The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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I THE JOURNAL pn $Loo \— | WHOLE YEAR WAY CROSS WEEKLY JOURNAL MAIL US THE I $1.001— TODAY NOW! The Dally Journal la the Official Or fan ot the City of Waycroaa. The Weekly Journal of Ware County and O ounty Board of Education. «TH TEAR FOB DAILY JOURNAL. WAYCB08S, OA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1(14. . ItTH IEAB FOB WEEKLY JOURNAL, LIGHTING HARD IN EFFORT TO CUT GENERAL VON KLUK'S ARMY FROM THE MaIn FORCE TROOPS ARE MOVING FOR CLASH IN THE NEW WAR need By Wire to The Journal. El Paso, Sept. 24.—It Is that the long threatened break be. tween Villa and Cnrrnnsn has come. General Villa has proclaimed his In dependence and declared that war would probably follow, .with the bloodiest fighting yet known In Hex. Ico. Troops of both Villa and Carransa are already morlng to battle. Car. ransa’s army has been sent north from Zacates, while Villa has been gathering forces at Chlsurara and Torreon for sereral weeks. The break between the two leaders Is the resalt of Villa’s demand that the rest estates he dlrlded among the‘peons Carranza making no more In this di rection. CARRANZA WON’T TAKE OFFENSIVE. Washington, Sept. 2A-The state department was notified this after* noon that Carranza will not take the offensive In the present Mexican trou ble hot will merely act In defense. I s Check Russ Campaign By Wire In The Journal . Breslau, Sept. 24.—Terrific rains In western Oalacta are Impeding the Russian advance. Austrians declare the Russians are suffering enormous losaee hut are pouring troops Into Os- llcta to fill np the ranks. Heavy fight ing Is In progress along the the Vis tula river. Notice to Herald Subscribers St-wore S,’to the Evening fiprald desiring the Journal and Herald w i J1 please telephone ,86, otherwise ypu will not receive any pa per after Thursday evening. If your subscrip tion to the Herald was paid in advance the Journal and Her ald will be sent to you until your time expires, provided you can show the re ceipt. > our Her ald subscription was not paid in advance in order for you to get the Journal and Herald you will have to enter your sub scription by tele phoning 86. Carrier boys are not author ized to receive sub scriptions. It doesn’t worry the average man as much over getting his trous ers wrinkled as It does getting his face wrinkled after he reaches fifty. FIMG ON ML SCOOT nr":— 7 .|S j f ^ SA. v -u'.' Wireless Is Told to Qose By Wire to The Journal. Washington, Sept. 24—Secretary ol the Navy Daniels today ordered the wireless station at Slaaconsett, Mass., closed at noon tomorrow because of the refusal to permit censorship by the government. Wilson Will Not Change Attitude Washington. D. C., Sept. 24.—Presi dent Wilson yesterday refused tc change his attitude toward the Colo rado strike situation and indicated that the mine operators must accept the basis of settlement already agreed to by the miners or stand responsi ble before the country for the result. J. F. Welborn, president ot the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company known as the “Rockefeller property,” discussed the situation with the Pres ident and told him that some of the principal points of the beats of agree ment did not meet with the approval of his concern. He proposed another plan of settlement, but Mr. Wilson re fused to take It up. It was said at the White House last night that the President will stand behind the original plan ol settlement, which was drawn up by a mine operator and a miner named by Secretary of Labor Wilson. Mr Welborn promised to lay the Presi dent’s' views before the mine opera tors and then to send a final answer. President Wilson has expressed hit disinclination to allow federal troupe ip remain In the Colorado mine lls- trlct much longer. German Airmen Are Scouting By Wire to The Journal. Copenhagen, Sept. 24.—German Zeppelins, evidently scouting, were sighted above Jutland today. +*++*++++++++♦+ ♦ FIRST TO SUFFER. ♦ —7— ♦ One of the first things that ♦ happens in times of depression ♦ is the cutting down ot adver- ♦ Using, the thief source of reve- ♦ nue for newspapers, aurt yet the •I* papers themselves cannot cut ♦ down expense. In times of 4 war, such as the present the ♦ papers have an increased ox- ♦ pense, occasioned by increased ♦ telegraph tolls and higher ♦ prices for paper and materials. ♦ The papers stand on the firing ♦ line and fight to keep up con- ♦ ♦ fldcnce and to maintain com- ♦ ♦ merce and those who are most • ♦ beneflttcd desert them at the ♦ ♦ first appearance pf depression • ♦ of trade.