The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, March 23, 1906, Image 5

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Loczal and Personal = Trade with those who Zdvertise. Notice thange in J. . Kelly's. ad. ’ o g iR 2 A large crowd in town Sutur- Quite a cold snap we arz having ‘this week. kG - ‘Mrs. H. V. B, Allen continues “quite feeble. ' S Mr. H. C. McClure visited Ma con Wednesday. : ~ For new fiesh goods go™ to Broddus & Hatfield. Mr. Eugene Benton visited At lanta on business Wednesday. Mr. Robert May has returned from avisit to Jewell relatives. The Nickel Club will meet to night with Mrs. T. A. Hutchin son. - The Benton Supply Company has a change of ad in today's pa per. The recent cold snap !has no doubt done great injury to the fruit crop. | Mr, George Stewart, of Macon, spent Sunday and Monday with frienas in the city, Mrs. Sallie Thomson, of Me 'chanicsville, visited - Mrs, C. A. Jacobson Tuesday. - Mr, Frank Clark, of Dunnellon, Florida, wvisited at the home of Mr. Jacobson Tuesday. Mrs. Crider arrived from At lanta the early part of the week and will have charge of the milli nery department of J. H. Kelly’s store, -TO THE TRADE. - Our Spring Goods are' dzaily arriving from the Eastern Markets. We have the latest designs in Silk-Mull, Tissues, Taffetas, Grenadines, Embrecidery= Chiffon and Nets. My lines of White Goods and Linens are complete. We are showing the best assortmeint of Laces, 'Embreideries and Novelties in. the City. .: . ® ® e [ ] ® - B ! “ el Our - 1 abe. LBStaing . ahe - Cudlts. .. The ladies are invited to make my store their headquarters when in the city and to inspect:my vast line before buying. . i i , £ AP e il %':{a!,\? | ‘ . , "‘"W_atc'li Moht_)iéeild gfdw]w' 5 1 Read change. in S, -Gohen'ls ad, Landreth Seed Irish Potatoes at Jordas’s Pharmacy. ./ .2 . Sus fo'x“y'bp ¢ gbrin}z tlothing, """ -7 "Rigbinson. KellyCo, Miss Helen Ward will have her spring opening next Wednesday. The T. W. O. club met with Miss Grace Robinson at its last meeting. ! WL Miss Minnie Benton and Miss Stella Benton are visiting Palalto relatives. Mr. Troy Cornwell was a prom inent visitor from Mechanicsville Wednesday. : Mr. Hampton Benton has been confined to his room this week with mumps. Mr, R. L. Bailev, a prominent citizen of Shady Dale, had Fusi ness in town Saturday. Miss Berta Webb returned Fri day from Lyons where she visited Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Webb. Mr. Florence, of Merriwether county, was the guest last week of Col. and Mrs. W. S. Florence. How about that Spring suit thisyear? We can please you; see us. Robinson, Kelly Co. Mrs. Mattie Lawrence, of Wood fin, has been on a visit this week to Mrs. H. C. Hill and Miss Ma mie Pope. Mr. J. L. Christian, who is with the Furse Drug Company, will ‘move his family from Commerce \to Moaticello sometime soon, THE MONTICELLO NEWS. Everything is fresh and up-to date at Broddus & Hatfield's Broddus & Hatfield sell a com plete: line of fancy .grogeries. «Col. :G. F. Johnson. attended Covington Superior: Conrt’ this WERR, . e : «..Dou't forget to settle vour sub scription next week when -}'rou come to court. How does this strike yoti for spring wegther with the thermom etor down to twenty-five? © vw»liandreth’s Garden Seeds the ‘best that nature and science can produce at Jordan’s Pharmacy. - "Mr. and Mrs. T'.'S. Malone an nounce the birth of a son who bears the name of Thomas Logan Malone, Mrs, Bessie Malone has moved from the country and is occupy ing her home near the Baptist church. . Mrs. Robert Baynes and Miss Helen Ward attended the Lane— Speaks murtfiage in Machen Tuesday. ‘Miss Mae Hurlock arrived from Baltimore Monday afternoon to take charge of the millinery de partment of the store of the Ben ton Supply Company. Miss Mooney, who has had five years experieuce _in Kutz milli nery store, arrived from Atlanta Tuesday afternoon and will be with Miss Helen Ward as trimmer for the spring season. The mules belonging to the es tate of Mr. Eugene Malone were sold-at public outcry before the courthouse door last Saturday. A large crowd attended the sale and a good price was paid for the stock. Watch Monticello grow! Mrs. R. G. Douglass, of Macon, is on a visit to hér daughter, Mrs. Thomas 8. Malone on- Warren st. Jersey flour is the best. " Broddus & Hatfield. Miss Katherine Tolleson re turncd Menday from Comer, Ga., where she has been teaching school. : Mr. T. J. Chafliu, a prominent citizen, of Mechanicscille, gave us a”pleasant call while in town yesterday. o Mrs. W, T. Turner and Miss Biddie Dillard, of Hillsboro, spent Saturday and Sunday very pleas antly with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jacebson, Anaccount of the Lane—Speaks marriage, which occurred in Ma chen Tuesday, came too late for this week’s paper but will appear in our next issue. The ladies of the Baptist church are observing a week of prayer and the meetings are be ing held in the afternoons at the residence of Mrs, Martha Rod gers. We would call special attention to the new ad of Mr, J. D. Har vey which appears in today’s pa per. Mr. Harvey is carrying an extensive and well assorted. line of hardware and you will find his priees reasonable, The announcement of Mr, W, F. Persons, who is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, will be seen in today's paper. Mr. Persons’ experience as a public officer, coupled with his honest methods and fair dealings, fit him for this position of trust, and he will ap preciate your vote on the day of the primary. Pull for Monticello! '~ ’ ‘Watch Monticello grow! ok b ey e SR Ry IR e superior Court Monday. per s i .- Misses Grace and, Gladys Pope ‘have re:_ti‘lly‘x;ied frgq;fi__},a visit to. Mrs, Clarence Pope, ()‘f.lM(lCl‘len, +Mr. Sherrod - Campbell, of Maonstield,! was ‘mingling. +with Monticello friends Monday. et ALRobinson, Kelly Co. See omr line -of - fresh fancy fancy groceries, candies etc, « 1, Broddus & Hatfield, See us for Tinware. In fact anything .. you need, We are helping to' make ' ‘‘Mdnticello Grow.” itiiat 3.} The evidence of Monticello’s growth is fully _dcrhong;t,rat;:.ld by the liberal use her merchants are making of printer'sink. Mr. L. A. Lane, of Fort Valley, spent Sunday with his mother and his two little children at the home of his -sister, Mrs. Oscar Thoma son on College street, Rev. ]J. J. Harrell, of West. minster, S, C., was heard in . two very earnest sermons at the Pres. byterian church last Sunday morning at eleven o'clock and again at the eveningservice, He remained over Monday and preached again at the night ser. vice. b We are publishing elsewhere an interesting letter from Mr. Wm, King to Mr. R. W, Cheatham in the interest of the Southern Cot. ton Association. That Hon, Har. vie Jordan has accomplished great things in the fight he is making in behalf of the farmers cannot be denied, and if they will continue to give him their support and en couragement they may expect great results.