The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, February 09, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1917 » i AN T i 1.l Yoo DR()[\)l I:p | ’ H | .‘ A : ; : m%..::"'r.:rr.:;ftrt.m.‘.ttrffi T filf:| ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Rl:| AVegetable Preparationficds M 5 | soiieaties | tingtie d 1 INFANTS “CHILDREN | Promotes Digestion Cheer nm-lmm ;;A‘ OTNAl.fO'l'lco Booe o 00 IeSUATLPITORER - u. * : Solls~ | # 1 | il Aperfect Remedy for i il M.Sfll&b-"h-m 1 Wa-n;. || ness and LoSS OF SLEER | PacSimile Signature of Iy MNEW YORK. \|!".’l,-7m”v 0 | B 0 RIS L . ‘:J|si’ig - : Exact Copy of Wrappet. E @ — sbR s# N & Bridging the distance ’twixt " . you and “anywhere.” __ The Bell Telephone, with its 16,000,600 miles of I'wire, brings millions of people within earshot of |your voice. Many thousand of them, living within fifty or a |hundred miles, can be reached for a small toll charge. Are you making use of this vast bridge on your |farm, in your home or in your business. There’s a iprofit of time, money or convenience for you in the tgall Telephone if you will use it. o | ' Grasp the Opportunity! ! Call or write the manager to-day. pr— l SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE § o % AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY \) A, ' ) o ¥ g G UNDERTAKING A first-class line of Coffins, Caskets and a complete line of supplies. Our equipment is new and up-to-date. Nicehearsesand teamsfor both White and Colored. : | Our prompt and personal attention given all calls either day or night. Embalming done when requested. _ Flowers ordered. i OFFICE 'PHON'I: 113 ; . . RESIDENCE 'PHONE 84-L MONTICELLO BUGGY MFG. GOMPANY *. J. E. HILL, . S FUNERAL DIRECTOR i AVicrious o] Rats destroy nearly % pes t i\ & 'billion dollare . worth of food MMW- Km,.- . llm-t-kgun»mlu £ RAT CORN ‘ &:1‘&:&1:;}::‘:: 135 ""\ ‘3 ;‘rr—n: N:.;or vhnn’clz ,&d & )Yfl::bhboohlfllndcmh S o ! :1";3. s'?unm'u".'gb. 4 ‘“' ~oy /An Seed, Hardware, Drug Z .\= ) < IFURSE DRUG CO., Moriticello, - Georgia : e i e DR. G. W. H. MURRELLE ‘ DENTIST. Office hours 7 to 6. — Phone No. 114. L% ;(Dr. Cannon’s old office.) . GASTORIA Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always ¢ Bears the Signature of ‘ W &K In : Use ‘ For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA GEORGIA—Jasper County. { To CLIFFORD C. CASTLEN: You are hereby notified to be and appear at the February Term, 1917, of Jasper Superior Court on 3rd Monday in February, 1917, to adswer the com plaint of Mrs. Roberta Castlen in Libel for divorce. Herein fail not or the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain, & This Jan, 18, 1917. " R, L. DAVIS, Clerk. e(e e WE WILL PYE FOR YOU Clothes for Ladies and Gentlemen “Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed, in a_satisfactory manner. Garments called for and delivered in the city. We respectfully _solicit , g mf‘lz Wmv .'."ru»t"‘.. L, ‘l’“ mt ';"‘w‘r"’w fi JURORS FEBY. TERM Jasper oumyu’gw Court Which Convenes in Monticello on \ Monday, the 19th, The following is a 'list of the Grand and Traverse jurors who will serve at the February term, Jasper superior court: ' ' Grand Jul;y. 1. M. Kinard. : 2. E. L. Driskell, 3. J. A. Downs. 4, J. L. Pope. 5. 8. W. Turner. 6. W. T. McKinley. 7. 8. D. Tomlinson, 8. W. C. Cornwell, 9. C. H. Pope. 10. W. C. Jones. " 11. W. A. Lane. 12. D. M. Davis. 