The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, October 23, 1914, Image 2

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BEE n, Hit THE WAICE088 JOURNAL cnss Journal ESTABLISHED IE 18N. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY AT WAYCROSS, OA. I. VOLNEV WILLIAMS, Editor »nd Manager. The Oaljr Weekly Paper Pabllikrd at the Coaaty Heat OFFICIAL ORGAN WARE COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR ... 81X MONTHS Ware County Legal Advertisements LEGAL ADTBBTI9EMKNT8, [fix, be amended bj adding at the end [of said paragranb tbe words "and GEORGIA—Ware County. (may abolish tbe office of county trees- To all Whom it May Concern: *urer la any county," so that said par- John W. Williams haring, in prpp- agraph when so amended will read as er form, applied to me for perms- follows, to-wlt: " Paragraph 1. neat Letters of Administration on County officers to be uniform. Wbat- the estate of Rachael Erans, late of ever tribunal or office may hereafter said county, this Is to dlte all and be created by the General Assemply, Jsingular the creditors and next of kin'for the transaction of county matters, j of Rachael Erans to be and appear shall be uniform throughout the state, at my office within the time allowed and of the same same. Jurisdiction by law, and show cause, if any th*7 and remedies, except that the Gen- can. why permanent - administration !eral Assembly may provide for the "ON TO WASHINGTON OR BANKRUPTCY." The Fltsgerald Enterprise In its Issue of Saturday sounds the warning "Os to Washington, or Bankruptcy." The Enterprise does not think that tbe cotton states bare the machinery and the money to pull business through the present crisis. It says that letters and petitions that bare been sent (• Washington by mall hare availed nothing, so now It farors aendlng a petition in the way of "100,000 farmers In boots." The editor of the Enter prise Wifms' up and saya: "The present session of congres will adjourn without rem edial legislation for the South but will reconvene In De cember. It is bankruptcy for the Southern farmer and merchant if we get no help from Congress. Let us send a petition In boots to Washington, one so large In numbers and composed of the farmers of the South, who sre battling for the opportunity to pay their honest debts with the earn- t Inga from their farms. A hundred thousand farmers march Ing up Pennsylvania Avenue would cause the administra tion to realise tbe seriousness of our condition end do for the f srreers ONCE what they are alwnys doing far the banks—furnish currency to protect their Interests." There Is no getting around the fact that the present financial situation la the cotton states is alarming, but we do not believe that conditions are as bad as the editor of the Enterprise and thousands of people think they are. As a number of newspapers have suggested about fifty per cent of the cauae of the financial depression Is due to thought and not to facts. On aeeeont of there being no sate for cotton, money is very tight In the cotton sections, but while money is scarce here It Is plentiful In other sections of the United 8tatM, and whore money is easy interest is low, so why Is . not reasonable to suppose that money from the North and West will soon Hag Its way info the cotton states seeking higher rates of Interest? There Is do use for us to get so greatly excited over matters. The way to overcome conditions Is to have an abundance of confidence In ourselves, aad convince people with money that notwithstanding the temporary loss of dvr cotton market, we atill have the resources to be prosperous and ttm we are going to come ont on top. There is one thing certain that unless we keep cool heads, and determ ined minds, tbe outside world will not have enough faith In our ability to advance flnanclal aid. business of said corporation, aad to Para Emit A Pecan Company, and to dJse stored and can be used as eollat- exocute notes, bonds and mortgages be gold under said attachment. [era! In tbe place of the cotton or oth. as evidence of Indebtedness incurred,! Said property Is now located at As-]er merchandise, and aa symbolic of or which may be incurred in the con- toria, the place of business of said such cotton or other merchandise. luct the affairs of the corporation, Georgia Farm, Fruit A Pecan Compa nd to secure the same by mortgage, ny in said County, and will be deliv- security deed, or any other legal ered to the purchaser at said place, form of lien now existing under the i said fertilisers being difficult and ex laws of Georgia, and further, the pensive to transport is not produced right to accept security deed, mort-jat the Court House door, gage or other form of lien, as secur-. D. W. PITTMAN, ity for any indebtedness due to said Sheriff Ware County, Georgia. should not be granted to John Williams on Rachaef Evans’ estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 6th day of October, 1914. B. H. THOMA8, Ordinary. 