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= W, | {
Gents’ Cloth;
‘ents” Clothing,
| W
| We have an elegant line (t
| Clothing that will recommend itself
as being entirely new, and of the
latest styles, The largest line of
| Fina Clothing in Dawson. Can
| furnish suits from $4.00 up to $5O,
for everyhody at all prices,
{ EDITORIAL 537i335.
’ Tue Oklahomo boomers are enr
| rying more pistols than plows into
' the new territory. This looks ae
though they intend to raite more
i Cain than corn.
| A CcROP mortgave don’t nec d
ary cultivation. It will ripen and
vield good fruit even if itis stored j
away in - some dark corner of lhe;
the merchant’s safo. !
I 7 is said that there are mnot
enoush republican voters left at
home in Indiwna to water and feed
the stock, the others heing in'
Washington howlinz for pie |
Mr. Grapy lias beea elected |
President of the Confederate Vet |
eravs’ Home, and Mr Paul Romare,
of the Atlanta National Bank, has
been elected Treasurer, his boud
being fixed at 825,000,
Tuz democratic gains in the re.
ceny elestion in Montana rather
stirtied the republicans who telt |
sure that the new State, zoon to |
be made o 1 it, would add two res
publicaps to the United States
THE question, ““to bustle or not
to hustie?” scemis no nearer solus
tion by ti:e present administration
than ever. Mrs, Hurrison and
Mrs, Bluine bustle, but Mrs. Me-
Kee aud Mrs, Russell Huariison do
uot bustle. As this is a tie, why
not let Grandma Bisir cust the des
crding vote? {
- Iris thought that Postimasters
i‘-jeueml Wanamaker will recons |
r mend the redaction of fcttér pos
tage to oue cent. M. Wanamaker
s impressed with the faet that the
;lil!‘,;‘\:l' the amonut expendel iu
fmlvurii-‘in; the greates the result,
and the eheaper the postage rate
the larger the volume of business,
! A wodaN advertizes in 2 Chieas
:go paper thut she desires corress
pondence with a view to matrimo
'ny with a young man who neither
fcifvw-:, smokes, drinks or swears,
I does not frequent the elub rooms
- avd will be satislied with the socis
ety of a loviag wife. Ring oft,
Ide:u‘. You have called up the
l wronz planet. There are no such
| angels on earth now.
| Rl
| PresipExt HARRISON hasshown
E that he has a head of his own, and
' thanks but few to volunteer their
'advice to him. His Cabinet, of
; course, he consults, but ne does not
| appear to lean on them with
| any show of dependence. Blaine
and Sherman, the great moguls of
I the Republican party, are by no
| means dictators to this little Wess
‘ tern lawyer, strong in his own con
{ sciousuess of right, and they sue
‘ for tavors that they are frequently
‘} de.ied, ;
i e
i She Broke the Engagerrent
‘ Beeause she saw that he had
ceasec to love her. Her beauty
[ had fadad, her former hizh spirits
! had given place to a duli lassitude.
| What had caused this change?
| Funetional derangement; she was
I suflering from those ailwents pe
culiar to her eex. And so their
two young lives driited apart.
How neediess, how cruel! Had
{ she taken Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
!Prescrlption she might have been
| restored to health and happiness.
] If any lady reader ot these lines is
| similarly afilicted, let her lose no
| time in procuring the *‘Favorite
| Prescription 7 It will give ker a
| new lease of life. Sold by drug
gists under a positive guarantes
I from the manufacturers oi periect
satisfaction in every case or mouey
| refunded. See guarantee on bot
" tlo wrapper.
Dress Goods!
{ |
S |
2700 yds. that must o, price or |
|no price. Double width 00l i
Cashmere at ovly 15¢ per vard. |
: Fine yard wide new style Cash. |
mere, all colors, at 23¢ per vard. |
‘ Elegant lite all wool Heurieitas, |
t worth T3¢, to be elosed out at Hoe. |
j bes yard. Full line of new Persic |
!:m Band Trinmings 10 ma‘ch eve- |
'ly color. MeLaAry Bros, & Co. |
? A Fertiiizer Factory.
