The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 18, 1914, Image 2

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WAffCBOSH JOtTMAL. Waycross Week y Journal coppufionirs GEORGIA—Ware County. ESTABLISHED IN isli. Under and by virtue of tbe decreee rendered In tbe Superior Court »*W Pl'BI.ISHKD EVERY FRIDAY AT WAYCROSS. OA. county reepectlvely on May 19, 1913, at tbe May term, 1913* and on Jan. 21, Ie VOLNKY WILLIAMS. Editor and Manager. 1914 at tbe December term, $913. fnd on June 10, 1914 at the June Rperfal omn.u, oiKiiN vtask coim HIBSCRIFTION ONE YEAR SIX MONTHS 60 IJKMWIMJ IRISH POTATOES. The passenger department of the A. II. A A. Ily. hoe Issued a circular devoted to the oubjcct of Irleh potato growing In Virginia. The article »aa written by Mr. W. W. t'roiton. general paiocnaer agent of the A. B. ft A. who at one time lived at Norfolk, Va„ one of the largeet potato growing rations of the South. The circular states that the potato crop of Norfolk Bold for nearly $*.000,000 in 1013. It la hard to think of one acctlon receiving auch an enormous aum of money in one year from the Kale of a single product of the soil, but the figures of Mr. Croxton are no doubt correct NVhat la being done at Norfolk, Va., In raising potatoes can bo done In Ware county, aa there la no aectlon of the South better adapted to the culture of Irhh potatoes than this particular aectlon. The soil that Is best adapted to the production of this vegetable la a sandy loam, or a sandy top with a clay subsoil, auch as prevails In many sections of Warn county. / pointed out In Mr. Croxton's article In ord^r to grow potatoes clea smooth, of good shape and good appearance the soil should be a mixture of .*lay and sand, mostly sand. If there la too much clay the dirt will stick to the potato When duv. Mild will nlsn dlwolnr the potato Mr. Croxton's article appears In full elsewhere in this Issue of the Journal, and we hope that every man Interested In farming and truck growing will read It. and flic away for future reference. There la no rea son why Ware county should not become a great potato producing county. Potatoes placed upon the market early always bring a good price, and thu money received for same means new capital for the producing aectlon. Mr. W. 8 liooth of Manor has had considerable experience in raising Irish potatoes, and we would suggest that auyonn Interested communicate with him. He will be glad to furnish any Information he possesses. The Albany Herald made things rather lively for the Macon Telegraph la the recent argument these two excellent papers had. The Telegraph Mid some bad things about the Hrald, and the Herald In reply said some worse things about the Telegraph, and now we suppose both papers are aorry. The Valdosta Time* continues to be one of the beat smalt dally papers )■ the South. It la always bright with something new. The Rome Tribune-Herald aays: "Wonder If the shade of Napoleon •aaparte la not wandering around Europe glorying In all that slaughter? MOUTH HIIOILD GROW BEEF. A Joint report made by W. F. Ward, senior animal husbandman tn beef catUe Investigations, and Dan T. Gray, chief of the animal Industry division •f the North Carolina experiment station, has the following to say about ♦he South as a'beef producer: "There la no section of the country which can produce cattle more cheaply than the South, for the lands are still cheap, the grating Is good the pasture season Is long, feed can be produced at a minimum cost and inexpensive shelter only Is required for the animals during the winter months. The native cattle throughout this section are poor In quality and small In site, but they are also cheap In price. They are not worthless, however, and their cheapness Is their redeeming feature, for they are good foundation stock