The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, November 11, 1904, Image 1

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THE MONTICELLO NEWS, ESTABLISHED 1881. AMATTER OF HEALTH ROYAL ol ‘qr BaynG POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Try our «Go id Honter” Flour it is fine.—Ballard. Mr. John Hudsen, of Eatonton, spent Saturday in town. Sweet Oranges direct from the groves in Florida. Ballard. Mr. L. S. Kelly, a prominent citizen of Maxwell, was in the city Tuesday. Capt. L. W. Robert was up from Brunswick the early part of the week. Mr. T. A. Hutchinson has been on a business visit to Sandersville this week. Miss Ruth Hill, who is teaching in Shady Dale, spent Saturday with homefolks. Mr. Walker Swanson returned to Madison Friday -~fter a short visit to friends herc. Mr. and Mrs. John Webb will leave next Wednesday for, Atlan ta their future home. Mr. Lavosia Maddux and Mr. T®@ner, of Jackson, spent Sunday with Monticello friends. Mrs. M. L. Pope left Tuesday morning for a visit to Mrs, -T. B. Claiborn, of Shady Dale. 1 have more Crockery, Lamps and Glassware than Carters had Qats—call and see Ballard. Messrs R. L. and Alex Smith, prominent planters of Maxwell, were visitors here the early part of the week. FOR SALE—House and lot, good barn and garden on Warren Street. Apply to H. C. Hays. Mrs. Hansell Malone, who has been on a visit to Monticello rela tives, returned to her home in At lanta Saturday. We are receiving our Holiday and gifts Goods. Call and get first choice. ' W. E. Ballard. Hamlin's famous Wizzard Oil Company is advertised to reach - Monticello next Monday and will give several entertainments during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Phillips will move from their country home to town next week, occupy ing the home recently purchased of Mr. John Webb. H. W, Penn, of Monticello, Ga., who was agent for the Katy at this place a couple of years ago, has been in the city a few days this week greeting his many friends,—Oswego (Kans.) Blade. We are authorized to announce that Rev. E. R. Pendleton, pastor of the Monticello Baptist church, will preach at Andrew, near Smithboro, Saturday afternoon at three o’'clock. A cordial invita tion extended to all to attend. MISS JORDAN TO WED MR, PERRY, The announcement of the ap. proaching marriage of Miss Annie Glover Jordan to Mr. Thomas Edwin Perry, which will occur at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Erasmus H. Jordan, on Wednes. day exening, November the 16th, is of great interest to a large circle of friends. ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL Farmers busy sowing grain. Col. W, T. Davidson, of Eaton ton, was here Tuesday. A pretty line Plaques Pictures and Picture Frames at Ballard’s. Miss Nellie T'ullis. of Atlanta, is on a visit to her father, Mr. H. B. Tullis: . Mr. Flem Jordan and Miss Daisy Pope were over from Jack son Sunday. County court has been in ses sison this week with Judge S. T. Reid presiding. ~ Mr. Mark Green, of Grays, was circulating among Monticello friends Tuesday. Mrs. Emerald and two ehildren, of Boston, Mass., are guests of the Stinson Hotel. - Why don’t you ‘have that suit cleaned up? It will look o much ’bcttcr.—Cleaning Concern. ' Mr. Evan Talmadge, who has been buying cotton in Eatonton. is now located in Woodville, Mr. Robert Powel, of Madison, spent Sunday night with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Powel at the Stinson House. A fresh lot of Scraffts fine Choc olats and other fine candies, ship. ped direct from factory.: Ballard’s. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Jordanare receiving the congratulations of ‘their friends upon the recent ar rival of a little boy in their home. Miss Annie Mae Powell arrived from Newnan a few daysago and is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Powel at the Stinson Hotel. Rev. W. Lee Harrell left Tues day for Dublin to attend the an nual meeting of the Synod of Georgia being held in that cit}" this week. - Mrs. H. 8.. Jordan, Mrs. C. L. Henderson and Misses Joyce and Mary Henderson have been on a visit this week to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan, of Macon. I represent Strauss Bros., of Chicago, «The house that does the best Tailoring.” Call and select a suit—satisfaction guaranteed. W. E. Ballard. Mr. Harper, of Atlanta, who recently purchased a car load of mules from the tarmers and citi zens of the county. was here yes terday, according to previous an nouncement for the same purpose. There was a large crowd in town and a good many sales were made. Just received a fresh lot of Cal ifornia Evaporated Peaches, Prunes, Rasins. New crop of Syrup