10-10-1 t-dly-3tB- wkly. GEORGIA, WARR COUNTY: Under and by virtue of an orddr granted on the 7tb day of October, A. D , 1»14, by the Hon. A. J. Crovatt, Referee in Bankruptcy in (he district court of the United States for tbe Southwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia, the undersigned will expose and sell in store-house at Corner of Parker and Jane streets In City of Waycross, Ware county, Geor gia, on the 12th day of October, 1914 at ten o'clock A. M. at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, first parcels, then in bulk, all tbe stock merchandise, furniture and fixtures and accounts, etc., belonging to Carter A Knight, Bankrupts. The successful bidder will be required to deposit ten per cent of bid with undersigned time goods are knocked off as evl dence of good faith, the balance to paid upon confirmation of sale by the Court. This the 7th day of October, A. 10J4. D. J. LEWIS, Receiver of Estate of Carter A Knight, Bankrupts. 10-t-4ti-d WAR TAX ON MEDICINE. The newspapers ef the country are being urged by the manufacturers of medical preparations to start a publicity campaign against the govern ment placing a war tax upon medical preparations. The newspapers have been slow In taking up this matter for the reason that it is apt to be charg ed (hat the papers are opposing the tax because thev receive a revenu from the medicine men for advertising. While it is true that this can be charged, still it would be very unjust to the papers to say that the few dol lars they receive from medicine advertising would influence .them In the matter. The man who favors a tax on proprietary medicines will say that the consumer wlM not have to pay the tax, but this Is the old Idea that Is abso lutely false, because the CONSUMER atwsys pays the tax. It might also be argued that proprietary medicines should not be sold, and that to tax IheA still tend to decrease the consumption of them, but this Is a wrong idea. We will admit that many proprietary medicines should not be tuined at all, but the way to remedy this is nut by taxation but by prohib iting their sale. Many medicines on the market have rreat merit and offer relief to the poor people, a* well as to many rich. We do not believe that the Senate should Includo In its war tax bill proprietary medicines, aad we do not believe that it will bo done after a careful investigation has bees made. PRESIDENT RENTON'S APPEAL Yesterday's Journal-Herald carried an appeal from Mr. II. J. Renton, President of the Board of Trade calling upon the people of Wavcross »o ralljt to the support of the Institution of which he Is the hend. President Beaton direct* tho attention of the cHlxens of Waycross to the fact that the Board li DOW being run upon the most economical plans, and while it is greatly handicapped it ia doing a much needed work, which If carried to aa Ik* wilt result in more good probably than any work tne Board has over done. Aa Mr. Benton state* in his call there will be a meeting at the Board rooms to&lght for the purpose of making a kind of reorganisation, and It Is moat Important that every business, and professional man in the city attend thla meeting. The meeting will no, be any long drawn out affair but will be brief and to the point. No one need be afraid to attend upon the ground that money will be asked for as this is not the purpose of the matting. Tho Board of Trade NEEDS YOUR ENTHUSIASM MORE THAN IT NEEDS YOUR MONEY, and It Is for this that the President and the Secretary are working for. LXT EVERY BUSINESS MAN AND EVERY PROFESSIONAL MAN IN WAYCR088 TURN OUT TONIGHT AT 8 O’CLOCK. A PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Georgia, to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8,1914, said amendment to amend Article 11, Section 8, Paragraph 1, of the Consti tution of thla State, authorising the Legislature to abolish office of Coun ty Treasurer in any county, and for other purposes. By His Excellency, John M. Slaton, Governor. State ef Georgia Executive Department. August 24, 1914. Whereas, the General Assembly at Its session In 1914, proposed an amendment to the Constitution of the State, as set forth In an Act approved August 14tb, to-wit: An Act to amond Article 11, 8ection 3, Paragraph 1, of tbe Constitution of this State, so as to authorise the Gen eral Assembly to abolish the office of county treasurer In any county of this State, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and It Is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that Article 11, Section 3, Para graph 1, of the Constitution of Geor- appointment of commissioners roads and revenues in any county, and may abolish tbt office of county treas urer