The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, November 18, 1904, Image 5

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- MY CUSTOMERS WISHES. This:Organ will be given to the person receiving the largest num ber of votes instead to a church as before advertised. We make this change as wished by our customers. & Now when you make a purchase of 25 cts you vote for the person you wish to have this beautiful Organ. This Organ is first=class, retailing for SIOO.OO all over the states. Remember you pay no more for your goods than can be bought anywhere and in............ (many c?;ises for less than others sell you.) S | you one cent=--no extra cffort==-only trade where you can get all New (Goods-=-at the very lowest prices that good Goods can be bought at. = : : ) 3 : : : : : : : ¥ Ladies Please look at our Radcliffe Shoes we bought these for nice trade and want you to see them. Men and Boys Please look at our magnificent line of Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Ties. We buy them right and frorh the right place énd will see that you get them right. ¥ We are pleased to announce to the people of Jasper County that Mr., Alex Hecht can now be found behind our counters where he will be glad to have his friend and trading public to call on him, g N Y : 2 T T B aly o o o 1T e TN N 19, STORES T 0 CLOSE THANKSGIV ING. We, the undersigned merchants and business men of Monticello, (Ga., hereby agree to observe Thanksgiving Day, November the 24th., and will allow our respect iveplaces of business to remain closed that day. This Nov. 15th, 1904. Benton Supply Co., J. H. Kelly, Powell Brothers, Lucian Benton, W. E. Ballard, Robinson, Kelly & Co., Monticello Vehicle Co., Reuben Jordan, R T Pye S. Cohen, H. M. Groodzinsky, J. E. Hecht & Co., P. R. Beale, K. P. Greer, J. D. Harvey, D. B. Benton, Jordan & Co., W. R. Pope, Manager, Mon Phillips, A. H. Burney. My cusomers are now being treated to quick deliveries. Push carts are no longer in keeping with my fast increasing trade. Trade with me and get your goods at once. K. P. GREER. R R E-fus-‘ b i_ ggj?gfi rftl!_‘,l = fi‘,“ ‘;&_} - :} ‘ 3J" ;.’ ]| A‘mx: A “‘ e 1 s |y e e " il U= Tbo L) Eee ! bt Lt ”L et eSot By 1,"*“! {i--i;_ & R _,, ”“*"’;?-’fi—“{-"‘-’ -2 R 0:- i R ~d__........fiw::__fi DA e.l ‘ BT ) N L L AR o J’»a ~»:'::’:?,,-'..,n. be R i ‘ 1::5=“.',-“¥:f R L s eS RO ROy MR | y ‘v b lill k"a. " 4,(;)‘5““_ i@ (@9lB )A0 s - ‘ inu Lv} "* OARiy D BT ‘ s --_r%v::{' R gTR R RT RO S = ‘f 'Jz ay TEL ST LL L L="o . o s 5 ‘;\fl_—; & h :ftif .‘EJ.L%,! @: 5 u XW _% il )| ‘l‘.“'V‘, -;{‘i-e; 2 [ I Y ?, ] B o L 7 > J . B “:_%M‘*' ?‘ ‘:?, i A i '_T,F'T_,,E‘_: A : WW—-«1 ! {% &g ioRPy at ANGRARE ’éflsfiyf{.(?;fitfit‘" T | e i WO/ A R gl g e i (19 1& g I\‘.‘: TR IR TR vt BARIA)R|iI fiw {4 { {1 :}E{i ‘: M :‘.f:. | ifi#fl“‘l\i;iwy WM} ’f ‘! HJP P § tm' 'fim 4! i g: m ™ g 1e gl (319 RIR 141 U[ W lad | <[iwjl\“»‘"{ 417 i w"i;l!‘it e 41 2 His ¢ol CAREEY X :P8 ' e “JJ"l‘“"}W{, FBO §|2 | !{’;‘ f“"};y"‘ ‘: LF m”fl‘t%;‘u.ih‘;iiitliif “ Tleere 1 it w‘i; bB4 ‘ ¢ “':“‘H nan N j“.“i‘::}‘:“ Mzu ,“;;",? iA {4 || gt i /[ nt sg/ é(@ “ ‘,‘:‘\: A]‘Nl 2& 1 i ~-.‘,‘if"~: == : THEE B : R _ wh/:/w 8 i f i il -T’n‘— TR RAN \‘l J{‘L}% l i I Ji,,, e )::h.;‘/ Ak ol L e ) !“‘ P "X'\\‘ff,w“" J y\%“ ¥ 1 |i”uu”|i;}% m‘“ ‘;'*j]f"h‘it el 40 e gB W\ .;w\\q‘ o\i/ AN \: i u“'!!f?!!?f-- 'ty ARARN N N 1S Tl P o Lol ki ki ¥ | LR 4 No W %’Q B T R v“|v'iiii<'irii"!r""w‘ L NG R s T\\ ’*f‘éf;»?“’*‘“m;‘li‘.szl' . W ‘ 1 ",\l' et 1Y l_\\ I A ;ig:;‘mfl_u, |m";”|'lh|" IH:E!,:“‘ Hi‘i"fii;;g;m""'ll1u“M!:f?i:f?!”!!,!!l! (N \tp-:’-‘?fl}?\\ N _;:3}\4‘\“':,l-‘3s::'..