The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 25, 1914, Image 3

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: —- WATCBOSS JOURNAL. OFFICERS TELL OF EXPERIENCES IN GETTING AWAY FROM CITY OF LIEGE Antwerp. Sept 24.—A party of Bel gian officers who were among those who escaped from Liege, hare just reached here. One of them told this story of their thrilling experiences: “We occupied ground between the forts Shaudfontaine and Embourg. j there were 600 men belonging to the 1 1st batalion.of the 34th line. The or- / der given in the night of Thursday i and Friday to evacuate the positions between the forts never reached us. We therefore remained isolated amidst the German troops, who were bombarding the forts. They knew where we were, but they dared not to attack us because the two forts on our sides were very near to each oth er. Our position became daily worse. While columns of Germans defiled on every side. However, they were sat isfied now and then to send out scouts to find out that we were still there. Many of them were killed or made prisoners and we managed to take much booty. “During eight days and nights we did not sleep. Sometimes one of our men fell down with gun in hand in a trench to sleep. Sometimes we re mained more than 30 hours in a trench watching and listening. Occasional ly kind peasants brought us some thing to eat and a glass of beer. Hap pily we had some cattle left to feed our men and we baked bread, for which we used beer Instead of yeast. who might have taken us tor enemies. “We left, however, on Thursday last week early in the morning, and no sooner had we started^ than the Germans threw themselves upon us. One company was taken prisoners. We were left with about 400 men, but were joined by a battalion of another regiment equally strong. We march ed to the valley of the Ourthe, con tinually harrassed by the Germans. We reached the Ourthe at Fllff, but found the bridges destroyed. We suc ceeded, however, in reaching the other side of the river, and not knowing what positions the enemy occupied, we went in the direction of Boncelles. There we fell in with the Germans, who were making preparations bombard that fort. We drove them away and continued our march to the railway bridge of Val St. Lambert 'As we had to remain under protec tion of the forts, we informed the forts of Flamelle who we were. We then passed along and took similar steps in the neighborhood of the forts of Hollogne and Loncln. “In the afternoon the .Germans be gan to bombard Fort Loncin. Our position was extremely critical, but we decided to make a desperate at tempt to escape, and at night we car ried out our scheme. We had to re trace our steps and pass along with O^man cavalry, whom we drove off, V» «F reached Hoel, where we arrived tion of Hoel. We departed just in time..’* ALLEGED COMBINE OF SEA ISLAND BUYERS Notwithstanding the spirit of our men on SatU j day afternoon. Wo had remained excellent. They continual- j marched 16 hours without one mo- ly naked to be lighting, and we, the of- ment . a re at, except for a hasty meal fleers, had to keep them from ventur ing too far. I “At Hoei we learned that the Bel “In the meantime the Germans had gian troops left there the same morn placed their heavy siege guns in po-1 ing and that Germans had already ap sition and bombarded the forts Chaud-1 peared in the district. Wo were fontaine and Embourg, and our posi- j therefore, compelled to leave at once, tion became untenable. An attempt to and could not touch the meal they had escape was, perhaps, going from ‘ prepared for us. Luckily the station Charybdis to Schylla, for we had to master informed us that he had a pass through the German lines, close train ready to carry us to Namur. An to the 'forts occupied by our’friends, hour later Uhlans occupied the sta- — Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective August l, 1914, to August.!, 1015, and guaranteed against any reductions during that time. All cars fully equipped t. o. b. Detroit. Runabout . . . $440 Touring Car • . . 490 Town Car .... 090 {In the United State* of America on/p) Buyers to Share In Profits All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, will shore in the profits of the comnany to the extent of £40 to tbo per car, on each car they buy, PROVIDED: we seil and deliver 300,000 new Ford cars during that period. Ask for particulars. Ford Sales Agency D. L. KEEN. Prop. Phone 204. Salea Room 108 Plant Avenue Washington, D. C., Sept. 24.