Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 24, 1910, Image 8

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD WHAT THEY Tbfl Ordv of Owl* i* a praUral order. If ia the Dullness of the OwJa to help you while you are here. It traces that a brother should pa ronbe ar.o V.cr brother in business. You should help your brothers to make money and to prosper. You should make It pay your brofiers to be Owls. The Owls do not Interfere with any in n’s business. It believes that It Is unnecessary to wait until a mun is 111. dig abled, crippled or confined to bed before you rush to his rescue and assistance. Help a man on ills feet and he will no: reed your help when he it ou his link. If b« is engage! In any mercantile or manufacturing industry, conducts a store or practices a prof rs^ion, a'.l things being «quai. a brother Owl r.r.at go out of his way to p.v lroni/.e him, funs rendering him assistance every day, while he Is physically robust and In the prime of health. The Owls haves system of, tellrf for their brothers which Is unique in the fraternal world. In every city whe:e there is a ne;;t they have in Owl'.; relic.' committee consisting of the vice •president of the nest, who by virtue of his office Is chairman of the committee and a chairman for eac i ward in the city, the wards being div ded in the same manner as they are politically. The several chairmen have » ontrol over their own wards, minister to the wants of the sick, afflicted, disabled, indigent and unemployed and un.’ortunate brother Owls, If there are any. These several chairmen name a ward committee In each ward who serve under them. These ward committees act in concert with the eh tlrman of the ward-and assist him In its management and control. The chairman of each ward personally notifies every brother Owl in good standing of his appointment as such and endeavors to establish a brotherly and Intimate acquaintance. He leaves with each brother the address and tela phone of some suitable place in the ward where any brother Owl may be able to reach him convenient’y at any time. ' . It it the imperative duty of each chairman to submit in writing each and every meeting night a full and substantial report of the conditions in his ward In general and the condition of members therein. This eystem enables a committee ranging from 30 to 50 members to keep closely In touch with every member In the city and minister urgent relief at a moment’s notice. A * ’ * Ladles art great believers In the Order of Owls because one meeting night each month is set aside as a ladles’ night, where wives, slaters, mothers, daughters and sweethearts ausemble with the members to participate in music, whist, games, refreshments and social activity. On these occasions no business is transacted, the entire evening being devoted exclusi vely to (he entertainment and pleasure of the fair sex. .HHMfc- A FEW POINTERS You cannot afford to mlea this opportunity of becoming a charter member of Qf<let! Of Owls We now teva over 147,000 members In tbo United States. We arc organized In all states. No matter where you may travel you can find an Owl Nest, (which moons frlenda.) There Is no other Fraternal Society that offera you protection of Sis Dollars per week for three raoavha. . One Hundred DolUrs-at your death. Free medical attendance and social features. ALL FOR 50 CENTS a MONTH »M0 CHARTER FEE. Do not fall to be tt the Instl tutlon of the ORDER OF OWLS. FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE PHOENIX HOTEL Waycross, Georgia 468 CHARTER MEMBERS WERE ENROLLED IN SAVANNAH NEST NO. 1394 December 11th, JACKSONVILLE, CHARLESTON, COLU.VEIA, TAMPA AND All Southern Nests Are on the Boom AUGUSTA AND ATLANTA ARE NOW BEING ORGANISED. »»MSSSS«»»E»«»*W»S' A Visit From St. Nicholas ?SSSSS»M ttt‘**»** SSMSStSMSSSMS* Twas the nltfit before CUrlatmaa, When they meet with an obstacle when all thro' tha house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mou:a; 3 Tin clocking* wert bung by the chim ney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would he ther. mount to the sky, do up to the housetop the coureen they ftew With too sldgh full of toys—and St. Nicholas, too, And then In a twinkling 1 hear on the roof, The children were nestled all sens The urauclng and pawlns of each llt- In their bede. While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. And mama lo her kerchief, and I in my cap, Hod just ssttled our bruins for a long winters nap. When out ou the lawn urost such a clatter I sprang out of my bed t« sec wbnt waa the matter Away to the window . flew like a flash, Toro open the sbul.