Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 24, 1910, Image 3

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: ■ WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. , DEPARTURES. . **r!)!E Savannah f - t;a i8‘.» .. 5 50 aui * or aa<s s ' ,ra onAb ‘ruia l£.' 50 »pm i Traiu 5$ . 5:55 au 21 5:55 pa il'tMu 162 ..... . 1»:W ra*a 5T ...» 10:00pm ’ Traiu lsu 7;2o pu ui Monilotcery . iTraiu 0;lu pu 5:15 i Moms Tr * : - is ' 5:« P'StTrain U» .6:10 »n> ■'ki liiiubrldga < Thoms *vtn« v ! Train 07 10:SS pui Tra-.u j*i 3:^0a.*j)| p or antz^riJ^ *no TnowutvlUe. * ' Albar^- J Train 185 ,.> •• C:10 aiu Train 95 4:55 pm! For Albany train a: S:iS am :Tra!n 91 ,.y...!0:Su pre .Tcata 57 6:00 pm i Train 96 7:50 am i Train 90 6:10 pm Fi-. Chicago and Nortwest | . .. C. “ aclal (via Albany;... .1:55 am! lor L'Mcago a:1 ' 1 Nortlywea* , Dixie- Flyer (via Tifton)... .5:35 am j I. C. Special (via Albany) , 10:50 pm . : Dixie Flyer (via Tifton) ....10:30 pm •souih "Arlan-i- Limited.. ..10:20 pm Ladles! S*** Money and Kttp’ia i Style by Reading McCall’s Magazine and Using McCall Pattern for fr?e suroplo copy. McCsfl Pattern* will nnablnyou to make in yonr own homo, with >ourown band ' •** ' - oursolf and children which * •p—none ndflt. I’r TiZ McCALL COMPANY. Z!91» 219 ff« Lilly at a modcroio exponsaby koepiue you posted on tho **test fashion j in clothes and hat'. &> New Fashion iHi.litns In ©neb issua, yaluablo tnfor ot\ all home ai sohal tnattors. 60c a year, inolitd Fr<- Br antic Limited wick Velocipedes. Fix iresj* Wagons ana j give children lots j :iiTn •ain 91 10:05 am . * a t u 57 6:10 pm r.f pleasure and h ; P N. Harley Hdw. Co. Train 22 Train 32 Train ,91 Crain 92 Fro 5:55 pm 10:15 pm 10:25 pm 10:45 pmq High Springs. Train 95 (Dixie Flyer . Train 93 Train 33 ..j?* rain 21 5:40 am 5:00 am ..... .6:40 am 6:15 pm j t-'or Tampa. High Springs j /;...7;js pmjrr.lB 4.< > :l, ° * a ujh Schedules. Pullman reservations, etc.. Call On irth A O P A K. B. Po’.lird. Ticket A$ent. ’ Savannah 'Jia. Vaytoaa. Ga j W. H. ULMER, | Wheelwright and Blacksmith, | Horseshoeing At Specialty. ♦ Next to Wilson Liundry, just ia rear of f Singleton iFurnlture Company. S Satisfaction Guaranteed. x Take a holiday Trip LOW ETCURSION RATES VIA A. B. & • V~. And Connecting-Liries TICKETS ON SALE DECEMBER 15, 16. 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 and 31 1916 AND JANUARY 1, 1911. RETURN TRIP TO BE MADE PRIOR TO MID NIGHT, JANUARY 8, 1911. For Further Information, ask our Ticket Agent W. H. Leahy, • Atlanta, Georgia. Gen. Passenger Agent. A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD FOR MOTHERS. Mrs. D. Gllkeson, 326 Ingles Ave., Yongntown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. “My little girl had a so* vere cold and coughed almost eon tin* uou.dy. My sister recommended Fol ey's Honey aiul Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the Inflamatlon In her throat atid after using only one botfle her throat and lungs were en tirely free from infiamation. Since then I always kep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house. Accept | no substitutes. Gem Pharmacy. L G8SDS. 8 »»»»CCCB Telephone- c'J'J Pnvate utupuj Day or Night and Morgu? gMARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Leu, Fain & Co- FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM8ALMER8. W. L. HINSON & Co. Under lakers and. Embaimers. 'Phones 91 and 153. Andrew b estes ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, Southern Hotel 8ullding. Waycrotf*. Ga. W VETH S saCE^&JUJLPHufi H A I R R E M E D Y Grew a Full Growth of Hair on a Bald Head Here's the* Proof State pe New Yobk I „ County of Monroo J "*■ Stephen Bacon, (icing duly The birthright bt every mArt; woman end child—a full, healthy head of hair. If your hair is falling, if it ie full of dandruff, or if it is faded or, turning gray. It la diseased i b ii About and should be loolcc<l alrttf Without delay, lySSrSZt ".S • WYETH’S SAGE ANtt suIphur HAIR REMEDY, a true m»od ana I kept umnir Hair Tonic and Restorer, removes dandruff in a faw days, ? of^my U hea./*?? now stops hair falling in one week, and starts a new growth in !).n r u“?n VSStaVl a month. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur does not soil the skin nor injure the hair; but it is an ideal hair dressing that will re store laded and gray hair- to natural color and keep thdP hair soft And glossy. N > nr thrnn y#*rt my hair had 1 lotice * cons loot lm« meat art true. . 