The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, December 06, 1912, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1881. GREAT GOAN SHOW Twenty-Five Thousand Ears Corn Displayed In Capital City Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 3.—Twen ty five thousand ears of corn, raised by members of the Boys’ Corn Club of Georgia, was on exhibition today at the state capitol. The exhibit was sup plemented by a large display of canned goods offered by the girls’ canning clubs of eighteen counties in the state. Several hundred boys and girls from throughout the state are expected to attend the open ing here tomorrow of the an nual show of the organizations. An elaborate program has been arranged for the three days the visitors will be in the city. On Friday all boys who have raised 100 bushels or more of corn to the acre will be a warded diplomas. All girls who have put up more than 1,500 pounds of canned goods also will receive diplomas. The usual quiet and decorum of the big state capitol was bad ly upset today by the noise and bustle of arranging the corn show exhibits and the alluring exhibits of the girls’ canning clubs. Ordinary routine in the offices was more or less inter rupted and sedate officials ac customed to sitting at big desks all day and grinding out the state’s important business, found it imposible to get down to it, and kept popping out of their doors to make excursions about the building to see the heaps of fine corn and the can ned stuff in the girls’ exhibits. Secretary of State Phil Cook had an especially hard time of it trying to unravel the knotty problems of the Murray county court house. The heaps of blackberry jam, plum jam, marmalade, canned peaches, pears—in fact all the good things to make a man’s mouth water were located on the corridor opening out from his office. “Say, now,” Colonel Cook re marked wistfully, “What about some good hot biscuits, some WE OFFER A SPECIAL SALE ON GUNS $ 5.00 Single Barrel Guns $ 4.00 5.50 Single Barrel Guns 4.25 8.50 Single Barrel Guns 7.47 15.00 Double Barrel Guns 12.50 17.50 Double Barrel Guns 15.00 20.00 Double Barrel Guns 17.50 25.00 Double Barrel Guns 20.00 27.50 Double Barrel Guns 23.50 30.00 Double Barrel Guns 25.00 Real Bargains--Come early ‘and take your choice. The Guns are positively the greatest Price and Quality Values .offered in Monticello. 12, 16 and 20 Gage. Harvey Hardware Co. MONTICELLO, - - GEORGIA The Monticello News Attraction Tonight Is A Splendid One—ln ‘ The Auditorium The Nell Bunnell Concert Company, which appears at the school auditorium tonight, lis composed of three charming artists, who present an enter tainment of great variety, yet classic enough to delight the entire musical, as well as pop ular audiences. ~ The entertainments given by this company will consist of vocal and instrumental trios, duets, piano and vocal solos, readings and child imperson ‘ations, as well as the especially arranged songs with action, ‘which are always popular. Miss Louise McHenry, who is a member of the above com pany, is a most dainty and ‘beautiful little Georgia girl of ‘exceptional talents as a reader and child impersonator. Her child stories are a positive joy. She has a way of putting her self in heart-to-heart touch with her audience and securing a full return of confidence and sympathy. = She possesses the rare power of imparting a quivering intensity to every thing she reads. Her style is ‘emotional and it is just as apt to convulse you with laughter as it is to blind you with tears. At the auditorium tonight at 8:15. Reserved seats on sale at Jordan’s Pharmacy, 75c. General admission, 50c. Students and children, 25c. sweet home-made butter, with a thick layer of that blackberry jam spread over it? Oh, my, I'd better get back to work, or I'lll._ do something desperate. Makes me think of the good old days, when we had that sort of swell eating a lot more than we do now.” ____._._.._._O.—_—.