from which may be produced an excellent herd of beef animals by Judicious selection and by the continued use o» pure-bred beef trails. "Cheap lands combined with cheap cows for foundation stock make It poaalble to start in the cattle business In tho South with an outlay of far Isas capital than In most other sections of the country. The only shelters required are open sheds facing south, under which young cattle may take shelter from cold, rain or wind. Mature beef cattle usually need no other protection than that afforded by high hedges, underbrush, canebrakes and other natural shelters. » 'Corn grows well throughout tho South and Is the principal crop grown for grain for feeding purposes and Is more generally used for silage than nfcy other crop. Because of Its adaptability to almost all soils, the wide variation of time during which It may be planted and Its luxuriant growth to southern latitudes. It la considered the most Important silage crop, ffweet sorghum can be planted Inter than corn and makes a heavier yield "Any standard breed of beef cattle will do well in the 8outh. Follow lag Its extensive teste and experiments, the Bureau of Animal Industry Is to position to advise prospective cattle raisers on this point Some breeds do better In riven sections than others. Generally speaking, the Shorthcwn, Hereford, Aberdeen-A ague and Galloway, belonging to the beef type, were found to do well, while the Devon and Red Polled are considered Most important breeds belonging to the dual-purpoee type of cattle, at least for the 8outh. ••While slavery existed in the South cattle, hogs snd shqep were to be found on every plantation, and on many of them were very good beef anl* male, some herds of which contained a large Infusion of Shorthorn blood. At.that time the South produced all the beef .pork and mutton required to moat its demands. At the rinse nf the Civil War few cattle were left, and these were bred among themselves without the addition of any new blood, except an occasional cross with the Jersey, and the result was the present email and unsatisfactory native type." The Confederate Veterans and Sona of Veterans meet today and to- morrow In Macon tn annual reunion. These reunions afford a great amount •f pleasure for the old veterans, and the citisens of the cities In which they are held tab* great pleasure and show much pride In having the honor of entertaining them. While their ranks grow fewer each year they atlll num ber In the thottMnds and maintain their health with wonderful fortitude. May the old fellows live long and have much happiness. There Is nothing too good fur them. HtTO yon subscribed for a share of stock in ths Waycross Cotton Company? If you want to help the business Interests of Way- will take at least one share If you have to make a sacrifice to Alex K. Sessoms and H. D. Bunn, Trustees, and others against G. W. Deen and Deen Realty A Improve ment Company, being a proceeding In equity to foreclose that certain trust mortgage executed by said defend ants to said Trustees, dated Nov. 5, 1909 and recorded in Book of Mort gages No. 8, pages 533 to 542 inclu sive of Ware County records, I, Her bert W. Wilson, as Commissioner ap pointed In and by said decrees In pur suance of the order and direction con tained therein, will sell at public out cry before the door of the court bouse of Ware County, Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash, on the First Tuesday In October, 1914, within tbe legal hours of sale and from day to day thereafter, always within the legal hours of sale, until all of the property hereinafter described Is ful ly sold: All tbe following described property situate, lying and being in Ware county, Georgia, to-wit: All the tracts, lota an<$ parcels of land hereinafter described, being part of the lands described In said trust mortgage and decree, subject to tbe several rnn»rs?»