6wora to Mora i STEPHEN JJACON. • UiU^lrt day of July. 1903. He.NUT W. HAt.t, 50c. nnd $1.00 a Bottle—At all Druggists Or Sent Direct. Expreaa Prepaid. Upon Receipt of Price ^ 4 Wyeth Chemical Company, ^^07^. For Sale and Recommended by CHEROKEE PHARMACY- JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER, Collections and Criminal Law a Spocjaity. Offlce Reed Building, up ulra ovar Central Fharmacy. Waycroas. Ga.. Puone 655. ‘ WILSON BENNETT & LAMBD1N ATTOaNEYS AND * COUNSELORS AT LAW . it DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE. LA ORANOS BLOa ROOM *0> JOHN S. WALKER. TTORNEV ^ COUNSELLOR at LAW O-Tlfe uo-.ltalr, Sout:.ar-l H>tel, V,. — SOUTHERN mUBCTRfG-SUPRL¥4^X. II ktnili* of Mtoctrical Work and dijppllef ALL WORIT GUARANTEED, to Lott Street. Phone ttl PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 8«uth,rn Hotel Building, Up-Stalra. PHONE 12. s. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Praetlc. Llmltad to tn* BYE. EAR. NOSE AND THnOATv —Ofllce Room 634 LaGranda HotaR WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 16L Meats drat add third TLuradajr >n each montli. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C, P. Wooller, Clerk., HOURS IQ A, M. TO 2 P. M. jfc j j CARSWELL PH. G. M. O. ■ Olaeaaaa of Children; Olaeaaaa of Women; Obstetrics. J. M. MARKET . Attomarvxv. Office hi court i4*mt J- V , * grjtf i!K066 garv '..j,. Offlce In Southern 1 Bldg. Phone 528. W. J. GASSETT £ CONTRACT.1t ANO BUILDER ' Residence 48 Margaror SL PHONE IDS- «44lW6«W4WtMrt»»6»»646<|6W6W Automobil Motoroycl Bicycles Supplies. g7r. tOVEI.\CE OSNTIST Offlc" la Redding Block. Over Mis Clothing Store. ‘And J. B. BAGLEYs M. DVy PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON, OfPce In Southern BdUJing OFFICE HOURS •>11 A. M. 84 P. M. 74 P. M. Automobiles with Safe Drivers For Hire DAY OR NIGHT. A. FLEMING. M. D. ' Offlce over GEM PHARMACY. In Southtrn Building. RMldenc. 66 Tebesu. Offlc. Phons AS. RMld.no. phon. 646. F. H. McGEE, Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St. WAYCROSS—GEORGIA. C. L. REDDING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 Up Main Radfflni Block. WAYCROSS. O BORG LA. leal. 0. Parka Barr, D. RsaB PARKS A REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotal Bulldlns. WATGWirt. tOOMUL t| RaSdence 166 Plant Are. Phon, 616. Mail Or<ler CATALOGUES Will Be Ready to Mail About Sept. 15th. The catalogue will be the best purchasing medium ever' issued -motile ^Sputh? sho wing ready- to-wear garments at pri ces cheaper than we have ever been able to offer them before. The men's catalogue will ill ustrate and describe the be& styles in clothing and furnish ings for this season, at the most reasonable prices. DON’T FAIL TO W1ITE F01 THESE BOOKS. - THEY ARE FREE. t B. H. Levy Bro. & Co. SAVANNAH, GA. W- | Dr. Lewis Jonathan Brrch practice limiteo tg Eye*. Ear. Noaa, Throat and' Chronic Ola«.aoa. ^tore. Residence 8 Lincoln itreet. Offlce man: 8‘to it a. m. 2 to! f %. m colored pmp>- 7 B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. I JjJoj J4 Brewer Street Phone No. 693 j Ba aure you ire right, then gc aliead , jd let me figure on doing year c-gSM-1 !g. AH work guaranteed'to gift ;.er-j feet aatlafaction. Beat at reference, ^ - fgfilabed If required W. R. THOMAS. M. D. Physician surgeon. Office In LaOrand# Building. Room 324. Over PoitoHIce. Hour.: 9 to 11 Am.; 3 to 4 and 1 and 8 p. <n. , Midnight Servlet At Grace Church. Neat Saturday at midnight there will be . celebration of the Holy Eu charist. with music. In Grace Eplaco- pal church. Thla will be the first sendee on Christmas Day. Other ter- rlcea aa usual, 7:39 and' 11 A m.. 3 I 7:36 p. m. Cordial welcome to alt 31 « jany J: ranee Upn OF INOnyjAPOLIS, INOlAHA. Oepotlta With St.t. for Gua'r.ntt. of Policies, ;... 68,060,0004)0 Surplus to Policy Holder.,.... .... ;... 4l.174.606.00 Security In a Life Insurance Policy 2i the prigdlpai thins- One wanta protection that protecta without, regard 'to general financial rondltlonaTha^ATgv LIFE DEP&tTO WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA fpr tha’ ^qeft't of all Ita policy holder., tb, enUpe cash value of every outatandlnj^policy. At -this time the'torn pandas on depodt with the Staw, lti.||ret data securl- ‘ tie., a larger amount than all other large companlea'cotrjlfiej. . ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK ok ENG- LAND. . I have been with thla good company seventeen years and through Us agency have paid many thousands of dr'lar* to bentllclcrlea , ' Take no chance wltj, your life policy hot ae« mo for -INSURANCE THAT INSURES.” Y.L. STANTON. Manager. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Try a \Vant'A«l.