The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, August 21, 1914, Image 6

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FRIDAY, AUG. 21, 131L MEN WHO DIRECT THE FIGHTING IN THE PRESENT EUROPEAN WAR WALKER REELECTED BY BIG VOTE IN DISTRICT HON. J. RANDALL WALKER While complete official return# from the Eleventh district have not been received 1t Is known that Congressman J. It. Walker yesterday re ceived a big majority over his opponent, J. A. J. Henderson, for Congress. Congressman Walker carried Glynn, Charlton, Clinch, Ware, Pierce, Wayne, Appling, Jeff Davis and Lowndes easily, the vote In Clinch being the closest reported this morning. In Lowndes Walker got 1,157 to Henderson’s 418. In Ware Walker carried almost every precinct by a safe majority. XIKU ONCE H AH | OPEN HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP. NEWSPAPER MAN. ; • j Chicago, Ill., Aug. 19.—Play In the Atlanta, Oa., Aug. 19.~Local news- national open golf championship will paper men are wishing their lots hall be begun today on the links of the thrown them Into Belgium. They Midlothian club. Francis Oulmet, the have just heard that Albert, king of young Eastern star, will defend his that busy country, was onco a repor- title. This Is the first visit of Oulmet ter, and a very good one. to western links. Among the other Albert, then crown prince, came to amateurs who have planned and prac- America In 1898 and spent a great tlccd with a view to entering this corn- deal of time In Eastern cities and af- petition are Charles Evans, Jr., Fred terward In St. Paul, Minn. Ho landed Hcrreshoff, F. C. Fowncs, Jr., and Je tt job on a New York paper, working rome D. Travers. Prominent among under an assumed namo and telling the professionals entered are J. J. Mc- nobody he was some day to be a king, Dormott, Alex Campbell, Tom Mc- and when he went home ho wroto a Namara, George Sergent and R. An- book about America which gave this drews. country high praise. One or two vet-1 • — — eran newspaper men now In Atlanta MAN NAMES AT LAST FOR JOB. knew him when he was working In 1 Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 19.—That South New York, the truth ns to his Identity Georgia Is at last to have a new Unit having come out some time afterward. «*d States district attorney seems as- In fact, one of the old timers do- aured now that President Wilson has B "|d'h e would take the field in the op- clares that King Albeit still ownes sent to the senate the name of Erlo oraUon# oga inat Germany. Grand London, Aug. 20.—In this, the great est and costliest war in the world’s history, every one of the five powers already Involved has placed at the heads of its fighting forces, the best men available. Each ruler drawn into the titanic struggle realizes that his government Is In the throes of its su- premest crisis and for that reason ar my and navy commanders* were chang ed without regard for precedent and cabinets were shifted overnight. The rulers and commanders now directing the various belligerents fol low: England. Ruler King George V. Secretary of State for War, Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, hero of ton Cburchwell. Commander-in-chief of the land forces, Field Marshall Sir John French. Chief Naval Commander, Vice Ad miral Sir John Jelllcoe. King George of England is nomln ally the head of the British army and navy, but he is taking no active part In the war. The Prince of Wales was given a military commission in the army, hut has not been allowed to par ticipate In the fighting. France. Ruler, President Raymond Poincare. War Minister, Theophile Delcasso, former special ambassador to Russia and a bitter enemy of Germany. Generalissimo of the army, Gen, Joffre. Chief Naval Commander, Admiral de la Peyrcrs. As In England, the French ruler is technically the head of the fighting forces, but President Poincare will take no active part in the war. Germany. Ruler, Kaiser Wilhelm II. who is nominally always and in in time of actually In command of the army and navy. Minister of War, Gen. Von Falken- pltz. Chief of Staff of the army, Count Julius Von Moltke, Chief Naval Commander, Admiral Von Tlrpltz. In war, the Kaiser, unlike the King of England, is the real head of the ar my. At the present time the Kaiser Is reported to he at the front in Al sace, directing operations against tho French. Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm commanded one of the Ger man regiments at Liege. Russia. Ruler, Czar Nicholas, nominally commander-in-chlef of the army. Minister of War, Gen, Sukomllnoff. Minister of Marine, Admiral Grlgo- rovltch. Generalissimo of the Army, Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaivltch. Chief naval commander. Admiral Grlgo- rovltch. As in the case of Germany, Czar Nicholas becomes the real head of the Russian nrmy In time of war. He has The aged Emperor FrwcU Jo.eph,'. v “ f e - unc ’* ™ “ 0,e<1 » in c“rm»ny and Ru«i* U the head Count Ton of the Austrian army but he is so old Holtke U chlefl * taown tor hU « ri ' and enfeebled that he delegated his task to Archduke Frederick. i Herr la. Ruler, King Peter nominaly Com mander-in-chief of tbe army. Actual commander-in-chief of the army. Gen. Boja Yankovitcb. him fifty cents, borrowed one dry eve- K. Donaldson of Balnbrldge. It Is re tting between pay days. ported from Washington that the 8en- . . . ate Judiciary Committcee at Its next meeting will undoubtedly act on the {nomination and the senate will con- ' firm it before adjournment. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 19.—The j senator West seems to have de- Fourth Brigade RHle match for tho finitely decided that he wants Donald- RIFLE MATCH. Fuller trophy, one of the biggest sporting events of the summer In the state of Pennsylvania, Is being held today on the Allentown range. The match wafe arranged by Major Charles D. Rhoads, ordnance officer of the Fourth Brigade, N. P. O. If a candidate was born in poverty he Is sure to mention It in hts cam paign speeches. ou to have the place, after naming half-a-dozen candidates and then withdrawing them. How To Give Quinine To Children. PSVniUNIt la tbs trade-mark name gives to as laiprovad Quinine. It iaaTaateleaaSyrup, plea*, ant to taka sad doea not dlatarb tbe atomacb. Children taka It and sever know It la Qalalaa. Alto especially adapted to adalta who cannot taka ordinary Qaiaiae. Doea not naaaeala nor cauae aervoaaacaa nor ringing In tbe bead. Try It the seat time yon seed tfuTnlne lor any par* roae. Auk lor 2-ounce original package. * h« -uo»e PttniUUMK U blown ia botUe.Js crate Duke Ntcholu, u. Oenorallluliuo U now directing the Kunlun array In tho Held, whllo Ocn. Sukomllnoff, u Wur Minister, I, directing uffalru In 8t. Pe tersburg. Auslrli-llungury. ltuler. Emperor Francis Josoph, who Is commander-ln-chlef of the ar- . Kroba- tln. Minister of the Natjr. Admiral llauss. Heads of the army, Archduke Fred erick, commander-ln-chlef and Ocn. Voo llotwndorff chief of the general •taff. Chief Naval commander, Admiral llauss. (! 26 yean old, has been la tka I . " ik§ pitching staff of tho Wi olioness. He never smiles and is gen erally known as “Gloomy Julius, now under way is completed he will have under him more than 3,000,000 officers and men ready to obey bis bidding. Gen. Sukomllnoff, who finds himself as one of tbe beads of the Russian army in the great war is comparative- Perhaps the best known chieftain ly unknown. He served in neither the in the great international war drama Chinese nor Japanese wars, being at Is Field Marshall Lord Kitchener, of that time commander at Kieff and Klmrton. War Secretary of England, chiefly concerned with strategic work while It Is safe to say the least known .on the western frontier. Unlike most commander is Gen. Joffre Gelerallssi- [of his predecessor* in the War Office mo of France. He is the youngest of- [at St. Petersburg, he Is a Slav and fleer of his rank In the French ser-ja Russian Nationalist. He was called vice and is indebted to his position at to the Russian Cabinet by the Czar to the head of the army not to intrigue' reorganize the army, or political influence but to the un- Count JuIIub Von Moltke, chief of animous vote of the French generals the general staff of the German army who compose the Superior Council of ( and by reason of that position, next Gen. Joffre is now ut the front to the Kaiser in the war, is the and when the French mobilization, 1 nephew of the great Field Marshall CYPRESS SHINGLES The Hebard Cypress Co. of fers for sale at tbe mills, Hebardville, for a limited time only: Rmdom 16” Clipper Shingles at J1.25 per N. 3x16 Stir A Stir Shingles it 31.S0 per N. For 10 Days Only Will Sell Yon The The Famous Deakins Tennessee Butter In 6 and 12 lb. backets At 25 cent Pound Every purchaser of a bucket, can get at the same time a 24 pound sack of Pillsburys Best Flour for.80 cents. ~C. S. HARDY & Son. To aeckcra of s betel where luxurious quarters may be se cured, where charm and con genial atmosphere prevail, and where excellence