!, agreements and bonds for title (and. In some cases, deeds, with notes and mortgage back from the purchaser) given by Deen Realty and Improvement Company to the Several purchasers of tbe same, respectively, and along with each of said tracts, lots and parcels, respec tively, will be sold the vendors right, title. Interest and estate In and to the contract, agreement or bond for title or purchase money mortgage and In and to the notes or other obligation of tbe purchaser to pay purchase money, covering and pertaining to such tract, lot or parcel; said con tracts, agreements, bonds for title, notes and mortgages having been as signed by Deen Realty and Improve ment Company to Alex K. Sessoms and II. D. Bunn, Trustees; so that the rarchaser of said contracts, etc., at his sale will not only purchase and hold the iontnets, etc. but also tbe tracte, lota and parcels of land eov ered by theoame respectively and be reeled with all the rlgbte and pow ers originally held by said George W. Deen and Deen Realty A Improve Company, or either of them, with re ference to said contracts, etc. Said lots, tracte, and parcels together with tho contracts, etc., covering same, will be sold separately or tn blocks, as to tbe Commissioner shall seem wlae and proper and to tbe beet Interest ^of all parties, provided, however, tbat tn all each sales the contract, etc., and land shall go together; aafd lota, tracts and parcels of land, and the names of purchasers and balance of purchase money due by them respec lively being as follows, to-wit: (In this list, T. stands for Tract or Tracts, B. stands for Block, L. stands for Land Lot, A. stands for Acres, and the name of purchaser and balance due Is stated In connection with each Tract or Parcel): T. I B. 1 L 148, 10 A.. S. C. Avery, )|S. T. 5 B. 2 L. 121, 10 A.. II. Agate. $40. T. 1. B. 1 L. 162, 10 A., T. F. Beaty, 999. T. IS B. I L 292, 10 A.. E. Barido. 940. T. 15 A W 1-2 14 B. 1 L. 149, 10 A., C. 11. Berry. $50. T. 11 B. 4 L. 150, 10 A., Mrs. N. Cook, 925. T. 12 B. 4 L. 150, 10 A.. E. J. Cook. 915. T. 17 A 15 B. 4 L. 171. 20 A., M. J. Carswell, $21- 2 B. 4 L. 104, 10 A., Robert Crofts. $5. T. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11 A 12 B. S. L. 195. €0 A., F. B. Camper, 9280.00. 10 A 11 B. S L. 182. 20 A.. A. F. Davis, $150, with 5 per cent Interest from Feb. 1. 1912. T. 1. 2. A E 1-1 T. 2 B. 2 L. 182, 25 , A. F. Davis, $400, with 9 per cent Interest from Feb. 2, 1919. T. 9 9. t L. 217, 10 A., E. W. Dalen, flOO due Nov. 1. 1914. T. 1 B. t L. 150, 10 A., John Durif, 9110. T. ID. 1 L. too. ie A., Christian Durig. 9119. a M of T. 7, 8 A t B. 1 L. 179, 10 If. C. Davies. $15. „ , T. 7 A 9 B. i L. 129, 20 A., ttadtllae Downing. $190. fBJPAT, SEPTEMBER 18, 1HI, 164 West Of Kettle Creek, bounded Tract J Block i end Tract 11 Block 4 North 700 feet by Cherokee Arenne Lend Lot 152, Tract 2 Block (or North lino of aeld Lot) end with Lend Lot 171. Tract 7 Block this front extending back South along East side of Gorman Street (or West line of said Lot) same width 1290 feet to land of Jowers, bounded East by land of Morgan, sold to J. C. Beaty, Balance due $183 with 8 per cent in- Land Lot 173, all being parts of Deen- wood Farms as per plat recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said county, all being In tbe 9th district of said county. Also will be sold at said time and T. 10 B. 2 L. 197, 10 A., John DeVore, 920. T. 1 B. 2 L. 198. 10 A., R. D. Fair- man, $85. T. 12 B. 3 L. 149, 10 A., E. Gunder son, $85. T. 4 B. 2 L. 198, 10 A., Lula A. Hud son, $10. T. 1 A 2 B. 3 L. 152. 