I Sems of our farmers are agitat
ing the building of a guauo {aeto-
Lly in Dawson,
Ina few weeks the Nnws will
{ publish an article from a promis
“hent gentleman of this city shows
iz why it woald be to the jnterest
Cof the farmers to manutacture their
own fertilizers, |
| The Allinnce is in cood '.\'<ii‘l;§l)L:=
order, and they shonld agitute this
question and enteavor to cey sub
serptions for this purpose, Al |
that is needed is for a few live buss
iness men of their orgamzgtion to
go to work, let people knov they |
1 ean business, and sncecess s as
sured. Six successful business mep |
wio would beeome interested in
the muiter, ard o to work, can ses
care enough money in ninety davs
to accomplish this undertaking,and
instead of trying to control the
world i the price ot fertilizers, Qo
Just what some are doing in the
mitter of woatand bread Myaxp
IT AT HOME @b a | =s cost and have
always a better supply.
s s |
Stormy Weather.
The siorm along the Atlantie
const this mouth was vnusuaily se«
vere, and besides the loss of many
livesthe destruetion to the ship
ping was immense. There were
several ot the steamships of the |
Central railroad espased to this |
storm, and the capiaing agree in |
opinion that 'twas the most fearful
weather they ever encountered. i
The hiuge waves would washoyer !
the ships, and the stale rooms of"
l.h" lu:]»cu‘;(’l‘a‘ were ('i.‘\"’l":“i seyer
al feet in water. Tor days mavy of
the punic stricken passengers
thought that their “tine Lad cone”
and they passed the time in prays |
ing and trying or Jife preseryps, !
0.. e of the passevgers who display- |
ed great presence of mind, and was |
most fluent in sendiog up his sup
plications, after the danser was!
over afforded amuzemnent for those !
of his companions who took iv his. |
movements. Not havine unhouns
ded confidence even in his wmnch |
praying, he had resort as he |
thought to lis hite prezerver, and
went aboat with o satehel and car- |
pet bax strapped about bis waist. |
Fortunately no lives were lost on
any of the vegular lines of Savans |
nah steamers, but numbers or the |
pussengers were severely bruised |
by being tosed about by the
rolling and plunging of the ves- |
sels, and when they reached port |
were s 0 exhansted and debilitated |
that they had to be lifted fram |
staterooms and carried to their hos |
tels. |
Clean Up Your Fremises.
In tiize of peace prepare for war.
Now isthe time to begin to keep your
premites clean, if you want to en
joy good health during the coming
summer. We called the attention
ot cur council to the filthy cons
dition of the back verds in town,
and which should be abated at
once. Let us bavea clean town,
even if we have to pay more taxes.
A Bammoth Fish Net.
The Dawson Brotherhood of
Fishermen have received the lurgs
est net ever zeen in this city. [t
is twenty feet in length, is forty
six keet wide, and the mouth is
eight feet in diaweter. It will
streteh across any stream in Souths
west GGeor ia, and the Brotherhood
say when they have cleaned out
all the ereeks in this section they
will take a trip to the Chatte
Awful Fate of the Working Convict.
The Weste n penitentiary isto
be investigited again, and it any
prisoner is found at work he will
be sentenced to hard labor and
nothing to do for life.
Is Life Worth Living?
Not if you go through themerld
a dyspeptic. Ackersalispetic
Tablets are a positis@enre for the
worst form of sia, Indiges
tion, Flatulendgnd Coustipation.
Gusrantee sold by I:V. C.
i Kendrick i
3 v% ( f’;{ :
An elegant and complete line
of Hose, Handkershief, Shirts,
Underwear, Collars, Cufly, Para
sols, Gloves, and in fact anything
and everything to he had in «
First Class Dry Gonds Emporiam,
Your patronage is cordially solie
S A A gt d
28 28 8648
‘id Story ol Lewis T. Wigfall of South
| Caralina. - :
: “A vou have never heard how
| Lewis T. Wigtall fought two duels
| in one worninz.shot one ot his anta
gonists and was desperately wounds
ced at the same justant? Well 1
Cwill tell you aboutit. Tt happen
ed before the war when Wiafal)
“and Brooks both livedin Edgefield,
S, C. Wigtall took umbrage at a
political eard published in one of
the vewspapers, and finding that
Whitfield Brooks was the author
of it, challeuged hin.. Brooks, the
tather of Preston, was an old man,
and he paid no attention to the
chalienge, whercupon Wigfail
wrote 2 notice brandine hin as a
coward and posted it on the door
of the court house. Chancellor
Carroll, a frierd of both men, saw
the notice and said he would tear
it down, when Wigtall replied .
