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Fatiaci-lus a%or § 8 R E D
This pu'.\'d:l‘ never varies. A
mesvel of purity, strength and
wholesomeness, More econe anica
then the ordinary kiuds, and can
not be sold in cowjet.tion with
the multitude of 10w test, short
weightalum or phos) hate powders,
Sild onlyin eans, ROY A:, BAK
ING POWDER CO., 10¢ ¥all
M N Y.
}hUIILiS’JI Uit :
«!\93o\'}:o D'AMofla
rnnb: wm(.
fregLasses- O
PATS JULY 157 1379,
The well-known Optician of 629
Olive street St. Leais, has appoints
of Dawson, Gia., as agent for his
eelebrated Diamond Spectacles and
Eyeglases and also for his Diamond
Non-Changeable Spectacles and
Eyeglasse:. These slasses ure the
greatest iuvention ever mode in
Spectacles, By a proper constiue
tion of the Lens a person purchas
g apair of these Non-Changeable
Glasses never hus to change these
Glastes trom the eyes, and evs
&y pair purchased are guars
anteed <o that if they ever leave
the €yes (no matter now scratched
the Lenses are) they will furnish
Itle party with a new pair ot
Glasses free of charge,
DR. W. C, KENDRICK has a
fu.ll asortment. and invites all who
# Wishes to satisfy themselves ot the
Great Superiority ot these Glasses
o%r any and all ‘others now in use
W eall and examine the same at
‘ AN )
_Drug sS:ore.
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A!gii !54 xa- !l* v
."V:“!l YOu wang a good Shave,
Mes [y Cat, in all the lutest
"’.‘:"‘-, a bsg \'h-::np-‘»f), or your
h.ur, llwn‘-l or mustache I);\""L eall
hug gVe mp o trial,
DHL;\])IES i
Sring work in this line can I'o
;utq'l oat their residences, Pos
“O_I"““‘ltiml to all,
E:\hp over Slade’s store,
Cant, Jony o, Fult-n,
ks agent {or the Ameriens Be‘
,“:‘l"f- The Atlanta Constitution,
‘3' ) Sunpy Saith and The New
0% 1o o
T- N PJW ‘.
ents” Clothi
{ a
Grents’ Clothing,
| o
i L
| We bave an elegant line (t
| Clothing that will recommend itself
! as being entirely new, and of the
| latest styles. The largest line of
{ Fin» Clothing in Dawson. Can
; furnish suits from 84,00 up to 830,
‘[ - u]
| for everybody at all prices,
! Whose Language is Not Always Choice
and Refined,
The Rev. Thomas Leitch, a not
ed evangelist of South Carolina, is
| conducting a series ot revivel ser«
| vices in the Methodist church at
+ Millidgeville, and is raising a great
| sensation by the scorching manner
iin which he deals with
i His burning thrusts at popular
erazes and evils of the day surpass
janything that Sam Jones ever
‘dreamed of. He has stirred this
city from center to circumference,
iund announced last night that he
- had scarcely begun his work. Like
| Sam Jones, behind all of his bitter
Cand burnimg invective, he possess
les a stcerity and power of illustra
| tion that brings out encrmous
i crowds to hear him. His text last
i night was: “Thou art weighed in
| the balance,and art found wanting”
in:.d his sermon, barring some
tobjectionable phrases, was one of
| the grandest ever heard here. 1
s culled from that sermon, Speak
ling of church officiuls, he said ;
| *“You bave official members of this i
! church, who have no more religion ‘
% than a cow. You haven't got grit |
-enough to shake hands with me. '
;"\'o, you are atraid Tl teel th:ltlf
i stolen dollar, that's what’s |
the matter. If T was going to wash !‘
: the fleas off my dog you shouldn’t |
hold thescap.” Relerring to those =
‘who have criticized his style of l
preaching, he said: “There’s an- ,
other class goiLg about here talke- |
ing about what the preacher said. l
Growling about |
You filthy scoundrel; if T, was to tell
you all I know, I would turn this
town bottom upwards, and if
body dou’t stop growling Tam go~
ige 1o durn it over. You lay
atound here and growl at the
preacher and I might btuy a pound
of lard and put it on your head and
a hound doz would eat you up be
fore yvou would fight.”
These are some of the nost res
fined, beavy thrusts taken from that
secmon. Others might be given
that wou'd pot sound well in print.
Mr. Marshall, a professional vocals
ist, is here and leads the sit ging.
whose lile is given to relizious
work, and who is known throughs
out the south, is also here and con~
stantly gives expression of approvs
al to the scathing licks or Rev,
Leitch, who has announced that
his war is relent.ess and will he
waged agairst the Seribes nnd
Phariseex during the coming Sweek
with greater vigor than he has yet
shown. Rev. Leitch says that
when he bas shown the people
how mean they are, the greatest
revival will follow that wisever
known in this section. In the
meantime all classes await the re
sult of his preaching —some diss
gusted and others hopeful of a
tidal wave of relizion.
