The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, March 16, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT GET BUSY --- SPRING-TIME IS HERE! . H. KELLY COMPANY | ‘ - WHITE GOODS ' Flaxon, plain and barred, prices ... ......_.._25c to 35¢ Lingerie Cloth, very soft quality, 50-in.-wide, price 50c yd. Voile, extra quality, prices -..__..________._26¢ to 50¢ Organdies, extra values, prices —..__._..-_36¢ to 50c Dimities, nice qualities, prices ... _._..__l2%c to 86¢ D Linens, double width, prices .._._.-.....-12%c to 3bc 46-inch Linene, pricé ———-..------------------86¢ yd. Long Cloth and Nainsook —_______________._l6¢ to 25¢ Cotton Corduroy, prices —...-..-—---_--.-.-.-26¢ to 36¢ Middy Twills. prices —.....-—------.-----20¢ to 26¢c White Madras, new lot, prices —_______._._2oc to 35¢ . SILKS Taffeta Silk, all colors, prices .- _...._51.00 to $1.50 Messaline, all colors, price -—-——--————--—----..-$1.25 Crepe de Chine, all colors, prices —_________B6¢ to $1.50 China Silk, all colors, prices —______________so¢ to 65¢ ' Georgette Crepe, all colors, price —________________Bs¢ Silk Mull, all colors, price. - ——————--—--..--36¢ yd. Figured Shantung, price ——_————__-________sl.2s yd. Figured and Stripe Suiting, prices ________2oc to 50c yd. Wool Plaids, skirt lengths, price ————_________sl.2s yd. Plaid and Shepherd Check Suiting, prices ____l6¢ to 35¢ Pretty line Fancy Silks for Waists 3 BOYDEN SHOES FOR MEN Our new Boyden Oxfords have arrived. All the new toes a;ttzn, gun metal, vici and patent leather, English and arch YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our $4.50 and $5.00 line of Men’s dress Oxfords. "JTH. KELLY COMPANY I ettt NEW LINE —of Curtain Scrims— plain and figured borders 1214 c. to 35¢. yard The many friends of Miss Annis Stone regret to know that she is ill at *this writing. We trust that she may 3oon be able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith and young daughter, Sarah Mae, of Calvin, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. M. P. Stone. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Chaffin, of Me c¢hanicsville, spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. H. F. Blackwell, M*. and Brs. G. B. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ellis attended church at Hopewell Sunday morning and dined at the home of Mr. J. N. Spears. Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Stone have re cently moved from our little village to their new home near Smithboro. We shall miss them very much, still our best wishes are with them, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Kelly, of Monti cello, attended preaching at Hopewell Sunday morning and dined at the home of Mr, J. B. Malone. "The young peopie of this communi ty enjoyed a candy pulling at Mr. Walker Malone's Friday night. Mr. Grady Couch and Mr. Fred Couch, of Friendship, were in our community Sunday. M{. Charlie Waits spent Sunday night in Milledgeville with his daugh ter, Ella, who nurses at the State San itarium. Misses Pauline Smith and Rosaline Malone and Mr. Weyman Malone spent Sunday with Miss Gladys Spears and Mr. T. J. Spears. A number of our young people were out spinning in their cars Sunday af ternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful Sunday. Rev. J. U. Loggans, of Monroe, fill ed his regular appointment here Sat urday and Sunday. As I don't ever see anything from this part of the globe in The News I thought I would write a few items, The candy pulling given at the home of Mr. C. D. Brown last Thurs day night was enjoyed by all who were present., The dancing was un- W good, especially the steps by Mi? ;Robert Lane and Miss Lillle Brown. ¥ i | Do your shopping early and get the best. Our stocks are complete. Come! Let us show you al\of the many late styles in ladies’ goods. =FARRAR Messrs T. H. and J. K. Blackwell went to Madison last Friday on busi ness. Mr. L. H. Cranford