We Cash sellat Spot Prices, 1-3 p^ ^/once 30, 60 and 90 days. LADIES' WRITING DESKS. - We have an elegant line, both ini'mission style, early English finish and in golden oak, atspecial Holiday prices. They, lire all great valuesT 1 -^'”*" 1 *" ‘ -v - - r SS.25 to $16.00 Ratttan Parlor Suits We hMt&a good Rksprtmeat of ihese softs made of beift " grade whole rattan, exactly like cut At $17.35, One Third Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 days. Also a full line of Mahogany and Mission Suits Parts.- and library Tables We hav'e a great value, exactly like out $7.00 Y And a lar^e line of var- X lous other style*, from 3 *1.35 to $18.00 The Store of Great Value Where Yonr Credit is Gocd ( WALKER-MULLIGAN FURNITURE COMPANY 106 Plant Ave. 0. R. HOOD, Manager. Phone 499. >♦♦♦»• ee..«ee.ee*e;»»,eeM».oo<x>ooo<xxv>»;c'V^oed»» RO PAPER FROM WILL DISCOVER THE f . SOUTH POLE In 1911. | London, Dec.**24. -Sir Karne^t Shak- le:on, who enjoy* the distinction, of ving reached llie farthest south In , Ms polar expedition.! Linn any other j explorer, entertained a number of scientists at a rather unique dinner at In keeping with Its usual cuttom, the Gltx-Carlton last night. The din- The Herald will Issue no paper Mon* ner was in celebration of the dlscov* •Xty. !ec. 26, the day being a legal cry of the South Pole on Dec. 22, itffdny, and everyone will desire to 1611, by the Cupt. Scott expedition, observe. The Herald force needs the Hir Earnest niuken the prediction de- reel, oad In depriving our readers of llherately. lie said In an Interview; taper Monday we will take extra care *i am willing to go on record as wtth the Tuesday edition. .listing AxcMhat date for the dIs<rov — cry of tho South Pole. I may be a f**w days out of the way, but It will ; be about that date that Capt. Scot, ' who hue all of my records, will plant ... A . . .. * /.ihn Knsllsh Affg at the bottom or tho Man county farm, conveniently locat- -* • * world, ps Commander Peary planted the American ensign ut the top. My ', prediction Is bused upon a knowledge of condiiIona of (lie preparations made for the Scott expedition." IHE inns The Japanese Honeymoon, a guar anteed performance, will show at the Parker Theatre tonight. The admla- sion will be 50c, 75c and $1, and a bet ter show for the price has never vis ited Waycross. The aong features are novel, and entertaining. Special scenic and electrical effects are car- FARM FOR SALE. Do you want a four bund:ed acre, -4 to market, weal of Way<*ro«», on lie Bruaawick and Western Itullroad MSvoen tlasty and Suttlla River. Tim t.r .an wood on (ha land would pay for If. If marketed. ”0 acres has been •* enHIvatlon, Public road pdsaea 11 rough it. Well watered. Fill moor rrerk in its eastern boundary. waste to sell for division. Go andi Ill bear Inspection CulKoa Jit •rite Simon W. Hitch. WiSrcroas. ronntr. Ort. 2$ lih, "Surcdge" Pocket Knives in Xmas boxes, Scissors In sets and Gillette Safety Rotors at Harley's. 14 Si W4LL WATCH THE HORNET. Practically all mills In tills section .shut down last night for several days, owing to the Christmas holidays. Monday being a legal holiday, that day will be observed generally. The trading In Waycrpaa haa been better 'this reason tban'ever before/** las, *«**• P™d«etIon hlghdas* In every particular. To anyone not disorder la reported f om all jiirtii of tho country than■'usually accompan ies n holiday season. The Atlanta Georgian' 1 seems to have caught T. W. Again. PARK PLACE | High cass Subdivis ion for white peopt ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. aatialied with the Show (be admission will be refunded at the box office. Mexico City, Dee. 25.—The Mexican ; 'dunboat Gen. liravo has lieen order* TV O MEN WE *fH. KILL CO ed lo proceed (or Vera Crux north IN FRONT OF SALOON, ward to observe the movement., or —- ’ the Hornet, whiCo I, a,ill to |y« about I onoi Sterling. Ky.. Dee. J4." I’liu- 1 1 0 , a || from' Xew Orleans. Speculation fre alien, deputy liulted Sialee mar-|aa lo the Hornet's destihallon baa lu rks). and bis brother. Walter, were j eluded .Mexican porn as a po«\*u - ut to death In a pistol light here; with the purpose of aiding (he revolu- luf night with llaa Tipton, a apeclal ilonl.ta. ro'(.eman, and Michael Glbbonv, »j eutram Keeper. The battle look plate J SAVED SELF AND DAUGHTER, in front of Gibbon*’ saloon. j —— AfiGInt to wllaeexra Clinton Ai-j Mattoon. III.,—"Will you allow a ten and Tipton quarrelled end when; for the benedt of others who may bo thn federal officer drew a rerolv.r the pafliwman took It awai from him and tot Vffi dead. Walter AUen Chen iWr a revolver, oitrnalbly to ekoot TtpSm add Glbbona efur* to the tat- ***** altf by UlUag Walter Allen. In the asm* condition as 1 wa* to auk* * statement In this manner. “I wa* In very poor health for yoar* wa* weak, siting, and all run-down, and bad but' in weight until I only welded ninety pound*.' 1 bad been and Tipton wore both «r-j under * physician'* can, without any brneEt. for m long I wa. lUecouragtd. | Col. Charley Brantley, we bave hoard that a fellow was apt to hoc loulilt* about Curlaimaa time. •'.Mon; a year nso-.t decided to try t tonic ( tilled Vinol, concerning which I bad brad many^ fjtvtu^ble repo is. I commenneed to iRaln} and Increased la weight until 1 noi$. i weigh ' 127 pounds, am in perfect health -and never felt b?tter In my life. * Tuen. tny daughter who lived In £lit ttngville, lnd„ waa an invalid, aud When we consider the amount of business Valdosta is doing, the hun-i d eds of people who come here to doj t!Hr shopping every day, the showing I made by the banks and on the-taxj books, we would not be surprised at j all if the census gives us 35,000 peo ple. though we confess In at w ehave ^ noi pul the flgu-rt thnt high. —'Valdo: ta Tln.cs. W- D. /Horton, Agf. ROOM NO. ! ^ , Soulhrrn Rnlil Hlcj* her recovery. After my experience with Vino), we went v t oMortinavllle and brought her to Mattoon. is ahe waa helpless. When we'got her here 1 pu( her on Vinol. with the same good results from !t*s nee which I had—*he gained in weight and today she la well and strong and feels bet*