20 A., Mrs. Johanna Heachele, $300. T. 4 B. 3 L. 193, 10 A.. Mrs. Laura Hester, $60. T. 8 B. 1 L. 127, 10 A., Peter Howe, 967.50 due July 15, 1914 and $57.50 due Nov. 15, 1914. T. 8 B. 4 L. 172, 11.8 A., E. D. Har ris. $125. T. 7 B. 4 L. 172,10.7 A., E. D. Harris, 9237.60. T. 1 A 2 H. 4 L. 198, 20 A., H. W. Hampshire, $75. T. 1 A 2 B. 2 L. 129, 20 A., Ilenry Happc, |30. T. 1 B. 2 L 193, 10 A.. J. H. Hie. 9130. T. 2 B. 2 L. 193, 10 A., J. H. Hie, 9105. terest from June 8, 1914; excepting 8 place all of Lot 170 in the 8tb district acres on South end of said tract, sold by said Beaty to A. C. Callahan, and already conveyed to said Callahan. L. 14 B. 41 North Deenwood, R. N. Dalrymplc, $37.50 with 8 per cent from Sept 24, 1919. L. 12 A IS B. 196 West, Carswell Park, R. C. Crawley, $800 with 8 per cent from Mar. 1, 1913. L. 10 A 10 1-2 B. 18 North Deen wood, J. S. Elkins, $64.37 with 8 per cent from Sept. 24. 1913. L. 2 B. 42 North Deenwood, H. of said county, containing 490 acres, more or less, excepting 6 acres owned by R. L. Jeffords and 2 acres owned by the Congregational Methodist Chnreh. Also that certain tract of land, being parts of Land Lota 164 and 169 in said 8th district, bounded North by the A. C. L. right of way, East by McKin ley street South by tbe Waycross and Western Railroad right of way and West by tho West line of said Lots 189 and 154. tor full mention and description of tb« lands op which is located the uid timber; being tbe following toad lota in the ft! district of Ware crusty Georgia, to-wit: 291, 295, 299, Wen' half of 290, 291, 292, 292, 294, 297, 298 299, 300. 301, 302, 205, 209. 229, 337' 329, 940, 341. 343, 244, 249, 244, 347' 349, 360, 352. 263, 364, 396, 350. 357* 377, 379, 579. 330. 991, 389. 393, 384, 385, 386, 387. 390, 391. 392, 393, 284, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, North ba’i of 406. Eaat half of 407, 426, 426, 4rl 428, 431, 435, 437, 440, 442, 449, 446* 447,448,450.451,471,472.472,474. 476* 477, 478, 479, 483, 488, 428, 489. 49o’ 491, 492, 495,496. 515, 617, 618, 519,’ 522, 524, 525, and 629; also the follow.’ Ing lota in the 9th district of said county: 15, 19, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 32, 62;—also following land lots in tbe 12th district of Ware county:—37, 38 496, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477, 532. 531. 549, 607, 614; alco following land lots’ In the 12th district of Clinch county .— 114, 391, 392; also following land lots Father wears such a frown on hla face around the house that If he were White, $5. T. II B. 2 L. 197, 10 A., Oscar John son, 910. T. 17 A 18 H. 2 L. 149, 15 A., Julius Johnson, 915. T. 8 B. 4 L. 198, 10 A., W. J. Jarrett, 345. T. 9 B. 4 L. 198. 10 A., W. J. Jar rett. 940. T. 3 A 4 B. 1 L. 127, 20 A., John Jackson, 9175. 12 B. 3 L. 194, 10 A., H. L. Knox. 375. T. 6 B. 3 L. 152, 10 A., Mrs. Carrie Ladd, 945. T. 7 B. 1 L. 193, 10 A., Ben Lala, $55. T. 9 B. 3 L. 104, 10 A., M. E. Lyon. •16. T. 6 B. 4 L. 152, 10 A., Miss Blache M. Mutter, $130. T. 1, 2 A 3 II. 2 L. 167. 30 A.. Joseph pfadllnger, 975. T. 5 A 6 H. 1 L. 220, 20 A., Fred Munson, $55. T. 1 B. 1 L. 127, 10 A. Mrs. L. G. Mai Ion, 9295. T. f B. 1 L. 127, 10 A., A. S. Marsh burn, 9105. T. 7. 8 A 9 B. 4 L. 128, 15 A., Dr. Jay McClIntock. 9200.94. T. 10 B. 4 L. 128, 10 A., W. J. Me Cllntock, $120. T. 9. 10, 11 A 12 B. 4 L. 149. 40 A., Chas. D. Meider, 990. T. 3 B. 4 L. 126. 10 A., Mias A. R. Martin, 999.» T. 9 B. 3 L. 127, 10 A., Norman A. Midden. $95. T. 2 and all of T. 1 West of Yucca 8treet B. 4 L. 129, 13 1-2 A.. Chas. J. McConnell, $20.25. 6 A 6 B. 1 L. 243, 20 A., I. A. Neeley, $10. T. 4 B. 4 L. 194, 10 A., Richard Orr, 35. T. 7 B. 3 L. 128, 10 A., John G. Per cy. $30. T. 11 A 12 B. 4 L. 217, 16 A., W. F. Rech, $105. T. 3 B. 3 L. 152, 10 A., L. E. Rey nolds, $30.00. T. 8 B. 1 L. 152, 10 A., Geo. Stobbs, 980. . 12 B. 4 L. 104, 10 A., James Singer. 