Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 6

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MAKE UP VOUR MIND. 17 you’ll make up your mind to be Contented with your lot And with the optomLta agree That trouble's soon forgot. AIND FLOIRDA RAILWAY rhe Papula* Ri'utr 1 u 4/1 Point a North Anti Heat. ThroaghTralna in connection with A. C. I*., from Wsycros* via Tiftoa v» Msec a ATLANTA. KNOXVILLE. CHAT . L» •». NASHVILLE. ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO. L0UI8VILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Cnsche* and Pullman «Ie#p#r* go through without change. Dining Oar Service. TRAINS OF A., 6. 4 A. It R„ CONNECT AT COROELE WITH TRAINS OF G. 8. A ** RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR inform nnoN VS TO RATES. ROUTE*. OR RCHEOULES TO ANY POINT NORTH or west, appuy to any agent of this com. PANV. OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, I. W. Jamison. T. P. A, MACON QA. MACON 3A. Yt'u’H Ue suprplsed to find. I guess, respite misfortune’s darts, What constant xprlng* of happiness Lie hid in human 'icarts. What sunny dreauis and golden dream 1 he passing years unfold. How soft and warm the lovelight beams. •When you'are growing old. There ta always room on, the sunny hide or the road; let os walk then. .Proprietors CENTRAL PHARMACY - . mm OSS EVENING HE WAV 50c per V tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extract'd] J when you can hdve it done for 50c and without pain. , ( All other work done at very reasonable ..-v— charges. Everything guaranteed^ DR. DANIEL The Dentist Folks’ Block „ Notes From The Labor World High cuss Subdivis ion for white peopt ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. . W. D. Morton, Agt. . I ROOM 50. 1 Southern'Cc el Blue I nmnmtm 2« IS A SERIOUS MATTER WITH US AND WE GO ON THE PRINCIPAL THAT IT IS WORSE THAN DlSHONEEST TO SUBSTITUTE OR USE IMPURE OR ADULTERATED DRUGS. THIS MEANS THAT YOU WILL NOT GET THE RESULT INTENDED AND THE MONEY PAID BOTH THE DRUGGIST AND THE DOCTOR IS WORSE THAN WASTED. YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND UPON RESULTS WHEN YOU BRING A PRESCRIPTION TO # US. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night Tile;average wage In Italy and Mal- i 25 cents a day. V e National Federation of Post- Tke Clerks hay 2'I.OOU membtvs. The ne^i annual convention of the International Seamen's Cnlon will U* ..eld In San Francisco. Ti.o annual convention of the Caii- i'j.ula state building Trades Council will be held In San Rafael. Jan 0. I^esldeu the union* that u»e the A. F. of L. ‘label, there are now sixty-one other.-! w'nich have distinct labels. !i has been estimated that women form one half of 1 per cent of the to la. number of commercial drummers In 4he C r nited States. • The International Metal Workers' Federation now embraces more than 1& different unions with an aggregate membership of three quarters of a million. • * j There Ik every prospect Hi at the I printing* trade in (Ircat Britain be* I fore long will be placed In the cate I goryy of trade* which work forty J eight hour* a week, i President Heffner, of the Sacramen- j to California, Labor Temple Assocta | tion. anuounee* that rile tempi|>e will ! be ready Tor occupancy by February of next \ear. I t j The receipts of the American Fedor. idion of Labor In 1 xs 1 were 174, ns ! against $193,470.80 in 1910. The ex penditures In 1881 w)* { re $154; in ; 1910, 177,850.34. Of the thousands of women that are ^ employed In the factories of Greater | New York, le.-s than cne fifth am 1 what experts have figured out to be actual living wages. The Granite Cutter’s union, the Marble Cutters’ and the Stone Cut ters' unions have recently organized a district council of stone trades for Sun Lrancisco. California. Since the establishment of the bur ial benefit feature file liuernarronh. Typographical union has paid 8,81 burial bnellts, amounting to a total of $562,975. The report of South 4)akota mine . li:f.