‘Doat,and I will shoot you.’ ["licnda_‘
interfered, but a duel was arranged
to take place the next morning. A
few minutes later Wizfall saw Tom
Byrd, a young lawyer, in the act
of tearing down the notice, aud or«
dered him to desist or lie would
shoot him. ‘I reckon two can play
that gamne,” replied Byrd., as he
tore the puaper from the door. Those
were his Jost words, Wigfall shot
him thoegh the heart. Byrd was
a promising young mwan and the
shoating was regarded as u most
anfortunate occurrence, but Wiz
tall was acquitted of the blame.
I he next morning at sunrise he and
Carroll faced each other at ten
paces, pistols in hand. The word
was given,the reports were instans
taneous,and both men missed. The
geconds interposad, and as Wigtal|
and Carroll had beeny wanm friends,
they shook hands and entered the
same carriage to ride to Hamburg
On the way they met Brooks, who
had been absent, and, having rea
torned that moernicg, kad just heard
ot Wigfal’s notice posting his fath
er as a coward, He wasturious
and demanded immediate satisfacs
tion, which the fiery Wigfall was
ready enough to grant. The party
immediately returned to the scene
of the previous duel, and Brooks
and Wigtall took their places, Cui~
roll acting as second for his antags
onist of the morning. Both
combatants fell at the first fire,both
so desperately wounded that & sec
ond exchange of shots could not be
bad, alilicugh it had Leen agreed
that it shonld be a duel to the death.
Both men lecovered and the: feud
died out, but the principals never
became friends.”—New York Trib
une. :
Larcery to Take a Paper and Refuse {o
Pay for It.
A newspaper in Ghio recently
Lrought suit against fortysthree
men who would not pay their sub
seriptions, and obtained judgment
in each ease for the amount of each
claim. Of these twentyseigh made
affidavit that they owne |no more
than the law ailowed thus prevents
irg attachment. Theu under the
cecision of the supreme court, they
were arrested tor petty larceny and
bovud over in the sum of 8300 each.
All but six gave bond, while six
wen to jail. The vew postal law
makes it Jarceny to take a paper
and cefuse to pay for It.
When you aresick you don't
want theoretical or even logical
~demoustration to convince you as
to the worth of ‘a remedy you
‘qhul}d use. Experimental knowl-
Fidg'e is the true criterion. Read
i the experieuce of others who have
‘used B. B, B. (Botanic Blood
' Balm). Their plaiu statements
| carry more force than all the logic
" and theorics possible.
White Good
Ite toods.
SOOOOO yds. in all the novel
ties fOm 6Lo 25¢ per yard. Swiss
and Piquet Flouncing, all grades
and prices. Large line Chalieys
and Urepelines, 6 to 15¢ per yaril.
4000 yds. Chatsworth Lawn.
_ McLAN BROS. 2 00,
There is a triangular bit of real
estate between Delaware and Penn
svlvania that has had almost as
complicated a history for its size s
Oklaliom: or Greer county. The
northesn boundry of Delaware was
declared in the origival graat to be
the arc of a circle with a ceater at
Newcastle and a radius of twelve
miles. Mason ard Dixon’s line
fixed the boundary between Penn.
sylvania and Maryland. The blus
“ders of the old surveyors made the
Muason und Dixon line at its eas
tern end fuil to reach quite to
the arc of the Delaware circle.
This a triangular bit ot land as
wide at the top as the distance of
this failue and tapering down to a
point where the arc of the eirele ex
tended. touched the eastern boun
dary, of Maryland. Vaurions meass
urenents havesmade the area of
this lost it of land all the way from |
000 to 1.000 acres. Wiiliam Swith i
and Lis ancesters bave lived thorc:‘
for renerations, alwavs supposing
that they were in Delaware unti] |
1840, wheaa survey by g United |
States ofiicer discloged the old or~:
ror, avd uade it elear that if Wil- |
liem Swiith lived any where it ws!s:é
in Pennsvlvania, Tt chanced that |
at this tinie Sinith wee a member |
of the Deleware senate, nnd he Wns*
promptly didbsbed in prelinmentary ;
proceeding “the gcentleman from i
Penneylvania.” Stones were set up |
marking the new bourdary, but the l
Smith faniily re used to pay :my!