955. T. 5 B. 2 L. 149, 10 A.. John Stoes- ■er, $60. T. 2 B. 1 L. 149, 10 A., J. W. Sum msr, 930. T. 5 A 6 B. 2 L. 220, 20 A., Ama L. Stebar, $270. T. 4 B. 2 L. 197, 10 A., W. W. Ste vens, $45. T. 3 B. 4 L. 217,10 A.. G. E. Slrouse, $10. T. 3 B. 1 L. 221, 10 A., W. F. Sher man, $35. 1 A 2 B. 1 L. 221, 20 A , W, F Sherman, $60. T. 5 A 6 B. 4 L. 243. 20 A.. H. R. Tate, $160 , due Dec. 28. 1915 with 8 per cent interest from June 28, 1919. T. 12 B. 3 L. 104,10 A., John C. Wea ver, $135. T. 8 B. ! L 127, 10 /L, James A. Weaver, $20|.9f. T. 6 H i L. 198. 8 A.. George Whit more, $80. IB IL 198, 10 A., Mrs. E. V. 1-9 a or#* in Northwest corner Block 99, South Deenwood, beginning Hutchens, $27 with 8 per cent from Also that certain tract of land, be- Sept. 24, 1913. Ing part of Land Lot 169 in said dis- Northeast quarter Block 98 South trict, hounded North by the Waycrosa Deenwood. 8 acres, Mrs. Louiae Hen- and Western right of way, eaat by Me- In 10th district of Charlton county 1, drlcks, $197.33 with 5 per cent from Ktnley street, south by south line of 2 and 23; also 390 acres of lot 24 in July 10, 1914. said Lot 169 snd west by west line of the 10th district of Clinch county; also L. 8 B. 45 1-2 North Deenwood, G. said Lot 169. lot 36 in 13th district of Ware county W. Haddock, $380 with 8 per cent from Also all of Blocks fi, 95 and 98 and all of said whole land lota containing Aug. 21, 1913. all those portions of Blocks 111, 112 490 acres each, more or less; except- L. 3 it 30 B. 16 North Deenwood, J. and 113 lying In Land Lot 169, all In ing any portions of said land lots ly. H. Johnson, $222.50 with 8 per cent South Deenwood Subdivision, aa per ing north or east of tbe Jacksonville rrom July 1, 1913. map recorded in tbe office of the branch of the A. C. L. L. R. k. West half of B. 14 North Deenwood, Clerk of Superior Court of said coun- and together with said timber, M. L. Moore, $155 with 8 per cent from ty in Plat Book "A” page 43, being will be cold tbe aforesaid May 30, 1912. part of Land Lot 169 in tbe 8th district tract and agreement of the said G. W. of said county. Deen and Deen Realty and Improve Also the following described lots, me nt Company with the Anderson ■t Southeast corner of Jackion end tr ® ct * " d porc!!l ’ of '* nl1 to North Lumber Compuy, together with ,11 McKinley Street., then™ running ^''"^■SuMh-'.lonaspcrmapo' lhe rights. Interest, properties, claim, But on Jnck.nn utreet 117 feet “* ld Subdlvl " lon recor<icd «“ lhc offlce and demand, therein and thereunder thence Southerly 678 feet to W. ft w! °' ,be !“ p * r ^ r „ C “ Urt of ,h ® ”*“> °“ 7 *® ». Deen and Decu right ol way. thence Weal on ..Id ™“ n ' r , ln “...''iT R “ 1,5r “ d ,mpr0T ™' nt Company, right of way 606 feet to McKinley ” , P .V * °. w m ” *»o, on the 7th day of May, 1013 traps, ■treet. thence Northerly along Me- ^ « b dl.trict of ..Id county to-wit: ,erred the .aid contract and agree- Klnley atreet 870 feet to beginning *** *'“*1.,,. °! 4 n, ® nt tofetbe7 w,,h “ ,d r, * hu - <»‘«- potol; N. O. Lang, *4*1.60 with 8 per bo " l,d * d n0 ” b * A,b “J , Ar f n “ e ; “*• Propertiee, claim, and demands cent from July 1 1»M. ,oulh br ,outb ° e 01 “ d I ‘* nd 1,01 “d » 1 *° mortgaged and conveyed tbe L, 2 1-2 B. 62 and L. 63 ft 64 B. 36 155 111(1 wesl by Geor * e Blrcet| timber hereinbefore deacribed to Alex North Deenwood, O. P. Pollard, 191.25 JJ 74 * °* V° u *’ 7 “ d 8 R '? Cb 6 .^ orlb K - S'*"®* »»d H. D. Bnnn, Trua with 8 per cent from Sept. 24, H13. D f enwood - * l,< ’ * trlct of , “ d bound ' teea. by * certain Indenture recorded A tr^ of l. acre. In B.oik E of a“*r 7 ■ 1 * D " d Book “• toll °* 678 “ Land Lot 164, bounded north by Joae- ITLTl! tltw t ° f tt * rec ‘ , " U in the offlce of ,he Clerk phlne atreet, eaet by run of Kettle i *,.» i toerlr ml c™ ° f Sn P* rlor Court of “ ,d ““*P. '» Creek, aouth by Lamar Arenne ex- ??