The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, November 18, 1904, Image 1

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THE MONTICELLO NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1881. "ATl'Ekvfl'llEAl.fll ROVAL Ba NG POWBER Absolutely Pure HAS NG SUBSTITUTE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Try our «Gold Hanter’’ Flour it is fine.—Ballard. Mr. Oscar Pounds was over from Jackson Tuesday. Mr. Alex Hecht has a position with Key Greeras clerk. Mrs. H. C. Hill is visiting Mrs. T. B. Claiborn, of Shady Dale. Sweet Oranges direct from the groves in Florida. Ballard. Mrs. R. L. Davis has returned from a visit to Atlanta and Coving ton. ‘ Col. Fleming Jordan is attending ! Supreme Court in Atlanta thisi week. } Mrs. Glawson, of Round Oak, ‘ was the guest Tuesday of Mrs. Will Greer. ‘ Capt. Cullen Ezell, of Putnam county, was mingling with Monti cello friends Saturday. I have more Crockery, Lamps and Glassware than Carters had Oats—call and see Ballard. | Deputy Sheriff Will Persons leftl yesterday afternoon for Covington wheae he goes for a prisoner. Mrs. B. Leverett, of Machen, has been on a visit this week to her sister, Mrs. Annie Goolsby. 'See our beautiful line of Mer chaum Pipes. W. E. Ballard. Mrs. Mary Elder returned Tuesday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brooks, of Sanders ville. Mrs. T. W. Ellis, formerly Miss Sallie Barron, of Round Oak, spent Tuesday in town with friends. Our columns teem with inter esting advertisements and it will be to vourinterest to read them every one. We were pleased to have Mr, C. P. Ezell, a prominent citizen of Huron, call at our office while in town Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Crawley will soon be gin the erection of a pretty home on Madison street, near the home of Dr, W. M. Bullard. Mrs. A. J. Talmadge and Miss Nannie Barr left Monday after noon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clovis Talmadge, of Lumber City. Miss Fleda Perry, who has a position with Elkin-Cooper Sani tarium, of Atlanta, attended the Jordan—Perry marriage Wednes day evening. Mr. N. H. Leverett, a promi. nent citizen of Mechanicsville, and one of our good subscribers, spent Wednesday in town and paid Tue News a pleasant call while here, Revs. J. W Stipeand L. A. Me- Laughlin will leave Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of the North Georgia Conference which convenes in Marietta on Wednes day, the 23rd. Just received a fresh lot of Cal tfornia Evaporated Peaches, Prunes, Raisins. New crop of Syrup direct from South Georgia. Cocoanuts, Brazils, Almonds, English Walnuts and mixed nuts. W. E. Ballard. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Rainey, of Eatonton, spent Saturday here. Mr. 1. H. Ellis was in the city from Calvin Monday. Mr. T. H. Kennon, of Hebron, was in the city Saturday. Mr. C. D. Jordan visited Atlan ta the early part of the week. Mr. H. C. McClure visited Ma con the early part of the week. A pretty line Placques, Pictures and Picture Frames at Ballard’s. Mr. W. M. Bradley has teen on a business visit to Adrian this week. Miss Mozelle Walker, of Willard, has been on a visit to homefolks this week. Mrs. Hightower has as her guest, her friend, Miss Grant, of Monroe county. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and daughter, Louise, of Gray, spent Sunday here. b Mr. Burke Powers, of Doerun, has been circulating with Monti cello friends this week, Why don't you have that suit cleaned up? It will look so much ‘better.—Cleaning Concern. ~ FOR SALE—House and lot, good barn and garden on Warren Street. Apply to H. C. Hays. «“BLUE RIBBON’ and other brand high grade Extracts. | W. E. Ballard. FOR RENT—One four room house, will be vacated about Jan. first. Apply to J. H. Crawley. - Mr. J. G. Tolleson returned Saturday from Dublin where he attended the annual meeting of the Synod of Georgia as a dele gate from the Presbyterian church, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Phillips are moving this week trom their country home near/ Winfred, to the house recently purchased from Mr. J. B. Webb on Forsyth street. Rev. E. R. Pendleton will preach at the Covington Baptist church next Sunday and on the following day will leave for Co lumbus to attend the annual meet ing of the Baptist State Conven tion. | We would call special attention to the card of Mrs. James Long street in this issue of our paper. This is a splendid offer and we trust that some of our ambitious young girls will avail themselves iof the opportunity at once. . Mr. J. B. Webb, who has re ;cently moved to Atlanta, requests us to say that his place of busi ness willbe at 74 North Broad street where he will be pleased to have his Monticello and Jasper county friends call when- in the 'city. —JUST ARRIVED AT— Hecht’s Jewelry Store. AN Call at our store and we will show yvou the latest thing in Dress Pins, Scarf Pins, Ladies and Gents Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons in Solid Gold. We have a lary* Stock of Watches, Clocks and Fine China, o* o+ o & & & % % 5% 4 £ S A NEW LINE CLOCKS JUST RECEIVED.. Gsle latest styles in fine China. 