spent last Mon day in Union Point. Mesdames I. T. Wyatt and T. H. Blackwell ‘were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bryant, of Newborn, last Saturday. » Mr. Loyd Locke, of Tifton, was the guest of Mr. J. W. Wagner last Sun day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wyatt, Jr., vis ited relatives in Rutledge last Sunday. Mr. W, M. Spears went to Atlanta last Wednesday ‘to buy mules. Mr. E. C. Betts, of Newborn, was in town a short while last Wednesday. Mr. I, T. Wyatt went to Mansfield last Tuesday afternoon on business. Messrs J. C. and W. H, Wyatt, Jr., went to Covington last Tuesday to pur¢chase mules. The farmers of this section are taking advantage of the pretty weath er now and the song of the plow boy can be heard in all directions. M.x. Will Mercer and Mr. J. L. Hardy, two of our County Commis sioners, and Mr. R. S. Talnadge, of Monticello, were riding over our roads one day last week. We were glad to see them, as our roads have not been worked in about three years, and we think that it is time now to have them worked. urday night. ~ Miss Hazel Dozier, who is a student of the Athens Normal School, is home on a visit for a few days. : Miss May Lane, who is attending college at Locust Grove, is also at home on a visit. ~ Mrs. Bonnie McElheny, who has been ill, is reported better. - The sun is looking good to us here. ‘We hope to hear the rattle of the ‘planters soon and the old familiar soufid ‘‘gee, har.” Mr. Robert Lane was a visitor as usual at Flovilla Friday night. ~An enjoyable entertainment was given at the home of Mr. Walter Wil liams Saturday evening. Many games were played. Well, if this does not find the trash basket I will come again. Will say “good bye.” With best wishes for all. _‘——_’_ - Plant a little ad in these columns. ald watch the results, = READY-TO-WEAR = Ladies’ White Skirts, made of Gabardine, Linene Honey Comb and Corduroy, prices - -----......-$1.25 to $3.00 Ladies’ Tan Linene Skirts, special oo ._.Tbc Ladies’ Shepherd Checked Skirts, special ......_.__sl.26 Ladies’ and Misses Middy Suits, all the latest stripes, prices Ladies’ Spring Suits, prices .-« .....$7.50 to $12.50 Big line of Misses’ and Children’s Ready-Made Dresses, Ginghams and White Dresses, all sizes, prices 36¢ to $2.00 e e e eet e sttt }Ladies’ House Dresses, special lot -....-..-.-..-..--'.-".-81.25’ Aprons, Ready-Made Gingham and Lawn, prices 85¢ to 50¢ Bungalo AProns, Prißliic. .- - - cdnnnonsnsnabnncssedPb FIGURED DRESS GOODS Figured and Striped Lawns, all pretty patterns, prices 8c to eeioL R AL L New Line Dress Ginghams, Percales and Chambrays just received. ' PARASOLS New Line for Spring, just received. - Children’s Rompers, prices —__ . _._______2s6¢ to 50¢ SHOES : Ladies’ and Misses’ White Canvds Shoes and Oxfords with white and tan kid trimmings, prices .._52.26 and $2.50 pair Ladies’ Dress Shoes Ultra Brand in Patent Leather, dull kid and glaze kid with Louis heels, “B” to “E” widths. Full line Misses,” Boys’ and Children’s Slippers, all sizes, styles and prices. . : LACES New lot just received. Edges and insertions to match— torchons, vals, round thread, cluny and shadow, also beau tiful line Irish Lace for waists and dresses, prices 5c to 25¢ KERLEE: & Mr.. and Mrs. J. O. Vaughn, of Jack son, spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holo way. g 5 Mrs. Thomas Wooten and children, of Gladesville, spent from Wednesday until Friday with relatives here. Mrs. Charlie Niblett and son, Pink, spent Saturday night with the former’'s sister, Mrs. Mat Goodmén, near Gladesville. Mrs. Mattie Waits spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs, E. C. McKinley, here. - . Mr. Charlie Niblett and son, Fleet, spent Saturday night with the for mer's daughter, Mrs. David Long, of Cork. ] Misses Lucile and Jewel Holoway and brother; Hollis, spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Grace