The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, August 21, 1914, Image 7

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TVAYCBCSS WWWAU FRIDAY, AlC. 21, 1911. SWEEPS GEORGIA OVER BROWN FOR LONG TERM HON. HOKE SMITH q PURE FOOD Makes Healthy Children. Pure food is insured by the Leonard Cleanable One-Piece, Porcelain Lined Refrigerator Q The refrigerator you want. It is Unfed with genuine porcelain, fused (not baked) on steel: ALL IN ONE PIECE. Its constant circulation of dry cold air pre serves your food. Its ten walls save your ice. Look forth* trad*-mark: LEONARD CLEANABLE for^oarprotoetion a Bain* t painted imitation«• CALL and eco the Leonard Clean&blo at our store. HEREFORD-MORGAN HARDWARE CO., 8 Plant Avenue Telephone 162 'No Flat felloe Joints \ wheels in StudebaKer wheels are so made that the natural life and spring of the wood is utilized to produce a perfect and perma nent circle. A round wheel Is one of the principal reasons for the easy run ning qualities of the StudebaKer. StudebaKer V-shaped humped felloe *ointa help maKe perfect wheel construction. No flat Joints—no bumps. We sell the StudebaKer be- . cause we believe it is the biggest wagon value k on the market. American wire Fencing, High Grade Buggies, Harness and team Collars. Jones Buggy Company GOING IN STYLE is assured if you ride in a carriage from this livery stable. Ton'll find our service equal to that of the best private stables and the appointments perfect in every way. Phone us when you want a carriage for any function. It will not be an extravagance at our prices. In the state primary yesterday Senator Hoke Smith made a runaway race over his opponent, former Governor Joseph M. Drown. He carried not less than 100 counties In the atite, probably as many as 110, getting Brown’s home county, Cobb, by a majority of approximately 600. Senator Smith did not make a single speech in the state during hla campaign, but his friends from one end of the state to the other saw to It that he was put ahead of his opponent. Senator Smith carried Bibb by :t safe majority and Chatham, a former Brown stronghold, gave him almost six to one. Ware county gave the senior seiator a big majority, and reports from the other South Georgia counties show that Senator Smith carrie I South Georgia almost solid. PART WIRELESS HAS IN THE PRESENT WAR (By A Military Expert.) In wars of the Nineteenth century an army spent much time in attempt ing to cut an enemy’s telegraph and telephone wires. To break the trans mission of dispatches today is practi cally impossible, thanks to Mr. Mar coni and his co-inventors. Do you realize that the two allies against Germany and Austro-Hunga- ry, France and Russia, arc probably in constant touch every hour, Indeed every minute, of the day and night? They can talk over Germany Mos cow and Paris pan co-operate perfect ly. Probably General Joffre and Grand Duke Nicholaievitch know each of them what tho other's forces aro doing from hour to hour An incident of tho Balkan War shows the remarkable possibilities of wireless. The allies bottled up Ad- rlanople, holding all roaas to Con stantinople. But in the city was a 1 1-2 k. w. Marconi wireless telegraph station of the portable type. At no time did the station fail, and in the course of the siege, more than 450,000 words were transmitted to headquar ters without a hitch. The allies attempted to stifle the | station by placing wireless outfits to the east and west of Adrianople, but their attempt to “Jam” the Turkish signals was In vain, j Tho usefulness of wireless was also shown in the recall of cciUm auips at the outbreak of the present war. Ono ship was brought back after she had proceeded within two day’s Jour- | ney of Europe, and thus was saved from the enemy. Many small craft have boen seized, because they were at sea at the out break of hostilities and had no wire less. The efTect of this experience will undoubtedly be the cause of a wide use of air communications, as a kind .of assurance against capture by a hostile warship. Austria-Hungary haa tour Important government wireless stations; Germa ny seventeen; France, eighteen, Rus sia, Twenty-eight; and Great Britain sixty-eight. Many means arc now usod for in suring the privacy of a wireless de spatch. The Marconi stations are de signed to obtain this result by chang ing the wave length of the transmitter at frequent intervals. This change can be made in a frac tion of a second. The operator can shift bis “tune" after every three or four words if ho considers it necessa ry. Just before tho shift he sends a codo letter indicating to which wave length he is about to change. Tho op erator at the station receiving makes the necessary readjustments to follow him without difficulty. It is