The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, November 18, 1904, Image 3

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FRIDAY MORNING. Prepare For Cold Weather. weeeeeeeel HAVE THE GOODS FOR Y0U.......... DRY GOODS that I have found it necessary to replen ish my entire stock of Dry Goods. You should see my line of Silk and Fancy Waisting just received also my new addi tions in Dress Goods, Percals, Ginghams, etc. % 3 L v L 3 JACKETS T L TNy, E e Tany . . W RTN . Wararnce .SR L U and at any price you wish. Be sure to see these Jackets, they-are favored by fashion and endorsed by economy. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Now is the time to buy these goods. | have never had a more complete stock of Underwear both in cotton and woolen goods. Any size in heavy fleece-lined and Wright's Health Underwear. Can please you in Hosiery, plain, ribbed or fleece-lined. g 0 ARR i i P, \ 7 AN RN - 7AN ..., et LN ‘rf//v" S \\\" N : w | N ‘\“‘ )fl i WI. b/ ' .\‘\ R Ve . ‘Q“\ n’\: \ o STt e Seed Wheat for sale. For sam ple and price call at Jordan & Co. We are receiving our Holiday and gifts Goods. Call and get first choice. W. E. Ballard. FOR SALE. 190 acres of land 3} miles from Monticello. Also 6o acres 11 miles from town, known as the Whitten place—sell cheap, apply to, W. L. ZACHRY. e ———— FLOUR SIX DOLLARS PER BAR REL. Sow Wheat. Get the famous OX BRAND GUANO to fertilize with. OSCAR PHILLIPS. Office at Jasper County Ware. house. FOR SALE—A scholarship on the Georgia-Alabama DBusiness College located in Macon, Ga, Any young lady or gentleman de siring to take a course in this school will save money by calling on us. Automobiles In the Desert. In the matter of Budanese com munications much interest is taken ix; the egpocfi srrit;tl at Kthartum 0 ntal motor cars for pas senges servios in the desert, The dgifficulty bas been to find motors which are capable of traveling over the sand, but it is holped that the mgntulperimcnuvfl lead to a so lution of this problem. THE HOME OF VINOL To our Customers We are anxious to have you all know that Vinol is a new form of a very old and valuable remedy. It is a Cod Liver oil preparation, because it contains all the medicinal elements actually taken from fresh Cods' Livers. By a new process ye are able to make it without oil or grease and give you a real Cod Liver oil preparation as delicious to the taste as a fresh orange. Respectfully, Chas. D. Jordan, Druggist. My trade has so far sur passed my expectations I have them for Ladies and Misses. |am very proud of this line this season. | have the latest goods out, ew\¢Ladies make this your headquarters when in the cityewe¢ C)j%' K/ ‘ S aetiin sos Domnantion of alf Siteile; Duiinis Wiesmslntins, Thiling sa dusie ki tae \ ‘ ; ‘ @(\'A% | g \ g 8 ; %E; i 1 YOUR MONEY Safely invested, risks elimi= 5 5 nated,earning 6% per annum, subject to withdrawal at any time, Qur business established over 10 years, is Non-specu- § lative, AND WE HAVE NEVER LOST A DOLLAR. Loans are made on the best p ‘ securities on earth—in fact, % ‘ the earth itself— improved, y productive real estate,in more than double the amount, and . it is impossible for us to (-3 S sustain a loss. 4 t 6% PER ANNUM! 5 interest compounded semi- S \ annually, & *Banking by mail''on request A EQUITABLE BANKING AND LOAN COMPANY, Macon, Ga. A fresh lot of Scraffts fine Choc~ olats and other fine candies, in packages and bulk, shipped direct from factory in Boston. Ballard’s. Thanks. Bhe came Into the crowded car And looked divinely sweet, A man got up, politely bowed And oftered her a seat, Bhe nqueesed into the little space And straightway sat her down. No single word escaped her lips; Her face it wore a frown. *“I 414 not thank you, sir,”” she sald, *“When you gave up your seat, But I will thank you now, kind sir, If you'll get off my feet!" ~Yonkers Statesman. MILLINERY I get every new thing as soon as it is out. The goods are bought at the very lowest prices and are sold on the very lowest margin of profit, Misses Malone and Pope will be delighted to serve you. Come to see them. % “% Yo ‘% Y Hickory Nut lce Cream. Pound one pound of shelled hick ory nut meats in a mortar until they are a fine paste; add them to a quart of cream and set one side while you prepare a custard made from a pint of milk, three eggs and a cup of sugar; keep stirring until it thick ens, 80 that it will not curdle; take from the fire, add another cup of sugar and set where it will cool. When quite cold add the cream with the hickory nut meats, then freeze. For the Children’s Bedroom. Mothers who cannot afford nurs eries for their little ones with the walls decked with captivating nurs ery rhynfe papers can delight the children with a section or two of such wall paper friezes. All of the most familiar Mother Goose legends are depicted, and each phase in the illustrations of the stories is detach able. These may be mounted and framed and hung in the children’s bedroom or playroom. Chestnut Stuffing. For a very simple stuffing shell and blanch a couple of quarts of chestnuts and boil for hal? an hour in water enough to cover. Drain and mash, adding to them three ta blespoonfuls oln%ntter, a level tea spoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, a tcuroonful of minced on lon, two tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs and the yolks of two egge. Mix thoroughly and stuff the tur key. Brown Bread. A reliable recipe for brown bread is this: One cup of sour milk, one cup of New Orleans molasses, one cup OLFraham flour, one cuA) of cornmeal, one cup of white flour, one and a half teaspognfuls of soda and a dash of salt. Pour into a but tered mold