The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 04, 1914, Image 1

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Journal la the Official Organ of Ware County, City of Waycron and County Board of Education. ITH YEAR FOB DULY JOUBXAL. WAYCROSS, 6Aa FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1(14. mil TEAK FOB WEEKLY JOOBKAL, Ily Win to The Journal, PARIS, SEPT. 9,—TODAY THE FRBNCH CAPITAL IS PRACTICAL. LY IS A STATE OF SIEIIE. THE MILITARY ZONE IS THE NEIGH. RORHOOD OF PARIS HAS REES EVACUATED. FRESH TROOPS HAVE BEER BROinilT IRTO THE CITY ARD DISTRIBCTED AMONG THE VARIOUS FORTS. / . TIIE STRICTEST MARTIAL LAW PREVAILS. THE ORLY OATES LEFT OPER ARE PORTE MAILLOT, OR THE ROItTIIWEHT SIDE, ARD PORTE DEBERCY, OR THE SOUTHWEST. BOTH ARE HTROROLY GUARDED." REFUGEES ARE POURIRO IR FROM THE RORTIIWEST ARD RU8IIIR0 OUT OF THE SOUTHWEST HATE. A OEItMAR AVIATOR, DROPPIRG BOMBS OVER PARIS THIS MORNING, WAS BROUGHT DOWR ARD Ills MACHIRE WRECKED. THE PILOT WAS KILLED. GURS AT FORT VAUJOURS WERE RE. SPOSSIBLE FO RCHECKIRG THE WORK 0 FTIIE GERMAR AVIATOR. FROM EIFFEL TOILER A HUGE SEARCHLIGHT SWEEPS THE Scene showing one or the bridges over the Hirer Rhine in Strossburg, where one of the bloodleit battles of the Franco-Prusslan war was rough: forty years ago and the scene or the mobilisation or German troops in the present crisis. The Germans are intent on keeping tho strategic point, while the French hare planned an assault on It. SWEDEN WILL preparing to bombard Thing Thu. REMAIR NEUTRAL. I DUBAEEO BOMBARDED Stookholm, Sept. 3.—Sweden today 0* INSURGENTS, reiterated neutrality, denying the ru-l London. Sept 3.—A dl,patch from mom In circulation aaylng Sweden Rome today aaye Albanian Inaurgenta was preparing U> joia In il» war. src toattartlils Buraew. Sheila are SEAT OF GOVERRMERT “Id to be lulling around the royal MOVED FROM PARIS. 0^ l*arle, Sept. 3.—The Preeident and — member* of the French government JAP TROOPS ARE fled to Bordeaux today. Amlene haei * been captured by the Oermane. Bou- LANDING RAPIDLY logne wae abandoned, becoming an " open city lor the Oermane. All of northern Prance, Dieppe to the Eng- By Wire to The Journal. Hah channel and to Montmedy la oon- ‘ By Wire to The Journal. Pertograd, St. Peteraburg, Sept. 3. —It wae officially announced thla af ternoon that Auntrfann In Eaet Lem, berg have been cruahed after three dnya fighting. The Auatrlane loat 30,000 killed. 30,000 wounded and 10,- 000 prlaonera. 130 guna were aleo captured. The remnanta of the army eacaped Into Lemberg. , Toklo, Sept. 3.—It wae officially an- trolled by Germane. The removal of nounced today that the Japaneee the capital archlevee from Parle to troope are being landed on Shantung Bordeaux, alerted yeaterday, wae al. pcnlnaular rapidly, moat completed today. - - • GERMARS REPORTED UCUf DADE IQ REAR FORTIFICATIONS, HBII rilTS N London, Sept. 3.—Germane are Cl EHTCn TfinA V neer the fortlflcetlone of Parle, ec- SbtUILW IWUMI , cording to a dlepetch from Gournoy, ■ .. Prance et noon today. By Wire to The JonraaL j ORLY TWO GATES j. Rome, Sept 3.—Cardinal Della OP PABIS OPER. Cbleae, archblahop ol Bologna, Jtaly, I Parle, Sept 3.—All bnt two galea wee today elected Pope of the Roman ol Parle are cloaed today. Rein-j Cathollca. He wae elevated at the forcementa era being lent to tfiej laat conalatory at the Vatican lent outer line ol forte. The perfect of Hey. The new pope wilt take the police resigned today. name Benedict XV. REFUGEES SWAMP "STT:-- SPAIN HAY AID Parte era awamplng Team today. The CDAIIPC IQ PI AIM highway between Porta end Bordeeng rWISUC Id ULAIR le jammed with vehlclee of ell de- By Wire to The Journal, acrtpllona. Paris, Sept. 3.