believed that this system, properly carried out, is eavesdropper-proof. Eiffel Tower station, which France depends upon for communications vfith Russia has the advantage that Inter ference is practically impossible, ow ing to the peculiar sound of tho signal emitted. NOSE AM) HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE. My Cleansing, Healing Rain* Instant ly Clears Nose, Head and Throat- Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharge. Dai! !! adaehe Gow. Try “Ely's Cream Balm.” Got a small bottle anyway, Just to try it—apply a little in tho nostrils' and instantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, coid-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of Ely'* Cream Balm” at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolve# by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don’t lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catar rh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and ruw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith—just once—in“E!y’8 Cream Balm” and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Be Clean! Inside and Outside If you would be herlthy, strong and py. Baths f “ ” what about the Inside of the body? You can no more afford to neglect it than the outside. It is just as import ant that tho system be cleansed of the poisonous impurities caused by weakness of the digestive organs *" liv< by inactivity of the liver. SMITH BILL IS FAVORED; DR. PIERCE’S Golden Medical Discovery (In Tablet or Liquid Form) FREE Cleanse* the system—and more. It puts the liver in such a condition of health that it purities the blood—as it should. It helps the stomach digest food so that it makea good blood—rich, red blood to nourish and strengthen all tho organs. You may avail yourself of its tonic, revivifying influence by getting ft bottle or a box of tablets fro»>. your medicine dealer—or send 60c for a trial box. Address us below. “Dr Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Advisor”—s French cloth bound book e lUIW paxes on receipt of 31 o ... t)r. V.M. Pierce, buffalo, V le-cuut si ainpo to cover mailing chlnros. Address Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 20.—Washington dispatches carry the news that Sen- utor Hoke Smith addressed the senate yesterday afternoon on the cotton crop situation, showing in a brief and suc- t talk that tho responsibility s heavily upon the government to lend its efforts toward the protection of the staple. He is reported as hav ing aroused the intense interest of the nators, many of whom had not real ized just how important to the nation al welfare cotton is. Senator Smith’s bill for government licensing of cotton warehouses was favorably reported by the senate ag ricultural committee and Senator Smith urged its early passage. The hill will add to the value of ware house receipts to that they may be made collateral for commercial paper in financing the cotton movement. tho petition, the sale of beer ordered and received by defendants was in Augusta and not Evansville, therefore there was no legul basis fqr action. It is stated that the sale was treated, if made In Georgia, as being in viola tion of the penal code, section 426, prohibiting the snle or keeping for sale of beers which If drunk to excess produce Intoxication, and that no re covery can be hud for the sale of such beers within the state of Georgia. There scented to be no issue raised to contravert the Idea that the Evans ville concern’s output would causa a souse if ’’druttk to excess.” Conviction Reversed. Tho supreme court also reversed tho conviction of 8. D. Butler, of Lau rens county, who killed J. M. Williams in Dublin. There was no eyo witness | to the killing. HARE TEA DARKENS I ___ ««« ™ AN Y «“«■. STOLE RING OFF DEAD Detectives were employed and Har per and others were placed under sur veillance. Harper finally admitted to officers that he knew where the ring was and would have it and the guilty party in his office Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At 2 o’clock Monday the detectives received a parcel post package con taining the missing ring. Detectives went to Harper’s home and placed him under arrest, and Tuesday In police court be admitted taking the ring i from Mr. Aram’s finger. He was bound over under |!»00 bond. A strong plea was made for him be cause his young wife would be left without support if he was sent to the pen. He will be tried later. .nvlgoratlng to tho Palo and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonie. ROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Mala-la,enriches the Mood. and Molds u p the ays- e Tonic. For adults and children. 50c. Don’t Stay Gray I Here’s An Old-Time Recipe (hat Anybody Can Apply. MAN’S FINGER . _ , _ , . . Atlanta, Aug. 19.