Guard Aguinst the Strike.
and alyays havea bottle of Acker's
En.lish Remedy in the house. You
cannot tell how soon Croup may
strike your little one, ora cold or
cough may fasten itselt upon you.
One dose is a preventative and a
tew dozes a positive cure. All
Throat and Lung troub’es yield to
it treatment. A sample bottle is
given you free and the Remedy
guaranteed by W. C. Kendrick,
- .- e
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvein the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaps~
ped Hauds, Chilblains, Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, aud positively
cures Piles. It 18 guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 ceuts per box.
For sale by Crouch Bros.
Dress GoodsT
i :
2200 yds. that must eo, price or
no price. Double width Waool
Cashmere at only 15¢ per vard,
Five yard wide new style Cash.
mere, all colors, at 23¢ per yard.
Elegant lite all wool Henriettas,
worth 75¢, to be clased out at 50c.
pec yard. Full line of new Persie
an Band Trimmings to ma‘ch eve
ry color. MeLarv Bros. & (o,
Wants Anotter Cet.
The “Mercer Teunis Club”
| wants another set, Ah there, My,
[ Mercer! .
j e s
i ; Defeated.
i The Wide Awakes,of A mericus,
{ were badly defeated by all the
| compaties at the Athens tournas
Who Is It 2
| We hear of a wedding that is to
| come off soon. Dawson will fur
| nish the groom and the country the
i bride.
[ ———— ————l - e
l Marriage at Bronwood.
| Miss Mackic Marlin and Mr.,
' Willoughby Manning were married
in Bronwood Tuesday atternoon
8t the residence of “the bride’s
mother,Rev. M, B. L. Binion offi
*l¢ o
i clating. o e
! An oil Warehouse.
~ The Dawson Variety Works has
-a contract fror: the Standard Oil
Co. to ereet an ol warehouse on
the north side ot the railroad near
the depot.
Dawson will be made the distribs
uting point tor the towns around
us, and the oil delivere ! here free
of freight.
A Kealthy Growth.
Acker's Blood Elixir has gained
a firm hold on the Ameriean peo
ple and is acknowled ed to be su~
perior to all other preparations, It
is a positive cure tor all 810 d and
Skin Diseases. The medieal fras
ternity indorse and preseribe it.
Guaranteed and sold Hy W. C,
Keundrick. J
Railroad Kews.
Hands on the Columbus Souths
ern railroad are working in Stews
art county and blastiog ecan be
beard every day. The work is be
mg pushed, track laying will soon
be commenced and will be com-s
pleted as soon as the trestling will
Tlufaula is agitating the bLuilds
ing a road to Kichland to connect
with the Columbus Southern.
His Life in Peri!,
Mr. D. J. Ray, of Bronwood,
met with quite a serious accident
une day last week at his planing
mill. ~ His leg was considerably
bruised, from which he wi.l be!
lame for several days. He was'
also thrown on the moving belts,
which made things look quite dans
.erous for him tor «tew minutes,
but he recovered himselt in time
to escape any serious hurts. ‘
—— e o 1
The Crops. |
The hizh winds and cool nizhts
Lave given a very black eye to
“King” cotton, The stand is re~
ported as universally bad and
replanting is the order o the day.
The corn prospects are more ens
couraging and a goo? yield oi the
staff’ of life would add much to the
solid comtort of our fr rmers, The
out crop is necding more rain, and
much depends upon the seasons for
the next tew davs,
Redly the firelight shines through
the room,
Chasing away all the shadow and
gloom ;
Li ht-hearted children are prat
tling in ¢lee;
Tather is as happy=s can be,
TPor the wife and mother who suf
fered so long,
Is getting her health back and
soon wil be strong,
Aud is so happy as she is to
As she thinks of the shadow
that’s taken its flight—
the shadow of disease that darkens
so wmany howmes, and makes the lite
of wite and mother one of terrible
suftering. Howpleased weare toknow
that at last a remedy has been found
for all those delicate derangements
andweak acsses peculiar to wowen. It
comes to cheerless homes with*glad
tidings of greatjoy.” Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Preseription has done
what no other re nedyhasdone,orwo
man can do,and it not tebewondered
at that women who have been curs
ed by it are so its
praise. Sold by dwrunggists,
under a positi 4, rantee
from the munufagurers ot satisfac«
tion, or mone ped.
A frie s a specific for
gmallpox -
Au clegant and complete line
of Hose, Handker-hief. Shirts,
Underwear, Collars, Cufts, Para~
sols, Gloves, and in fact anything
and everythiug to be had in a
First Class Dry Goods Emporinm,
Your patronage is cordially solic
‘b 44904
President Sears Teils of the Alliance ard
lis Work in This County.
