The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, August 28, 1914, Image 8

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WATCBOSS JOURNAL. IN THE SOCIAL WORLD CONDUCTED BY MRS. T. SALE PHELAN Telephone 426. Mr. Dorian Parker is spending » few days In Brunswick on business. Mrs. C. W. Batson left this morning for a visit to relatives In Blakely. Miss Maggie Pafford left yesterday tor a visit to relatives In Atkinson. Mr. qnd Mrs. James T. Brantley an* nounco the birth of a son. Mr. Walter Young has returned from a visit to Mrs. Young in Val- Miss Bessie McDonald Is visiting friends at Boston. Oa., Perry. Fla., atid Hampton Springs. a few days with Mrs. Newell's sister, Mrs. Eustace Birmans. Mrs. Newell Is en route to her home In Fort Pierce, FIs., where Miss Newell will be her guest. | parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Murphy. Gov. Colquitt of Texas replied stat- es that gasoline bad been used free* [The tables were arranged on the spa* Ing that be would appoint delegates ly on the wall was plentiful. •clous veranda which was further from his state, but would himself be In this block Is located the post- beautified with bowls of roses. Rook, unable to attend. Replies from other office and Sowell’s market and there ! was played and the prise, a bottle of governors w|jp were invited to par- Is one vacant store. The would-be j extract, was won by Mrs. G. C. Red- ticlpate In the Atlanta conference are Incendiary entered through this va- jdlck. Upon their arrival the guests expected tomorrow. Gov. Craig has cant store as the side door was found were served with Iced tea and at the called another conference of farmers open. Had the Are not been dlscov- coucluslon of the game Ice cream and and business men of North Carolina ered as soon as it was the whole cake were served. to meet in Raleigh Friday to discuss block would have soon been in flames. The guests Included Mrs. O. C. the situation. ' I ■ ... Reddick, Mrs. Clarence Mills. Mrs.! Chas. Layton, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs.‘ ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW-COT- COASTWISE VESSELS Want and Classified Ads Mrs. R. M. Porter left yesterday for a ten days visit to her parents, Col. and Mrs. T. R. Perry, In Sylves ter. Mrs. W. G. King will return tomor- row from Valdosta where she was called several days ago by the lilneas of her sister. Miss Bama McDonald has returned from a visit to Tbomasvllle, Boston, and Montleello, Fla. Mrs. W..H. Feagle will return to- morrow from an extended visit to relatives In Tennessee. Mrs. J. A. Brown of Coghlll, is speeding a few dnjra with friends In the city. Mrs. Downer Dlmmock and Mrs. Warren Lott are spending several weeka In Hendersonville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Carroll have as thf> guest the former's mother, Mrs. George Carroll, of Albany. The many friends of Mrs. Fannie L. Sharpe will regret to learn that she Is quite sick at her home on Plant avenue. Mrs. Arthqr Crouch and two chil dren who have been visiting Mrs. W. T. Seaman, have returned to their home In Troy, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Elkins and chil dren returned yesterday from Mary land where Mrs. Elkins and the chil dren have been spending the summer with relatives. Mrs. D. S. Wallace and Mias Helen Arrington of Jacksonville, arrived last night to be the guests of their sister. Mrs. Frank Middlebrooks. Mr. Wallace will Join Mrs. Wallace for the week-end. Mrs. 11. 8. Bates and daughter Lu- rile left this morning for their home In Mlllton, Fla., after a short visit to Mrs. Bates brother, Mr. H. C. Gattls, at No. 12 Walker street. Mrs. E. M. Pafford who la very 111 at Atkinson, Ga., where she is visit ing her son, Rev. B. A. Pafford, la re ported some better today. A charming picture of Mrs. Oscar Lott and her sister, Mrs. Hoyt Gate, appeared in last Wednesday's Issue of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. Lott Is spending the summer In Cleveland with Mrs. Gale. Mlsa Gertrude Johnston and Mr. William Johns!on returned Tuesday from a visit to relatives In Winston- Salem. N. C. J Miss Porter Hostess This Afternoon. Miss Gladys Porter Is entertaining with an Informal rook party this af ternoon in honor of her guest. Miss Florence Hill, of Acree. Mrs. Wbarey Newell, Master Wha rey Newell, Jr., and Miss Leila New ell will arrive thla afternoon to spend Mrs, English Hostess. Mrs. James English was hostess yesterday afternoon for the Young Matron's Club at the home of her Edwin Jordan, Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mrs. McAllister Torbett, Mrs. Leon Vann, Mrs. Lee Parker. TAGE FOR EMERSON PARK* TOLD TO FLT COLORS. City. AT THE GRAND Today work started on another | Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 27.