——_._——_ PAY YOUR CITY TAX NOW The city tax books will close December 20th for the collec tion of city tax. Come forward and pay before the rush. | J. B. Henderson, | City Treasurer. “The Monticello News Covers Jasper Like the Sun—lts Rays Shine Into Every Home."” MONTICELLO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER o, 1912. LADIES" MINSTREL Local Talent Will Give Entertainment On December 13th The following is a program of the Ladies’ Minstrel which will be presented at the school audi torium next Friday night by lo cal talent. That an evening of rare amusement is in store for the citizens of Monticello on that date goes without saying, and we bespeak a large crowd to greet these young ladies in their effort to raise money for a most noble cause. Popular prices, 15¢, 25¢ and 35¢, will be charged at the door. PROGRAMME Music—Miss Ethel Jones and Messrs Hill and Goolsby. PERSONNEL Ruby Ezell ....Kesira Snooks Annette Kelly ..Jerusian Gregs Lizzie Ballard .....Jane Jones Gladys Pope ......Lillie Beebe Miriam Pope ...Easter Grouch Angie Little ......Dora Digby Katie Kelly..SnowUrop Martin Haddie Kelly. ..Aggie Thomas Eva Lane.......... Liza Lowe Maviories Baker ... ....... .. —Marthy Washington Caro Harvey....Caline Rogers Sallie Holland.. ....Sal Smith Fannie Jordan ....Isabel John Erma Florence. ..Elmira Sams Florrie Davidson... Judy Long Ruth Davidson. ..Matildy Gray Bumble Bee Medley Discussion—Woman’s Rights by local lodge of “The Bright and Morning Star.” Introduction of a visiting sis ter, Miss Jane Jones. CURTAIN Recitation—Pauline Kelly. Duet—Sarah and Harold Carbine, CURTAIN Wash Day Frolic. Jokes. Clog Dancing. Cake Walk. Song—*“l Got Shoes.” CURTAIN Music. Song —by Miss Marthy Washington. Jokes. Quartette. Jokes. Song—“ Can’t Hide Sinner.” CURTAIN Music. MARRIAGE CEREMONY Preacher, ¥. L. Penn. Bride, Walker Williams. Groom, Walker Combs. Flower Girls, Clark Smith and Mr. Anthony. Ring Bearer, Woodie Malone. Solo, Monroe Phillips. Attendants, Jim Pittard and Ernest Ballard, Buford Ma lone and Barron Kelly. CURTAIN BREAK DOWN DANCE Fiddlers, Messrs Hill and Goolsby. Dancers, Gladys Pope and Fannie Jordan; Katie Kelly and Eva Lane; Annette Kelly and Ruth Davidson; Haddie Kelly\ and Florrie Davidson. | STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The Jasper County Bank Located at Monticello, Ga., at the close of business Nov. 26, 1912 RESOURCES ‘ Demand Loans.. ... ...._ $82,160,21 Time Loans-.. .....c...L.. 84.821.82 Overdrafts, secured, .. ..__. 2,804.01 Overdrafts, unsecured. ... 1,820.00 Banking House .= .. . 2,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures.. . 3,300.00 Due from Banks and Bank ers in. this 5tate....... 25,010.82 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States-..._... 6,939.10 CABH .o 0 439590 Other Resources, Post Office 1,500.00 ; Total, $223,330.66 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Jasper. Before me came G. W. Cornwell, Asst. Cashier Jasper County Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and fore going statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. G. W. CORNWELL. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of Dec., 1912 J. F. Greer, C. N. P., Jasper County, Ga. Of The Monticello High School for Month of November PRIMER CLASS Agnes Broddus Katherine Gilmore Mary Greer Teresse Greer Elizabeth Jordan Elizabeth Knight : Elizabeth Lane Logan Malone Martha Malone Mary Marsh Wiley Minter Limus Piper Clarence Pound Nellie Pye Herman Shaw FIRST GRADE Mattie Galloway Virginia Lane Margaret Malone Virginia Ricketts Ruth Rogers Naomi Smith Thelma Tingle SECOND GRADE Estelle Bearden Annie Fish Irma Fish Dorris Greer Hattie Kate Jordan Henry Lane : Grace Oxford Thomas Lee Pound Minnie Walker Philip Webb Culbert White THIRD GRADE Irene Alexander Vallie Bearden R. D. Campbell Walker Flournoy Lois Gilmore George Harvey Hattie Kelly Katherine ILane Audrey Leverette Rosa Malone Dorothy Penn Annie L. Powell Linton Thomason : Causie White FOURTH GRADE Carolyn Furse Ida Hecht Sallie V. Lane Mamie Penn FIFTH GRADE Mattie. Downs Martha Penn Ina Ricketts Loviec Thurman SIXTH GRADE Robert Alexander Howard Cunard Evelyn Flournoy Hattie Galloway Helen Leverette Tom Shy SLVENTH GRADE Vera Burney Nina Leverette Lilah McElheny Finney Persons Elizabeth Pope Esther Wilburn EIGHTH GRADE Ruth Benton J. L. Lane Mary Malone Ethel Persons NINTH GRADE LIABILITIES ; Capital Stock Paid 1n...... $25,000.00 Surplugfand - coc oo aoo. - 20;000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur- | rent Expenses, Interest and Toxes Paid ... ... 