-rs and threw up the carp. T).o moon oe the breast of the new- fallen enow Gave a luster of midday to objects below Whan what to my wondering eyee should appear But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer With a little old driver so lively and Quick. I knew In a troutrnt It must he St. Nick; More rapid than easlrs his conraes they rame And he whistled, and ihoutv-d. and called them by cams. “Now Daabrr, now Dani-er; Now Pran- eer and Vtzen! On Cornett on Cupid! on Docd.r and I He hoof. As I ditw in my head, uud was turn- leg around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a Jround, He was dressed all in furs'from bis head to his foot, And bis clothes were all UtnfahQd with aihcs and Bool, A bundle of loye ire bad flung on fill back. And he looked like a peddler Just op? enlng his puck; HLs cheeks were like roses, hie nose like n cherry; His droll little mouth was drawn up Ilka a bow And the beard on his chin was a*i bile aa tha enow. The stump of a 'pipe he held light in hie teeth. Acd the smoke It encircled bis bend , Ilka a wreath; t He had a broad face and a little round belly. That shook whin be laughed like u bowl full of jelly. To wee chubby and plump—u right Jolly old elf— And 1 laughed when I saw him In spite of mmyself. A wink of his eye and a twist of bis head Soon gave me to know 1 had nothing to dread “ ts * "■" m .^%J2SS&3£i£-SZ —"»w e» - hours of sale, cue the first Tuesday In 1 day belwccn W bourn until all Januatjr 1911 to the highest bidder for ot sald proIlerty Is ,o14, Term * c “ h - gave a whistle, j M St And away they all flew like the down P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. of a thistle, nut I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, “Happy Christmas to all, andto all a good night.” , —Clement Clarke Moore. ON CHRISTMAS EVE. The Icy blaat -o'er frozen fields May fling a winding sheeL The aombnnlg...AOIN The moaning wlnda from frigid cllmca May form a rain of elect, But busy throngs still burry os From shopping loath to leave Where brilliant zeenet—Inspiring soads Proclaim "tie Christmas Eve. 'Tic Christmas Eve and on tbs streets Arc Joyous faces bright. The choppers gey In Jolly crowds With 'beans and purees HgM, Pose by with greetings at good cheer— 'Tie Joy to be on Whitehall atreet This day of all the year. . FINE SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED FOR SALE. fi,e fo,lowl “S described proper- Lot selected Sea Island Cotton Seed for aale for planting purpoacs. Fresh ty to-wit: That tract or parcel of land in from the laland at $1.00 per bushel. " 1 * Cl,y Wayeroas, Ware county, Ceorgla, In that aectlon of said ci fob Valdosta, Ga. W. B. Staten, law 3w R. F. D. 1, Irflown as New Waycross, beginning This 5lb day'of December, 1910. Julius A. James, Administrator of the Estate of W. T. James. Application for Years Support. at the Intersection of the north bound-, CEORGIA-WARECOUNTY. ,ary lines of Kollock atreet with the' Tb « Appraisers appointed to set WANTS TQ HELP SOME ONE. [ **“ b ° UDdary lln * 01 s «» h « B * 0 ® ^Bradleydeceased For thli'ty^ears J. -F. Boyer, ot Ter-; extending tlieoca east at right angles ne r 1 y f W ’ G ’ Bradley deceased hod' ^ Stephenson street, 03 feet, more *>'«*,“‘urn. «H Persons. WO^'^Snl o lonS Un?>f less, o on alley; thence, north COnCcrn * a •" ^ r#by clted nad re- B«k«hi e *l5.™n?n... dl "i , ^ , .* 0 f fr JS 1 al0,,g « ld “ d at right angles ,Ulred ,0 ,bow caute ,n « be <*>“« 01 Bacxacne, jNervousness, Loos or ajf ! nniinurv nt p.om . IL , »• petite. Lassitude and Kidney dlsor- to Kollock street, 70 feet thence west, ° dy of sa!d c#nnty on the first dere. He shows that Electric Bitters Dal . allc i T , uh Kollock' street a; t. r , Mond “7 ■» January next why tbs ap- work wonder, for euch trouble.. “Five; Kollock ,,re *'' Sj * e "; rlfcatlon for «!d bottles," he writes, “wholly cured me I more or less, to Stephenson street. p on ,or “ ld tweh> months "P- & "positively SLSyrSSf"u!5 ‘ h “'* “ atb a,0 “« s ‘* pb «"» *"«. Trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Feme)* Complalnle and Malaria. Try them. SOo St AU Druggists. 