The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, July 24, 1914, Image 3

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THE WAYOROM JOURNAL. -i DAT, it'll *t, ivn Legal Advertisements. vt RECEIVER'S SALE. GEORGIA—Clinch County. Under and by virtue of an order of Hon. J. W. Qulncey, Judge of the Su perior Court of aaJtd county, granted May 23rd, 1914, will be sold before the court house door in Homerville, Geor gia, between the legal hour* of sale, on the First Tuesday in August, 1914, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property, to-wlt: One shingle mill complete, consist- lng of one 65 H. P. H. S. C. engine, one Perkins, Columbia Automatic! Shingio Machine, one Perkins Bolter, with 52 in. Solid Tooth Saw one Swing Cut off rig, complete, with 66 in. Solid tooth saw. One Friction log haul up rig, with about 100 feet 7-8x7 in. link chain, and dogs complete, one Convey or rig with about 250 feet of 5-8x5 in. chain complete, one Blacksmith Forge and tools, together with all line shafts bolts, pulleys and other fixtures and tools used in connection with said shingle mill located at Cutting, Ga., formerly operated by H. M. Frankfort, Also one 35 H. 1*. Side Crank Atlas Engine now located at Dupont, Ga. Said property will be shown pros pective purchasers by the undersign ed at any time prior to date of sale. Said sale to be made subject to con firmation or rejection by the court. Homerville, Ga., July 2nd, 1914. ^ A. J. GIBBS, 7 11 ltdStw Receiver. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold at the court house door in said county on the First Tuesday In August, 1914, within the legal hours of sale, lot number Seven (7) in block Thirteen (13) of Morgan's Subdivision of the City of Waycross, a map of which is on record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware county, with all improvements there on; said described land being sold un- •der and by virtue of a power of sale contained in three (3) certain mort gages execute’ by Henry W. Wilson, two of same being in favor of Strick land Brothers, a firm composed of John A. and A. J. Strickland, of Pierce •county, Georgia; said, two mortgages being recorded In Clerk’s office of Ware Superior Court in book “11," page 1S6, and book “12’’ page 154. The former mortgage being given to secure * debt of fifty d liars (950.00). repre sented by proxils**:/ note, dated Sep tember 15, 1912, and due ninety (90) ■daya after date, the latter being given to secure a debt of Seventy-nine'dol lars and fifty cents (979.50), same be ing represented by a note dated No vember 5, 1919, both of which said notes bear interest at the rate of eight (I) per cent per annum from date, Said two mortgages tu favor of Strlck- land Brothers being duly transferred County, Ga. to Joseph Hull k Company of Ware County, Georgia. The third of said mortgages being In favor of Joseph Hull k Company recorded in Clerk’s office of Ware Superior Court In book number “12,” page 195, executed by Henry Wilson for the purpose of se curing a note for the principal sum of one hundred dollars (9100), dated January 2. 1914, and due thirty (30) days after date with Interest at eight per cent from maturity. A conveyance will be executed from the purchaser by the undersigned as authorised In said mortgages. This July 11th, 1914. Joseph Hull k Company, By their Attorneys at law, Crawley, Redding k Crawley. . 7 It ltd 3tw August next, at public outcry, before the court house door, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain prop erty of which the following is a com plete description; All of lots of land located in that portion of the City of Waycross, Ware County, Georgia, and known as Sweat- Crawley k Company Subdivision, ac cording to map of file In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware County, Georgia: Lots One (1), two (2), three (3) four (4), six (6) and nine (9) of Block A. Lots three (3), six (6), eight (8) nine (9), ten (10) and eleven (11) of Block B. !/)t8 four (4), five (5), seven (7) eight (8), nine (9) and eleven (11) of Block C. Lot two (2) of Block D. Lots three (3), four (4), six (6) seven (7), nine (9), eleven (11) and twelve (12) of Block E, Lots two (2), six (6), seven (7) eleven (11), thirteen (13), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), nln*»t<»en (19), twenty- one (21). twenty-three (23) and twen ty-five (25) of Block F. Lots two (2), three (3), five (5) seven (7), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12) , fourteen (14), nineteen (19) twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) of Block G. Lots one (1), two, (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), ten (10) thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), eighteen (18), nine teen (19), twenty-one (21), twenty four (24) and twenty-five (25) of Block H. Lots one (1). two, (2), three (2), four (4), six (6), seven (7), eleven ,(11), twelve (12), thirteen (f3), fif teen (15), sixteen (16), eighteen (18) twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23) and twenty-five (25) of Block I. Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), eight (8), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), four teen (14), fifteen (16), sixteen (16), eighteen (18), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-three (23), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27). twenty-eight (28), twenty-nlna (29) , and thirty (30), of Block J. Lots two (2), four (4). five (6), six (6), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty-two (22), twen ty-four (24), twenty-six (26), twenty- seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty (30) , thirty-one (31), and thirty-two (32), of Block K. Lots eight (2), eleven (11), thirteen (13) , fifteen (16), and sixt&n (19) of Block L. Containing one hundred and twenty-three (123) .lots, and located in Iapd lot number t*o hundred' and SHERIFF’S SALE. . GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold at the door of the court house of said county within the legal hours of sale on the First Tuesday In August, 1914, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described personal property, to-wlt: Three old locomotive engines, no’, in use, and bearing the numbers 94 45, and 1104 respectively, 20 log cars and 2 flat cars, and 12 log carts, 1 lot of blacksmith tools, 1 small skidder and 2 locomotive engines numbers 2 and 26 respectively, and 1 lot of cart wheels- ail of the foregoing property located at what Is known as the Bai ley Saw Mill In the City of Waycross in Bald ocunty; and also 1 log skidder 26 portable shanties, 1 lot of chains, harness, ropes, bows, cables, yokes, stretchers, hames and traces— si!# property being located at the logglni camps of the Anderson Lumber Com pany on the line of the Waycross 6 Western Railroad. All of the above described property levied on and to be sold as the prop erty of the Anderson Lumber Company to satisfy a chattel mortgage ft fa in favor of the First National Bank of Waycross against said Anderson Lum ber Company issued from the Supe rior Court of said county, and being the property described in the fl fa. Said property being difficult, expensive to transport, will be sold without car rying and exposing earnest the court house door on the day or sale, but will be sold at the court house door as above stated, and may be seen at the places above named where same located respectively. This Jnly 9th, 1914. (81gaed) D. W. PITTMAN, three (203) in the 8th District of Ware Said property levied on as the prop erty of Sweat-Crawley k Company to satisfy an execution Issued from the City Court of Waycross In favor of Dora Miller against 8weat-Crawley k Company, C. M. Sweat, E. H. Craw ley and F. L. Sweat. Legal notice given defendants In fl fa as required, by law. This 8th day of July, 1914. D. W. PITTMAN, 8heriff Ware County, Ga. 7 10 4twky. 7 it 4twky. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. STATE OF GEORGIA—Ware County. To the Superior Court of Said State and County: The petition of D. C. Harris, A K Rountree, P. L. Watson, Ralph and Roy 8m!th, W. H. Proctor and John W. Giddens of the county of Emanuel said atate, and J. N. Gary, of the coun ty of Newton, aaid atate, respectfully shows : (1.) That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body poli tic under the name and style of Tlic Waycross Chero-Cola Bottling Co. for the period of twenty years. ,) The principal office of said qompany shall be In the City of Way- cross, State and County aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to eatab lish branch offices In the counties of Pierce, Wayne, Glynn, Ware, Camden, Charlton, Clinch, McIntosh, Appling, Tatnall and Liberty of said state, or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of the stock may so deter sell real estate and personal property suitable to the purpose qf the corpora tion, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred, which may be incurred, in the con duct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security-deed, or other form of leln. under existing laws. (7.) They desire for said corpora tion, the power and authority to ap ply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of Its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said corporation to wind up Its affairs, liquidate and dis continue its business at any time it may determine to do so by a vote o! two-thirds of Its stock outstanding a*, the time. (8.) They desire for the said cor poration the right of renewal when and as provided by the laws of Geor gia. and that It have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immu nities as are incident to like corpora tions or permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to bo Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, priv ileges and immunities herein set forth a ltd a® arc now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar char actcr under the laws of Georgia. JNO. W. GIDDENS. P. L. WATSON. W. H. PROCTOR. A. K. ROUNTREE. D. C. HARRIS. ROY k RALPH SMITH. JOSEPH N. GARY. Filed in office this 6th day of June. 1914. GEORGIA—Ware County. I. E. J. Berry, Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, do hereby cert! fy thet the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of The Waycroas Chero-Cola Bottling Co. as the same appears on file in this office. » Witness my official signature and the seal of aaid Court, this* the 6th day of June, 1914. 