The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, June 11, 1915, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1918, i i, : I’l% | i .I%_M)Rupsll , P, "R !:;“!,: E : ! [i o ;*L‘zwgi‘ o 0 I'fe e i R B Y| (il W S il ALcomoL 3 PER CENT. xg,‘ Awtmw. e i thusmmm RE R BTN ORI o :" —-——-—7 7«-———“-7'>V 1 R | Promotes Digestion Cheerfi il ness andßesConlalns el il \Nor NamrcoTic, | B || sounsiomman bl Elt.‘.'" ' i . ‘,zz‘w s (] | b ods o : i]l Eflfim | ‘h«!l"‘ i -—-——-—cu-.—-———- § g | 81| Aperfect Remedy for ‘ :?,,i(“,‘. Il | tion, Sour smm.lm %! | Worms Convulsions.Feveristr s‘f:”?if:’ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. BIREE | PocSimie Siganwe ol | ¥ / B | Rese CENTAUR COMPAXY; g %xi "NEW YORK. _ f ':’:j;:l“';{_lT‘;‘lllHl\HV\ E‘d T RIS DD AR LA SA L Exact Copy of Wrappet. In the United States last year 10,- 175 new books were published, and there were 1,835 new editions of old works. ’ e ) ' LOW RATES TO ATHENS. /' C - ——— [— v il wos MAtzount University Summer School. The Central of Georgia will sell round trip tickets to Athens on June '26-27-28, also July 3,5, 11, 12, 13 and 19, final limit the fifteenth day follow fing, but not including date of sale. Extension of final limit to September 30th 'may bde secured by depositing ticket with Jos. Richardson, Special Agent, 184 College Avenue, Athens, not later than fifteen days after date of sale and upon payment of a small fee. For further information, ask any "Ticket Agent, y o CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. “The Right Way.” " ® Bargains in Watches & While they Last 18 Size Movement 7-Jewel $ 4.23 18 Size Movement 17-Jewel $ 9.98 16 Size Movement 7-Jewel $ 4.98 16 Size Movement 17-Jewel $ 9.98 16 Size Movement 7-Jewel in 20 year Cases, $12.50, now - - - -$ 9.98 16 Size Movement 17-Jewel in2o year Cases, $25.00, now . & W NeE L. 8 TSO 12 Size Movement 7-Jewel : Silver Case, - -$ 5.00 12 Size Movement 15-Jewel Silver Case, - -$ 845 Now is the time to put aside that old Movement and have your case fitted with a new Move ment. Come now for they won’t last long. J. M. HART, Jeweler It Pays to Fertilize Poor land will not make Corn without some help. We have Guanos and Nitrate of Soda for sale. Benton Supply Co. GASTORIA Mothers Know Thét " Genuine Castoria Always : Bears the Signature of W &/{ In : Use \ For Over ~ Thirty Years CASTORIA A wine made from the juice of bananas is being manufactured by two Frenchmen living in Cochin- China. _—— TO PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH ' The kidneys are the great health preservyers. Rheumatism, backache, headache, #ore muscles, stiff joints come when the kidneys are out of or der and fail to properly filter the blood. Foley Pills tone up tired andi diseased kidneys, banish backache and stop sleep disturbing bladder troubles. Sold by Furse Drug Co. adv. Don’t neglect a summer could. A bronchial cough causes broken sleep and lowers your vitality. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound soothes and heals raw, inflamed membranes, stops tickling in ‘throat and clears stugy, wheezy breathing. Contains ho opiates; childeren like it; good for all colds, croup and bronchial affec ‘tions. Sold by Furse Drug Co. adv. A LOVER'S QUARREL (Kansas City Star.) That was a pathetic story the news dispatches carried out of Denver the other day, about the old bachelor mil lionaire on his deathbed who sent for the woman to whom he had been be trothed forty years ago. When both were young and poor they loved each other, and a day was set for the wedding. Before it came they quarreled over some trifling thing, as lovers always quarrel, and in the heat of his anger he went away. The years went by, and James M.l Wilson became a millionaire. But his love for Carrie Hurd remained, and ne ‘never married. When he was dying last week his mind went back to the sweetheart of his youth, to the strolls with her in the twilight down the flower-scented lane, and he saw her face raised again to his, and heard her merry laughter, and there surged into his heart a feel ing of remorse. Perhaps he had wronged in leaving her so, and a great longing came over him to see her once more before he died, if she was yet alive. No doubt she had married; perhaps she had forgotten him. No matter, he wanted to see her. | And so, to humor him, they sent word back to the old home town. But she was not there. Long years ago she had gone away. Where? To Deanver. | They found her there, where she had lived for years, just to be near the man she loved, where she could see him once in a while without his see ing her or knowing that she was near. His last hours were consoled by her presence, and his will gives her a for tune. But that does not atone for the suffering that a trivial * lovers’ quar rel” was permitted to bring into their lives. It is a curious trait of human nature that so often men and women will allow some minor disagreement, under the stress of a foolish pride, te bring them misery. - Only those who are wise learn how essential it is to make compromises, to overlook faults and failings, and to make sacrifices in recognition of the surpassing value of friendship and lOVO.’ " m " ‘lf“.., o ‘l‘ CITATION, GEORGIA-=Jasper County. ~'™: To Ali Whom It May Concern’ B. G. Malofie having made applica tion in due form of law to be appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of A.. W. Malone notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of Ordinary for the said county, to be held on the first Monday in June, 1915. Witness my hand and offieial signature, this 6th day of May, 1915. H. V. ROBINSON, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA, Jasper County. To the Superior Court of said Coun ty: The petition of J. A. Davis, T. D. Couch, J. D. Duncan, W. H. Thomas and Moses Brown showeth: | (1) That J. A. Davis and T. D.| Couch are resident citizens of Jas per county, Georgia, and that J. D. Duncan, W. H. Thomas and Moses Brown are resident citizens of Bibb county, Georgia. (2.) Your petitioners desire for themselves and such others as may be associated with them, their suc cessors and assigns to be incorpor ated as a body politic under the name and style of Emergency Independent Methodist Church’ for a period of twenty (20) years with the right of re newal at the end of said period. (3.) The object and purpose of the association cor corporation is the up building and christianizing of coloved people of Georgia and other states as said organization may progress in its purposes and aims and without the object of personal gain to the corpor ators. (4.) Said corporation has no cap ital stock and will be dependent upon the voluntary contribution of its friends and upon the personal exer tions of corporators and associates and of friends. (5.) The principal placée of busi ness will be in Monticello, Georgia, Jasper county and such other branch or subordinate organizations as time, opportunity and resources will per mit of said organization. (6.) Said corporation does not pro pose to incur any indebtedness be yond resources previously obtained and in hand for the purpose contem plated. (7.9 Your petitioners desire the pnvilefe of organizing churches in lother localities together with schools for the education of the colored chil |dreti wheresoéver and whensoever ‘the financial conditions of the organ ization will authorize so doing. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates and as signs be granted a charter autheriz ing them to' organize as a body politic for the purposes herein before stated and authorize them to sue and be sued, contract' and be contracted with, to buy, sell, mortgage or sell any real estate without the perview of an ob ject of said cbrporation to' hdve and use a common seal and to have also the rights, privilégés and immunities as well as be subjéct! to' dll Nabilities of such corporatioh'and your petition ers will ever pray, éte. A. 8. THURMAN, Atty. for Petitioners. Filed in this office this 12th day of May, 1915. GEORGIA, Jasper County, : I, R. L. Davis, Clerk of the Super jor Court of said county, do heréby certify that the foregoing is true and correct copy of the. application for charter of J. A, Davis, J. D. Duncan, W. H. Thomas, T. D. Couch and Moses Brown as the same appears on file in this office. - Witness my official signature and seal of said Court, this the 12th day of May, 1915, . ‘ R. L. DAVIS, Clerk of Superior Court, Jasper Coun ty, Georgia. -— We want the news. "Phone 101. THE MONTICELLO NEWS NO. 925. IN SUPERIOR COURT OF JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA, Application For Partition of Land By Sale. MRS, H. P. McCLENDON, MRS. R. L. SEITIZLER, J. C. GRIGGS AND REBECCA GRIGGS i Vs, ANNIE BUTLER AND MRS. LIZZIE GUERRY. \ The above application having been filed in court and it appearing that the two named defendants, Annie But ler and Lizzie Guerry reside without the limits of the State of Georgia, and that it is necessary to perfect service ‘upon them by publication, it is order ed said Annie Butler and Lizzie Guerry be notified that the hearing of the above application for partition will be had at chambers, in Greens boro, Georgia, on the 21st day of June, 1915, and that they show cause before me at said time and place, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. It is further order ed that service of the notice herein referred to be perfected upon them by publication of this order once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to sald hearing, In the newspaper in which Sheriff's advertisements are published, and that a copy of this or der be mailed to each of them at their respective addresses, if known, by the Clerk of the superior court, in which said petition is filed. At Chambers. This the 20th day of May, 1915. JAMES B. PARK, Judge Superior Court of Jasper Coun ty, Ga. i The Job— I’'m on The Job » <= People adorn themselves with new clothes, hats, etc. Why not have your buggy, carriage - or auto repainted? This is the time for such work and I am the man for the job. Also, let me do your uphols tering. N . Y/ Nkl I niake a Speciaity of building tops for biiggies, carfiages and autos. ' | I#"Remember the pricé of paint is going higher each day. . . ~ : ' <> | T. H. Parham Monticello, - - Georgia Spri Daet 9 At W. R. Turk's Cash Grocery Store FAULTLESS BEANS HEINZ MIXED PICKLES FAULTLESS CORN HEINZ DILL PICKLES FAULTLESS PEAS WILLIAMS' SWEET MIXED BIG R TOMATOES SAUER KRAUT FRESH TOMATOES SHREDDED PINEAPPLE PORK AND BEANS PINEAPPLE CHUNK CAMPBELL'S SOUPS BOTTLE CHERRIES ASPARAGUS TIPS SUNSHINE CAKES EDDIES’ CATSUPS SUNSHINE CRACKERS H R MUSTARD BULK SALTINES CREAM CHEESE CREAM OF WHEAT DESSERT PEACHES CORN FLAKES POSTUM PUFFED RICE INSTANT POSTUM GRAPENUT BOILED HAM HAM SANDWICHES My Fresh Meat Department is always up to standard. 1 appreciate your business. Prices right. Terms cash. ‘ W. R. TURK PAGE SEVEN