The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, October 02, 1914, Image 5

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w mm lairing other medietne*. I decided to Uke his advice, although I did not Mm any confidence In it. I have now been taking Black-Draught tor three months, aid it has cured mo- havea’t had those awful sick headache! since I began using It. 1 am so thankful tor what Black* Draught has done for me.” Tbedtord’s Black-Draught has bee* found a vary valuable medidaelorde- rangementa of the stomach and fiver. It ilsrldlM, Miss., Oct. 1.—Two haa- dmt and twenty-five girls and twen ty-five teachers escaped in their night clothing when fire destroyed the main dormitory of the Alabama Normal College at Uvingatod, Ala, early yes terday. The fire, which originated In acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, god should be kept In every family chest Oet a package today. Only a quarter, HI THE WAYCBOSS JOURNAL FRIDAY, OCT. t, 1(K. in the District Court of the United SUtes for the Southwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Thomas If. Ourr Bankrupt In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Thomas W. Ourr, of Wayerosa,- In the county of Ware, said District a bankrupt: NoUce la hereby given that on the 26th'day of September, 1114, the said Thomas 11. Ourr was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Bruns- ‘d wick, Georgia, on the sixth day of ■ I October, 1914, at ten o'clock In tht S forenoon, at which time the said cred itors may attend, prove thetr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank rupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said -'meeting. At Brunswick, Georgia, this 26th day of September, 1914. A. J. CROVATT. Referee. 10-1-lt. Water BiUs Are Sent Out Patrons of the city waterworks hare a chance now to do something they will not hare to do again until next Reception By J. T* Strickland A reception to which the public generally is invited, will be held at the court houae tomorrow and Sattir- year. That is, all except those who day. The host for this affair is none use water on the meter rate, in which J other than the well-known event water bills are payable month- ~—*- In the District Court of the United States for the Southwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of G. W. West, Bank- rutp. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of O. W. West, of Waycross, in the county of Ware, said District, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given, that on the 26th day of September, 1914, the said G. W. West was duly adjudged bank rupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Brunswick, Georgia, on the sixth day of October, 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. At Brunswick, Georgia, this 26th day of September, 1914. A. J. CROVATT, Referee. 10-1-lt. There are 125,000 telephone girls in the United States, most of then ployed by the "trust" ly. The water bills for the fourth and last quarter of 1914 have been mailed to consumers by the city cterk, and payment of the bills so rendered is in order. While not advertising the fact that a discount on water bills is allowed, patrons really get a discount by pay ing their bills before the 25th of the month. On that date a cut-off list is made up by the clerk, and on this list appears every delinquent. When wa ter is cut off, an additional charge of $1 is made. Therefore, in paying your water bill promptly you save the dol lar. SHOT THROUGH HIS HAND} AMPUTATION NECESSARY. Moultrie, Oct. 1.—Henry Daniel, young white man of the western part of the county, had an accidental gun shot wound in his hand that was so serious that physicians had to take the hand off. Young Daniel had arranged to go hunting and was standing on the steps of his home. His gun slipped through his hand, the hammer struck the steps and discharged a load of shot that passed dangerously near a vital part of his body and struck his hand, badly lacerating the latter. The wound of the hand was of such a character that it was necessary to amputate it between the wrist and the elbow. CYPRESS SHINGLES The Hebard Cypress Co. of fers. for sale at the mills, gHebardville, fpr a limited ”time only: Rfirim 16" Clipper Shlnglei it 31.25 per H. 3x16 Stu A Stir Skii|lei it 61.60 per H. PRIZE DANCE At the Grand Friday Night limed lately following the regular -sir tv Si the Grand Friday night, there will be a prize dance. Two prizes will be ob'ered, the first prize being $5.00 in gold, and