attention to them aud kept puying |
tuxes and voting ia Pelaware as |
ueual. The son of the sanator, an- |
other William, marazed to get '
come acts through thele islature of |
the two states that he Lelieved ean- 1
firmed possession ot the triangle to i
Delawsre, and he settled down in t
the happy conviction that he had |
made his citizenship good. Dut in“i
1870 the census taker for the Pean |
sylvania township that adjoined
kim came wrounnd and insisted |
upon counting the Smith family in :
with Pennsylvania, altbough the
Delaware man had already conns |
ted them once. There has ‘l»eev?
trouble over the Loundary ever
since, Squire Smith refused to ac- |
knowledge aliegiance to Pennsyls |
vania and the Pennsylvauia tow n-i
ship attempted to force him to do |
0. When the Baltinore and Ohio |
railroad was being extended to
Philadelphia the live ran across
the disputed slip and uncertain |
whether an act of the Pennsyl- |
vania lezislature would not be
necessaiy to condemmiug a right of
way the company hired Squire
SBmith to buy tor it outright the
land needed. This recalle! ats |
tention to the little strip of land
and now arravgements are being
made for a commission to take evis |
dence and settle for good the Guess
tion of the citizen ship ot the Smith
family and the jurisdiction over
the “flat ircn” strip, Advantages
have been taken of the uncertaiity
as to jurisdiction to make the strip |
the loeation in the past of several |
duels ond a few prize fights, but
with these exceptions nothings aps
proaching blood=hed has marked
progress of the halt-century strugs
gle between William Smith and |
the commonwea th of Penusylvans
ia. - New York Sun. 1
Their Eusiness Booming.
Probaly nothing hascaused such
a general revival of trade at Crouch
Bros Drug Store as their giving to
their customers of so many free
trial bottles of Dr. Kings New Diss
covery for Consumption. Their
trade is simply enovmous in this
very valuble article from the tact
that it always cures and wever dis
appoints, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Cronchitis, Croup, and all throat
and lungs diseases quickly cured.
You can test it betore buying by
getting a trial bottle free, large
sizodl. Every bottle warranted,
| The largest and cheapest line in
{ Dawsgon, from 50 cents per pair
{up. Can give you anything made
| in Shoes, at the very lowest prices,
| with quality guaraoteed,
| New Sensation Cennected with the Wool
! folk Murder.
| Thercisa mew sensation in the
! Wooliolk murder.
i The report reaches Macon that
{ the truuk of Miss Pearl Wuolfolk,
i oue of the butchered victims, was
' found a few days ago full of clothes
! at the house of Green Lockett,
%(‘olured, on the Woolfolk planitas
| tion.,
| It is also declared that a basket
full of provisions has also been
found at Green Lockatt's house.
[ It is said that it is the same basket
| of eatables that had been prepared
| by the Wooltolk family, on the
fm;_;l)t of the murder, for the pie
'nie of the next day, and no trace
i of which basket could be found at
' the Wooliolk house on the morn
ing of the discovery of th: murder.
| Itis also reported that a short
handle axe like that with which
the Woolfolks were killed has also
been fouud at Green . Lockett’s
It will be remembered that
Lockett was an important wit
ness for the State at the first trial
of Tom Woolfolk.and it is ailcdged
that sonie effort was mad: to run
himn off by an Atlanta detecetjve.
Scrap of History.
L. B.—Please comé home g
soon as possible for the ehilidren’s
sake. S. B
THe above is an. adverlisement
which ocearved in the New Yok
Hernld a few davsego. To the
thoughtiul reader it ecalis up a
pathetic picture. There is history
in those two lines that is full of
tears and heart-break—the history
of a forsaken wife and children.
written in tecrs; for in the words,
that perhaps were penual with
heart throbs, there is all the sweet
forgiveness and tender solicitude
ot woman’s love®~the love whieh
thrives upon negleet—that clincs
to itsown in ali i ¢’s sad condi
tion—that sufters much-—that ho
peth and endureth all thing.!
It 15 only the life of thousands
that throng the sunless parrets of
the great cities—a faint heartheat
from the troubled breast of Lu
manity, that sprinkles with pathos
the business columns of a daily
newspaper. But it i« well to pause
sometimes and ponder on these
little histories of unknown lives
and to teel, perhaps, like re ichig
out a friendly hand to them from
the shadows that darken our<, The
world is never too busy for that.