—"Spain wBl send TAKE SEVER an army to help France If help U ISLARDS TODAY. needed.” declared Senor Leerroux, Toklo, Sept. 3.—Japanese veiled the famoua radical leader of Spain, aeven lalanda around Klaochau today, who arrived today. Carta, Sept. 3.—Wounded officers pieces by the French. The Oermane arriving today declare that a thorn- sought an armistice bnt the French and Oermans, trapped in marahy'for- refused. The Brllinh ire causing ter- eet‘ near Copenhagen were cut to rlfic losses to the Germane. the flag If he moat. He claimed to be , an good e progressive eg any man In i Georgia, end naked that be be nomi nated or the matter referred hack to the people In another primary. He aald that defeat never bad dismayed him end never will, end that he would die fighting It he must. Then the bal loting, the first of the afternoon see- 70,000 AUSTRIANS LOST IN BATTlf WITH RUSSIANS; PARIS NOW READY FOR SIEGE SERUMS JOAN OF ARC ARD HER FIANCE d d d REMOVAL OF SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AND THEf CLOSING OF CITY GATES IS ORDERED d di A USTRIANS ANNIHILA TED IN LEMBERG MACON FARCE CAUSES SPLIT IN GEORGIA DEMOCRACY THAT WILL NOT BE HEALED IN MANY YEARS GERMANS ARE NEARING PARIS AND PLAN TO TAKE . CITY AT ONCE Atlanta, Go., Sept. 3.—AtUntlons returning from the great Macon con vention, worn out from a night of wrangling and storm, are telling graphic stories of what occurred on | the floor of the stuffy little audito rium during the famous deadlock. But the real story*—.what took place behind locked doors in the hotels, how ‘sleepy delegates were wakened from _ Nineteen year old Sophie Yovsnovitch.the Joan ot Arc, and ^- moraing^ sobers, by jrarious her flance. This girl, with 40 women, led a charge which led to the cap- .wnhMrtea, and Just why there was ture of guns nad prisoners without the loss of one of the women. She is a member of the famous League of Death, whose members are pledged to do anything, even to their own destruction, to further the cause of Servla. WATERWORKS REDUCES PUMPAGE 50 PER CENT such a remarkable development when the convention convoked again—is I just beginning to leak out. I Up to that lost vote at dawn Felder was sticking out “until Frost” and his 'delegates were sticking with him. | Just who saw Felder in the meantime, j what was said and what was done does not appear on the official record. But it Is certain that a remarkable change of heart came over him, or he would not have so suddenly decided to By systematic work and a constant now making another tour for leaky MC rlflce himself on “the altar of har- campaign against leaks In water mains and fixtures, besides the install ation of many meters In the city, the pumpage at the city water works has been reduced approximately fifty p*?r cent. Pumps at the station are la use about ten hours a day as compared to twice this before the improvements were made and campaigns against wa ter waste inaugurated. The inspector, C. A. LeCount, la lelf oe throw fixtures. He found about a fourth of mony " on d thfrow his strength to the fixtures leaky when he made his Hardwick and enable that gentleman first trip over the city, and has since t0 w j„ # called at all places where leaks were, GoIernor 8lllton h „ p,„ uted found to see that the proper repairs (here WM # „ lrid ,» between Hardwick had been made. ,nd Felder. Both denied It vlgorous- HIs Inspection work now is merely ,, Yet Hardwick, far behind Blaton'a to keep In behind parties lor neglect pr ,mary h „ t< . ned to claim both to make repair.. It la “peeled that own „ d Fe lder'a delegate.. There tha campaign on leaka will aid the wa- WM Mme doubt that the latter could ter works In making a neat aum for d( , llrerm) . - Bu t tho aeeond day ol tha city thla year. the convention showed them all done awwwwa^wa^wwww^wWww^wwwwwwwwwra ww ww.ratnnnnnnn w »nnr yp £ WOOlSO String Ottd tOlTISd OTOt | r \7 C^rwtf T A W A PPT TPQ : to the “Sandersvllle Gamecock. VjI 1 I vAJ W LA W AT 1 LI I a; j Some of the men of standing who j _ ---- - were present declare the Macon con- DURING DAY AND NIGHT£.