70 feaL more or leza, to the point of beginning. Levied on as the proper ly of Mrs. Willie Parker to satiety port should not be granted. This December Stb, 1910. B. H. Thomas, Ordinary. What care we for irlnttV'blaat. Or fleecy flakes of scow l'd rather be on Whltebal street. Than any place I know! .To mingle la the multltuude Among the last to leave— TIs Iota of fun to be up town On Whitehall, Christina! Eve GET THE GENUINE ALWAYS. I on execution In favor of B. Bernstein ] GEORGIA—WARE COUNTT. shift In medl^e r0 Thetin i * SoB a,aln, ‘ Sw ***' McDonald £ j Nollc « >• hereby given that tbn un ulna Foley's Honey end Tar cures Parker, c. IS. Sweat. F. B. McDonald, ! ""“to havt* applied to the ordinary y^Sf package? 5 Accept^ n?’eahaUtn * nd Mrfc W,IU * Park * r ' ,,>u * d V* f C ° Un,y for I * aT * ** U tte ymrew pecMge. Accept no I ,w. j land belonging lo the estate ot Mrs. I Millie Jeffords, deceased, for t^e pur- .'pote ot paying the dehU end dlstri- I button, -i Said sppllcallon wtli be heard at the tup. Qem Pharmacy. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of tire Supervising Architect, WndSWtSEt'D. c.,^November a. 1910 healed Proposals will be received at this ofllce until 3 o’clock p. m., on (ho 7th day of January, 1911, and then the City Court of Weycrosa. This Decemmbar 10,1910. D. A. Woodard, Ehe.-IC GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. By vlrtua of Be order ot uw i 'onrt j r<BU ' ar ter “» of court of ordinary of of Ordlnaiy ot said County. , ** ld eounty to be held on tbo flret .. Will be sold.at public out cry on bIoad *T In January, 191L j opened, for tho connection tlndud- tb * plr,t T “t«*W'lu January. I91L j ' rbl, ‘ 5U > d »>' of Dec. 1910. «log plumbing, gas nlnlng, heating no- al lbe Gourt lloosa In Said County,' H. J. Jeffords, Administrator of tho Eatate of lira. Millie Jefforda, deceased. ; Ing plumbing, gte piping, heating up • paratus, electric condulta and wiring) h* 1 *** 0 unonl horn ot salt n Jo fthe United States Post OIBcs at foU o»l"E real estate: Forty-flve («) Margaret Scott Hal], Kirkwood, Go 1 WAYCROSS, GA., In aceorduee with j ,cres m0 ™ °r leue of lot of land num- ——— - • Idrawlngi and specification, copies of J h** Se ’ en( >'-»lz (79) in tho 9th Die which may he bad from the Custodian | ,rtct of “* d oounty, bounded, to-wit: „f rite at Waycross, Ga., or at this 1 0n ***• f>orttl b 7 original land line, ou ofllce at the discretion of tho Super- ! tb * 3outu bx L'arawells lende, on the vising Architect I B “ t b} ‘“u 45 ? f D. W. Sweat on tha To top o ft hr po.-vh. to the top of the *U>; He spoke not a word hut went right Now dash away, dash away, dash to hie work away till” | And sited all the eiockings. then As dry lever that before the wild ksr- turned with a Jerk, ricane fly. I And laying hit finer aside of his nose AT CHRISTMAS TIOE. At Christmas Tide we pile the board with fierfb and fruit and vintage stored And mid. the laughter and the glow Wo tread e measure soft end low And kiss beneath the mtsletoe At Christman tide. Oh, God and father of us all. Give of Thy toy to high ani low. List to Thy lowliest creatures call, . At Christmas tide. Comfort the sorrowing in their woe. Make wars to cease tad love to grow James Knox Taylor, d>u*rr" *rg Arthfter- _ - SHAPE TREES FOR AALE. S.000 Oak and Maple hade traee fot tale, Will set them out ead warrant -heir living. Price $L00 each, careful- y aefout Orders solicited. R. W. Lewis, » ads SL Ang. St Smooths West by A. B. A A. Railroad, cae acre .situated on the South side of the above described lend excepted for ehnrch purposes. Also Twenty ISO) acres more or lea of lot of land uum her Seventy aix (79), In the 8lh Dir trict of exid County, bounded as fas lows: On tho North by lands ot A. L. Britt, on tho 8ontti tor, jasds ot j. J. WMeman, on tho'But by A. B. £ State of Georgia, County cf Warn. To all Whom It May Concern: G. P. Washington, a resident ot this state, having in due form applied to the undersigned for guardianship ot the p'roixriy of Pbeeby Galnus, n lu natic, noilce la hereby gfv<?n thht islo application will be heard at the next Court of Ordinary for said County, on tha first Monday in January. 1911. Witness my hand and official slfap- tura. this the 3th day of December, 1910 B. H. Thomas Ordinary, Ware County.