Niblett, near here. Little Misses Ethel and Annie Pearl McKinley spent Sunday with little Miss Edna McKinley. Mrs. Mgdttie Waits spent Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. W. T. Me- Kinley, near here. ‘ Mr. J. A. Chambers, who is teaching here, spent Saturday with homefolks at Juliette. Mrs. W, T. McKinley and son, Kelly, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. C. McKin!ey. Bt Mrs. Mat Goodman, who lives near Gladesville, spent Tuesday with Mrs, Lou Long. Mrs. Sallie Smith has returned from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Shropshire, of South Georgia. Mr. Frank Morgan and sister, Mrs. Mattie Waits, spent a while Wednes day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holoway. = . A large crowd from here attended preaching at New Hope Sunday. ' We regret to learn that Mr., H.' A. Goodman is very ill at this writing. We hope he will soon be well again, Mr. Fleet Goodman, of Gyiffin, has returned to his home after visiting relatives and friends here. 4 Remember, as we were disappoint ed by not having our last box supm,! on account of rain, we are going to have it Friday night, the 23rd of this month. Every body is invited to come, Girls, come and bring y¢ m boxes; boys, bring your money, . ikt e e 00l G - T N - Holir. 30 e Jou bavy 4Yo - THE SIONTICELLO NEWS’ Mr, Ralph Benton, who is a student at Emory College, spent the past week-end with his home-people here. Messrs J. H. and Weyman Ellis made a business trip to Covington last week., Mrs. J. H. Ellis accom panied them as far as Mansgeld. Mr. Alton Malone, of Hopewell, was a visitor here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Farris Thornton and daugh ter, Martha, were the guests of Mrs, }J. B. Ellis and Miss Florence E)l_is ‘recently. | Mr. M. Benton made business’ trips to Covington, Mansfield and Brough: tonville last week. ~ Little Miss Sara Ellis, who attends ‘the public school in Monticello, spent the recent week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Ellis. Miss Olive Downs, of Monticello, was her guest Sunday. Mr. J. H. Ellis recently had the misfortune to have burned quite a lot of grain, hay, fodder, cotton seed and other farm products that were stored in an out-house on his farm. ¢ ’ All are hoping, that the sun will continue to shine so that farmers may begin their spring work. “Be ye therefore ready,” with harness, traces, back-bands, plow-stocks and all ac ‘cessories at hand, that no time may be lost when the soil is ready to plow. After so much time has been lost on account of the extremely un favorable weather, it would be a sloth ful man, indeed, who does not look well to preparedness. - There was preaching at the Baptist chureh Sunday morning, Mr. Harry Charping, Mr. Preston Charping, Miss Nellie Dennis, Miss Nina Leverett and Miss Idel Brown spent a while Wednesday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. 8. Charping, near here, Mr, and Mrs. Bennie Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.“Waldrep and Mr. and Mrs, Grover Polk spent. Sundav with Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Bartlett, near here. Mrs, J. L. Cotich and baby and Mrs, P. S. Charping. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; W: E. Dennis. ' Mr. Bolden Waters spent Sunday YLR Tk - MUSLIN UNDERWEAR a We are showing this season the largest line of Ladies’ Mus lin Underwear ever shown in Monticello. Don’t miss see ing these pretty garments. All new, fresh, crisp as the morning dew. Come now for they are ready on display for your inspection. : ; w———f————-—-.