the second prize will be $2.50. The audience will be the judge. The contest will be open to Come and bring your partner. If you haven’t a partner of your own young men will be allowed to select a partner from‘the young lady mem bers of the company now playing at the Grand. Couples will be permitted to dance anything from the old-fashioned waits to the newest tango, the only stipula tion will be that nothing suggestive will be allowed in any of the dances. If you desireJfo enter ttys contest leave your name at the box office. On Friday night the quartette wllj also sing any number requested by having the name of the selection left at the box office. Strickland, county tax collector. He will be at hts office tomorrow and Saturday and will keep what is known as "open house." Property- owners, who have not yet settled for 1914 state and county taxes peclally invited. STATE PROPERTY CAN NOT RE CONDEMNED. Atlanta, Oct. 1.—Public utility cor* poratlons have uo right or authority to condemn property owned by. the state, according to a decision of the state Supreme Court handed down yesterday in the case of the Western Union Telegraph Company, which has been seeking to condemn property riong the right of way of the West ern and Atlantic Railroad for the pur pose of setting up its poles aud trans mission lines. The Nashville, Chattanoogp and St. Louis, which leases the Western and Atlantic from the state, refused to enter Into a new contract with the Western Unlpn and ordered the re moval of its poles aud wires from that right of way. The Western Union started condemnation proceed ings, and the state of Georgia, owner of the Westeni and Atlantic and th*> Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis, the lessee, brought Injunction suits The injunctions were granted In the lower court, and the Supremo Court sustains them, deciding that condem nation will not hold against property owned by the state. IN THE SOCIAL WORLD CONDUCTED BY MRS. T. SALE PHELAN . . Telephone 426. •Mrs. J. E. Wadley will leave to morrow for Valdosta to spend the cek with relatives. Mr. J .E. Wadley will leave tomor row for a abort business trip to Ashe vllle. Mrs. B. F. Hubert who has spent several weeks in Hot Springs, Ark. is expected to return horn# today. Miss Doris Wiley has returned frpm pleasant visit to Atlanta. Carters- ll and Tlfton.. The friends of little Miss Sarah Lee Lowther will regret to learn that she is quite sick at the home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jordan. Miss Oraera Holltway of Tallahas- e, Fla., who has accepted a position iu the public schools, will be with [r^ H. S. DuDose for the year. The many friends of Master James Rippard who has been quite sick will be glad to know that he is able I out again. of the Order of the Eastern Star of New Jersey to bo held in that state next month. This is a distinct hono' to Mrs. Pittman and shows the es teem in which she is held by her order in the state. Mrs. Reddick Hostess. Mrs. G. G. Reddick was hostess yes terday afternoon for the members of the Young Matron's Club at apartments on Elizabeth street. Hook was played at two tables and the'first prize, a hand painted bon bon dish, was won by Mrs. McAllister Torbett. The consolation, a fancy apron, fell to Mrs. Charles Layton. After the game fruit salad with wa fers was served. The guests included Mrs. Lee 1’ark- *, Mrs. Edwin Jordan, Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mrs. Reginald Porter, Mrs. McAllister Torbett, Mrs. Chas. Lay- Mrs. Newhart. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Crosby who hav been visiting relatives In the city have returned to their home In Jack sonville. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sauls, Mrs. Joe Howard and little daughter Bernice, and Miss Sallie Wiggins left last nigh* for a visit to Hot Springs, Ark. NICE SIX ROOM HOUSE re- * With modern conveniences, on lot 60x150 feet, well located on one of the best residence streets in Waycross, A real bargain. Must be sold thifyppeek. Phone us at once. ■ i , - mjw ; B BN NETT —REALTY CO. THIRD FLOOR BUM BUILDING TELEPHONE 134 At THE LYRIC TODAY "BRONCHO BILLY’S JEALOUSY"—An Essaney, featuring 6. M. Anderson. “PIGS IS PIGS”—A Vitograph Comedy with “Jno. Bunny.” “IN CYCLES FATE”—A beautiful Bio graph Drama. “VENGEANCE IS NINE”—A Lubin West ern Drama of the early days. Matinee 2:30 Sharp; Night 6:45 ADMISSION 5 AND 10c AUTOIST SUED FOB f RUNNING INTO BUGGY. Tlfton, Ga., Oct. 1.