—Moultrie* Observer. ♦ ♦♦+++**♦*♦♦+♦*+* Germans Make Another Kick By Wire to The Journal. Pekin, Sept 24.—Oermany made u second protest against the failure of China to resent the viola; tlon fo neutrality by the Japanose The Chinese government sees no rea son to take action. U.S. Gold Sent Into Turkey By Wire to The Journal. Washington, Sept. 24.—The battle ship North Carolina transferred n cargo of gold to the yacht Scorpion today and Is proceeding to Beirut, Turkey to protect American Internets. The Scorpion met the North Carolina at Brlndlso and Is now proceeding to Constantinople. Inman Held For Murder Waynesboro, Oa., Sept 24.—Allen Inman waa placed In jail here laat night for the murder of his wife at Mldvllle during the afternoon. From all accounts it seems that Mr. Inman shot hia wife five times with an old- fashioned pistol and then turned the eapon on mmself with the intention of commitUng suicide. His injuries are only scalp wounds, and, while suffering much pain, are not considered fatal. He could not give an Intelligent explanation of hia desperate action, but it is thought that the divorce papers, which were served by the sheriff of Burke county this week, bad something to do with hia deed. After the shooting Mayor North and several citizens of Mld vllle arrested him, and after having hia wounds dressed sent him tc Waynesboro In an automobile, where he was turned over to the sheriff and placed in jail. German Officer ShotbyOwnMen By Wire te The Joe real. Ostend, Sept 14.—Oeneral Von Luttwte, the German military govern or Of Brussels, Is reported to have been shot by hia own men. Tba re port received here oayo he to In a hos pital In a serious condition. Battle Now in Twelfth Day and Will Probably Last Several More Days Before Decision is Reached RUSSIAN INFANTRY READY FOR ACTION Cotton Warehouse Meeting Each and every subscriber for stock in The Farmers Warehouse Co., Is hereby notified and earnestly urged to attend a meeting ot the room of the Woycross Board of Trade In the Southern building, promptly ot S o'clock tonight for the purpoae of tak ing port In perfecting a temporally organisation by the election of a Board of Directors and officer, to con duct the affairs of said company un til a charter Is obtained and a perma nent organisation Is hod thereunder. This September 14, 1(14. Promoters of The Warehouse Ctf. Debate Limited ty** , to Four Hows Died Yesterday Washington, D. C., Sept. 24.—A epe* dal rule limiting debate on the war revenue bill to seven hours and bar ring amendments waa agreed on lata yeaterday by the House Rules Com mittee. A vote on the bill probably will be reached Friday. The committee alio agreed on a rule to make next In order for con sideration the Alexander bill for tha purchase, building and operation of ■hips by a company to be organlzeJ by the government Chairman Henry was authorised to call up the bill at his discretion. The recent omnibus rule for ex pediting conservation bills was vacat ed and it waa agreed that the radium bill should be called up as a privileg ed measure whenever it might b» deemed advisable The Jonee Philippine bill will come up In the House Ssturdsy under a rule previously adopted. Will Be a Lot Of Weeping (?) By Wire to The Journal. Washington, Sept. 24.—Today the Turkloh ambassador notified Presi dent Witaon ho will leave the United States within two weeks, not having altered hto vtewo recently expressed in on intervtew. CORRESPONDENTS ABE OIYEN A WARNING'. Paris. Sept 24—General Calllenl lo aned n strong warning to war corre spondent* thin afternoon not to seek to penetrate the hnttle area under pain of the moot rigorous penalties. Washington. D. CS Sept 24.