In aay county, or fix the com pensation of county treasurers, and aucb compensation may be fixed with out regard to uniformity of nuch com pensation in the various counties. Section 2. Be It furtfier enacted, tnat If this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly of .each House, the same shall be entered on their Journals with the yeas and nays tak en thereon, and the Governor shall cause the amendment to be published in one or more of the newspapers in each congressional district for two months immediately preceding the next general election, and the same ■hail be submitted to the people ..t the next general election, and the voters thereat si-all have written or print ed on their tickets: "For ratification of Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of tbe Constitution of this Stats,'' or 'Against ratification of Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the Const! tutlon of this State,'' as they may choose: and if a majority of the elec tors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of said Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make procla mation thereof. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton, Governor of said State, do Issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution Is submitted for ratification or rejection to the vot ers of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3rd, 1914. JOHN M. SLATON, By the Governor: Governor. Philip Cook, Secretary of State. 9 4 9twk APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. corporation. Seventh. They desire for said cor poration the right to apply for and accept such amendments to iu char- er at may bo deemed necessary* eith er in form or substance, and as may be determined by a vote of the ma jority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said corporation to wind up ita affairs, liquidate and discontinue at any time t may determine to do so, by a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstand Ing at the time. , Eighth. That, together with th: right of renewal, when and as pro vided by the laws of Georgia, It have all other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are Incident to like corporations, or permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be ncorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the privileges, rights, immunities and powers here in set forth, and as now exist or may lereafter be allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. PARKER A WALKER, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Filed In office this 13 day of Sep tember, 1914. E. J. BERRY, Clerk. GEORGIA—Ware County: I, E. J. Berry, Clerk of the Supe rior Court, of said county, do hereby certify that tbe foregone Is and correct copy of the application for charter of L. J. Cooper, et al, as the same appears on file In this of fice. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court this 18 day of September, 1914. E. J. BERRY, Clerk of Superior Court of Ware County, Georgia. 9-19-oaw-dly-4wks. WOMEN AND PEACE. It Is all rivht for women's organisations In the United States to offer resolutions aqainst war, but it is not clear what benefit will result. Peace hSa bean preached from time out of mthd; women aa a class arc always opposed to war. and submit to it only because they must. It may safely be assumed that European women of all races and nationalities are at heart In fnvor of peace, however fiery they may be in denunciation of their coun try's enemies or however deep their patriotism. Bnt what does this opposition to war matter when a crisis comes? Their voices are drowned by marital music and the tramp cf soldiers' feet: their protects go unheard and unheeded by those who rule. It would be the same In this country under certain condlNBfi*. fit Htne faftt ebme when women a* active participants It government may have ad Influence In preventing war. but they will always have the fighting spirit ef men to deal with. Apparently the women who are now "resolving" to earnestly that war Is wioked and must not be allowed, forget that men are primarily fighting creatures and that the disposition to win their way by force if no other means is sufficient Is Inherent in their natures.—Indianapolis star. The flre^ number of Waycross Saturday Night baa appeared in Way- cross aid la a credit to Its publishers and to the city. It Is Interesting from tret to last page. Perkins J. Prewitt and George Nnngeser. both well known in Waycross. are In charge of the new weekly and promise to give Waycross a publication that will be typical of Waycross. That is. up to date. Tbe latest from tbe European war ia that the situation on the left, cen ter and right remain unchanged but very critical for the French and Brit ish may He rlin reports) and it la only n question of n few days before the Germans will be completely routed (say the Paris reports.) And there youl haw* the war developments In a nutshell. Colonel Henry Wattereon la a Kenutcktan in every sense—broad minded. big-hmrt. <!, whole-souled. There Is no place In him for bitter- nees He l« a brilliant, open-handed eostbsrner of the old time. He has hla folblrs maybe bi» failings: but uothiux can d«*ny him th.