—Two qqlts have been filed in the city court of Tlfton against II. H. Tift, Jr., each for $1,- 000. One suit is by Mrs. Ethel Sim- mons of Pulaski county, and the other by Mrs. Simmon as next friend for her qrinor child, Thaxton Simmons. They charge assault and battery, alleging that in July the defendant ran a high-powered automobile into the rear of a buggy occupied by Mrs, Simmons, her ion, and i( Mrs. Pearl Henderson while they were driving in Pulaski county. Reckless and rapid driving is also alleged, ( the plaintiff claiming that their buggy was demol lshed and that they wer ( e ttyrown to the grbund with force'* receiving se vere bruises, for which, damages are asked. MENUS ARE NOW NEUTRAL IN CHICAGO RESTAURANTS. Chicago, Oct. 1.—The leading hotels and restaurants of this city in order to observe strict neutrality, have eliminated from menus French, Ger man and Russian names of popular dishes. The Germans have been boy cotting French and Russian dlshos, while "goulash" and "Weiner schriiz- zei" found no favor with English Russian and French guests. Under the new rules of civilized eating aa applied to peaceable Chica go restaurant!, where "canape russe’ led off for luncheon, cavair on toate la the new appetiser. "Weinre schnit zel, Holstein," has been given Its pass ports and veal cutlets with fried egg and vegetables rushed into its place. ■Filet Mignon" is no more; It la plain tenderloin. steak. Chicken broth gelee" is just plaint chicken broth in jelly. "RlSyde veaux petit* pols" Is nothing more than sweetbreads with new peas. Chicken "sous cloche’* is the sam beird "under glass.” - CHARGED ASSAULT AS RESULT OF JEALOUSY. Moultrie, Oct. 1.—Harvey Bryant, Robert Bryant, Clyde Parkman and Garvey Davis, all well known young White men, have been placed under arrest as the result of an alleged as sault .they made on Harry Barfield, a young man of the same community. The quartet la charged with waiting by the roadside in the Thigpen dis trict, of, this county, until young Bar- fleld passed by en route to see a young lady and then dragging him from the vehicle, after which they are alleged to have handled him pretty roughly, drawing pocket knives on him and threatening his life. Barfield says that he managed to break loose from his captors and that they chased him to a house nearby where he had taken refuge and tried to again at tack him. ' L. Barfield, the father of the youarjun it the prosecutor in the The attack Is said to be the re mit of jeelousy. Miss Jessie Milligan left Tuesday for her home 1n Charleston, after a pleasant visit to her brother and sis ter, Mr.’ and Mrs. R. 8. Milligan. Mrs. J. G. Stelnhoimer will return Saturday from Asheville where she has spent August and September with her mother, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Mary Baggs and. JMsh Mary Baggs who lived in Waycross several months during the year are now liv ing in Atlanta. Mr. H. a Baggs who was* the A. C. L. Ticket ,agent her- is now passenger agent for the A. H A A., with headquarters JJv Atlanta. Mrs. C. C. Dobbs who hat spent'tbe summer in various polnta |n» Georgia and, the mountains or Teanesaee re turned last evening and will resura. her duties as manager of, the ready- to-wear department of H. J, Benton & Co. Mrs. C. L. Redding and little Miss Pauline Redding returned yesterday from Point Pleasant, N. J., and Phil adelphia where they have*l>een spend ing the summer with Mrs. Redding'* sister, Mrs. C. S. Raber. They were accompanied home by Mr. Redding who has spent the past ten days with them. * Meeting of G. I. A. to It. pf L. E. There will be a called meeting of the G. I. A. to B. of L. E. tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at WadeV Auditori um. Members are requested to b* present. Next Japanese Stories for Children Tuesday nt the Library. Miss Mary Ransom will tell the sweetest stories of the far-away Japa nese children next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the library rooma. All children-are Invited to be present and he admission will be five cents. Mrs. O. IV. Pittman Chosen State Representative of O. E. N. Mrs. O. W. Pittman has been select ed Grand Representative or the Geor gia O. E. 8. to the Grand convention * HOTEL ARRIVALS. >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ At La Grande. J. S. Morris, Atlanta; W. W. Seidle, Alabama; F. L. Itnmer, New Orleans Allen Deus, Louisville, Ky.; ] Hicks, City; Henry Hoffman, New York; L. H. Davis, Savannah; J. D. Sasse, Jacksonville; S. Wallenstein. Cincinnati; Henry O. Freeman, At lanta; L. Callender, Atlanta;. Strives, Macon; J. M. Stubbs, 8avan- nah; J. C. Story. City; H. L. John son, Manor; D. A. Stroud, Barnes- vllle; Frank H. Baker, Atlanta; A. Maxey, Savannah; J. W. Tlpplns, Baxley; E. H. Wehb. Atlanta; H. A. tnnrnan. Savannah; J...L. Dorris, Val dosta; Vlct-.r 8. Taylor, Philadelphia C. C. Olnc:. New York. .'