The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, August 14, 1914, Image 1

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IF YOO PAIL TO GET AJ THE PAPER hfl TELEPHONE U*t WAYCROSS WEEKLY JOURNAL HELP US{ The Journal to the Official Organ af Ware County, City ot Waycroee tod County Board ol Education. (TH TEAR FOR DAILY JOURNAL. WAYCROSS, GA. FRIDAY, AUG. If. ItIL , MTH YRAR P0B WEEKLY JOURNAL, ' --S- • ' JJ> GOV. SLATON WILL SWEEP STATE WEDNESDAY HARDWICK’S “ROUSING MEETING” A FIZZLE “The Imposing Array of 103 SAFE COUNTIES IN SLATON COLUMN “*"LT“T ed 0ut ^® e 33 ClAIIVIS OF Governor John M. Slaton A Last Moment Canard Exploded TAX COLLECTOB OF FULTON SHOWS THE FALSEXESS OF „ . CHARUE MADE BI HARDWICK'S AJ""- Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 15.—Governor John M. Slaton will sweep the state in hlr race for the United States Senate next Wednesday, according to Alfred C. Newell, chairman of * the Slaton campaign committee. One hundred and three counties are claimed by Mr. Newell in his latest tabulation. "Of the remaining counties there are not over six in which we consider we hare no chance," says Mr. Newell. 4 *ln all the remaining counties wo have a good fighting chance." Mr. Newell’s'statement, in full. Is as follows: "We consider the campaign practi cally closed and are absolutely confi dent as to the result in favor of Mr Slaton. We have an active campaign committee of more than four thous and men in every section of the state. These men are our friends. From them we have received reports recent ly which Indicate an overwhelming result in Mr. Slaton's favor. In addi tion to our active campaign commit tee, we are In direct touch with more than twenty thousand friends. If any one doubts the accuracy of this state ment we are prepared to show them. "According to our last tabulation we are certain of one hundred and three counties. Of the remaining counties there are not over six in which we consider that we have no chance. "A> every one know*, Mr. Slaton is the only man running in-every county. Mr. Hardwick and Mr. Felder have parceled out the counties. Mr. Slaton 1s a candidate over the whole state. "I understand that it Is being claim ed in the Kimball House lobby by the adherents of Mr. Hardwick that he vfill carry eighty-one counties with a voting strength of two hundred and eighty-one in convention. This includes the absurd claim of Fulton county. Even including Fulton, his adherents are claiming barely en- GERMANSM ■CRUSHED WAYCROSS MEN NAMED BY DISTRICT KNIGHTS GREECE IUIHGNT ■El: El LIEGE B STILL C0I16 OKI English Seize Two Turkish Ships And Start New Complications By Wire to The Journal. Brussels, Aug. 15.—Two train loads of German and Belgian wogpuled sol diers from the battle of Haelen arriv ed here today. All confirm the re ports that Germany’s army has been administered a crushing defeat A German officer says that only 500 out of 4,000 Uhlana have escaped unhurt German guns, being rushed to aid in the attack on Belgians, wero mired in swamps and later captured by the Belgians. Reinforcements for tho Gormans arrived at Tongres today and the main body of the invading army began an advance. GERMAN CRUISER AT GOLDKX GATE. Sen Francisco, Aug. 15.—A German | POLES WILL cruiser was sighted near Golden Gate GET HOME RULE* prepared to lose a hundred thousand men in the attempt to roll back the al lied armies. MIGHTY BATTLE WILL START SOOX. - Brussels, Aug. 15.—Belgium is shaken with the rumble of thousands of heavy cannon. Germans are mov ing to the front preparing for a mighty conflict with tho allies. A gigantic battle seems likely to start at any mo ment. Skirmishing at several places lias been bloody and severe between tho flying squadrons. BUFFALO MAKES TRIP ACROSS. Hull, Eng., Aug. 16.