13. Walker Blackwell. : 14. W. G Kelly. 15. M. S. Benton. 16. B. K. Farrar. 17. C. A. Tingle. 18. J. H. Ellis. 19. G. W. Newton. 20. Robt. Cofer. 21. H. B. Ezell. 22. L. A. Mercer, 23. G. E. Fullerton. 24. D. B. Benton. 25. 8. A. Flournoy. 26. W. T. Hadaway. 27. R. A. Malone. 28. H. B. Kelly. 29. E. F. Perry. 30. E. C. Mcßinley. Traverse Jury—First Week. 1. W. N. Jones. 2. C. E. Goolsby. 3. P.'W. Cox. 4. C. E. Pierce. 5. 0. O. Banks. 6. C. T. Pope. 7. N. K. Johnson. - 8. J. B. Hatfield. A 9. R. M. Persons. 10. J. P. Jeffries. 11. A. J. Persons. 3 12. W. B. Preston. ~13. T.J. Kitchens. .14, A. F. Brandon. \ 15. F. C. Hardin. 16. O. G, Huff. ~ 17. E. M. Bearden. 18. J. D. Harvey. - 19. H. K. Persons. : 20. J. W. Blackwell. 21. J. G. Barron. 22. W.'H. Lynch. 23. K. C. Pope. . 24, W. E.°Piper. - 25. T. B. King. 26. S. G. Shy. { 27. T. L. Cook. ‘ 28, G. 8. Oxford. : ~ 29. F. C. Dumas. ; - 30. G., W. Alexander. ¥ 31 W. J. Walits, A 32, J. H. Hyatt. : 33. E. G. Bearden. ‘ 34: Newt Cunard. ’ 36. A. L. McElheney. ; 36. Durrell Smith. o 37. J. Wiley Digby. 38. H. S. Downs. ; 39. W. R. Smith. ; ‘ 40. King Ogburn. ooy 41, E. N. Waldrup. 42. R. J. Penn. ' . 43. 8.. A. Hecht. ) 44, S. M. Fullerton. SR 45. J. C. Wyatt. 46. Roy Kelly. o 47. E. C. Kelly. ; 48. E. L. Jones. Traverse Jury—#cpnq Week. 1 Lo A Chslin” " " 2, D. H. Maddox. 3. Paul Phillips. e 4, W. C. Moore. 5. T. L. Chaffin, Jr. ; 6. J. K. Stone. 7. R. H. Smith, : 8. J. O. Thomason. : 9. M. C. Kelly. : 10. E. H. Jordan. i 11. R. H/ Barker. . d 12. 'W. K. Marks. . . 18. T, Wi Pye. Bialbaihl g i 14. A. S. Walker. 4 & .16, L. L. Stone. Pyt 18, 'B. B. Minter. : 17. R. A. Tillman, i 2 nl&‘ J. W‘ m’ ; el *a Rk Mea 20, Jno. 8. Garland. 2L P ,L.'m.f TR, ‘ ‘2B 3¢ C...Thomppon:. . 000 A B A T B Eifete 6 70" rburk. | L | . 27, B. B, McElheney. R e 90.‘ 'Gn c‘ m- GR % a 4 . M i ‘l-y Ac T&;mdm P T 32. B. A. Moore. s un‘ JO{" M 3 ““ 5 : 84 T nsm kgt S 3 ut\ ’q, Dd m_"uo . 5 3 ) :: LCOEL MM kA Y e & 1 .’g‘-,u X 4 ;‘, 2y Y ’{‘. AT T L‘%fl :'if‘-‘fvi{i*r?"":‘if"’ i oy iy \ffi' s dulae L g THE MONTICELLO NEWS ;lhir@’ iil R ||||lH|mum|umuu|- ailill \ R l"llfl' ATy g SN NG ~;\ \‘ : \>\\ 4”! [T -.“‘9]IIIIIII||||I|||I|||||IIIIIIZ......:I."I &MO ! N " cuicaed £ ST, LoUIS £ mm'lqn sO. omana {4 0/ PP 5 ‘llh'" b ""]“a' sT.soseri] T OKLAOMA CITY |||||l 4/}'01" 8 0015 FERMEIZER Co,, N 1 ‘3‘ oRRIs MANUFACTURERS OF OM pAN A e oTANKAG G {n :lm E Bl‘nunno,nntuo!s:: TA.!M«:" EPE:.ERTIMZE l 'll(‘:'\;-:: S rd" flla ATLANTA MONTGOMERY' RS. \‘“h A e % ' k{,"‘u‘/ ’f( Xf MR 5% ’,fi - Why Morris Brands Prevent Shedding. f‘fi\x ) N\ /fi Our Guanos derive their ammonia fror to IIIGHEST GRADES I&.\ffll 1.. ,;‘ ‘,]."l OF LZOOD, BONEAND PACKING HOUSE ANIMAL TANKAGE. [N «";. % We do not use one ounce of the cheaper mineral ammoniates, air | ""'\: ‘\" | NEERI nitrogen, leather compounds, or other so-called ‘‘Tankages.” By IA Dkl l{, IRI the use of only high class ammoniates, we insure early, constant and ",u% 2 KCRRLIPY] late feeding of the plant regardless of unfavorable seasons. This [ %fi %. grl kecps the plant in a healthy, vigorous condition, and enablesitto g 3 (N ,;;,i_, i resist disease and to retain its fruit. «? )‘\ gg)" fi ‘T’: ;“ Unless you buy fertilizers carrying a guarantee of absolute pu- }’\“ W\ {,f “",1 )] ity on each bag, such as we give, you are liable to starve your 'l.