- affection - --• nigh regard of the peopi.-, tally in tho GEORGIA—Ware County. To tbe Superior Court of Said County: The petition of L. J. Cooper, J. L. Walker, M. L. Bunn, W. E. Sirmar. lohn S. Walker and I. A. Sugg, oil of the county of Ware and State of Georgia, respectfully allows: First. That they desire for them selves, their associates and success ors to be Incorporated and made a body politic, under the name nnd style of the "Waycross OH and Cini Company," for a period of twenty ears, with the privilege of renewal at the end of said period. Second. That the principal office t said Company *hal» bo lu tho City Waycross, Ware County. Georgia, u.t petitioners desire the right to es tablish branch offices within this state or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of tho block may ro determine. Third. The object of said corpora- ion la that it may bring pecuniary tain to itself and its stock'aolders. Fourth. The business io bo car ried on by said corporation in that of manufacturing and handling petrole um, and other crude oils; kerosene, and other manufactured and refined oils; boring, drilling and digging wells for oil and gas: bulld'ng tanks, eservolrs and other receptacles for jaid oils; constructing and establish ing pipe lines for the transmission oils and gas, and constructing such other devices as may be necessary the handling, marketing and sell ing the same; erecting office build ings and other buildings; running s mercantile business In connection with MM ell end gss business; build- tsg tram rand* nnd ways, nnd opsrat ng engines and machinery, and hav- ng, using and doing all things inci dent and appurtenant to the main business of operating oil and wells. Fifth, The capital stock of said corporation shall be fifteen thousand ($15,0000.00) dollars, with the privi lege of increasing same to the sum of one million (11,000,000.00) dollars a majority vote of the stockhold ers, said stock to be divided into shares of one hundred ($100.00) dol lars each. The said capital stock of fifteen thousand dollars has already been actually paid in. Sixth. Petitioners desire tbs right to bus and be sued; to plead and be uploaded; to have and use a com mon seal: to make for said corpora tion all necessary by-laws, rules and 10-2-4lrks. STATE OF GEORGIA, WARE COUNTY: The appraisers appointed to set apart a Twelve Months* Support for the family of W. M. Allbritton, de ceased, having made their return all persons concerned are hereby cited and required to show cause in tbe Court of Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday In November, 1914, next, why tbe application for said Twelve Months' Support should not be granted. This October 5tb, 1914. B. H. THOMAS. Ordinary Ware County, Georgia. 10—2—4ts-wky STATE OF GEORGIA, " WARE COUNTY: The appraisers ^appointed to set apart a Twelve Months' Support for the family of E. L. Johns, deceased, having filed their return all persons concerned are hereby cited and re quired to show cause in the Coart of Ordinary of said County, on the first Monday in November, 1914, next, why application for said Twelve Months' Support should not he grant ed. Thi3 October 5th, 1914. B. H. THOMAS, Ordinary Ware County, Oa. 10—2—4tswky GEORGIA—Ware County. Under nnd by virtue of the powe' of sale contained In a deed to secure debt t^icuted by Henry Hill on th 13th day of November, 1911, to the un dersigned, The Fidelity Loan & In catment Company and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware County, Georgia, will be sold within the legal hours of sale the first Tuesday in Novemb: 1914, before the court bouse door of aaid county in the City of Waycross to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wlt Being thirty-five acres of land number ninety-one (91) in the eighth land district of Ware county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: On the north by hyids of W. P. Lee, on the east by a big branch, on the west by lands of Adam Hill and south by lands of Tom Hill, except eight acres In the northwest corner and sixteen acres In the southwest corner, above boun daries covering all of this and com posing a tract of fifty-nine (59) acres, more or less. Said sale to be made for the purpose of paying the prin cipal, Interest, ten per cent attorney’ fees and costs of this advertisement nine certain promissory notes, dated November 13th, .1911, the first eight of which being for nine (|9.00) dollars each and the