‘lhmlm‘]l!|ii'fl!{lui|i’it!l‘!’v"!;!j?!':‘:>:lis§fiiildls!:lilll |i|.l]”‘f§al i ‘i. |il 4,!\ i" I B i i;i‘ii‘wlgl}h:;;m::-2*;niffl!!!iii.‘r-iglg;i,iggi" ":!g.!!!!!”ilz'i‘{f;!”“‘:w“ffi]li!i;r!!!!!ilfl.[iiigii!l“w’) VTR, P e i T e Ll M Ui M w'f‘Lr\y““’“"M‘l-‘h-;i R eL il !!zm.'silhllni R L e --mw‘:ss¥:sme“sij‘J3s§§:§3§9ls‘e"ii3-:ls”2ss%?‘!’!!!H!?!ililifiiii‘3!s-‘3‘rlt;tJ‘viii‘*’féiff;iiiffllffl!!i’li?li??flu}{;f!!wfT‘?!!!,gf}j,‘:;;,'igfg?fl;fiffiimfl;;];E!::!Nf;}u;w:.XML“l*;;,.:.}...L~" T R R THE KALOLA CONCERT COMPANY, This is what the Forsyth Ad vertiser says of the Kalola Com pany which will begin a week’s engagement at the K. P. audito rium next Monday night, the 21st instant: ‘““The Kalola Concert Co.. under the management of Mr. Clem Hackney, which has been giving an entertainment nightly in this city for the past two weeks, will be here until Sat urday night. Their farce come dies are more laugh-proving than ever; the comedian is as funny as he was the first night; the songs and jokes are new and just as catchy ; the illustrated songs and moving pictures grow more in teresting ; the boy contortionist is still as limber as ever, surprising the people nightly with new feats of physical impossibility and the attendance grows and the specta tors grow more enthusiastic with each performance. Entire change of program every night; nothing stale; everything new; nothing vulgar; a show to please the most fastidious; the best show to be found for the price. The Kalola Concert Co. will leave Forsyth with the assurance of a warm wel. come should it ever return.” The Monticello News one year one dollar. Worth every cent of it Wears and Covers Like Gold. That L. & M. Paint, and it only requires 4 gallons of L. & M. and 3 gallons linseed oil to paint a moderate sized house. Its lead with zinc. Non-chalkable. Liberal quanity given to church es when bought from C. D. Jor dan. Augusta’s big carnival opened Monday night and will continue a week, 0 9% | / | =] A - ff’_'.' - . | ot » Let Me Call Your Attention TO THE FACT THAT THERE IS NOTHING QUITE 80 GOOD FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL BRONCHIAL OR LUNG TROUBLES AS A PLEASANT, HARMLESS, SCIENTIFIC PREPARATION, WHICH GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF. NO OPIATES, NARCOTICS, NOR POISONS 25¢, a bottle Sherrouse Medicine Co. New Orleans THE MONTICELLO NEWS. | In Court—What pretext did lyour husband have for beating you? " It wasn't a pretext, your honor; ;it was a club, ‘ NOTICE—Mr, Alex Hecht can ‘now be found with me and invites %his friends and the trading pubiic 'to see him before you buy your 'Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Cloth ing and Croceries, | K. P. GREER, R Lamps Fine English Chinaware and Tinware. Trunks Bags and Suit Cases—we are Headquarters. Groceries ' We have the best that the mar ket affords—always Fresh and my Delivery to town trade has been mutually satisfactory. ¥ Sardis., Mrs. Otelia Tyler spent Snnday night with Mrs, Chas. Faulkner, Miss Carrie Williams is visiting her brother, Mr, George Williams, Misses Annie Lou and Ethel Thompson were recent visitors here, Miss Clara Loyd is spending the week with Misses Bertha and Mary Elder, Mrs. Willie Stone, who lives near Winfred, visited Mrs, C, N, Elder last Tuesday. Mr, Henry Hooper and Miss Mary Elder visited the Misses Clay, near here Sunday, Mrs, C. N, Elder, who has been snffering for sometime with rheu matism, is improving, we are glad to say, ’ Mrs, Carrie Faulkner has re: Iturncd home after spending some ‘time with her daughter, Mrs. Nan. nie Ingram, ' Messrs Walter Harden, Oliver Holloway and Albert McElhenney spent Monday night with Mrs, Sal. lie Harden enroute to Greensboro., Mr, Eddie Elder, of Monticello, spent Wednesday night with homefolks here and had as his guest, Mr, Gus Goodman, of Al dine, FRIDAY MORNING. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. r4.—Gover aor Terrell has issued his Thanks giving Day proclamation, naming Thursday, November 24, as the day for thanksgiving and prayer. Following is the proclamation: There are many blessings, vouchsafed by an all-wise Provi dence, for which the people of Georgia are thankful, in this bountiful har\'es.tiimc of nincteen hundred and foum The yield of #ruit and cotton, our great lUOHCß;‘JHWlklllcing’ Crops, has been more abundant than ever in the history ofv'the state, The cribs of the hushandmen are ag low with the gn.l;ilcn grain of the field, and our people enter upon the winter with well-stored gran eries, The baneful credit system is surely passing, and we should thank God that the day of the an te-bellum smokehonse and the bm\#ul lardep has returned to stayfind to bless, No rude clashes between capi tal and labor have threatened our industrial welfare-—while every section of the statc has been sign ally free of pestilenco and famine. Good times s the boon universal that blesses the complacent home of the provident Georgian, Therefore, in accordance with grateful custour, and the action of the presitlent of the United States, [, Joseph M. Terrell, governor of the state of Georgria, do issue this my proclgmation designating Thursday, &fu: 24th day of Nov ember, lt)u‘.'?: as a Day of Thanks giving and Praise. On that day the people are re quested to abstain from sccular oceupations; and assemble in thetr houses of worship, or about their family altars, and give thanks to Almighty God for His multiplied blessings. I especially request that they remember, by wordsand acts, the widow and the orphan, the poor and the afflicted, and all who are ynhappy from any cause. Given under my hand, and the seal of the executive department, at the capitol, in the city of Atlan ta, on this the 12th day of Nov ember, nineteen hundred .and four, and of the independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and twenty-ninth, J. M. TERRELL, i Governor, By the Governor : BenjaMln M, BLACKBURN, Sec'y. Executive Department, Palalto. Mr. M. Benton visited Monticel lo Tuesday. Mr. Bowden Ellis was in Monti cello Monday, Mr. A. Benton was in Monticel lo Friday on business. Mr. A. Benton was the guest of relatives at Winfred Sunday. Mr. J. H. Ellis attended court in Monticello Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. W. O. Niblette and Miss Bessie Niblette visited relatives at Kiserville Friday. Sunday was a cold day and some snow fell here in the morn ing which reminded us that Christ mas was near at hand, There is a saying that Friday is an “‘unlucky” day but itis a lucky one with ug for that is the day Tue MoxricinLo NEws comes in and we are so glad to see it for it is always full of news, No other paper is prized so highly as it is and all othersare put’aside when it comes. Our little weekly letters are not much but are missed when they fail to appear, (Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement. [f it were not for our correspondents our columns would not be so in teresting- ‘T'ue News ranks above any other Georgia weekly when it comes to the number of correspond. ents, Your lctters are greatly ap preciated and though they may be short yet they are full of in terest,— Kditor.) Knoxville, Tenn., was visited by another disastrous fire Mon day. The damage is over SIOO,OOO,