—"An- bungalow In Emerson Park and an- nounce that American vessels at sea Dr. P. P. Lane Is expected to return other block was sold on which a nice w *ll be spared Inconvenience and de- to the city from a visit to points in little home will be built at a very by displaying their colors imme- North and South Carolina Monday. I early date. Every home that is built diately when called upon to do so by will enhance the value of every, warships,” is the text of a telegraphic .... . , . . . . ' hinrk and those who buy now at the message received by the Collector of Miss Irene Lewis has returned from D,OCK ana tnoi,e * 1,0 uuy now ai 1 a vl.H to Baltimore and New York P«« nt P ri “* wl " lhe * lnner *- | u *“” ... , hl . With the prices of food stuff going! Laden with passengers for this city, up, and the proapect. are It will to,'he ateamihlp Lenape. of the Clyde hither, lhe aenalble thlnt to do now,”"'. »« n«M “P »“ Cape Hatteraa la to tet a piece of ground large °" h ' r "-‘P “ JtekaooirUle by the enough to ralae' vegetable, augar- Brltlah crulaer Emox. Outaide of cane, fruit, poultry and other thing* Charleaton harbor the Lenape paaaed For the last three days of this week * to eat, at the same time be putting two Germ *n warships, we will bavq two big vaudeville acta your money In a home to be all your as follows: Raymond A Reynolds, introducing rag-time music and songs. Alvin A Rialto, comedy, singing and dancing team. In addition to the vaudeville we will have an exceptionally good pict ure program for the balance of the week. Thursday we will have the great three-reel feature “The Oublette," a Bison drama. Admission, matinee 10 cents to all Night 10 and 15 cents. THREE GOVERNORS ACCEPT PLAN own. It Is the wise thing to do and the sensible thing to do. Three acred of land Is sufficient to produce enough of these things for your fam ily and you can cultivate it between work hours while you are rest ing. If you haven't seen the blocks In Emerson Parte you should do so at once. The price will not always be $500 for a whole block big enough to make 20 city lots; the price will go higher as the property Improves. Get one now. Phone 55. D. A O. LOTT COMPANY. ATTEMPT TO DURN ADEL STORES The average married man’s thoughts are above the clouds—that la, about as high as the cost of living./ Sunburn Tan and Freckles need not trouble you i( you UK Magnolia Balm. Thil Liquid Toilet Powder take, the burnout of minburn Instantly and heal* the scorched cuticle, HAGAN’S Magnolia Balm IUlelgh, N. C., Aug. 27.—Oov.' Adel, Aug. 27.—But for the fact that Craig has so far received but three it was discovered in its lnclpiency,' replies to his request to the govern- Adel would doubtless have suffered! ors of the cotton growing states for a serious Are this morning about li removes Tan ana Freckles after a a meeting to be held In Atlanta to o'clock. | feu) applications. discuss a plan whereby the cotton Returning from the county and ( ‘Delightfully Cooling and fUfmh- crop of the South may be saved from while engaged In putting up a horse' ing in Warm weather. the threatening sacrifice. One of at a stable Just in the rear of the’ 1 these came from Oov. Slaton, of Geor- Stone block here Arthur Johnson j 75 cents per bottle lor either color, gla, saying that he fully Indorsed the heard someone hurriedly leaving one p* n . Pntr.PrrL movement and would be pleased to of the rooms in the block referred to. [ ruiK » nusu-nm. have the congress meet In Atlanta Maglng an Investigation, he discover-!/ Sold by dmggiUt or on the date mentioned, Sept. 3. ed smoke Issuing from the building mailtd by th* profukhn. Another reply came from Governor occupied by W. H. Green, aa a press- j ^ ^ , Trammell of Florida also lndorstlng Ing club. He gave the alarm and the ^ Sttld 5 Cttlil tOT ScunplE• the movement, but saying that he fire waa soon extinguished, none of, * • . would be unable to attend the con- the contents of the building being LYON MFG. CO., ference, but would appoint the dele- damaged. A partition divides the 42 South 5th St, Brooklyn. N.Y. gates from hla atate as requested. room occupied by Green and evidenc The cheapest and beat advertising. If you wafat to buy or sell anything write your ad., get your change ready, then telephone 86, and a messenger will call for the ad and the money. One cent a word for each insertion after the first. No ftd taken for lea* than 26 centa for the first inaertion—that ia an ad containing 15 vroxda would cost 25 cents for the first time sad 15 cents for each additional time. NO ADS TAKEN OVER THE TELEPHONE. NO ADS CHARGED. CASH IN ADVANCE TO ALL who do not carry regular advertising contracts with the Journal. FOR SALE—At a bargain, bay pony. Gentle for children. Dr. Downey, 26 Alice St. 8-26-tf. Something special in the waj photographs. Don't fail to see novelty at Adams' Studio. 8-25-4ts. Something special In the way of photographs. Don't fall to see the novelty at Adams' Studio. 