The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, November 25, 1904, Image 1

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THE MONTICELLO NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1881. A MATToI:'II’ fllmfll R \ ¥ BayiNG POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS K 0 SUBSTITUTE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Try our «Gold Hnnter”’ Flour it is fine.—Ballard. Mrs. H. B. Jordan has been on the sick list for several days. Mrs. Minnie Perry spent Sun day with Shady Dale relatives. The ««Esmerada” Cigar is a de fightful smoke—try 'gr—Ballard. Rev. W. Lee Harrell has been to Macon this week on business. A pretty line Placques, Pictures and Picture Frames at Ballard’s. Miss Ola Little spent Saturday and Sunday with Eatonton rela tives, Miss Fannie Davidson, of Shady Dale, is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs, John Davidson. Editor Joseph G. Elder, of the Courier, has returned from a busi ness trip to Adrian. Judge and Mrs. Johnsom, of Watkinsville, have been on a visit this week to Mrs. Mary Elder. «BLUE RIBBON” and other brand high grade Extracts. W. E. Ballard. FOR SALE—House and lot, good barn and garden on Warren Street. Apply to H. C. Hays. Mrs. S. P. Giddens, of Bruns wick, is on an extended visit to her mother. Mrs. R. S. Talmadge. Mr. J. C. Arnall left Tuesday afternoon for Senoia, where he will spend a day or two with home folks. Miss Fleda Perry, whohas been on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Minnie Perry, returned to Atlan ta Sunday. Mr. Harry Benton, who has been serving in the navy for the past three years, arrived from Norfolk, Virginia, last Friday for a visit of ten days to homefolks. Mr. Benton is entertaining his friends with interesting accounts of his travels, Put Your Idle Dollars to Work. Don’t allow one dollar to remain idle—when it is not earning some thing. AWAITING THE OPPORTUNITY? Leave your money with us and get a Certificate of Deposit. It will pay you to know something about this BANK OF MONTICELLO. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Capt. L. W. Robert is up from Brunswick this week, Mrs. Anna Christian, of Shady Dale, spent Monday in town, Sweet Oranges direct from the groves in Florida. Ballard. Mrs. S. Cohen and son, Philip, have been on a visit to Eatonton this week. Monticello was well represented at the Georgia—Auburn game of foot-ball played in Macon yester day. Miss Ola Bradley, ot Monticel lo, is the guest of Mrs. O. S. Porter, at Porterdale.—Covington Enterprise. Miss Nell Florence attended the marriage in Clarksville Wednes day of Mr. John Florence to Miss Josie Walker. We are publishing quarterly statements of the Bank of Monti cello and the Jasper County Bank in today'sissue of THE NEws, Rev. E. R. Pendleton, pastor of the Baptist church, is attend ing the State Baptist convention being held in Columbus this week. Thanksgiving services were held at the Methodist chuach last inight, conducted by Rev. W. Lee 'Harrell, of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Peebles, of Jacksonville, Florida, who is assistant superin lendent of the Western,Union Tel ‘egraph Company, spent Tuesday in town. Cupid has been putting in some pretty good work this week, and ‘consequently there are several ‘bridal couples visiting in and near ‘ Monticello. ’ Miss Ethel Elder arrived from ‘Winterville Friday afternoon and ‘remained until Sunday with her ‘mother, Mrs. Mary Elder, on Forsyth street. Rev. J. W. Stipe and Rev. L. A. McLaughlin are attending the annual session of the North Geor gia Conference being held in Ma rietta this week. Mr. Preston Newton, who has a position with the Atlantic and Birmingham Railway Co., with headquarters at Waycross, is on a visit to Monticello relatives. The old town took on a desert ed look yesterday. The stores were all closed, and really there was so little doing that it seemed asif half the people were away. $5. Reward. LOST—One white Pointer dog with long hair, tan head and ear, and tan spot on root of tail. I will give fine dollars to any party who will deliver same to me. D. J. BLASINGAME. MONTICELLO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 25, 1904. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Jack Blackwell is in Bain bridge for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Smith has return ed from a visit to Round Oak rela tives. : Mr. James Pittard, Misses Susie Malone and Grace Pope visited Jackson friends yesterday. Mr. Burrell Green, of Boling broke, hasbeen on a visit this week to his brother Mr. E. A. Green, Mr. Eugene Wilburn, of Flow ery Branch, arrived in the city Wednesday to spend Thanks giving with homefolks. Miss Blanche Wentzell and Mr. A.T. Gray wlll leave today for Eatonton to accept positions with Mr. R. W, Hutchinson. . Col. Doyle Campbell, Mr. Clyde Kelly and Miss Ola Little attend ed the entertainment given in LEatonton Wednesday night. Mrs. A. S. Florence and Mrs. Bert Marsh will entertain this af ternoon from 3:30t0 4:30 in com pliment to Mrs. John Florence. Mrs. Wiley Goolsby a highly respected and much loved