6-8-47*V« hereunto set my hand and the teal of the company, this the 6th day June, 1914. L. A. WILSON, (Seal) Secretary. 7 1 4wka. NOTICE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In August, next, at public outcry, at the court bouse door in said county, with in the legal hours of sale, to the high- est bidder for cash, the following per sonal property, to-wlt: One Ludden k Bates Club Plano, Number 66427. Said personal property levied on as the property of M. P. Sessoms, to sat isfy an execution Issued on the 9th day of July, 1914, from the City Court of Waycross, In said county, in favor of Ludden k Bates Southern Music House, against M. P. Sessoms. This 9th day of July, 1914. D. W. PITTMAN, Sheriff Ware County, Ga. HERBERT W. WILSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. 7 10 4twky GEORGIA—Ware County. To All Whom It May Concern: R. L. Royal, having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Lettsrs of Administration on the estate of C. W. Royal, late of said county, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of C. W. Royal, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to R. L. Royal, on C. W. Royal’s estate. Witness my band and offllclal signs uro, this 6th day of July, 1914. B. H. THOMAS, 7 10 4t wky Ordinary. ft.) The object of said corporation la pecuniary gain to Itself and Its shareholders. (4.) The business to be carried on by said corporation is the carbo nating and bottling of soft drinks, principal of wbjch Is Chero-Cola, and he sale of same, and the manufacture tnd sale of ales, soda waters and any tad all kinds of other soft drinks of whatever kind or variety and tke bot tling and sale of the aame. (5.) The capital stock of aaid cor poratlon shall be Five Thousand (95,000) dollars with the privilege or increasing the same to twenty thou sand (920.000) dollars by a majority vote of the stockholders, said stock to be divided Into shares of onefikundretf (9100) dollars each. The whole of the capital to he employed by them has been actually paid In. (6.) Petitioners desire the right to sue aad be sued, to plead amf be Im pleaded. to have and use a common make all necessary by-laws and regulations, to do an other things Resolution for the Extension of The Atlantic, Waycrosa and Northern Railroad, and The Building of A Branch Road, As Stated Below GEORGIA—Ware County: I, L. A. Wilson, Secretary of the At lantic. Waycross k Northern Rail road Company, do hereby certify that at a meeting of tho Board or Direc tors of said Company duly held on June 6th, 1914, the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted ,and en tered on the records of its proceed ings, to-wit: “WHEREAS, It is expedient that this Company shall extend Ita line of road, and construct a branch road, along the routes hereinafter desig nated, and consolidate certain amend ments previously granted to the Char ter of said Company: THEREFORE. It Is hereby resolved by the Board of Directors of the At lantic, Waycross k Northern Railroad Company that tu railroad be extend ed from Kings land <o Camden county In a general Northweaternly direction about one hundred and eighty-five lee, through Camden,, Chariton, Pierce, Coffee, Irwin, Ben Hill, Wil cox, Pulaski, Dooly and Houston Counties, Georgia, to Fort Valley in Houston county, and also a branch road built from a point on Its line near the county line between Cam den and Charlton counties, to a South westerly and Southerly direction, through Folkston and fit George, In Charlton county, to the Florida Lino, a distance of about 49 mil so: Be It further resolved that a certi fied copy of this nutation be adver tised aa provided by taw an<t> an t to the charter ot the Company he procured in accordance herewith, ao aa to authorize the con struction and operation of said ex ten- oenful carrying on of said bushnUS, Including the right to buy, bold nml tor the sue- sloo and branch road as provided by law." IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I have tun. If she’s wrong she’s right. NOTICE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold, on the. first Tuesday In August, next, at public outcry, the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all that lot, block, tract pr parcel of land situated, lying and being in Morton's Subdivision the City of Waycross, Ware County, Georgia, bounded and described lows: On the North by Marlon street the East by Sweat street; ■ South by canal and on the West by Lee Avenue, containing two and half (2 1-2) acres. Said real estate levied on as the property of Farley A. Morton, to satisfy an execution is sued on the 19th day of June, 1913, from the City Court of Waycn said county, in favor of the Wilson Grocery Company against Farley Morton. This 7t!» day of July, 1914. D. W. PITTMAN, Sheriff. Ware County, Ga HERBERT W. WILSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. 