—Com plaints from South Georgia that there combination among the buyers of sea island cotton for the purpose of depressing the price aro responsible for the announcment f the eAttorney General today that he will mako a thorough investigation. An agent from the Department of Justice will be sent into sea island ter ritory to co-operate with the district attorney in probing the situation. Several days ago the Attorney Gen eral began an investigation In South Georgia of the charges that buyers of cotton seed have entered into a sim ilar combination. Sea Island cotton growers claim that buyers of their product have contracted with sea is land mills to furnish cotton to them at a high price, a price based on last Austria is Ready For Italy Rome, via Paris, Sept. 24.—In spite of denials by the Austriuu government newspapers here publish detailed de scriptions purporting to show that Austrian armaments are being plac ed on the Italian frontier and declar ing preparations are being made by Austria to invade Italy. The bombardment of Cattaro,, the Austrian seaport, by French ships is reported in a dispatch from Patras, Greece, to the Messagcro. Official news from Petrograd says that the Russians are surrounding Koeningsberg and expect to attack that city. A Ccttlnje dispatch says tho Servian and Montenegrin armies, which have crossed the Drina river, are meeting with little opposition from the Aus trians, Reports from Servian headquarters at Vishegrad declare the Austrians have court-martialed many Slavs, , _ . .. . .. . some of whom have been shot. Large year’s figures, and that the buyers aro . , al . , J ' numbers of Slav women and children are employed by the Austrians dig paying only a small price and charg ing the mills their contract price. According to the complaints sea is land cotton was selling last year at 22 and 23 cents a pound, while this year prices rango around 18 and 19 cents. PETER L. TONER HELD FOR WHITE SLAVERY. ging entrenchments and transporting supplies. A dispatch received here from Ly ons, France, says that 6,000 Italian volunteers under Gen. Giuseppe Gari baldi, have received their red shirt uniforms and aro leaving for an un announced destination to attack tho Germans. Gen. Cicciotti Carabaidi lias receiv ed a message from his son saying Atlanta, Sept. 24.—A warrant was _ issued today by United States Com-1 that he has learned that the Canadian missioner Carter against Peter L. Italians intended to raise a regiment Toner, 26 years old, a traveling sales- Toner was arrested several days ago on suspicion of having some thing to do with a bank robbery, but has since been held upon the repre sentations of Bertha Hoffman of High Bridge, N. J., who charges that he brought her from that place through the South and into Alabama, and af terwards left her to return to his wife. It is expected if Toner is held under the evidence he will be sent for trial to the United States court in Alabama. ENGLISH WOMEN HOME FROM RERLIN. London, Sept. 24.—One of the strangest throngs ever seen in Lon don—English women and girls with pro-German sympathies, came intc the city last night from Berlin In charge of Lieut. E. G. Blakesice, U. N., assistant naval attache at Ber- to aid the allies, and declaring he would bo delighted to incorporate this body into his own red shirts Many a sonata Is played fortissimo to drown mother’s dishwashing. Quitman, Sept. 24.—On next Tues day and Wednesday, September 29th and 30th, Quitman and Brooks county will lay aside its “work clothes’’ and forgetting there Is a war in Europe, or that times are hard, will celebrato in what they call a “South Georgia Harvest Festival,” at which time thero will be a number of conventions in session and any number of amusement features to draw the attention of the public away from things disagreeablo. Tuesday night will be the biggest and moat unique occasion that has ev- bcen held in South Georgia. Thero will be at times a Fiddlers Conven tion of the old time sort, and this is something which South Georgia has never witnessed. An old time Virginia Reel Dance will be held in the streets of