direct from Soyth Georgia. Cocanuts, Brazils, Almonds, English Walnuts and mixed nuts. W. E. Ballard. U /I[ T[ 0 . See My Line. I have just received the most com plete line of Ladies and Gents Watches in solid and Gold filled, also Ladies and Gents Chains in Solid Gold and Gold filled % %% %% e CUT GLASS. The largest stock in the city at prices lower than the lowest—other shipment enroute x * g e FINE IMPORTED CHINA. I have received several large ship ments of fine China and more to come. I can suit you in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, or Fine China. Prices to suit the smallest purse. J. E. HECHT, Jeweler. MONTICELLO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904, LOCAL AND PERSONAL The «“Esmerada’ Cigars is a de lightful smoke—try it—Ballard. Mrs. Celina Penn has returned from a visit to Atlanta and Bonair. See our beautiful line of Pipes. W. E. Ballard. Mr. Joel Cornwell, of ‘Mechan icsville, was in the city Saturday. Mr, Ralph Webb, of Alabama, spent Sunday in the city with friends. Mr. Marvin Downs, of Macon, visited Monticello friends the first of the week. Mr. Gus Lane and little son, Maurice, spent Monday and Tues day in Atlanta, '~ BARGAIN-=ln Jersy Cow and New Excelsior Cook Stove, J. B. Wens, Mr. W, T.. Marks, a leading ‘young merchant, of Hillsboro, called onus while in Monticello ‘ vesterday, . Mr. F. C. Marks, one of Hills ‘boro's prominent citizens, spent !Monday in the city and while here ‘ made us a pleasant call, ~ Col. J. D. Kilpatrick left last week for hishome in Decatur after spending a few days here with his sister, Mrs. G. W. Stinson, | Mrs, W. J. Phillips was. the the charming hostess at the meet ing of the Saturday Afternoon Club heid at her home yesterday afternoon from three to five. Mr. W. C. Allen, who for sev eral years past has been connect ed with the Courier-Dispatch, left on Wednesday for Atlanta, where he goes to take a position as trav eling salesman for the Orr-Wat= son Stationery Co. Mr. Allen is a splendid young gentleman and will make a successgon é.tpfi Mie. Allen will m r‘f)‘\t i for some time before joining him in Atlanta, where he will have his headquarters.—Dublin Courier Dispatch. | A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. bHOc. If your druggist hasn’t it send 50c. in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St, Louis, Mo, SURPRISE PARTY, The home of Rev and Mrs. E. R. Pendleton was invaded by a number of Baptist ladies Wednes day evening who iminediately pro ceeded to fill the pantry with all sorts of good things and in other ways to show their estcem for their pastor and family. The party camein the way of a sur prise, andnaturally Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton are feeling very grate ful for this kindly remembrance, + LOCAL AND PERSONAL Read the advertisement of J. H. Kelly's. Mr, Will Ezell has been on a business trip to Grays this weck. Mr. John Key, of Mechanics ville, was a visitor here Saturday. Miss Tinie Ellis, a charming young lady, of Calvin, visited our city last week. MR. JOHN FLORENCE TO WED. Invitations have been received in Monticello to the marriage of Mr. John Florence to Miss Josic Walker, of Clarksville, Ga., which will occur at the home of the bride on the 2oth instant. WILL VISIT HOMEFOLKS SHORTLY. The many friends of Mr. Har rv Benton, who has been with the United States Navy for the past few years, will be pleased to learn that in a recent letter to his mother, he writes that he will reach Monticello on the 20th of thismonth, Mr. Benton’s vessel, the Newark, is stopping off at Norfolk, Virginia, for awhile, thus affording him an opportunity of vigiting his loved ones at home. l TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W, Grove's sl’nature is on each box. 25ec. - . ; Seed Wheat for sale. For sam ple and price call at Jordan & Co. "FOR SALE—An upright @abe Piano, ebony case. Can bhad at . bargain. Apply at ‘; i office. i ‘ notes and accounts duc me afnot paid before the first Tues- Al November, next will find same in Jasper County Bank for collection. This Oct. 26, 1904. J. F. WEBB, M. D. FOR SALE. 190 acres of land 34 miles from Monticello. Also 6o acres 1} miles from town, known as the Whitien place—sell cheap, apply to, W. L. ZacHry. Yy '} Mod Sci Triumphs Chemists Astonished! Doctors Amazed! emists Astonished! Doctors Amazed! i et s i Everyone remembers the sulphur and molasses of childhood. You hated the dose, but it did you good. But you had to take a whole lot to get any benefit, because very little of it could get into your blood and system. Now, at last, a chemist has found a way to liquify sulphur-—to make it soluble—so that it is in stantly absorbed by the skin and blood. This marvelous discovery is called 3 o n Just think of it! Chemists show us that every part of the pody contains sulphur—needs sulphur. Sulphuris Nature's greatest purifier. 