—The liner Buff alo arrived today from New York. PARCEL POST AND GOV. SLAION BY JOHN BENNETT, ET AL. AT MEETING LAST NIGHT "CONFIDENT OF SWEEPING THE COUNTY FOU HARDWICK THE WARE COUNTY HARDWICK CLUB TONIGHT AT 7:30 O'CLOCK WILL MEET IN WALKER'S HALL IN THE WALKER DUILDINO IN ORDER TO TALK OVER THE DIO VICTORY FOR HARDWICK. WITH AN IM POSING ARRAY OF MEN JN THE WAYCROSS MEETINO TONIGHT WILL BE ONE LONO TO BE REMEitQERED."—W.y.roM Herald A/1 l«h. ' , fc * What an "IMPOSINO array ot men''—S3 lonely, tad looking (,11a*,, led by Col. John W. Uonnett, W. E. Dompstor, Edwin O. Jonen, and Waltor Euitlce Birman,, gathered In Dr. Walker', hall laat night to "talk or«r the coming victory," and to land tho Hardwick boat* on to.tho and. thl, morning. It la believed the cruls- er la waiting for Brltiah or French ateamera to come out. SAYS LIEGE FORTS HOLD OWX. Bruaaella, Aug. 15.—Though ihe German, continue n terrific bombard ment night and day with tho honvleat gun a tho fort, at Liege today are with standing tho assault. BALTIC SEA ISLAND BOMBARDED. Stockholm, Aug. 16.—A Swedish cap tain arriving today reports that Oar- man, bombarded Lago Island, In the Baltic 8an, Wednesday. Besides being selected as tha meet- inn piace tor tne nret 1S15 convention ol the Knights ot Pythias ol the Elev enth district, Waycross has been ad ditionally honored by having n mem ber of the Waycross lodge made pres ident of the district organisation. Allen James la the new president T. H. Miller, who ban served tbs dis trict an secretary and treasurer, wau re-elscted. which la quit, an honor. J. M. Hinson, of Haselhurst, la vice- Copenhagen. Aug. 15.—Dlspalchet from Berlin today say the Csar of Rua ala has promised the Poles home rule II they will remain loyal during the preuont war. GERMAN LEADER BADLY WOUNDED. Paris, Aug. 16.—General Von Dalm- Ing, one of the foremost German corps commanders, has been badly wound' ed la battle, according to a war office statement Issued today. German pris oner! doctored they wero literally starving in lbs army. ENGINEER TURNS A NEAT THICK. Paris, Aug. 15.—It Is reported today that the French aviator, Perrin, Hy ing over German territory, attacked and destroyed n Zeppelin dirigible by throwing bombs. Matin today says that a hundred Germans selsad a train the border with French ohglnoman. The engineer, running at almost sulci' dal speed, curried the tram into a town occupied by French eoldlere when the president. Rev. F. S. Cook of Hails- hurst. Master at Arms, R. E. Smith always uppermost It. Waycross to repulsed with heavy losses. „„ _____ __ of Odom, Inner Guard, H. H. Daniels, make all visitors have a good time GREECE MAT ongh to elect But. Ihe preposterous ^ter Guard. {Indications an that too 1*16 eonrea- FIGHT TURKEY. Idea of hti claim for rnlton to enough Three committees named at the Mon In Waycross will bo one of the' Athene, Aug. 16.—It wan officially bring a tough from theeatlra state. Haslehurst convention, held tbli! beet the Eleventh district Knights stated today that Oreece may declare Hardwick takes himself too week, an as follows: Finance, Ujhave held In yean. seriously. Tho absurdity of tho claim yeefanfem']) U|||ix ’ I of hto management as to Fulton Indl- UrPluBIl II(111 I ^ ICDICC1C AUll eaten the hollowness of their satin jttninid HltU claim. That Mr. Slaton wlU sweep the LAST RIGHT stole, I have no doubt" I MORRIS ATTACK / I FULLY ANSWERED. I M**lF tost night In ReldavHle Ludwig, E. R. Smith, J. a Hinson. ITALY DENIES- Publicity, C. a Cook, Turner Bnwer, AUSTRIAN BEQUEST. I. P. Davie. Good of the Order, Max Paris, Aug. 16.