lady, died at her home near Monticello last Friday after an illness of several days. Mrs. Annie Goolsby is attend ing the State Baptist convention being held in Columbus this week asa delegate from the Ladies’ Missionary Society of the Monti cello Baptist church. Mr. Walker Flournoy, of Cedar town, was married in that city on the 23rd of this month to Miss Turner and arrived yesterday to visit Mr., Flournoy’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sam FiGurnoy. Mr. John Florence, of Atlanta, and Miss Josie Walker, of Clarks ville, were married in the latter city on the 23rd instant and ar rived yesterday morning to visit Judge and Mrs. A. S. Florence. Just received a fresh lot of Cal ifornia Evaporated Peaches, Prunes, Raisins. New crop of Syrup direct from South Georgia. Cocoanuts, Brazils, Almonds, English Walnuts and mixed nuts. W. E. Ballard. Mr. John T. Snow, Miss Lessie Snow and Mrs. George Spearman, of Social Circle, and Mrs. Thomas Freeman, of Atlanta, and Mrs. A. C. Greer, of Covington, are on a visit to Judge A. S. Florence's family. Mr. Clarence Powers and Miss Aurie Sandeford, both of Midville, were married in on Wed nesday and arrived on the after noon to spend sometine with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. G,/ T. Pow ers, of Talmadge, A large crowd of white people were out to hear Bishop Turner, of the A, M. E. Church, at the court house Sunday afternoon. The Bishop preached an interest ing sermon, having for the basis of his rgmarks the text: *‘Be sober, be vigilant, etc.” TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the mon ey If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2ic. FOR SALE. Ten young, sound, gentle Hor ses. W. F. Jordan. CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS. GEORGE N S £ 0 KING. \/ e 8 PR ?'\ L's," N\ X X i )/i 5 /«;,///j/” ’W/m\ R N 8 \\ w 177 4 7 ITNS & Z- f;’fr,‘,fi'gd}/ ;;?.;,-r‘_-' /// Y / \ W f’::f'/}’. //,/«//‘ j’/’,// 4/ \ L 11\ \‘. * g Y\ o) T /) //// 7— s Y/ Ry i~ =2\ Wee—— 3 | e ———————— T O | | R =——— NI sre— [ \W{ \'\ \* X S ’Wfi ) ANMNNS S ——aa NS SS— % A% 2 !::R ey ,fl N —— o —— 7 B\ ’\*\\s\\l N T :\\ i N e N N SN\ MR. GEORGE KING, Deputy SBhorift of Rensellaer Co., N, Y., for years was a well known merchant of I'roy. In a letter from No, 45 King St., Troy, N. Y., he writes: ‘ “Peruna cured me from what the doctors were aivaid would turn into Bright’s Disease, after 1 had suffered | with eatarrh of the bladder and kidney trouble, “Peruna is a blessing to a sick man, Eight bottles made me a well man and | were worth more than a thousand dul-‘ lars to me. Icannot speak too highly of it. Itis now four years since I was troubled, and I have enjoyed perfect health since.”’—George King. A Prominent Member of I. 0. 0. F. Threatened With Bright’s Disease.— Pe-ru-na Restored Him to Health, * 0. Fred Lindstrom, Past Grand Master Independent Order of Odd Fellows, writes from 1923 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn,: A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how longé standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn’t it send 50c. in stamps and it will be forwarded posfspaid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo, Seed Wheat for sale. For sam ple and price call at Jordan & Co. —JUST ARRIVED AT Hecht’s Jewelry Store. NN\ N\ Call at our store and we will show yvou the latest thing in Dress Pins, Scarf Pins, Ladies and Gents Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons in Solid Gold. We have a large Stock of Watches, Clocks and Fine China, & & & & & & & & & % & S «A NEW LINE CLOCKS JUST RECEIVED. Gse latest styles in fine China 8 day Clocks., g g ¢ g ~Just arrived a new I;;:;tcrlinz Silver Goods. Cut Glass we show a large line at low est Erices. We invite you to call and make our store your headquarters when in the city. J. E. HECHT, Jeweler. NUMBER 38 &1 contracted a severe cold several years ago, which from neglect developed into urinary trouble, and threatened Bright’s disease. I used Peruna faithe fully for three and one-half months, when my health was perfect once more, I have never had any trouble since,”- 0. I'red Lindstrom, Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the kidneys, also called “Bright’s disease,” may be cither acute or chronie. The acute form produces symptoms of such prominence that the Berious nature of tho disease is at once suspected, but the chronie variety may come on 8o gradually and insidiously tuat its presence is not suspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly upon its vietim, At tho appearance of the first sympe tom Phruna shoeld bo taken. This rem edy strikes at once at the very root of the disease. A book on catarrh sent free by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O, I am now with Durwood T, Pye as Book-keeper and general Salesman, and will be glad to have my friends and customers give me a call. We have a com lete line of Fancy Groceries, Con fectionaries, Lamps, Crockery ware, ‘Glassware, Shoes, Hats, Notions and Stationery, at best prices, and will greatly appreciate your trade, Harvey C. Prerry.