'Where sulphur goes disease is destroyed. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur cures Eczema, Pimples and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Davrisonre, April 7, 1004, Hancock Liguid Sulphur Co,, Baltimore, Md, Gentismen:—l wish to testify to the merits of your lLagquin Bovnrnunr and Liquinp Svnrnur OrermeNt, 1w s polles oMeor ntationed ot Baitimore nnd Charles Streets, wod all my friends tnd mnny others know that I have long sutlered with s bad cuse of Eczemn of the pulmsof my hands and hinve had to wenr gloves nll the time, I was nnder tremtiment by eminont physiclung for wlong time without sunecess, Lnst sumer your Liguid Salphur and Olntment were recommended 1o me and | begnn 1t use, My hands improved from the first applieation. After nbout a week's trial I went to the Johns Hoplking Hospital to huvo iy hnnds treated with X-Ruyw, At tho Hospltal I was ndvised to continne the use of the Liquid Sulphur nud Olntment, as 1t woomed to be dolng iy hands muech good, Under thelr ndvice 1 eontinued to use the Liguid Hulrhnr and Olntment for six weoks or two months, and at the end of that thime my handy were eured, and they are as sound ns anybody's, [ have used the Sulphur cohistantly in my family, and it 1s excellent, aloo, for the bath, for sore nnd tender feet nnd for nny elnfod or pore pluces, 1 ennnot recommend your Liguid Sulphur and Olntment too highly. {'n.-nu very truly, (Signed) JOUN T, CARROLL, HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. Prepared especiclly for Burns, Scalds, Open Sores, Chafed parts, Raw Surfaces, Boils, Piles, Roughness of Face and Hands, Scaly Fezema, Blackheads and all Skin Diseases, Bold at all reliable drug stores. Write for free bhooklet contalning grateful tostimoninls and giving valuable hints on the curative value snd tollet use of Liquid Sulphur, HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CoO., Bailtimore, Md. Torex U. S. MINISTER TO ENGLAND - OFEX- ¥ Us Commends Pe-ru-na to All Catarrh Sufferers. YA o = . I“"“.‘.' TRy d =25 R p S 5 " e 3 : : \( £ (NS Q . N Yy ET‘;Q | \ },,:'7 Wl \ AL 2 U : Y -~ RA R NN -i - A 7 W™\ & \ /////// & \‘§T\\' \\\\\\\\;A‘;;:’/xk li‘ \\ \\\\\\\ W PN /RN ES N\ \\\\\\*}‘«&a‘ BN . % 7 ity NN | S ') :i*; Y :f‘,;?,//-f‘:\z\\.j\\\, “ \\\\ \\y AN L 0 e N QNN S By | 4%[i\\ AN \\‘, AR e, b / !/'Z/ i (m:{’({:, \\\\\\ e fi;?'f&ggh ! Gl eN\ :*{L}véfi'g\kq‘fi\ s \ Bgiat/ 7t li\il ) /4 BT ad AL Ao N S ™ ' N R O 227 /AN RIS S ') \\Q flf?‘e\é}\;:\\kll\\\&k%‘ ¥ L SN il NS SR 5 e S MR s 1/ Soan DN 4-/:-",‘ 27 L D SSSHNNCR TN T N y é b (AL A/ /%/;::S“\" ffi 3 b QWD Qg -~ \. 7P & R e /// § = ,»‘?.“ \ PRI e TR P @‘ Lo SN o_ L= P e RSN & o ' wn. Lewis §, W | \_—__.—— Hon, Louis K. Johnson is the son of the late Reverdy Johnson who was United Statos Senator from Maryland, also Attornéy General under President Johnson, and United States Minister to England, and who was regarded as the greatess constitutional lawyer that ever lived. In arecentletter from 1006 10 St., N, W., Washington, D. (~ Mr. Johnson says: “No one should longer suffer from catarrh when Peruna is ace cessible. To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many of my friends and acquaintances, that it is humanity to commend its use to all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the human system.”=--louis E. Johnson. Catarrh Polsons. Catarrh is capable of ehanging all the life-giving sceretions of the body into sealding fluids, which destroy and in tiame every part they come in contact with. Applications (o the places affect ed by catarrh can. do little good save to goothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms, llenece it is that gargles, sprays, atom trers and phalan only serve us tem voary relief, i FLOUR SIX DOLLARS PER BAR REL. Sow Wheat. Get the famous OX BRAND GUANO to fertilize with, OSCAR PHILLIPS. Office at Jasper County Ware. house. - There is but one remedy that has the desired effect, and that remedy is Pe runa, This remedy strikes at once to the roots of eatarrh by restoring to the capillary vessels their healthy elas ticity, Peruna s not a temporary pale liative, but a radical cure. i Send for Dr, Hartman’s Jatest book, sent free for a shore time, Ad lross The Pernia Drug ldanufacturing Co,, Uos lumbus, Ohie, . # ¥ FPOR SALE-A scholarship on the Georgia-Alabama Business College lflcated in Macon, Ga. Any young lady or gentleman de siring to take a course in this school will save money by calling on us. NUMBER 36