and steam for three hours, To Keep Mice From Bureaus. The common wire mosquito net ting cut to fit the bureau drawer cuvit‘{ and securely tacked in place will keep out mice. The same tack- ' ed over the bottom of bureaus and dressers will have the same effect, To Remove Stitch Marks. To remove the marks of stitches in a made over garment moisten the marks thoroughly and let dry. Smooth out the material, cover with a wet cloth, steam over boiling water and press with a hot iron. ‘ The Monticello News one year one dollar, Werth every cent of it THE MONTICELLO NEWS. I am doing more business than ever before. Why? A special line of Fleece-lined Hose for ladies. Great assortment of Fancies, Blacks and heavy grey. HATS I have all the latest things in shapes and colors. Ican suit you in style and price Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. |Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tekepn Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces, Hall's Catarrh cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ong of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results ‘ln curing Catarrh, Send for testimo inlall free, - F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo, O. ~ Sold by druggists, price 75c. ~ Hall's Family Pills are the best. ~ SirGibert Parker, the author, is touring South Africa, A’ Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, Il It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield ing 1w doctors and remedies for four years, Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured, It's just as good for Buras, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles, 26¢, at C, D, Jordan's Drug Store. | ——— ; Lou Dillon trotted a mile ch-‘ nesday in 2:01Y% at Memphis. ettt et \ Not A Sick Day Since. “I was taken severely sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi cines, none of which relieved me, One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that, After tak ing a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have | not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Eeuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility,” 'This is what B, F. Bass, of Fremont, N, C, writes. Only boe, at C, D, Jordan's Drug Store, Shady Dale. Mr. A, J. Allen has returned from Dexter, Mr, R. T. Lazenby spent Mon day in Monticello, j Mrs, I. T. Wyatt who has been very sick, is improving slowly. Mr, Artie Mobley, spent last Saturday night and Sunday at Aikenton, Don’t miss seeing the goods |am selling this season. I have a great line of fancies and blacks in the CLOTHING Kirschbaum line. Any cut you desire. See my line of Boys Cloth ing. | have the things in Over-Coats. GROCERIES Just received a car of Genuine Texas Rust Proof Oats. Also one car of Shorts. Feed shorts and save your corn. They are cheaper and will do you 25 per cent more good. On any other goods my prices will always be found as cheap as the cheapest. I have them for all ages. I can suit any lady in fine shoes. 1 SHOES handle the famous W. L. Douglas line for mens fine wear, and the Godman line for children. See me on anything you want in heavy shoes. You need these goods so be sure to come to the place where you will find a complete stock—prices right, Rev. A. B. Sanders is spending several days this week with friends at Palalto. Mrs. Dr. Murrelle, of Aikenton, and Mrs. Robert Baynes, of Cross- Roads, spent Tuesday here. Misses Mattie May Wyatt and Annie Wyatt, spent last Friday with Mr, and Mrs. I. T. Wyatt. Mrs. Reid Smith and Mrs. Mol. ‘lie Persons spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ludy Kelly, at Max ‘well, ~ Miss Helen Ward, of Monticel lo, returned home last Friday, ac companied by her sister Mrs. Bee Leverett, - Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Blackwell and little son, Rosser, of Atlanta, are spending several days here this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell, Mrs. R. L. Davis, of Monticel. 10, Miss Fleda Perry, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Ed Perry, of Machen, were the guests of Mrs, C, R, Hodge Tuesday evening, Winfred. Mr. Edred Benton has returned to his home in Cedartown. Miss Mollie Minter visited Miss Addie Stone the first of this week, Miss Nettie Thomason opened a private term school at Bethel Monday morning, Mrs. G. P. Loyd was the guest of Mrs. Jesse Kinard, at Eula, a few days of last week, Mrs, J. C. Maddux and children spent a portion of last week 1n Monticello with relatives, Miss Katie Kelly, of Maxwell, has been on a visit recently to her aunt, Mrs, J. B, Persons, Misses Alma and Estelle Loyd spent Tuesday afternoon at Palal to the guests of Miss Florence Ellis, Miss Gladys Pope, a charming young lady, of Monticello, spent from Wednesday until Friday with her friend Miss Estelle Loyd. -“ h‘\\\‘ffffé/{g@i 4 ’ §N\§§ N % \ Mr. W. S. Elder has returned from Wilcox county where hes purchased a home and will move sometime soon. Mr. Elder is one of Jasper's upright citizens and his many friends regret to lose him and his excellent family, but wish them much success, When you can't eat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scolt’s Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet andt want something a little more nourishing, fake Scoft’s Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scoft’s Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott’s Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott’s Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. ~ We will send’ yor a free sample, '; N in &.'&%?fiwflfl B 2 SCOTT & BOWNE, | ! CHEMISTS, RN 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50¢c. and sl, all droggists.,