“,,1 disregard ol the righto of tho people of Word his been passed around to allowed cows to go ont at night. Such any public meeting over hold In Geor- ofilcers and others Interested In Way- la not the case. ‘gla. They are confident In the belief cross that the cow law of the city Is Cows, just like boys under 15 years that, despite the platform declaration just as effective at night aa daring of age, most not be seen on Waycross in favor ol the county unit plan, no the daylight hflhrs. !.lr««t. •; The enforcement of other Important contest will ever he Cow owners who turn their cows the cov tow to probably the hardest settled by that plan again, at least out at any hour are liable to be fined thing confronting tho city hot conoid- without tho provtolon o fa aeeond or for violating the tow, which has been erlng tho territory covered splendid “rnn-off" primary. In order that the clearly construed by the city recorder.{results are being secured. Since the voters, and not a band of politicians, Several cases have been mud. late- passage of the cow tow by each a ma- may have some assurance ol their !y and owner, entered pleas ol notjjority people here have almoat grown choice being respected, guilty on tho Idea that tha cow tow unanlmoua on the auhject. | Governor Slaton's atatemtnt yeater- —"r——********** day Is ganerally considered aa LABOR HOME PLANS ARE jlie wu hissed by several delegates ( who were blinded by partisan feeling, but thla discourtesy received a prompt rebuke. When the disorder was V ~ {quieted Governor Slaton appealed to 'Vplans for the erection of a modern A LIVE SUBJECT HERE the union has purchased the site, the convention to follow the plurality brick balldlng at the corner of Brunei very close to the heart of the city, ( vote of the people and nominate him, and Reed streets by the Carpenters and was prepared to start work at one but sold that he would go down with Union of Waycross as a home for the time. union and other unions of the city! It is learned that when the structure desiring quarters in the structure la built the foundation will be made have not been abandoned, but merely strong enough to carry a one story or postponed until .a more opportune two story addition. The plana call for time. a two story brick building. By Wire to The Journal. New York, Sept. 3.—Liners return ing from Europe today brought 2,000 Americans home. Among them was Judge Pendleton of Georgia. Tha New York came In from Llrerpool; the Ionnto from Greece and tha San Gugllcmo from Naplea. Servians Get Forty Thousand By Wlra to Tha JonraaL NIah, Sept 3—An Anatrtoa army numbering 200,000 waa defeated today by a Servian army of 130,000 at Ja- dar. 40.000 Auatrlan war. killed, wounded or captured. Servtoaa loat heavily alio hut nothing like the loaa Inflicted by them on Auatrtona. TURPENTINE REPORT. By Wlra to The ojarnat. New York. Sept 3.-Tnrpenllne 43. Roatn 3.65. j By Wire to The Journal. Paris, Sept. 3.—“Spain will »<?nd sn army to help France If help U needed,” declared Senor Leerroux, the famous radical leader of Spain, who arrived today.