“ “ .*'* WbWl ,,,d “ tnr<, » nd ,b » tended and west by land of N. R. WII- „ J * 'w 7 .!? record ’ thereof reference Is hereby made for c.x; H W Powera. **>* with 8 ^ ™ PTHcnUra. raid contract and per cent from Oct. 35. 111*. IHt ^aif^f Bl«k l No^^niooS >>oweTer, will be .old aub- L. 17, 18. II and 20 B. 41 North *“ l bllr B , k9 North Deenwood, ^ the prlor pvmmt to Alex K Deenwood. A. B. Smith, 1172.16 with ""!? 8 *“ ol “ “ d Jolln Seieoma. Exe- i per cent from Sept. 2«. 1113. ■* ”” , .* <l ! ltb *?.* < !‘“! cutori, out of all money, to be recelr- L. 4 1-2 B. 42 North Deenwood, L. O. ! ln * 18^ Jtar mrtT^f r^ta^f ** ° r collWted tnm Ander * 011 Lum ' Smlth, 116 with 6 per cent from Sept. ?® !* **”* “ her Company or aaalgna under raid L. 2 and 3 B. 8 Idylwllde. H. S. Red ding. 9326. “ contract, or an amount* owing by • fn i, 15' George W. Deen and Deen Realty. . ‘, 14, and Improvement Company to said**' wood; also Lot 10 Block 44 and Lots 1 ^ 5 acre. In «outhern part ol Block '”.’* ld ’!'’°. r ‘ b Bee °' Executor, under n certain contract or 100 South Deenwood. being all of aald agreement of enld Executor, with Block aouth of an 6 acre tract aoid S. Ild “ w DttB “ d ** ,d Company dat- P. Klnale; J. C. Solomon. 1301.17 with mth^T one'hri^irV 84 Febru * r5 ’ 17,h - >«*.»■« un- 6 per cent from Aug. 16.1*12. * kA b J^ eupplemenUl contracts L. 15 B. 41 and L. 2 B. 42 Nerth “J *" 1 bF rdn of K " ,le Creek, „ d uwn ,enu between said partial. said-tract being known as Winona d*tMf rMn*rtiv<»iv *1 1010 a.. Deenwood. A. W. Townsend, 317.60 JTT”** ’" ,no " m dated respectively, March 21,1912, Oct. with 8 per cent from Sept. 24, 1*13. “' d “ P °' N o 1 ,M2 - “ d 7 - l»«i orl- L. I B. 1. Idylwllde. George A. Wig- *.° L “'* 8 “ d * Bl | ° ck / 8 “ nd Lot 1 klnal end said supplemental con- gins, 8228.50 with 6 per cent from July B Deenwood, itracU Md agreement* all relating to 11. 1*14. CUT of Ware^a Zo. elrt „f , d' lhe l *“» “ d 3 acres in Northwest part of Block . ire •< i in «** ^ ik !^ nd to Ba,d Deen “ d B * ,d Improvement *1 South Deenwood. bounded north by J" ““ dMcr ' b * d “ Company of what I. known a. the Bell Street, eaat by other land of M. .. f * „ ere the east Dailey Manufacturing Company Saw- ,ld0 of Waller atreet is Interaected x«<n *._. to suddenly break Into a amtle the family would think be bad gone in- aaae. Much la being said now In our atate exchange, about tbe apllt-log drag, v ,| c h u eaU to be of great value in the upkeep ol road, on which It la employed. It fe n cheap and almple device, which Is probably one reason why It la no! more generally used. People In tble age ol high prices and big aatlou are too prone to value thlnga by whet they cost rather than by what they are really worth. It tbe split-log drag la anything like as useful •a implement as those who have seed It claim It to be. It merits a fair trial la ovary eommualty tbat Ie ambitious of Improving Its highways and la uaabia to bear the coat of brick or other hard-surfaced reads.—Bartow The Chicago Journal baa been com naming editorially on the probable effect of the ear upon the cause of woman suffrage. Tbat la easy! If tbs war continues long It will have eo many of the men killed off that Iks women can do lust about at tbey please In matters of all kinds—Gainesville Sun. A Camden man deserted hla aaw wife here use she would not darn bin nocks. Soane man expect too much of ft wife.—Allentown Democrat. The Tlfton Gaxette, which baa been one of the beet weekly newap,. per. In Georgia for a mat many yuan, has developed lalo a I page dally and with a pony wire service. Tift couniy la one of the richest counties la and w; the aUle. and la aa (such aa the Gaaetle la the oaly neaapaper and fob printing plaal la lhe county there la no rea»u why the 1W1I* Quetta bould not be prullabl '. 