—A dispatch today Isaac, C. H. Lowthcr, T. L. I’lckren. states that Italy has refused pcrmls- Waycross will make the opening (Ion to Austria to send ltd,000 soldlen convention ot 1916 one long to be n- through Italian territory to tho French numbered. Delegates returning to frontier. Waycross from the Hailehurst moot- SERVIANS DEFEAT log say the people of Haslehurst AUSTRIAN ARMY, know all about entertaining and they: London, Aug. 15.—An Exchange feel that It Is np to Waycross to go dispatch from Nish today says IN.SO* entire force of Germans aboard war* Haslehurt one better. Austrians mads a concentrated attack made prisoners. So with this In view and the desire along tho Servian frontier and wore nr , wl ^ (;>■ N>'inr s KILLED IN RATTLE. Loodoa, Aug. 15.—Brusoolls dis patches this afternoon confirm tha death of tho Gorman General Von am- talch and also confirms the death of General Von Dsclow, a brother of the Prince, reported killed Thursday. The'tost moment'eanard framed np where he was seeking a man who was A. L. Britt, of Jamestown, and W. by Newt Morris Is tho aid of Thomas firing s shot gun Policeman W. C. *• Griffis, of Millwood, are tho cut' W. Hardwick has effectively been ex- Gardner wan thrown from hto horae! didates seeking the position made va- ptolned by Alfred C. Newell, chairman sod painfully Injured He was un- of the John M. Slaton -—p-tr* com- abto to continue on duty tost night mlttec. It will be remembered that end bed to bo relieved. Today ho to Morris dragged the name of Mrs. Bin- able to be oat but is mighty son ton Into a charge that the Slatons had from tho fall. not fully returned their taxes and an Ha was riding along Waiters rnreet effort was made, by showing Incom- when the honeys now one. mad* plate figure* to establish this. Mr. Newell answers the latest Mor ris attack thus: Through his co-conspirator, N. A. k.\ c (Conttoaed on Last Page.) The saddle slipped, carrying with It tha oncer, throwing him np against a fence. Mr. Gardner later caught Ihe horse and returned to headquarter! where he was teller- fei.4 -s.iaH. ‘ cant on the county board by W. Thigpen's resignation. The time lim it for candidates to dfhllty expired last, night at six o'clock. Both men bare frieadn la the district who will e mar doctor* war on Turkey unless a satisfactory explanation to mads to tho reported attacks on Greek merchant ship*. JAPANESE NAYY PUTS TO SEA. London, Aag. 16.—A dispatch receiv ed today says the Japanese navy has pot to sea and wilt co-operat* with the British diet against the enemy la the Pacific. GERMAN ADVANCE GIVEN DENIAL. ’ Brussels, Asg. 16—The War Minis ter today denied the report that Ger mans are marching on BrnseeUa and Antwerp. GERMANS READY TO LOSE MMM- Pula. Aag. 15.—It to reported today that an Important battle to raging bo- day occupied Siale, Alsace, driving ont the Gorman defenders. MM SAIL FRENCH OCCUPY ALSACE TOWN. Paris. Aag. 15.—French soldlen to- tween Liege and Luxemburg. Fight ing to heaviest In the vicinity ol Mar Germans captured aay the Oer- geueral have declared they ue WAR TIPS Amsterdam, Aug. 16.—300 Amer* leans arrived today from Berlin. They report a comfortable Journey and no trouble at the frontier. .till! <i Kit HAS HVIKH HIDING IX MAIXKI Bangor, Maine, Aug. 15.—Governor Haines today termed as absurd the Col. John W. Bennett was one of the "Imposing array" of 33, and waa the first speaker of tha avening . He told hla little band of 33 that ha bad Just returned from Clinch county, and that Hardwlok would certainly carry the county by a large majority. No doubt Col. Bennett wns honest in what ho was saying, but here la what Hon. Walter Dickerson of Ho* mervllln saya by wire to the Journal: rumor that Gorman .plea arc located tially Journal, Gov Bln- ton will carry Clinch county by a Ik tha wooda of Maine and Vermont for tho purpose of making ruldu on Canada. The governor hud a mes sage from Secretary Bryan, telltkg him of the rumor and sold ho would investigate. GERMANS ARK < DEMORALIZED. Drunscle, Aug. 16.