7 10 4twky. NOTICE. This is to notify all secretary-treas urers of local tax district that the> are required to give a guaranty bond In place of the personal bond that they have now. J. R. BOURN, 7 9 2ts wky Superintendent OEORGIA—Ware County: Under and by virtue of a power of ■ale contained in the deed to secure debt executed by Ike Hudson to A. B. Spence on the 22nd day of September, 1913, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware county. In book of mortgages No. 14, folio 61, the undersigned will sell, at public outcry, at the court house door In said county during the legal hours of sale, on August 4th, 1914, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow lng property, to-wit: Beginning at stake on the North aide of the Bruns wick and Western R. R. st the inter section of a line one hundred (100) feet from the center of the track of ■aid railroad and the West side of Sycamore street, thence running Westerly parallel with said railroad one hundred (100) feet; thence North erly parallel with said Sycamore atreet one hundred and four and one- half (104 1-2) feet; thence Easterly parallel with said railroad one hun dred feet (100) to 8ycamore stree.t thence running Southerly along th< West side of «a(d ^Sycamore atreet ode (104 1-1) feet to the point and place of beginning, said land being situated In that portion of the City of Way- cross, known ss Hasxard Hill, In thq county of Ware, Georgia, for the pur pose of paying a certain promissory note bearing date September 22, 1913, and payable on the 22nd day of De comber, 1913, and made and executed by the said Ike Hudson In favor of A. B. Spence, said note being for 9142.00, principal, stipulating for Interest from muturity at the rate of eight per cent per annum, the total amount duo thereon being 3142.00, principal, and $9.85 interest, together with all costs of this proceeding as provided In said deed to secure debt. A deed will be execute^ to the purchaser or pur chasers, as authorized In said deed to secure debt, by the undersigned. This the 27th day If June, 1914. A. B. Spence, Holder and Attorney In Fact 7 1 4twky. GEORG I A—Ware County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Ware County, Georgia, granted on the 9th day of July, 1914, there will be sold at pub lic outcry ou the first Tuesday In August, 1914, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, that tract or parcel of land, to-wlt: Four hundred and eighty (480; acres, more or less or lot of land numbor fifty-two (52) In the Eighth District of Ware County. Georgia, being all of said brad lot ex cept ten acres In the 8. W. corner thereof sold to Douglas. Terms cash. 'This the 9th day of July, 1914. J. H. WILSON, JR., Administrator of Estate of Margaret Wilson, deceased. A. B. SPENCE, Administrator’s Attorney Fer Solicitor General. To the Voters of the Waycross Judicial Circuit: 1 am a candidate to succeed myself for the office of Solicitor General of tbt Waycrosa Circuit, subject to the Democratic, primary to be held on August 19th, 1914. I greatly apprecl ate the confidence and trust which the people of this circuit have placed In me, and I trust my conduct of the affairs of this Important office merit the continued support and Influence of the people. I am serving my first term. In this office, and I will greatly appreciate the support and influence of the people la behalf of my candi- tor a second term. Tours very truly, M. D. DICKERSON. Remember, to arguing with a no- L. P. TAYLOR IS NOT FOR J. R. WALKER FORMER RE PRESENT A TIVE L. P TA YLOR EX-REPRESENTATIVE DECLINES TO SERVE DNJALKER 6L0B The Journal Is in receipt of a let ter from Hon. L. P. Taylor, former representative of Ware county, stat ing that no one had authority to mak* hi ma member of the Walker Cam paign Committee, and that he la not supporting Mr. Walker. When the friends of Congressman Walker met to organize a Walker Club lust week it seems that Mr. L. P. Taylor, who was not at the meet ing. but In the city of Atlanta, was made a member of the Walker Cam paign Committee. Today the Journal received a letter from Mr. Taylor stating that he IS SUPPORTING “FARMER JIM" HENDERSON, and that he Itad written the Walker club to this effect and asking that his name bo used no further. Former Representative Taylor is one or the moat Inlluential men in Ware county, and the fact that he will not support Mr. Walker will no doubt be a big disappointment to the Ware County Walker Club. WHO IS HITPOHTIMI "FARMER JIM" HEXDERMOK FOR COJIORE8H. HARDWICK “DROPPED HIS CANDY;” LOSES IN PIERCE If the reports that come from Pierce county count for anything at ill Congressman Hardwick has 'dropped his candy" In that county. Pierce county up until last Sat urday wns considered the strongest Hardwick county in South Georgia. While the friends of Gov. Slaton and Felder claim that Hardwick counties in South Georgia are about scarce as lien teeth yet they did admit that Hardwick at one time had a good strong following in Pierce county. Hardwick IX)8T 200 votes by hla speech at Btackshear last Saturday.’ stated a prominent gentleman from Blackahear who was in Waycross Tuesday evening. This gentleman Is Mr. Harry Johnson, who lived In i# Waycross for a- genat many years. r '"According* to the, statement of Mr. Ibfldred and ■ ■ four <« and one half Johnson and several other prominent Pierce county men Congressman Hardwick while making his speech at Blackahear was asked if lie favored (he parcel post bill when It was be ing passed by Congress and answered that HE DID NOT FAVOR.the PAR CEL POST DILI® During his speech Mr. Harrell, a prominent citizen of Plerco county. ask »d Mr. Hardwick for permission to ask him a question and Mr. Hard wick consented. Mr. Harrell then asked him "WHY IS IT, MU. HARD WICK. THAT YOU DID NOT ANS WER THE LETTERS I WROTE YOU ASKING FOR YOUR POSITION ON THE PARCEL POST LAW?" 61r. Hardwick answered saying. "I DID NOT ANSWER YOUR LET TER AS EVERYBODY KNEW HOW I STOOD ON THE PARCEL POST LAW.’* "HOW DID YOU 8TAND, MR. HARDWICK?" asked Mr. Harrell. "1 WA8 AGAINST THE PARCEL POST BILL,” answered Mr. Hard wick. Pierce county Is a farming county, and every farmer favors the parcel post law, said Mr. Johnson, so by Mr Hardwick teUlng tho, farmer how he- stood on this question lost him at least 200* rotes, and means that Gov. Slaton wilt carry the county by large majority. V CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, July 31.—-Beptomber wheat 79 7-8. Pork 21. Lard 10.16. Ribs 11.22. UK POSTAL RECEIPTS. As told by the Journal yesterday the report sent out from Washington stating that the salary of the Way- cross postmaster had been reduced was an error on the part of the de partment, therefore Waycross Is sav ed* her reputation of never going backward. The Waycross postoffice Is In the very best of shape, and the receipts for the six months ending June 20th were up to the usual high standard. Postal receipts usually Indicate the condition of business generally, and Waycross makes a good showing. CUTS THROAT WHILE IN JAIL Boston. 6Ishh., July 22.—I .aw re nee Robinson, awaiting trial on a charge of murder, cut his throat while In Charles street Jail today. He secured a metal arch from his shoe and used It. Ills condition Is serious and his recovery Is doubtful. l<fft GCAUBS AMU STRIKERS CLASH. Fort Smith, Ark., July 18.—After X pitched battle between several hun dred striking coal miners and their sympathizers and 100 guards station ed at the Prairie Creek mines of the Mammoth Vein Coal Company near Fort Smith Saturday, which ended in the rout of the guards, and tipples of three mines were destroyed by (Ire and dynamite. The property damage is estimated at 8200,000. So far as can be ascertained no one was killed or seriously wounded in the fighting, which began shortly after . daybreak and continued until late in the day, when the mine guards re- , treated after their ammunition was exhausted. Rioters held possession of tho mines for several hours, wrecking SPEAKING At Waresboro Saturday Evening July 25, 4:30 Come to Waresboro and hear the issues of the Short Term Senatorial Campaign discuss ed hy Good Speakers the plants with torch and explosives. Last night the properties were de serted. Preparations are being made to send additional armed men to re sume occupation of the mines today. County officials went to the scene' late yesterday, but before they arriv ed the attacking party had dispersed. Yesterday’s rioting was, a culmina tion of a aeries of minor disturbance.* which have occurred at Interval since the contract With the United Mine Workers was abrogated last March and announcement made that the properties owned by the Bacbe- Denman Coal Company but undei lease to the Mammoth Vein Company would be operated on an open shop heels. In one attack several em ployees of the company were, badly beaten after they had been forced by a mob estimated to have numbered more then e thousand men to with* draw the fires from the boilers. Last Sunday night Progtown* a union mining camp a mile distant from Prairie Creek, was “shot up'’ and the disorder was repeated .Wed nesday night. Each faction of work men charged the other with respon sibility for the shooting. No one wae Injured. *** At the time of the first outbreak an Injunction wss secured in the United States District Court to re strain the strikers from luterferei with the operation of the mines and a force of fifty men, under the direc tion of the United Stales marshal, placed on guard. This force was re called under Instructions of Attorney General McReynolds, who held tha: It was the duty of the atate and coun ty officials to protect the mine prop erties Last Friday officials of tho com pany appealed to United States Dis trict Attorney Bourlend to be permit ted to recruit a company of men be commissioned by the United States marshal, but under the Instructions from Washington the company was not organised, the Attorney General holding to his previous ruling that the elf nation should be taken care of br locml authorltiea. Cor. George W. Hayes stated laat alftl that no request had been madi to him Irr atate troop*. (Jim SEEKS DEATH TO IHHMIE TRIAL '«t COURT. I Aaheyille, N. C„ July 20 -Choosing death rather than face trial la thd Count, Criminal Court, Blanche Jonea, aged 18. ■wallowed ■ereral grains of bichloride of mar- cur,. A physician who waa la th. next room waa called and ruahad had to the Million Hoepltal. II le ful If >he will lire. A, the phyilclane and nursea . jed orer her at the hoepltal tha I pleaded with them to let bar dta. > hid been in attendance at tha two day,, awaitlof bar tan for