'I bad pains In my stomach eo bad I thought I could not Our doctor aald thaatomaeh. I would goto bed perfectly well and wake np la tbe sight aa bad aa I could bsaadHvs. Our doc tor aald It would do no good to give medi cine Internally. He had totaled madlriat In my arm. Bines tak tag Chamberlain-. Tab lets I can sat any-, thing I wnalmlthoat Fractional T. 5 and * B. 1. L. 152, Mra. L. M Wold. *35.00. L. 141, 10 A., Mra. Anna Walterman. *55. T. 12 It 1 L. 1H. 10 A.. Hanford E. Washburn. 115 T. 10 it - L. 173, 10 A., John Wil liams, |I5. T.IB.IU 107.10 A., H. S. Walker. Trustee, Iso. T. 4, 5 ft 0 B. 3 L. 121. 17 A.. J. W. Yoder. IS. T. 12 B.3L 121.10 A, J. W. Yoder, 166. T. 7 ft s R 3 L. 00. P. C. Douglas, 1100 due Dec. 1 1014 aad 1100 doe Dec. 1. 1*15, both with I per cent la- tercet from Hay 1.1114. (la the remainder of tble list L. elands (or Lot, B. stands for Block, and the name of Subdivision follows. With the name of purchaser ud bat aneo due.) L. 28 B. 60 North Daeawood. C. D. J. Weber and land of L. A. Wlggine, “ “, l “ ,e "" ,ed MUI Plant and timber, and being re- south by 6 acres owned by A. K and ... . “ f-* nd *-?* corded in the office of the Clerk of J. O. Seaaoma, Executors, and west by ' .. * c “ .*!°“* “ d the Superior Court of uid county In Be.ureg.rd atreet; M. J. Weber. ot ,‘* ld L “ d , «•* Mortgege Book No. 11 page. 643 lo 161.38 with 8 per cent from July 23. L“ d 848 laduatve. and Deed Book LL 654 1114. « ilftkRftf. 'reference being hereby 6 acres In Southwest part of Block u llM made to the uid contracts and to the run of Kettle Creek, sooth by Lnmar SlSTj'Zl Avenue, eut and north by land of T. TOGETHER WITH nil and singular 1 u—... .... v n wiienv 1441 M lln ® °* “ ld 1,01 15s - ‘hence north lhe rights, members and appnrteoan- it.^T"; “H'fJL juivTW “ ld e “‘ ,,ne 10 the «** •'<»• ot CM belonging or In anywise epper- L 4 B 46 North Deenwood B Zlnt- Wa,ler * tree1, extended, tbence aouth- talning to tbe above described tracte. kto and aiu TcamTv UU 00 We, “ rl)r llon * ,Mt ,ld * 01 Waller Iota or parcel, of land ud other prop- * Att°iha land herelnhefore deacribed t0 po,nl ot b«*">nlng; ..Id tract e«y and every part thereof. Such br Tract Block ud Lud Lot lit In h* 1 ”* kn0WB ** P* rt * of Block 21, 26 lands ud property to bo uid In each E«Iw^)d rarme. In the Stb district “ d ” *? d »" 0, Blo ' lt 48 >“ North lots ud parcels aa uid Commluloner ol uki county u per pl.t recorded lo DC '“ WO ° d I “* y *" fil *“ 1 “• the office of the Clerk ol tho Superior Also Block No. 18 In tbe City of „ tot ° , * Cb lrf * Court of said county; Carswell Perk Waycross in sold county bounded * b ? m M P*™ ,el F ° r _ dT [ d ? ud Idylwllde hereinbefore referred to North by right of way of the old B. „fJ deem but All are 8ubdlvl«lou, In the City of Way- ft W. railroad (uow the A. c. L. Rail- ^ m *?° h ' re ““ der , ‘ ubJccl cross In said county; North Deuwood road) each by Lott atreet (now doe- L'q conffrmntlon by the Judge of la a subdivision In and adjacent to ed>. aouth by Carswell atreet and wut n'. S ? Per , , C °“ rt ot Vm Comtr ; uid City comprising parti of Lud oy Pendleton street, meuuring 218 ’ ia , le ™ 07 T * c * lton, 1 Loti 166 ud 164 in said Stb district, feet on uid right of way, 336 feet on conBn,,ed ; th * undersigned ud South Deenwood la a aubdlvtainn In Lott atreet, 200 feet on /’arswell “ , ° * U1 “ ,k# . dMd ‘ *" d Hlla •" th- lands ud other property and adjacent to uid city, the tracte In street and 338 fed on Pendleton . .. . .. uid Sooth Deenwood hereinbefore do- strut, being the same property con- t0 ‘ h * J!!?*'?” P“ rcb “ erl ‘ scribed nil lying In Lud Loti 161 ud veyed to O. W. Dun by Mra. Emma “ P rortd * d to **' d decr "- 164 In uid Stb district; plats of uid A. Polka April 27, 1815. by deed re- ta ? Subdivlalons being of record In tbe of- corded to Book M page 251 of uid to l * 1 . 