8 day Clocks. 4 4 4 ¢ —Just arrived a new line Sterling Silver Goods.— Cut Glass we show a large line at low est Erlces. We invite you to call and make our store your headquarters when in the city. J. E. HECHT, Jeweler. MONTICELLO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904. | LOCAL AND PERSONAL The <“Esmerada’ Cigar is a de lightful smoke—try it—Ballard. Mrs. Perry, of Shady Dale, at tended the marriage of her grand son, Mr. Dwin Perry, to Miss An nie Jordan, Wednesday eve ning. Rev. W. Lee Harrell returned Saturday from Dublin where he attended the annual meeting of the Georgia Synod. He was ac companied by Rev. Campbell, of Austell, who occupied the Pres byterian pulpit at the morning and evening services Sunday, We are requested to announce thatthe regular monthly meeting of the Daugthers of the Confed eracy, which was to have been held yesterday afternoon, has been postponed until tomorrow when the meeting will occur at the home of Mrs, H. C. Hill at 2:30 in the afternoon. We are greatly indebted to Mr. A. T. Gray for a great, big pumpkin, brought us a few days ago which will furnish the editor’s family with Thanksgiving pies, Mr. Gray has been very success ful in raising this variety of veg etables, having gathered forty five large ones from three vines this season. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Webb were bidding their friends goodbye on Tuesday and left the following morning for Atlanta, their future ‘home. Mr. and Mrs, Webb have been citizens of Monticello for thirty five years and it is a source of much regret to their numerous friends that they have decided to reside elsewhere, ~ The numerous friends of Col. 'W. P. Davis, a prominent lawyer, formerly of this place, were grieved to learn of his death ‘which occurred at his home in East Point last Sunday. Mp. Da vis' health had been failing %or several months, but his death was the result of a stroke of paralysis ‘which came two days before his ;demise. A Card of Thanks. Mrs. Oscar Jones wishes to ex press her heartfelt thanks to the good citizens of Monticello for their aid, and especially to Miss Helen Ward, who so kindly so licited subscriptions towards the erection of a house. Failing to se cure a building lot, the amount, $18.50, was turned over to Mrs. Jones a few days ago. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Plles. Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c., If your druggist hasn't it send 60c. In stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louls, Mo, CONSUMPTION GAN BE GURED Fast i " -7\ \ \¥Y -fli‘\'\‘:\\\\\‘ VPin i "-/:fl"‘4l< i\Q~ i t ot~ S\ M= =0 a 4 S = . \\ -\\}\E?‘_ ~,‘/)fl'/gl .' \§ S \\@fii’ KR | \\)?\\-,_..- e —_— #( = Sy e, ; B \:;; — = / L : RH } é %fifi-fi (0 ] . AR N SR T eoR, I\ AN NN\ B an 7Y Li UK o\ \\\‘ N Laidlty e \\ M 4 i ér\glm"; ' : Wizrwes it 7N m Hiss Amelia Weymer, |(M Qo) “’,‘," 40 "* o Reeuh O| 14 Hundreds of Women Cured of t First Stages of Consumpt on by Pe-ru-na. The Following Letter From a Thank ful Woman Tells Its Own Story. Mrs, Mary K. Hoblit, 2501 Clinto avenue, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: “My son suffered for three months with eatarrh of the bronchial tubes which threatened to become very sorious. The doctors advised that he scek a more favorablo climate, but as he had heard of “Peruna as a specifie for lung trouble he decided to give it a trial before he left lis family for an expensive journcy among strangers. For six months he used I 8 faithfully and found that the trouble gradually disappeared and bless ed health took its place., Intwomonths ho wase perfectly well and able to per form his dutles, You have indeed a gratoful mother’s thanks.”—Mrs. Mary Hoblit. A NEW ENTERPRISE FOR US. We learn from gpod authority that Messrs B. Jordan and E. S, Broddus are arranging to establish a first-class machine shop in Mon ticello, the firm name being Jor dan and Broddus, The shop will be capacitated to do all kinds of general repair work from a gun and pistol to a steam engine. The News hails with pleasure this new and long felt enterprise and it be speaks the thrift and energy of these two men. | We also learn that they will es tablish other enterprises on the same lot, the work of which is al ready underway. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the mon ;ey it it fails to cure. E. W, Grove's ‘slgnalure is on each box. 20e, | s MOVING TO FITZGERALD. From the following article, it seems that we are abont to lose some of our citizens, This item appeared in the Fitzgerald Enter prise of last week: “A car load of middle Georgians arrived in the city yesterday. They are from Jasper and adjoining counties, and they come to Irwin after making a thorough investigation, They are bringing everything, horses, cattle, household effects and come to live inthe Wiregrass. They find a hearty welcome, a fertile soil, a healthful climate, lands that are easier to buy and easier to till, and that produce more and better crops than any in the sonth, the north or the west," FOR SALE—An upright Knabe Piano, ebony case. Can be had at a bargain. Apply at this office. A Beautiful Girl Saved From Dread Consumption W ey W | uflstit g ‘ W™y e ‘?