.I New Phoenix. if. C. Senior, Albany; R. L. Smith, Lafayette, Ind.; R. A.' Poolo, Jacksonville; W. C. Norvcll, Lake land; A. Walker, City; A. C. Lowther, City; B. O. Boykin, Charleston; F. L. Wilkinson, Atlanta; A. V. Mozingo, Tlfton; E. P. Rand/Jr., Now York F. B. Biddulph, Lake City; J. S. Ty son, Jacksonville; F. P. Wade and son, City; 8. Clark llouk, City; Lock worth Moss, Philadelphia; K. H. Car mivhael, Savannah. * * H-m conn AMERICU8 RECEIVED J3,000 BALES IN MONTH. Amorlcus, Ga., Oct. 1.—Thirteen thousand bales of cotton, of present crop havo been received at Americus warehouses to date, compared with 12,000 bales received at tho close of September last season. In addition to the 13,000 bales received at the warehouses, fully 3,000 hales stacked under gin houses on planta tions where they will be, held on plan tations until conditions. Improve. Of the 13,000 bales marketed In Am ericus already, probably leap than 4,- 000 have been sold, farmers holding steadily for 8 cents or better. Two ad ditional brick warehouses are being constructed to hold the reserve crop. AMERICANS ARB LEAYING BRUSSELS. London, Oct. 1.—Americans who ar rived here from Brussels say most of their countrymen are leaving that city, fearing outbreaks becauso of strong feeling among the population against the Germans. It is cited that after Burgomaster Max was arrested numerous placards were posted warning the Germans that if tho burgomaster wore Injured the people or Brussels had jetrol, vi triol and butcher’s knives and would FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friend. Thought Mr. Hughei Wool* Die, Bat . One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky.—In Interesting Id- rices treat tMs place, Mr. A. J. Hughe* are: -I was dow. stomach trouble tor thro (5) years, and would hart ride hesdsrhr so bid, it times, that I thought surely I would die. tried dttfcreot treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, ltd all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Black-Draught, and quit Stop! Look! Listen! THEY ARE HERB! WHAT? The New Dresses HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? All the new styles are in the line— including the Basque and Redingote models. We have a full line of all shades and sizes, and they will go mighty fast. DRESSES at popular prices. You had better hurry! Visit Our Coat Suit Dept. New line Shirtwaists just received. We are showing the new vest effects. Have you seen them ?’ New line of Party Cases received. [mud corny Agency for Phoenix Silk Hoelery WHEELER ACQUITTED OF MURDER AT NA8HYILLE* Nashville, Ga., Oct. 1.—Charlie Wheeler, who ktllod. Mitch Lawson, at Mllltown on the 29th of last July, was acquitted of a charge of murdor •in Borrien superior court here today. According to testimony, tho two men quarroled about some fish-traps and it is alleged Lawson made threats against Wheeler st the time. Later they met and it was claimed that Lawson was tho aggressor when Wheeler dealt him a blow with a bush hook, which resulted In Lawpon’s death. MILLION ACRES FOR LAND-HUNGRY FOLKS. Washington, Oct. 1.—A million acres of government land will he thrown open to settlement this month in Montana by order of Franklin D. Lane secretary of the Interior. The land may be taken up in sections of 230 acres each. There will also be open to home stead entiy from October 19 to No-, vember 15, lands until recently held aa forest reserves. These Include high grazing land In Idaho and Utah, 240,000 acres inall. Do You Need SPECTACLES? DO YOU NEED ARTIFICIAL EVEN! DO TOD NEED BROKEN HPECTACLES REPAIRED! WE DO NOT NEED YODB PRESCRIPTION TO DUPLICATE IODB BROKEN LENSES, JVST BflNG DS THE PIECES AND WE WILL GRIND TOD AH EXACT DUPLICATE. SEE. Dr. Geo. E. Lyons The Optometrtat Lett St. Wiycnu, C*. DO NOT.PVT orr DEALING WITH VS UNTIL VOV “OET w a HOLE” AND CAN’T FIND IT SOMEWHERE ELSE INSTEAD. COME{FIRST TO THE STORE THAT CARRIES THE STOCK AND DESERVES YOUR BUSINESS, BECAUSE WE’VE “ALWAYS OOT IT." NO MATTER WHAT YOU NEED IN THE HARDWARE LINE FROM A RAT TAIL FILE VP. WE HAVE IT—AND THE PRICE IS LOW FOR THE VP QUALITY. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 186