|<ector says that labor troubles wete responsible for a $1,500,000 de crease In the year’s output of gold. He estimates the output at nearly five million dollars. ^ From November I to Mach 1 the building trades of San Francisco quit work at 4:30 instead of 5 o’clock'. The men take only thirty minutes for fhelr lunchtime in order make the eight hour day. The international unions In the, ITi Red States have contributed more in on.- yea? o the support of Canadian members on strike than the Canadi ans lmve paid In three years to fhelr res -ectlve international unions. The department stores In San Fran cisco, California, will he close! on eight holidays, Christmas. New Year's Washington's birthday. Memorial day Independence day. Labor day. Admis sion day and Thanksgiving day. In France official age certificates are often forged or altered, and a traffic j has sprung up. especially among the Italian children imported Into France in drove*, for employment mainly In glass works, brickyards and as chim ney sweeps ami bootblacks. VAIN GIRL; Mary had a ppretty foot And Maty •teemed to know it ’Cause everywhere that Mary went j Fhe tried her best to show it. —Birmingham -Age-Herald.' Such a habit. Mary dear. j I* dangerous and shocking: Thugs can see. while passing near j The purse told in your stocking. j —Youngstown Telegraph j h fifes jig a base stealing combination i season. I«6betf andNpaskert are! acquisitions ( to that department j e game. BRAIN LEAKS. ' LJOW diffennt veu fed carrying a £ood, bri ht ii lant rn into the barn at night than when r you have to go prowling arc und in the dark. When the sparerib Is put to roait, sprinkle It lightly with powdered sage and minced union. If is an easy .matter to size up a man if bis dog crawls under the house ; w hen it sees him approaching. READ THIS. All Who Suffer from Catarrh. Sore Throat or Colds. ■ Millions of people through tout amer- J iea have breathed HYOMKI (pronoun- j re it High-o-me) and now own a HY- jOMEl Inhaler made of hard rubber. If you own a HYOMEI Inhaler, no I matter where you live, you can get a j Lottie of HYOMKI at C. R. Brinson j Co., and druggists every where for j only 50c.. ; Ask for an extra bottle of IJYOMEI Inhalent; it Is only 50c and wlfh it you ran cure a cough or a cold in a day. You can get relief from catarrh or stuffed up head in two minutes an stop hawking and stiutling In a week. .lust fiour a few drops of HYOMEI into the inhaler and breathe it in— thatall. It’s so easy and so plea, ant And so much more desirable than swallowing nauseating drugs. Breathe Hyomei over the infinmed membrane or thr nose and throat and its soothing, heal ing action will be felt immediately. If you have not-a HYOMEI Inhaler, get a complete HYOMEI outfit at once. This only costs $1.00. and with it comes a HYOMEI Inhaler that will last a lifetime and ought to lie In every family. For free sauijlie of HY- ! QMKI write Booth's Hyomei Coi, Buf- 1 falo, N. Y. Dec. 9, 19. 30 | FUh. Chickens, Oranges, Fresh Oys- j Trout, from lib to 61b. Way-' oioss Fish £ Produce Co. Phone 1S9. IT IS NEARLY AS bAD WHEN \0U HAVE ONE THAT SMOKES ! AND MAKES A DIM LIGHT, THAT is HARD TO LIGHT AND THAT | ELOWS OUT EASILY EXCEPT W HEN YOU WANT TO PUT IT OUT. OUR LANTERNS A3 WELL AS ALL ARTICLES FOR THE STABLE ! and HOME ARE THE BEST MADE AND TILL AT VERY^REASONABLE 1 prices, nct Trouble to show goods. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 186 Mall Order Will Be Ready to Mail About Sept 15th. The catalogue will be the best purchasing medium ever issued in the South, showing ready - to-wear garments at pri ces cheaper than we have ever been able to offer them before. The men's catalogue will ill ustrate and describe the beSlt ^tyles in clothing and furnish ings for this season, at the most reasonable prices. DON’T FAIL TO WRITE FOR THESEBOOKS. THEY ARE FREE. B. H. Levy Bro. & Co. SAVANNAH. Freshness Guaranteed Inside every hox of Whitman's Chocolates and Coa- fectionj u. a card that means what it says Your money hack or a fresh package if the candy is not perfectly satisfactory. Wc want you to let us know of any fault you' may find. Wc know they are made perfect. Every 1 we offer for sale comes to us straight from the Wc back• up every hox of