5,431.61 Individual deposits subject | to check...... $93,820.39 ‘ Time certificates- 74,128.66 167,949.05 t \ | Total, $223,380.66‘ FOR GITY PRIMARY Primary To Elect City Officials Will Be On December 17th Monticello, Ga., Dec. 2, 1912. To the Voters of Monticello: Notice is hereby given that the Democratic Primary for the nomination of Mayor, Councilmen, Board of Educa tion, and City Democratic Ex ecutive Committee ig called for the 17th day of December, 1912. The assessments of the candi dates for each respective office ‘must be paid on or before the 14th day of December. Signed : J. C. Newton, | E. M. Baynes J. M. Pittard, Democratic Executive Com mittee of Monticello, Ga. ‘ e (e | BANK STATEMENTS We are carrying in today’s News quarterly statements of the local banks. As will be seen from these statements the banking houses of this city are in a flourishing condition despite “hard times” ‘heard on every hand these days. ~ Read them. 1 el GEORGIA, Jasper County. ~ E. B. Smith, Guardian of Chloe Smith, has applied to me for a discharge from his Guard ianship of Chloe Smith, this is ‘therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objec tions, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Jan uary next, else E. B. Smith will be discharged from his Guard ianship as applied for. F. C. Goolsby, Ordinary Jas per county. Cora Binford Ruby Faulkner Opal Gilmore Lois Kelly Raymond Powell TENTH GRADE Clayton Gilmore Clyde Jones Tullis Smith Barron Williams Hills m an Acre of Ground 40 Feet Apart_._... 27 Hills “ 6 Feet Apart______ 1210 Hills 25 @ .09 Y a 6 . A4SO 15 ¢ [LR 2 o o ---:_-10890 . Your Account is Kept Strictly Private Jasper County Bank “A Good Bank in a Good Town.” NUMBER 43 Mr. James L. Campbell Died in Augusta at Nephew's Home News was received in Monti cello yesterday afternoon of the death of Mr. James L. Campbell which occurred in Augusta at 1:30 p. m., at the home of his nephew, Mr. Albert Campbell. The remains are expected to ;'elach Monticello today for bur ial. At the hour of going to press the funeral arrangements have not been announced, but will probably occur sometime to morrow or Sunday. Mr. Campbell was for many years one of Monticello’s most enterprising business men, hav ing conducted the Campbell Tannery, in connection with a large mercantile establishment, for a great number of years. He was the inventor ot the Campbell Patent Back Band which was sold exclusively in the south on its merits as a substantial addition to the im plements of farming. His name on a pair of shoes was sufficient guarantee of their splendid quality, as was the harness which he manufactured. Several years ago he retired from business to the regret of a large number of customers. After the death of his wife, which occurred a few years ago, Mr. Campbell was completely broken up, and several months ago went to Augusta to remain with relatives for a while, and it was while visiting them that his death took place. He was a noble example of a christian gentleman and lived a blameless life here on earth. For over half a century his place as an officer of the Metho dist church was never vacant, only on account of illness, and his many deeds of charity and loving kindness will live to bless his memory. The entire citizenry of Mon ticello is greived at the news of his demise. _—.____O..___.._ Make the printer smile when you come to townsss