the town, and to the tune of old time music, as well as the latest rag-time, and while vary colored lights add picturesque ness to the scene, will be pulled off one of the most enjoyable occasions ever witnessed in South Georgia. During the two days there will be a continuous horse swappers conven tion, a corn show by the farmers un ion, and a Cotton Breeders Convention, in charge of Hon. Lee Worsham, of the State Board of Entomology, who will bo on hand with his entire Board. Tuesday the 29th will bo the biggest day and it is estimated that fully 600 automobllo parties will motor into Quitman from a distanco to tako part in the occasion. Hundreds of mules and horses will also be driven into town that day for participation in tho horse swappers convention. Quitman is extending the real “glad hand” at a time when everybody needs something put into their sys tem to get new life and new hope into their hearts. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 96,1114. Instead of kissing the Eskimcaux rub noses. In the case of young lov ers there ought to be a speed law to prevent skidding. Chickens, Fish AND ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS FIT TOEAl — GUILFORD’S MARKET Ring 6 and Tell It to\Frank LOW EXCURSION FARES VIA Atlantic Coast Line The party numbered 440 and fig ures in an exchange with German women and girls who had been allow- to leave England. Under Lieut. Blakeslee’s care the members of the party were assembled in Berlin from various parts of Gormany with the assistance of the American consuls. Their pro-German feeling is account ed for by the fact that while intern ed in the German empire they heard only one side of the war question. Art and music students and govern esses predominated. The party left Berlin in a special train and all said they had been shown every courtesy by the German officials. At some places the Germans waved flags and handkerchiefs and even cheered, great crowd of parents and relatives greeted the returning travelers their arrival here. Another party of English women and girls, of about the same number, will leave Berlin at an early daU under the care of an attache of the American embassy. W. J. GASSETT ♦ BUILDING CONTRACTOR ♦ ♦ Phone 103. ♦ ♦ WAYCtiOSS, OA. ♦ **************** "The Standard Railroad a, Tho Snuth” ATLANTA, OA. On sale October It, 13, 14, Dual limit Oct 34, 1314. BALTIMORE, MD. On ule Sept 6. 8, 10. Final limit Sept 19, 1,14. BOSTON, MASS On ml. Sept-11, 12, 13. Final limit Sept 24, 1,14. DALLAS, TEX. On sale Sept 18, 1,. 20. Final limit Oct 2nd, 1,14. DETROIT, 14ICH. On ml# Aug. 27 to 3 Inc. Final limit 8ept 15. LOUISVILLE, KY. On ante Aug. 28, 29, 30. Final limit 8ept 8, 1114. MACON, OA. On ante Sept 21. 22. Final limit Sapt 80, 1*14. PHILADELPHIA. PA. On ule Sept 5, 8, 7, 8. Final limit Sapt 18. RICHMOND, VA. On tala Sept 8, 7. Final limit Sept 18. 1814. RICHMOND, VA. On aale Oct 10, 11. 12. Final limit Oct 20, 1114. Alao low round trip Summer Tourist, Week-end and Sunday Ex- nrsion tickets to numerous reaorta. For Pall man rsaerrstlona, schedules, rates and fsrthsr informafon all on A. C. L. ticket agents, or writ* t m. north,' a. o.' f. a. r. c. west, t. p. a. Barannik, On. L. P. GREEN, T. P. A., ThomasvtUe. On. 4444444444444444 MRS. WHEELER, MAKER OF * ♦ LADIES* WAISTS AND CHIL- ♦ ♦ DRESS’ CLOTHES. * ♦ 20 ELIZABETH ST. * ♦ ,-8-2wks. * CYPRESS SHINGLES Tho Hebard Cypress Co. of* fers for sale at the mills, Hebardvillo, for a limited time only: KiiidoB 16” Clipper Shingles at 51.25 per M. 3x16 Star A Star Shingles it 51.S0 per H. It may bo easy to fool tho world with what It says on your tombstono, but St. Peter isn’t going to be so easi ly duped when it comes to getting through the gate. NOTICE! Miss Isabella Smith will be hero for tho winter and is rorganizing her class la piano, history of music, har mony and pipe organ. References, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Studio No. 38 Tnbcau St. Phone 601. 