—Jo- slab Carter, private aecretary to Sen ator Hoke Smith of Oeorgta, died of an affection of the arteries at Gar field Hospital here yeaterday. He had been In III health several years. Mr. Carter waa one of tho heal newspaper men In Georgia, having been city editor of the Atlanta Con• atltutlon under the Into Henry W. Grady, and managing editor of tho Atlanta Journal when Senator Smith was Interested In that newspaper. He was Mr. Smith's aecretary when the latter waa governor of Georgia and come to the Senate with him three years ago In the name ex- purity. lie was the owner ot the Marietta Journal. Mr. Carter was M years old. Hr leaves a widow and several children His body will be’taken today to At lanta where funeral service* will be held. Madras Attacked By a Cruiser By Wire to The Journal. Calcutta, Sept. 24,—It to officially ■tatod that tho German cruiser Em- dsn ha* attacked Madras. UNION STATION FOB CBICAGO Chicago. Sept. 24,-Erectlon of a now (44,000,000 nnfon station and yards in Chicago, to b* used by tho Pennsylvania, the Burlington and other rends, wss assured yesterday by the railroad companion’ formal ac ceptance of the city ordinance gov erning the entrance. The project Is to bo completed within five years. ITALY IS EXPECTED TO JOIN IN WAR VERY SOON II; Wire lo The Jpurnnl. Paris, Sept. 21.—A general- of Yen Kink’s staff has been captured by the French, according to Information received here today from (he front Desperate lighting continues with (he allies claiming the advantage. General Deslenx, the French eomnundrr at Maabeuge,* I* reported badly wounded. i The bloodiest fighting of the great battle on the Alsne river, now la Its twelfth day, Is going on along the German right wing, where the British and French are straggling furiously to cut off General Von Kink's army. Tile termination of the general hattle Is not expeefed for several days. Preparations are being nude for the winter campaign, ns It now appears the war will not be brought to a clote before winter. AUSTRIANS BALLY AND GIVE BATTLE TO RUSSIANS. Peirognid, Sept. 2A—Rallying their forms from behind Wlstok river. Auetrtan* ore giving battle to Ike ndvonolng Russian* along s carved line extending from (he foothills of Ike Carpathians In eaet Jaslo lo Deblc. Austrians ore being reinforced by / large nnmber of Germane and are of fering desperate resistance. The Vutbardmeut of Pnemsyl continues. ITALY MAY CHANGE POLICY WITHIN A VERY 8IJ0HT TIME. * Home, Sept. filv^An Interview with Ihe First Lord of British Ad- tnlrnlly Churchill, printed here' lotto*.promising to giieTrUile and Iren. lino to Italy, Is considered significant, p j, believed Ibis Is a prelude to n change of policy by Italy. SUBMARINE WHICH SUNK CRUISERS WAS UNDAMAGED. Berlin, Sept. 24.—It was officially amiosoeed today Hut Ike aibau- rlne which sunk three British cruisers In Ike North Sea returned to Ita base undamaged. War bonds of over n billion dallara have been floated by Germany. LEFT WING XAKINO STEADY PROGRESS' REPORTS PARIS. I’orls, Sept. (A—II was officially announced at 4 o’clock Ibis after, noon that the French left wing Is making steady progress. Persnne has been oeenpled b ylho Franck. Despite Ike sharp attack by Yen Kink’s army la Ita timing movement the Islt wing boa advanced 74 mUes since being driven serais the Berne by the swift advance of the German right wing. BERLIN SAYS ALL ATTACKS OF ALLIES ABB BBPCLSED. Berlin, SepA 2A—It Is sfflctaUy aiisnieed here today that nil attae|ts of tho allies In Franco have been repulsed. The Geneses confine the •tensive against Biaslua. A umber of ekaagas In comma ads at the (rent have keen necessary. Cald weather, with anw Is reported In the Vosges. , . ' Battle Near Antwerp Today By Wire to Tha Journal. Antwerp. Sept 24.—Germans and Belglana are fighting at Puna, eight miles from Antwerp forte. A pert ot King Albert's army hen retired to the ramparts ot Antwerp. Say Germans Get Maubeuge By Wire to The Journal. Bordeaux, Sept 24.—Unofficially it Is admitted here today that the Gor mans have captured Maubeuge. Soldau Taken By Russians By Wire to Tha Jonmal. Petrograd. BepA 24.—It Is reportod that Rnsatana today defeated n Gor man army that they lured Into Rus sian territory. Oeneral Rennen- kampf was In charge of tho Russian force. Russians today recaptured Soldau, In East Prussia. German* are evacuating East Prussia to reinforce Marching Now On Kiao Chau By Wire to The Journal. Toklo, BepA 24.—The combined British and Japanose army has start ed the march on Ktao Chau. Gaining Ground Rapidly Today By Wire to The Journal. Catting#, BepA 24_Montansgrti today are storming Sarajevo, galnlt ground rapidly. Notice to Subscribers TF you do not re ceive your paper by 6 o’clock please telephone 86 and a special messenger Will Carry You One