—Dr. O. F. Harper, The ubo of Sage and Sulphur for re- a yo„ aa physician In thn Candler ntorlng faded gray hair lo Its n«tu«l, knitted lo(Itty to lll0 pollce color dates back to grandmother. (hnt he dlamon(1 rl (rom time. Sh^e^tokeephertalr^u-i^ „ f . doad man . On August 3 Fraud K. Aram, tifully dark, glossy and abundant Whenever her hair fell out or took on that (full, faded or streaked appear- i, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at homo is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug storo for a 60 cent bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem edy,” you will get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to sistant superintendent of the southern division of auditors for the Western Union, dropped dead In the Candler annex building. Young Dr. Harper was at the time employed in the ofllco of Dr. J. R. Banner, and was summoned to render first aid. After Aram's body was re moved to tho undertaking establish ment, his wife discovered that a |500 to restore .mturu. eu.o L diamond ring was missing from his the hair and is splendid for dandruff, J flngop dry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtofrn druggist says it darkens tho hair so naturally that nobody can tell it has been ap plied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another applica tion or two, It becomes beautifully dark, glossy, solf and abundant. SALE OF BEER MADE WHERE ORDERED Atlanta. Aug. 20.—B. J. Lawrence, principal, and Bryan Lawrence, suro- ty,, of Augusta, won their case in the supreme court today against tho F. W. Cook Browing Company, of Evans ville, Ind. Lawrence mado a contract with the Cook brewers for the exclusive handl ing of their product In Augusta. A dispute evidently arose over the amount duo the brewer by Lawrence and suit was instituted against the Augustan. This contract stipulated a given price ”f. o. b. Augusta.” This is. tho thing on which Lawrence won. Both parties to the contract treated the sale as ono of Intoxicating beers, and a contention »• to-whethor tho salo was consumated in Augusta or Evansville. In the lower court the petition was dismissed on motion as setting forth no cause for action. Tho supreme court held that under the contract which was made a part of TROUT l’OMPANO RED SNAPPER BREAM MIXED PERCH SPANISH MACKEREL MULLET RED BASS SHEEPHEAD SHRIMPS. ('BARS, PRAWN. FRESH EVERY DAY. City Fish Market MERCER LAW SCHOOL TWO-YEAR COURSE Fur Cal slcgtn* and Inhumation write E. l\ MAl.LAItY.Sie. lup’t. J. «a. UJe Md*. MACON, GA. SirmansRealtyCo. W. K. Ml 1< MAIMS, PHKHIDfcM Timber and Colonization Lands 31H-3BO LaGHANUK Bl'lLDlKG An Extension Telephone— The Essence of Convenience (Concrete Curbing Improves Property “How did I answer so quickly? “Why, we’ve just had an Extension telephone installed. I can send or answer rail, from either floor now and there’s no more tramping up or down to answer. Ira splendid. Why don’t you have one, too? “Cost? why that*a almost no account It’s only a few cents a Bay and you^omt compare the comfort and convenience to THAT. “Call the Bell Contract Dept to order It— that’s what I did.” SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY “ A “— little, you can maxes ALPHA A concrete curb at the edge of the roadway or aide- walk to attractive. It bolds the soil in place rad keeps the lawn neat The work to done easily rad the cost is little. You can make everlasting concrete when you use "STCEMEHT SPEAR & REGISTER PRESCRIPTION! SPECIALISTS BUNN BUILDING ♦♦♦ ♦♦ We recommend ALPHA rather than ordinary cement because it can be depended upon every time. ALPHA if*i« in itrength. It to made of the highest quality material, mixed and burned just right, and tested hourly in the factory. Every ounce is pure, Bvfe, and active— warranted to mote than meet the U. A Government standard for strength and binding-power. Those who use ALPHA always get good results. Muy In this community will have no other brand. --Witt Hardware Cd. Excessive Perspiration Cu a>4 iIimM bt carrwttJ Prufoae perspiration of the arm-pits. feet te, It unnatur*! periplr atloo. Begin toalxbt to correct It with Odoro- do—tn oncented toilet water, m harmless to Wit eh HsmL Ono op- plication leaves tho ports aseptic. odorless and naturally dry. O DO-RO-NO ntnuTwram beam ftwftntiia. CktrsktePkiratcy T HIS is a picture of tht LAST WORD in collar ironing machinery. All our other machinery is in keeping with this. We have been doing attafactory work in Waycroaa for the past 23 years, nd we keep our equipment up with the times. Phone and our wagon will call. The Wilson Steam L.a\mdry M, M. ALEWINE, Proprietor “THE OLD REUABLE3WAIHWOMAN” A. M. KNIGHT & SON Real Estate, Fire Insurance and Renting. PHOENIX BLOCK