Some Conditions Necessary.
Dr. Talmage says the world can
be converted iu ten years if the
preper cffort is made. Very few
people will care to uudertaks the
tusk, Lowever, unless New York
aud Chicrgo are lett out of the
et L
Dont bhawk, and blow, and &pit,
but use Pr.Sagd’s Catarrh Remedys,
Of druggists, 50 ets,
Al B
People Everywhere.
Confirm our statersent when we
say that Acker'’s English Remedy
is In every way superior to any and
all other preparations for the throat
and fungs. In whooping cough
and eroup it is magie and relieves
at once. We offer you a sample
bottle free. Remwember this remes
dy is sold on a positive guarant o
by W. C. Kendrick.
" PO e . . o
" Pimples on the Face.
Denote 2n impure state of the
blood and are Jooked upon by niuny
with suspicion. Acker's ~ Blood
Elixir will remove all impuricies
and leave the complexion smonth
and clear. There 18 nothing that
will #0 thoroughly built up the
constitution, purify aud stren sthen
the whole system, = Suld aud gu:u-.
anteed by W. C. Kendrick,
b i
Aunother lot of Lousine Buitings |
and Persian Mull just received byl
A. J. Baldwin & Co, .
| Foreign and comestic—plain
| with ficured to mateh, with exqui
(site effect, The largest and choies
est stock in the city, and selling
{tast. Alsojust received Noveleties
{in Brocade Stripe, and
q - ’ N -
| Stripe Sashes, and numerous other
{ ehoice noveleties not to be found
| elsewhere.
L Call and see them,
Julian Ralph, writing shout Ar
kell, the recent purchaser of Frank
Leslie's Weekiy snd the owner of
Judge, says: i
The first stavtline thing that evs
e conjointly happened to the world
and voung Arkelbwas a kerosene ex
plosion, in which he wus =0 serious
ly burt thatit was necessary for his
doctors to borrow peiees of the com
plexion of the bahies of the neigh:
borhood to he engratted npon the
unfortunate little sufferer. In this
way he was Ichabilitated. and in
this way he became in appearance
unlike any other man on earth
Upon this fact two distinet theori
es are built by men of seientific
turn, to sccount tor Arkeli's unique
and notable churacteristics. One
theory is lite that of ‘A Patched Up
Man,” by Laurence Sterne, by which
he seeks to show that something
thut happened before young Shandy
wus born influenced thet gentle
fran’s characteraad alterlife, Tle
other is that since Arkell is builg
up of parts of vearly a hundred
babies of his birchplace, it naturals
Iy tollows that he is ns s art, nsec
centric,as enterprising snd
as remarkable in all other ways as 1
be were one hundred Americans iu
one. ITeis o remarkable th.t s
lesg he eventoally vwns the who'e
earth "BE "ooVer ¢ on miake & bigges
se-sation than he produced all
though his bovhood in the Intle
town of Cansjoharie with his starts
ing ont to sell Lis father's paper
bacs. Canajoharie would not have
been known but for Liv. “fie
was a tremendous success on the
road selling goods,” says ane of his
fellow townsmen. It did lot mat
ter whom he applied to, he always
sold. & Will of pcods, The man
tizht not want paper bacs, or might
have ail he wausited, it mizht be a
ninister or 4 ma.nfacturer of
pionzhsor a riilroad president who
cou'd not possibily use a paper Lag,
but Bil'y always sold to Lim, just
the sam+” Youny Mr. Arkel
in time made the nequaintance of
Avnthony J. Drexel, the banker,
just as le has sitce made the acs
quiintance of eve ry otler great or
rich wan in the state »f New York.
He will naturally end by knowing
21l sueh versons all over the world,
and it will bea good thing ‘or then,
tor it is worth any man's while to
kuow Arkell. e let Mr Droyel
into a grand financial séhome, in
which Mr. Drexe! put in tie money
and Arkell the expericuce Un=
fortu ately the bottom feli out of
the venture and Drexel lost the
money he put in. Not so with
Arkell. Tustead of losing he ine
creased his experimes, o went
off by himseli and reflocted In
time he returaed to Mr. Drexel and
Faid to him, “See liere, one turn
: deserves avather. lot vou into a lit
tle thing andit failed. Now some
§nloll would go ofl and zive theyn
| next scheme tosome one else, but [
am not that sort of person, I will
now interest you in something by
“which you will gev more profit than
(it the first thing succeeded.” This
second scheme was the purchuse ot
the ance ancient, but now youthfuy
vigoreus Albany Evening Journal.