\‘ ki )‘ P crop, and buffer a heavy leaching and shedding loss. Why take Q2= NI l /‘\g\ chances for the mere pittance of a few cents per acre? Nf‘ O fi\fl Order the MORRIS BRANDS now from your nearest dealer !h// (T«', i) ml“‘) @i/l and insure your crop steady and dependable nutrition throughout gitah |.‘ ‘“ /M| the growing season. ; ‘%'\l. -!9{',5% | ' FOR SALE BY ,\"\&yx‘ I ¥ " [EAR 14 » ,U»,“ [T, ROBINSON, KELLY COMPANY dl ,*"\ |||"' AR m“\ _ MONTICELLO, - GEORGIA fi’"“ & "‘"I &2 ' ' N Sy ||||"||ilIMIlll|||IIII||Illllllll|||I||I|IIIIIIlIlIIIII|||||l||||||l|||ll||||||?”?'5"«'“'.' Q’@\}\ ; ” %) PREVENT SHEDDING (& (A b esR) | | I 44, W. T. Culbreath. 45. J. T. Bowden. 46. W. R. Powell 47. T. A. Lane. 48. Jno. A. Stone. —— () c—— ROCHE WEARING PONCHO Mr. Francis Burke Roche has suc ceeded the Baroness De La Grange (formerly Emily Sloane, daughter of Henry Sloane) as secretary and treas urer of the Lafayette fund. Mr. Roche is here shown wearing the Poncho (oil skin coat), which is included in the Lafayette kit. The kit is packed in a bag such’ #s Mr. Roche is holding, On account of the inclement weath er, the almost continual rainfall at certain seasons, the oil-skin coat is ab solutely necessary as part of the sol dier's equipment. This is only one of the protections for the health of the soldier. The Lafayette fund was so named in’ order to perpetuate the memory of General Lafayette, and what he did to help us in the days of the Revolu- ) | Qgg ‘ ' i ‘ g ey P B o o ; "f":ES;: A A R & P A ¢ b £ L R e 255 s gl : LS DU Aoy W P PoparavEs ey SR praprazvunys B 0 SRR pHis rovs BSRDAY. ,%; 2y F’?”?‘:"*E" GrgngE e ¢ i e ; SRR S TRO 8 B 2 R o Vel SRR B - eOl R A # | ok A O E : “:‘\:3‘; o 9 e e X ¢ % (5 X 0 3 & ; % ‘ | : ] tion. The headquarters of the Lafay ette fund 1s located at the Hotel Van derblilt, New York city. A Mr. Roche said that more than 84, 000 kits had already been furnished to French soldieng since the start of the war ahd’that the work was going on at a greater pace than ever. . The kit includes the following ar ticles: el ' , One Poncho (combination raincont and blanket.) ; One pair of fleece-lined drawers. . " Oné pair of woolen socks. One handkerchief, One cake of soap. One pipe. ’ One package of cigarettes, One package of note paper. One pencil, , ’ _One can of cresol ointment. Put a little notice “n The News and ml : t c.“', R R :"; . WL n" ‘.*7.’; ‘ 0 | "’i -!"‘,t{ 4‘ " 1 d L gßot R m' ’ T T 8 @fi&"mfiat e M GEORGIA—Jasper County. " State of Georgia V. Shady Dale Local School District. - — Pétition to Validate Bonds. In Jasper Superior Court. February Term, 1917. To the Public and to all whom it may’ Concern: Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of' February, 1917, at. the courthouse in Monticello, Georgia at the regular February term, 1917, of said court, the above cause being a petition filed by the soucltor‘Geneul of the Ocmulgee Circuit in the name of the State of Georgia v. The Shady Dale Local School District of said County to validate and confirm $3500.00 of bonds, the proceeds of which are to be applied only to the building and equipping a school house for the Shady Dale Local School Dis trict of Jasper Uounty, Georgia, will' be heard and determined, and any\ citizen of the State of Georgia residing within the Shady Dale Local School District