8-25-4 ts. FOR SALE—At once thlrty-flve shares of First National Bank stock of Waycrosa, Ga. Address Mrs. May Scruggs Bennett, Waycross, Ga. 8-24-10ts. TEN ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT— Two minutes walk of post office. Fine neighborhood. Near both High and Isabella street schools. Three rooms arranged for light housekeeping which rent for fifteen dollars. Should rent enough rooms to almost pay bal ance rent. Attractive price to right tenant. Phone 270. FOR SALE. 85 ACRES OF LAND THREE MILES WEST OF WAYCROSS, BE- ING PART OF LOT OF LAND NO. 77, IN THE 8TH DISTRICT. ALSO TOWN LOTS, RIVERSIDE PARK, NOS. 8, 9, 21 AND 25; BLOCK NO. 115. FOR QUICK SALE, WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN. ADDRESS GREEN COVE SPRINGS REALTY CO, GREEN COTE SPRINGS, FLA. 8-26-11. FOR RENT—Nicely located cot tage, modern Improvements. Apply to S. T. Wright 8-26-3tf. FOR RENT—Three rooms and bath for light housekeeping. Apply *10 Ware St 8-25-31*. FOR RENT—54 Mary street, 7 rooms, modern. $30.00. D. t 0. Lott Co. 7-lf-tf. FOR RENT.—Seven room cottage, 67 Elisabeth street. Inquire at 41 Jane street • 30 tf FOR SALE—5 pedigreed English pointer male pupa. Come at once and get first pick. D. P. Solano, Phoenix Barber Shop. 8-26-Sts. GOOD LOT Within one block of the South Georgia Industrial College, ool- ored, for sale cheap. $50 cash. Ad dress College Lot, care Journal. FOUND—Two stray hogs, marked swallow-fork and upper bit in ears of one hog. Other hog marked swallow- fork and under-bit in one eary, other ear swallow-fork and upper-bit. L. F. Anthony, Waycross, Ga. 8-17-dly-lt-wkly It NOTICE! Miss Isabella Smith will be hero for the winter and Is rorganlzlng her class In piano, history Of music, har mony and pipe organ. References, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Studio No. 38 Tebeau St. Phone 501. 8-20-lm. MONEY TO LOAN. We can make promptly from two to live year loans on farms and closes In business or residence property at eight per cent, straight, or in month ly payment plan. We can also dis count purchase money notes. Write Box 258, Waycross, Georgia. 7 2$ la MONEY WANTED. We can place your money at eight per cent, interest and get two for one •ecurity on farm or close in buainees or residence property. Write Box 258 Waycross, Ga. 7 29 la Are You Familiar WITH OUR lO PER CENT Coupon Saving Plan? It not, sou should investigate, the plan is this, when you buy furniture on weekly or monthly payments, and make your payments at the store, [In this way you are not annoyed by the collectors calling). We pay you for each payment made at the store—a coupon worth 10 cents on every dollar. When your account is paid, these coupons are worth their full face value in trade at our store. We realize that this is a big per centage, and we have paid out several thousand dollars in this way, but it has decreased our collection expense and increased our business. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Why ait act ktr i new llviag non i»lte? TkcrtU aiti rum iatkikMM tkit U ink more tku Ike living room, more n latki Fill ud Witter miatkt; tkea la baying (araltan fir tkli rum, (Unit cut shoild ki net la eelectiif tke*dlffireat pines. Wi wiald siggest Fumed ir Early English Fialikei, lad yoa nay like a Gildea Oik ir Hikogoay irsimt itker flalik it iay fiti w. km list whst yea weal, aid remember we cia me yia money. DINING ROOM FURNITURE Tkt keenly nnd reel nine it Miiiiin hraltan In empkneixed ky its distinctive style. Eick piece li it ilmpli design, nr- vlceikle lad desirable. Honest •ad simplicity art tkt ktyaitti •t Its constractin. Stardy nail* itlei kailt lata nek place, giving iadivldaillty ait ittiiaed ky •tker turaltar*. Complete match ed suites ir odd pieces la Early Engl lib tad Famed, alsi Nskig- any tad Golden Onk. BED ROOM Cuapleti mntched mites or odd pieces la Mahogany rilDUITlIBr Qnsrtered Sawed Oak and Circassian Wilant. rUKNITURE Prices fir cimplete suites $50 (• $300. BABY CARRIAGES Bay yoar youngster i handsome carriage. It will easklc yoa to give It ill tkt frisk air sad oat dMr pleasure it acedi. Every car riage it our entire iiae It striking ly kamdsome; tkt contraction ii excellent. We especially call yiar attention to oar line of Sidwiy Cillapsikle Go-Carts tad Carriages guranteed fir two yeira, the oily baby vehicle in tke market tkit li guaranteed fir to long a period against all defects. KITCHEN FURNITURE Wetreaiw thawing ia large varieties famishing! fir this rum. Our hikbies ire tkerlir- eace Aitematlc Cook Steves, which ire ederleii,valvelets tad wlcklen aid kins ia Intensely kit bine flame, tad the HcDoi gill Kitchen Cabinets which kai neay advantages over itkir cabinets. Large variety if Unlearn. Oar layer Is u expert Special reduction ox all summer goods inck as Refrigerators, Ham mocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Porch Saits, etc. Walker-Hood Furniture Co. Special reductions on all Summer goods, such as Refrigerators, Ham- ■ackf, Ice Cream Freezer*, Porch- Sait*, etc.