8-20-1 m. WAYCROSS k SOUTHERN R. R. CO. Change of Schedule Effective Feb. 16, 1914. Please Step To the Phone Modern atorea provide every possi ble convenience (or their cuatomen. The luperior service which our store affords, convinces people that they can trade si successfully by phone ns 1! they cams In person. A FREE DELIVERY SERVICE maintained for your ronvenlence and w» want yon to use It freely. Small phone orders receive tbs same attention si large ones. Let ns be loir regular drsggfsts. L. W. ELLISTON PHONE 260 Honeyed words can’t atlck together broken promises. The unpronounceable horrors of war are those foreign names. SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE. Beginning October first the sub scription price of the Dally Journal will be 60 cents a month, $1.26 for 9 months, $2.60 for € months and $4.60 a year always payable in advance Single copies at office, fin streets and at news stands will be 6 cents begin ning Monday. September 14th. Sin- fie copies may be purchased at the Phoenix Cigar Stand and at the Union News Co., depot A. W. TOWNSEND, IS 17td Circulation Manager. Notice: The arrivals snd departures *o given as Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 3. 0 Hebardville, lv 9:00 am. 2 Waycross, Albany Ave lv. 9:05 am. 5 Grundy, Ga., lv 9:12 am. 8 Lavina, lv 9:20 10 Fricdel, lv 9:30 am. 12 Atwood, lv. 9:40 16 Olivo; hr.... 10:30 18 Walker, lv 10:46 am. 20 Hopkins, ar 11:00 am. Northbound Train No. 4. 20 Hopkins, lv 11:30 am. 18 Walker. Iv 11:36 am. 15 Olivo, lv 12:30 pm. 12 Atwood, Iv 12:40 pm. 10 Frcdel, Iv 1:00 pm. 8 Lavlnla, lv 1:10 pm. 6 Grundy, lv 1:17 pin. 2 Waycross, Alb. Ave., lv... 1:16 pm 0 HebardvlUe, ar 1:30 pp, Trains Nos. 3 and 4 dally except Sunday. JOHN M. HOPKINS, Oen. Sapt. Now and then we hear of a man with so many medals hanging on him that when ho plunges In to resent somebody he sinks. Tho men who does not change his mind seldom has any mind to change. T* Ittken at »• hotel whttf luxurioj* fUfttfi may be M- emtri, whert ‘charm and con genial atmospbcri prevail, and where OKdkiice • of tcreko is paramdunt, the Hotel Powhatan Notice!! CWe will give a ticket with ev ery dollar cash purchase good for one vote'in the Waycross Journal cash trade contest. ^Trade here for CASH and WIN an automobile. Phone 305 REDDING DRUG (SEED STORE FREE! FREE! 7b the boy and girl who re turn to us by Nov. 1st the largest number of backs from Rexall Tablets and ends from Rexall Pencils we will give a nice rubber coat with cap to match. Buy Rex.ll Tablets and Pencils aid lave the Backs and ends V THE REXALL STORE Phone 93 ALL'S WELL WITH THE WORLD HOTEL WINECOFF Atlanta, Gn. hotels are like folks They have pononalltl.s, p!sa» ant tad otherwise. Tbs HOTSL WINECOFF. on th. esntermoat spot In Atlanta, Is a pleasant and friendly sort of hotel for root, recreation or bnalnsss activity. The HOTEL WINECOFF gtva. the nun snd woman from ontod* town n sens, of security sad chear. Often this spirit Is a bles» ad snd bansScsnt thing to ths In dividual away from home. Whether you pay 51.59 or |S.0t per day for your room, you are mads to feel that "All's well with tho world." The HOTEL WINECOFF Is At lanta's newest snd most complete Hotel; now undor the manage- ment of Mr. j. F. Lettou, former manager of Hotel Anetey. EXECUTIVE STAFF; Frank T. Reynolds, das. F. d.Jam.tto. A. H. Chapman. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For all farm and garden seed and have a fresh and complete sup ply for your fall planting, our prices are right, call to see us. Pridgen Brothers Phones 62 or 301 TAKE A PIECE OF ADVICE SAFETY FIRST Commercial Department Open an account m1* pay your bills by Check, you |then have a your Book-keeper. ' Savings Department Open an account in ,the Savings Department, the small amounts de posited from time to time will sur prise you from year to year. In terest at 4 % Compounded'Jquarter- ly. If you have a surplus fundjthat will Tim* n«nfleitc be idle three, six, nine, or twelve iiiuc ucpusu» month8 purchaM a Certificate 0 f Deposit, bearing interest at 5$. . TRAVELERS CHECKS While planning your vacation, o before starting on a trip, purchase Travelers Checks, should they be lost or stoled, notify us, we will is sue you duplicates. They are good all over the world, and are cashed without exchange charge. Waycross, Ga. f . and have your horse ehod where they do eomethlnt more than merely nail on shoes. Briny your horse here snd wo will lit him with ehoes that will not only nt, but will also correct de- fccte In gelt, Improve hie notion and other things. Ask your horse ownin. frlende. a W. T0UK0. 85 Albany Ave. Fh,M M» lIHUHi