——-—-————-——————-—-———"‘ 1 GOWNS Trimmed with dainty lace and pretty embroidery, with pink and blue ribbon run-through beading. Long or short ‘.l“nz" high or low neck, made of nice quality muslin and nai o_k. DRIV it bt siitDS TR LD ? CAMISOLES and Corset Covers, made of muslin, nainsook, silk and crepe de chine, trimmed with lace and embroidery with tibbon run-through beading, prices ... cc.c...._.26c to $1.50 “TEDDIES” Splendid values, made of soft quality muslin and nainsook, embroidered, trimmed with lace and embroidery, prices pfen AIR AT OGS WA A WT A : ” SKIRTS / Made full, nice quality muslin, wide lace and embroidery. Don't fail to see these great values, prices _.__6s¢ to $1.26 ‘ LADIES’ WAISTS Full line on display lawn waists, voile, Jap silk and crepe de chine, all colors and styles, pfices .____.___6s¢c to $3.00 MIDDY BLOUSES | Ladies’ and Misses’ made of real twill, plain red, navy and white collars, also striped collars with striped cuffs, prices, el e il ks e s DO T3S | EMBROIDERY ' : New lot just received. Swiss flouncing for skirts and dresses, cambric for corset covers, dainty patterns for babies’ and childrens’ dresses, also several new pieces of all-over. Edges and insertions to match in Swiss and cam- Drie, Prites . .ildilidniviuicenvhamsbouniin 08 TOO Mr. A. J. Persons spent Saturday ‘night at the home of Mr. W. B. Digby, ‘near here. ) l Misses - Arlene Minter and Dovie Digby were shoppers in Monticello Monday. ~ Misses Sallie Minter, Estelle and Cora Loyd spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Ben Pye, near here, Mrs. Venitia Lane, of Monticello, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ben Pye. : The quilting given by Mrs. Jesse Clay Friday was enjoyed by all who attended. The most enjoyable fea ture was the dinner. The menu con sisted of cabbage pickle, potatoes, to matoes, chicken, ham, dressing, bis cuit, custard, fruit and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burney, of Con cord, visited Mrs. Jennie Malong Sat urday afternoon. Several from here attended Sunday School at Sardis Sunday. The singing given at the home of Mr. J. J. Tyler recently was enjoyed by all who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Faulkner spent Wednesday at the home of Miss Georgia Minter, near here. Misses Marie Simpson and Arlene Minter spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. S. F. Malone. Little Miss Margaret Malone and Master H. B. Malone spent the week end with Mrs. Kate Malone. Mrs. Clark Pope and son, C. T, Jr, of Monticello, spent from Friday un til Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kinard. We regret to learn that Mrs. Jennie Malone is no better., We hope she will soon be improved. Mr. Jim -Oxford and daughter vis ited Mrs. J. M. Kinard Friday. _ e et Couch attended the Box Supper at Henderson Friday night. ' Miss Kate Wheeler spent from Fri day until Sunday wfih,Mlu Nellie Dennls. . : i Messrs Grady and Fred Couch spent Sunday with friends at Hopeweli. « We are glad to see the sunshine so the farmers can get get to do some work. | Mrs. Joe Dennis epent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. Jim Dennis. | - Miss Jessie Mae Couch spent Satur day night and Sunday with her e R e ST il -bt mwfiwfipw& ',Msg;"fl.u% W ff_ 4 o TR, N O T . WP SNI ) FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917 NEW LINE —Men’s Neckwear— just received 26c. to The. . - ‘ é’ g % | \ ‘1 : 4 ) 2 é-y --e | LT ‘-| &1 DT w (‘tl=l:‘la ~:sf'" PUT YOUR MONEY INTO A HOME of your own, There's no in vestment that produces more lasting returns than the build ing of a home. Resolve NOW to stop paying rent and start on the road to happiness and contentment. Our years of*» experience in the lumber busi- ' ness enables us to-save you money on everything you need for building. Come in and let us prove it. JORDAN LUMBER CO. NOTICE! There will be something new and . interesting at Adgatesville school house Friday night, March 23d. Ev ery body invited. (advt.) ————————— IN MONTICELLO WILL NOT BE OPENED THIS MONT}I (March.) Parties desiring Photos made in April will ;oblige by sending me a post card to that effect. : i nmfeotmu. ; AT SU TR B " J. H. KELLY COMPANY @ I"J. H. KELLY COMPANY B et b S A