It was purchased, he wag made edi
tor, and ‘Mr, Drexel mude a profl
ou that investwent us long as he
lived. After that young Mr, Ar.
kell began to swing for himself
He laid out bis present plan for buy.
New York city, a piece at a time,
He bought Judge, a broken down
caricature paper, and has made
it good property. He bouglt a
slice of Fittieth avenue, and now
Le bLas bought the Leslic Weck:y.
After you've walked all over
town pricing rice, po to I or's
and get a pourd more for €1 Ihoy
any other house will give ot
VOL. V.—-N9O. 50.
We have av extra large stock of
Straw Hats, all sizes and styles,
[ and propoese to sell them at astous
ishngly Jow prices. »
fand the ‘mhlic generally are specis
rally invited to eall and ~xamine
"our gunds and nite the styes aod
Cprices. McLAIN BROS. &CO.
> o
N &
fi N B .‘A:I bR "
2 e & Yo
> IR N
. EemAeal FaKine
B 2o
b oghom o
[k e ta) o
. & " i
ok, NS NG
o g s R
e, NG el
5 {' - 4:fl
i, W S o
s‘a"g,. N R
R AR o e )
i%*"m £N e
G EE @ E—j
<3 RS
TR SRR 1 rw o
L r;;} A ‘.%;;fqp EQ ¥
o x o, ¥ 4
=0 VT Ak g:
& s W% i
ofoobnly P
Abssictely Pure,
Thiz powder never varies. A
marvel of parity, strength and
wholesomeness, More econe niea
than the crdinary kinds, and eam
not he sold in competition with
the muintude of low test, shors
wetzht afum or jnlmsl\!mt@umders,
Solid onlyin cans. KOY Xl, BAK
ING POWDER CO., 10¢ #all
o N.o¥.
| ey
| «;.‘{;\:\OVEE DMMO”O
| \'g?i(‘fchES.‘_,w o
s A T,
|P e e st = P
i ‘\q/rr:'-r VAN .
i 5
| b upill
| PAT 2 JULY 15! 1379,
%Th“ well-known Optician of 629
| Olive streot 3t. Loais, has appoings
L of Dawson, Gu,, as agent for his
| celebirate d Dlamond Speetacles and
! :",A‘,"',_'ln“‘~ ausd also for hig Diamond
| Non-Chan teable spectaeles and
| Eyveglasses, These ¢lisses are tha
greatest iuvention ever nde in
| Speetacies, l’;.'.' a propervonstrue-
Ction of ihie Lens a person purchas
| inza pair of these NonsChangeable
| Glasses never hasto ehange these
| Glasses from the eyes, and evs
lvr.\' puair purchased are guare
auteed so that if they ever loawe
the eves: (no matter now scratched
|the Lenses are) they will furnish
{the party with a new pair of
Halusses free of charve.
full assortment. ondinvites all who
wizh:s to satisty themselves ot the
fGreat Sape fority of these Glasses
rover anyv and all others now in use
; to call and examine the same at
‘f Drug Store.
! 1 23 I
| e -
. When you want a zood Shave,
‘nice Hair Cur, in all the latest
csivles, a boss Slaunpoo, or yoor
{ heir, beard or mustiche Dyed, call
and give me a trial.
! Desiring work in this line can he
waited on at their residences. Po
fite sttention to all.
| Shop over Slade’s store.
s e s S S
| S Bg e § i
i safe and certain cure for all
! A affections ot the Bowels euch
as Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera
' Morbus and that dreaded disease
"Cholera Infantum, also the Aerangs
ced bowels of teething infants ete,
| CROUCH BROS.Dawson,Ga.
| PG vi i i e s DD
T T et e
| FOR $5O.
| We will convey vour sawdust” g
' reasonable distunice from your n:l'l
;it‘ vou will allow us the use ot the
lexhaust steam fren your engine,
Patent applied for.
;J. A. Wasp axp J. D. Laixe.
' Dawsog, Ga,, Nov. 7.