—Dispatches to day from Liege state that tho Oer mana bcaclglng Liege are becoming demoralised. Many officers are aul elding by drowning themselvea In tbs Meuse river. Chagrin over failure to capture tha Belgian forts to given as the cause for their suicide*. ENGLISH ACT INCENSER TURKS. Washington, Aug. 16.—It was Intima ted by the Turkish ambassador today that Turkey will refuse to heed the wishes of Great Britain and allies that she give np two German cruisers re cently purchased. Any ultimatum from the allies may bring a declara tion of war from Turkey. Ottomans are Incensed et the action of Great Britain In seising two dreadnoughts halt tor Turkey la Bngltok shlpyesrds. WOUNDED BY BOMBS FROM AIR. Brussel Is, Asg. 16.—Residents Namur are being wounded today by trapped from German aero planes flying orsr Urn city. FOR HOME TODAY. Liverpool, Aag. 16. — Over 6,000 Americana tailed tor homo today aboard fonr linens. AUSTRIAN LINER SEISED BY BRITISH. Alexandria, Aug. 16.—The British today seised the Austrian null liner Msrtnebsd off the coast ot Egypt. nlco majority oVer all opponents. Col. Bonnott paid great compliment to Congressman Hardwick, and de nounced Oov. Stolon. Col. Bennett proa an applicant for the appointment as Judge ol the Superior Court of the IWaycrosa Circuit to uucceed Judg&T. A. Darker who resigned. Oov. Slaton did not see hto way dear to appoint Col. Dennett,' so the present cam paign gives him n chsnce to even np with the Governor. Against Fared Post. Tho next of tho "Imposing array" of 13 who spoke to keep np courage was Mr. W. & Booth, who to engagsd In ths mercantile business at Minor. Mr. Booth spoke nt length upon, the parcel post question, PARCEL POST HAS NOT BEEN A SUCCESS, AND THAT IT WILL SOON BE DISCONTINUED. In as modi ns Mr. Booth la strong ly supporting Mr. Hardwlok, and In ns much as Mr. Hardwlok HAS AL WAYS BEEN AOAINST PARCEL DOST It to to bn preanmod that Mr. Booth EXPECTS MR. HARDWICK TO HELP PUT PARCEL POST OUT OF BUBINEBS IF—IF—IF, ho goes BOWDEN SPEAKING FOR SENATOR HOKE SMITH E. T. Bowden returned to Way' crass today from La Grange, when he spoke yesterday In behalf of Sen ator Hoke Smith, candidate for the long torn osaatoreklp Mr. Bowden naked Solicitor Hugh Dorsey of Atlanta, who spoke for former Governor Joseph M. Brawn to divide Urn* with him, bet the At lanta speaker refused. Mr. Bowden followed him. Monday Mr. Bowden will at seek a debate with Mr. Dorsey Monroe, and at Athens Tuesday. Us soys If be cahoot get debates with Dorsey he wilt follow him nt each place and reply to tho charges Dor sey to making against Senator Smith. When asked as to the prospects for Senator Smith Id next Wednexday'e primary Mr. Bowden sold that It to hto opinion Senator Smith will carry over 100 counties nod bare a major ity ot not Isas than 60OD0 vptca over hto opponent. Mr. Edwin G. Jonee, the scribe who lopped tram Slaton to Hardwick, waa another one of the M, nod told hto eomndca how to ran a campaign. He told about tho work ho has boon do ing for Mr. Hardwick, and how HE IS GOING TO CARRY THE COUNTY for Hardwick. bat not least, casts the Invin cible "W. E. D." Mr. Dempeter told the other It all about Oov. Staton and Congressman Hardwick, and how HE to going to carry the "SHOP BOYS" solidly tor Hardwick. Mr. Waltor Bustles Birmans, who bolds some office la the Hardwick Club, la the absence of the president, L. Walker, presided over the commiserations of the "Imposing ar ray." which WILL LONO BE RE MEMBERED." . LIGHT SENTENCES ABE GIVEN HOBOES. Two yonng white men were con victed In city court thl* alternoon on of stealing rides. Judge Me- dousld fined them 65 end costs or six ty days on the gang. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Aug 15.—Grains lower to day. Wheat a cent and a half decline.