‘i’?% ~RiEe M N 2 st /| B A ?:"3'-"3::-?3.-' 7 N T e} \g \ = \\ SN2 = f \ \ ? \4? ‘\ 2 4 : /7| Ny il B —~ 1t s the pralse of those who have been cured by Peruna that makes this remedy s 0 popular and so extensively used. No advertisement could have accomplished this result, Peruna cures the first stages of con sumption by removing the cause, which is chronie eatarrh, The eatarrh having been cured the cough and other dis agresable symptoms conse, ~ OUR NEW ADVERTISERS. The large attractive advertise ment of Key P, Greer, the up-to‘ date grocerman, which appears in the News' columns today upeaks' for itself this week, Read it sure. Special attention is directed to the handsome, full page ad of the Carmichael-Etheridge-Smith Co., of Jackson, in this issue of our paper. This company believe in advertising and are offering great inducements to Jasper county people, J. E. Hecht hasa change in his ad today. There is a change in the ad of The Bank of Newborn, Read the change of ad of the Benton Supply Company. I represent Strauss Bros., of Chicago, “The house that does the best Tailoring.” Call and select a suit—satisfaction guaranteed. W. E. Ballard. Put Your Idle Dollars to Work. Don’t allow one dollar to remain idle—when it is notearning some thing. AWAITING THE OPPORTUNITY? Leave your money with us and get a Certificate of Deposit. It will pay you to know something about this BANK OF MONTICELLO. —~—other Wonderful Cures. Miss Amella Weymer, Appleton, Wis., writes: ‘‘Early last summer I contracted a cold which seemed to hang on to me and could not be shaken off. From the head it went to the throat, and then affected nry lungs. My mother felt very anxious and as we had used Peruna in the family before, she advised me to try it. | was somehow very op posed but was persuaded to try Peruna. Using it one day convinced me that it was no ordinary med icine, within a week I was much better and in two weeks I was well, and | felt much stronger and in much better health generally. | was perfectly sat« isfied with the results from the use of Peruna."’ -« Miss Amelia Weymer, CATARRH CAUSES CONSUMPTION Pe-ru-na Never Fails to Cure Ca~ tarrh Wherever Located, Tlllc medical prefession has so thore oughly prejudiced the minds of the people against patent modicines that it s with great rcluctance that snyone can be persuaded to try such a remedy at first, In nearly every one of the thousands of remarkable cures that Peruna has made the patients had to be persuaded by friends very strongly before they could lay aside their prejudice against it, A large multitude, of course, hold out against the persuasions of friends and die simply because they have ailowed their minds to be poisoned against this very excellent remedy, Dut fortunately there fs another large multitude of peoploe who are able to shako off their prejudico and try Peruna before it is too late, These peoplo are rarely disappointed, They generally try ‘other remedics at the beginning of their troubles. They allow a cold to develop into catarrh of tho head. They allow catarrh of the head to gradually become catarrh of the throat. They still keep using the doctor’s medlieino, or some other ineffectual remody, The ecatarrh Istoullhily spreads down the bronchial tubes and reaches the lungs. Everybody ‘then becomes alarmed, Faith in the doctor begins to disappear. The patient reaches n state of mind in which he is willing to try almost anything. A bot tle of Peruna is sent for, The first week it produces a docided change for the better, A few weeks’ comtinued treatment cures the patient, Then atnother happy man or woman {8 added to the long list of people who are pralsing Peruna, It you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Perunas, writo at once to Dr, Hartman, glving & full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis, Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Miss Gladys Pope is the guest this week of Miss Estelle Loyd, of Winfred. Mrs. Walter Zachry and Master Willie Bankston have been on a visit to Hillsboro this week. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is rosponsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles, But since the advent of Dr, King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds wven the worst cases can be cured, and hoples resignation is no longer neces sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass,, is one of many whose life was saved by Dr, Ling's New Discovery. T'his great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by C, D, Jor dan Druggist. Price #oe, and SI.OO, I'rial bottles free, All notes and accounts due me and not paid before the first Tues day in November next will find same in Jasper County Bank for collection. This Oct. 26, 1904. J. F. WEBB, M. D. NUMBER 37