4, tb0 Bee of tho Clerk ol Superior Court of county; excepting, however, the eouth- * " nGll ' , ® d f7 “ m dlT uid county; reforance to also hereby era 135 feet of enld Block owned by m f 01 ' 7 PTO ^ ' had to tho map or subdivision of Lud W. T. Brinson, said excepted tract " 7u r *° ld - * b# “*“• > 10 » eTer " Lot 164 west of Kettle Crack, made by fronting West on Pendleton street 125 1^* f 1 **? 1 wRbto , tb ® , *** 1 , bou ” ud for Dun Rridty ft tmprovmnent fut ud with .bto front extending buk ZJUJSSSIl S’L.tjH Compuy, for forthor deocrlptlou of eut same width along north side of ? U " b i 8 v?!I l - - Carawell ..rut 1*0 fut to u alley '5 ldd " ®. 1 “ T of ,acb bH_ . J irawcu ureei jio ieet to an alley '. , — — Also will be uid at uid time and t” f “ ““ d ®P° rit 1 wllh k tb ® “"'»4 ace .11 of tbe pine ud cypreu tlm- 4 *"'f n f d CommU,lon ® 7 to ®“ h .° 7 . ln ~ - K3i^-ThUi B e««*' d . vtu> * P* r «*•! to tercet forma?tndtoerrtioaf. ,"»» Nov. 2*. 1*12. extremely painful and L. U B. 41 aad L. 4 B. 42 North oftra dangeroaa. By Itouwood. a L. Andereoo. *75 with Tabiimancr .S," *• *«r cut Interval from Sept 24. “ 1*12. the tracts hereinbefore described u being to said Lud Lot 164 Wut of Kettle Crack, which to atoo to said Itb plus — „ m . . . . . ... district. Tbe pnrcbau money under her on all of the lude deacribed to the _ . . " k P® 7 . c “* 07 ,b ® •aid Dunwood Parma ConlraaU to Trust Mortgage of O. w. Dun ud ® Tld * nc ® ® f unity payable at tho rat. of 60 cut. Dun Really ud Improrement Com- P? “ k ® per acre per month, without lntorut puy to Alex K. Sessoms ud H. D. prapwty no except as otberwlae stated In the fore- Bunn. Trustee., dated Nov. 6th 1P0P b bT b l? ?"*_** th 7 going Hit; ud reference to hereby ud recorded to Book of Mortgage. Crauttoaloner on the made to utd Contracts. Notts, ate.. In No. S folios 633 to 642 Inclusive to the ^ th.^tok’of^anch the buds of H. W. Wilson. Commie- office ol tbe Clerk of Superior Court SzL” t . > * ,, " *” B •loner ud Alen K. S.wetit* ud H. D. of Ware county, to the Itb. »th. ltth Bunn. Trustees, tor full particulars ud 12th district, ot Ware. Clinch ud - P - concerning same. Paymutt by the Charlton counties, Georgia lying J?.^l.?! " duSirf uveral pnrebaure whlcb may ha uath of the JacUonvUle, Plorlda. ud S t ° 7f * lt ® d “!* th *° 1>dtr * lt °* d _P° day ot sale wUI bo ered- Tbomuvllle. Georgia. Division, of the Red oa tt. amounts above attttd ud Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, ud atoo ^ ahfJu a corrected Hat of batoncea due will be all plus ud cypreu timber amiable p 1^*. v. unounced at time ud place ot ule. for aaw-mlll ud croM-lle purpoua on hu , 44 U Also will be Kid at said time ud all other lude mentioned usd desertb- .TinTm to mtDDr th. place all the fractional putt of Tract, ad to a certain contract ud agreement tatoLum t^Tto^n 14. 11 aad 11 Block 1. lying Kart ud with tbe Aadenou Lumber Compuy 'T eftte South of Pullard-e Creek, excepting C dated May 7, ltll. recorded In Deed L “ tonurtymraUbyJ.W.TWu Book Mltol^m m M,mrar to .he “J ” " Company. Tbi» 8th day of Septembr-r, | aruidi*d. Chantbrrlaia'tTablet* not on.*y “ “'vrakui. bot vtrMctheu aad iavif- and all of Tract. 1. 2 ud 3 Block 4 of the Clerk of Superior Court all ta Lud Lot *t. Tract 7 Block 4 ot said county; reference being hereby h alter rating, j L. 14 B. 184 West. Can welt Pr.rk.jLud Lot 144. Tract 4 Block 4 Lead had to the Trait Mortgage aforesaid ltd ant ^ j; Dos as 41*8 with 4 per Cen: to- Lot 12*. all o» Tracts 5 aad 4 aouth ud atoo to the said Contract and 'temt from July 4. 1*14. ol A. C L. Railroad, Block 1. Tract 7 j agreement with the Anderson Lumber | A tract of 24 1-4 acres to Land Lai Bloch HERBERT W. « I