other one being for eleven and 71-100 ($11.71) dollars, the first of said notes becoming due March 1st, 1914, and one on the first day of each succeeding month there after, with interest from maturity at eight per cent per annum and provid ing for 10 per cent attorney's fees, if colected by law or through an attor ney at law, of which due and timelv notice has been regularly given in accordance with law. Said security deed further providing that should default be made in the payment of any one of aaid promissory notes and such default should continue thirty days, the total of said indebted ness thereby becomes due and collect ible, and default having been made by the said Henry Hill on March 1st, 1914, and having continued to this date, the undersigned has declared the whole Indebtedness aforesaid due and so notified the said Henry Hill. A deed to the purchaser will be mad'* by the undersigned. This October Sth. 1914. The Fidelity Loon i Investment Company, By its Attorneys, PARKS A REED. l(*-9-wkly-4ts. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY'S O. H. SALE. SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Unless previously called for and charges paid, or disposition given, the Southern Express Company will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at pub lic auction, at or near their city office, Waycross, Ga., commencing at 9 o’clock a. m., November 11th, 1914. A complete list of all freight to be sold will be found posted at the city office and other conspicuous places. C. C. WOLFE, Superintendent F. L. BYANS, Agent. 19-9-4ts-wkly. 3rd. That their corporate name win be "THE FARMERS’ WAREHOUSE COMPANY" and (he amount of capital stock will be five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), all of which will be act- uaUy paid in at or before the begk- nlng of business; bnt they desire tbority to increase their capital stock^ from time to time np to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). and to de crease the same from time to time, but never below five thonsand dollars. 4th. Their principal place of doing business or home office shall be in Waycross, Ware county, hot they de sire authority to do basinets elsewhere in the State of Georgia and in the United States. 6th. They desire power and author!- ty to purchase, own, lease or rent lands, warehouses and other buildings suitable to the business of a ware houseman, to make contracts of every kind, Including the power to borrow money, and to enter Into all proper ob ligations, and to secure the obligations of the corporation under security deed or mortgage of the property of the cor poration, and all corporate powers, whether hereinbefore specified or not, wbteh belong to Corporations charter ed under Section 2823 of the Code of Georgia, and to do all things conveni ent or proper to the business of the said corporation. 6th. They also desire power and au thority in said THE FARMERS’ WAREHOUSE COMPANY to hold stock in other corporations, where said holdings will not defeat or lessen com petition or encourage monopoly. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray an order of Incorporation for themselves, their associates and successors, and for the term of twenty (20) years from the date of the order of incorporation, with the privilege of renewal at the end of said term, under the said cor porate name, and with all the powers and rights hetcinbefore prayed for. J. L. CRAWLEY, Attorney for Petitioners. The above petition filed in this office September 29th, 1914. E. J. BERRY, Clerk Superior Court Ware Cotnty, Ga. (8eal of Conrt) SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will he sold on the first Tuesday In November next, at public outcry be fore the Court House door in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash certain property of which the following Is complete description: All of that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Ware, State of Georgia, and more fully described follows: Lot one (1) in block one (1) of tbe Bladen’s subdivision of original block six (6) of the Murphy Sessoms Subdivision of original land lot one hundred and twenty one (121) In tbe eighth district. The plat of said Bladen Subdivision being of record la the office of the Clerk of Ware Supe rior Court, said lot being fifty by nine ty-five feet. Said property levied on as the property of Mrs. Harriet 8. Bell to satisfy six certain executions issued upon six judgments rendered at the September term, 1914, of the Justice Court of the 1231st district, O. M. Ware County, Georgia, in fa vor of tbe Fidelity Loan A Investment Company against Mrs. Harriet S. Bell. Written notice of levy and of this advertisement give a to each of above named defendants. This 30th day of September, 1914. D. W. PITTMAN. Sheriff. 10-2-4-wks. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF WARE. To the Superior Court of said county: Tbe Petition of L. J. Cooper, J. L. Crawler, J. P. Tarlor, J. B. Lewie, J. L. Sweat, Martin V. Calrln, H. J. Benton, L. A. Wlleon, D. P. Arthur, O. W. Deen. J. P. Wlleon, W. W. Lam do in, Marcos Mead, John T. Watt, M. L. Bunn, P. N. Harter, J. C. Humphrera, L. V. Wil liams, J. E. T. Bowden. Dan Lott, W. B. Slrmaas, John W. Bennett, H. L. Jonee, J. B. Venn, B. O. Parke, R. j. Seaman, Harrr D. Reed, C. 8. Har dy. C. E. Wlllfameon, J. 8. Williams, V. C. Parker. H. Letter Marrfl, M. Down, er.' E. J. Berry and J. W. Seals, of Ware County, Georgia, and J. K. Lar kin and W. H. Meek* of Pierce County, Georgia, respectfully showeth: 1st. That they desire to be Incor porated under the corporate name hereine-er set forth aa pro Tided in Section t.23 of the Code of Georgia. 8nd That the object of their asso ciation is profit and gain, and ths par ticular business they propose to carry on la that of a public warehouseman, that may be oeoeeaary for th. .. Jut carrying on of said busim With the txteplion of an alvnnce the right to buy, lease, bold of some Importance la the Ttcintty ot and sell ■ GEORGIA, WARE COUNTY: Will bo told before tho Court House door within the legal hours ot sale on Tuesday tho Srd day of November, 1914, to the highest and be*t bidder for cash the following personal prop erty to wit, !tt lacks of commercial fertilizer. One hnndred and forty- eight eacke known as Southern 8-S-8, and sixty-eight eacka known oa Sou- ..... ..... them 7-4*8, and twenty-eight sacks of do all other thing* nitrate of soda. Said goods nmnufac- P 1 “ I ;| ere . merchants, binktt and the. Paragraph lured by the Southern Fertilizer gadIgMf «?”■“*.«» ,U W- «?> '"' ^1, He ■- tends Submitting a proposed. amendment to tbe Constitution of Georgia, to oe voted on at the General Election to bat held on Tuesday, November 3, aaid amendment to amend Articlexr Section 4, Paragraph 1, of the Consti tution of Georgia, by extending tbe term ot members of the General As- •embly cf the State until the time flxed by alw for the convening of the next General Assembly. By His Excellency, JOHN M. SLATON, Governor. State ot Georgia, Executive Department. August 84, 1914. Whereas, the General Assembly at Its session in 1914 proposed an omendment to tho Constitution of this State, as sot forth In an act approved August 14th, 1814, to-wlt: An Act to amend Article 8, Section 4, Paragraph 1, of the Conatltntlon of Georgia, by extending tho term ot members of the General Assembly ot the State until the time fixed by law for the convening of the next General Assembly The following amendment la hereby proposed by the Senate and House of Representatives to tho people of Geor* gls to Article 8. Section 4, Paragraph 1, of tho Conetltutton ot Georgia. Amend said Paragraph 1, of said Section 4, ot Article 8, es fellows By striking from said Paragraph 1 the words “until their successors are elected,- and Inserting In lieu ot •aid words In said Paragraph 1, the following words, to-wlt: "Until tbe time fixed by law for the convening of the next General Assembly.” Amend further by adding to said Paragraph 1 of said section and nr tide the following words, to-wit: That tho provisions of this paragraph, section and article shall apply to tbe terms of tha members of the General Assembly, who are elected at the gen eral election for members of the Gen eral Aesembly In the year 1912. amended said Paragraph 1 of aaid sec tion and artlcla shall read aa follows: “Tho members ot the General Assem bly shall be elected for two years and •hall serve until the time fixed by Isw for the convening ot the next General Assembly. That tha provisions ofitfz paragraph, section and article Aalt apply to tho term of tha ■■■Hurt <* tha General Assembly who wen elec, ted at the General Election for mem bers of tho General Assembly In the year 1918“ And the Governor of the State Is hereby required and directed to cause tbe shove and foregoing amendment to bo published la at least two news papers In each congressional district In thla state tor a period ot two months previous to the time of hold* tog tho next General Election after the submission ot this amendment to the General Assembly, and shall at tha next General ElecUon to be b*:c after the submission ot thla amecd and they desire for themselves, their, . tnfffitfffft the author!-» ment ® people for their r*tlfi'‘ k ty to do a general warehouse business l tU) ? cauac lhe sam0 “> ** TOtrf c, ‘ In which they will receive cotton and and ,ha form lu ’ th,< ' h **» other merchandise from farmers, | b6 8nbmltlcd t0 the shall . .... . IfnllnWR• “Fnr raJidpafl/tn nf as Fertilizer attd'public generally on stor -heutical Company of Savannah. r "*-«eahle and proper .torage Georgia. Said property levied upon , f barges. They desire