of Jasper County, Georgia, or any other person wherever resident who may have a right to object may become & party to these proceedings. ‘ This the 22nd day of January, 1917. R. L. DAVIS, Clerk Jasper Superior Court. Comma————————en { o ——— INFORMATION ‘WANTED. HENRY LANGSTON-—his mother wants to know his whereabouts. She is living in Jacksonville, Fla., 227 Durkees Ave, When writing write to her sister, Miss Annie Kelly, 115 Lee St., Jacksonville. (adv.) et () e DR. 8. J. SMITH ‘ » DENTIST , Office hours 7:30 to 6:30 Office over Monticello Furniture Co —Telephone 108-—+ '~ MONTICELLO, — GEORGIA. l If it is a “Jitney” you want figure ’with me. 1 guarantee efficient and courteous service and am in position to serve you either day or night, rain or shine. Give me a trial. Headquarfers during the day at Roberts’ Barber Shop. - Day 71 PHONES Night 178-J ot (ol KEEP YOUR PIANOS IN GOOD TUNE Fine instruments are often permanently injured by being allowed to run too long without attention. Write or phone me iat Monticello and your order will be answered promptly. 1 am also selling at Reuben Jordan’s Furniture Store a line of }%h-zra“de‘ PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, at reduced rates SRR R Would appreciate a call and let me demonstrate these goods PAGE SEVEN Half Your Llving Without Money Cost A right or wrong start in 1917 will make or break most farmers in the South. We are all facing a crisis. This war in Europe puts things in such uncertainty that no man can foresee the future with any degree of clearness. The sure and certain increase in cotton acreage means lower cotton prices next fall. Cost of all food and grain products is high, so high that no one can afford to buy and expect to pay out with cotton. . it's a time above all others to play safe; to produce all possible food, grain and forage supplies on your own acres; to cut down the store bill A good plece of garden ground, rightly planted, rightly tended and kept planted the year round, can be made to pay half your living. It will save you more money than you made on the best five acres of cotton you ever grew! ! - Hastings’ 1917 Seed Book tells all about the right kind of a money sav ing garden and the vegetables to put in it, It tells about the field crops as well and shows you the clear road to real farm prosperity. It's Free. Send for it today to H. G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt, —_—_—— FOR RENT—Nice dwelling, Conveniently located. Ap ply NEWS office. Uy N — ~—TELEPHONE NO. 89— Clothes for Ladies and Gentlemen -Cleaned, Pressed and Delivered Promptly. SPECIAL RATES TO CLUB MBEMBERS Altering Correctly Done. -~ Old Hats Cleaned and Reshaped. ~—The City Tailoring Shop— 0. HATFIELD, Prop. No doubt you are, if you suffer from any of the numerous ailments to which ail women are sub ject. Headache, back ache, sideache, nervous ness, weak, tired feeling, are some of the cymg toms, and K::u must rid Younellol min order 0 feel well. Thousands of women, who have been benefited b{o this remedy, urge you ;| TARE The Woman's Tonle Mrs. Sylvania Woods, ofClifton Mills, Ky., says: “Before taking Cardul, 1 was, at times, so weak | “‘could hardly walk, m the pain in my back head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles of Cardui, mmmdk appeared. | as weumm Bvery . try Cardul.” Getabottle WO @b "