of service U paramount, the Hotel Powhatan oiicrt just each inducements. Rooms with detached bath may bo obtained at $1.50, 12 00 and us. Rooms with private bath, |2.S0, *5.00 and up. Write for booklet with map.' CLIFFORD^ LEWIS, DOLAN PHOTOGRAPH E|B Lott-Hitch Building, Commercial Work a Specialty Brins a* Yonr Kodak Work Better Work tor Lea Honey WHEN YOU THINK OF DRUGS THINK OF 260 During warm weather it Is often inconvenient to go shopping. Make known your drug store wants to us by phone and we'll save you time and trouble of coming to our store in person. OFR FREE DELIVERY 8ERYJCE is a part of our up-to-date business- getting system and we want our cus tomers to make full use of It Our goods are fresh and of superior qual ity. We yrant yonr drug business. Our drug store Is at yonr door. JUST PHONE ML l. W. ELUSION WAYCBOSS & SOUTHERN R. R. 00. Change of Schedule Effective Feb. IB. 1914. Notice: Tile arrivali and de partures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 3. 0 Hebardville, lv. .. 9:00 a. m. 2 Wayx, Albany Ave. lv 9:05 a. ra. 5 Grundy, Oa., Iv ... 9:12 a. m. 8 Lavinia, lv. 10 Fredel, lv .. 12 Atwood, lv. 15 Olive, lv .. 18 Walker, lv. 20 Hopkins, ar. .. 9:20 a. m. .. 9:30 a. m. .. 9:40 a. m. .. 10:30 a. m. . .10:45 a. m. . .11:00 a. m. Northbound Train No. 4. 20 Hopkins, lv 11:30 a. m. 18 Walker, Iv 11:35 a. m. 15 Olive, lv 12:30 p. tn. 12 Atwood, lv 12:40 p. m. 10 Frcdel, lv 1:00 p. ra. 8 Lavinia, lv 1:10 p.m. 5 Grundy, lv. ....... 1:17 p. m. 2 Ways., Albany ave. lv 1:25 p. m. 0 Hebardville, ar. .. 1:30 p. m. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 daily ex cept Sunday. JOHN M. HOPKINS, ' Gen. Supt. Notice!! C.We will give a ticket with ev ery dollar cash purchase good for one vote in the Waycross Journal cash trade contest. C Trade here for CASH and WIN an automobile. Phone 305 REDDING DRUG & SEED STORE COAL! COAL! Lay in your supply for winter. Large lump from the famous Kentucky district de livered $5.50 ton. Blacksmith Coal and Pennsylvania an thracite stove and egg sizes. Phone 70 . JOHNSONS GOAL &W00D YARD ♦ W. J. GASSETT ♦ ♦ BUILDING CONTRACTOR * ♦ Phon* 103. ♦ ♦ WAYCROSS, GA. * Typewriter Gives Business Standing The small town merchant, the rural business man or the farmer who uses a typewriter has the advantage over the man who does not. The typewriter not only saves time in writing letters and making out bills, but it adds prestige and reputation to the user. i| The L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter is especially adapted to use in rural districts because it will stand . more wear and does not require an expert operator. By follow ing the instructions wc will give you, you will have no trouble learning. _ „ _ , Mail This Coupon Today _ Please send me your free book O Ido not use a typewriter at present. 0 1 am using a typewriter and would like to learn about your special offer to exchange it for a new Name— To the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 149 Bull Street* Savannah, Ga. Ml IT. Pryor Street Atlanta, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For all farm and garden seed and have a fresh and complete sup ply for your fall planting, our prices are right, call to see us. Pridgen Brothers Phones 62 or 301 \A. LOOK OUT FOR FOUR CARRIAGE when It shows the least need ot re pairs. Letting things go till you think them worth doing Is a risky proceed ing. Prevention is better than cure, and you can prevent a probable acci dent by letting us repair yonr carriage when the first thing goes wrong. You’ll save yourself trouble and money besides by having the little re pairs made before they grow bigger. C. TV. YOUNG. 36 Albany Ave. Phone 149 SAFETY FIRST Open an account and pay your Commercial bills by Check, you [then have a Department perfect receipt and the Bank is your Book-keeper. Open an account fin the Savings Department, the small amounts de Savings posited from time to time will sur- Department prise you fr° m year t0 y ear * v terest at 4 % Compounded jquarter- iy. If you have a surplus fund.that will Tim* n»nnoH-ei be i< * , ° three - six * nine, or twelve ume uepusilSJ monthg purchage a Certificate of Deposit, bearing interest at 5%. While planning your vacation, o before starting on a trip,! purchase TRAVELERS Travelers Checks, should they be lost or stoled, notify us, we will is sue you duplicates. They are good all over the world, and are cashed without exchange charge. CHECKS Prompt, Polite, Progressive Citizens Bank of Waycross Waycross, Ga.