President J. W. Sears of the Ter
rell County Aliiarce, writes as fols
low to the Alliance Advoeate about
the ovder in this county :
““The alliance has some very bits
ter enemies and some of them sre
very near home, They stand
around and curse the alliance and
gay all sorts of bard things about
us when they know we, the tarm
ers, have built up the towns and
railroads and all other enterprises,
We, the alliance, have adopted the
resolution adonted by the state al
liance. We intend to use the cot
ton goods it jute bagzing comes
down to three cents per yard. My
alliance has adopted the exchange,
We think it is one of the greatest
movements that the alliauce can
make. We have forwarded our
first installment and are ready to
pay the ngxt when called on. We
are young: we haven’t been organ
ized but a little while. We areall
alive and act as a vnit in all busi
ness. If there is any good in the
alliance we intend to find it out.
We Laven’t any warehouse as yet,
but inteud to have by September,
and also a co operative store.”
i Private Bath Foom of Prominent Wamen.
. The ‘socicty woman depends
igre:\tlv on luxurious bathing to
‘renew her strength. The Turkish
bath must be taken outside the
home, but the bathrooins in some
of the wealthy houses give evis
dJence of their costliness and beau.
ty of the part they pluy in the
daily economy. Mrs. Henry
Clew’s bathroom is a grotto of onyx,
walls, floor, ceiling, basintub, all
being of the seulptured stone. Dis—
tilled and perfumed water flows at
a touch; it islike a cool cave where
U rdires sport, and a Monte Cris~j
to could project a thing more fanfii
citul and costly, That of Mrs. |
Cornelins Vanderbilt is very beau
titul. The walls are mirrors over|
which run painted vines of morm'
ing glory and passion flowers,
forming an arbor suggestive of I
the bower where Venus bathed,
and the reflections doubtless fur |
nish Titanesque hints of attending |
nymphs.—New York Letter. |
Quite a Noted Negro. |
Among the passergers arriviugl
in Atlanta Sunday n'ght was P. S, |
P. Pinchback, a noted negro of
Louisiana, His wealth is estimat~ '
ed at 2500,000. He was once |
clected Lieutenant Governor of I
Louisiana, and afterwards acted as |
Governor. Pinchback is s brizht |
mulatto, and his children show no)
signs of colored blood in their
veins. One of his daughters mar- .
ried a white man in New York,
and one of his sons is proprietor uf"
a large drug store with S30,0")l)‘
worth ot goods. Pinchback was |
on his way home from Washing
ton, and remained in Atlanta only |
a short time before leaving tor!
New Orleans. l
il e
Man wants but little here below, |
But wants that little strong.
TLis is especially true of a purge.
The average man or woman «lo&l
not precisely hanker tor it, as a
rule, but whean taken wishes it to
be prompt, sure and effective. Dr.,
Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets
leave nothing to be desired in
point of efficacy, and yet their ac
tion is totally free from any uns
pleasant sympioms or disagreeable
after-effects. = Purely vezetable,
pertectly harmless,
B bt e
There 18 an alarming increase in
the number of convicts sent to the
peunitentiary. Georgia’s peiiten
tiary now coutains over seventeen
hundred, the largest number ever
White Good
Ite Loods.
S 000 vds. in all the novel
ties from 6to 25¢ per yard, Swiss
and Piquet Flouncing, all grades
and prices. Large line Challeys
and Crepelines, 6 to 15¢ per yard.
4000 yds. Chatsworth Lawn,
How to Keep Cool.
Now that Old Probabilities has
turned < the hot weather with a
firm hand and a fervid disposition,
veople will be inquiring how to
keep cool.
As a matter of fact,common sense
persons need no advice on the subs
ject. They are cool under all cirs
cumstances and conditions, unless
it i 3 when they run to catch a
street car that has been sent oif by
a time-keeper who has uo watch,
The way to keep cool is to keep
good-humored. There is no doul)t
that good-humored men sometime
get warm,owing to the fact thatthey
are jolly and fat. but no one ever
heard them complaining about the
weather to any great extent, unless
it is when they are caught out in
a shower without an umbrella,
The Washington Post says that
the way to keep cool is to eat spark
ingly of meat; butthis is nonsense,
The coolest and most agrecable per
son on earth is the meat
eater, and the most irritable and
uakiappy is the personlwhose diges
tion will not permit him to eat
| Eat lean meat ~tender sieak and
! chickes—with your veretables, and
| you will have no trouble with the
! heat. Pork should be avoided, of
course ; but veal, mutton and all
{ the vegtables, pot-liquor and dump.
lings, buttermilk and corn bread,
g 0 to make up a dinner to be en
Above all thiugs, let ice alone, |
It is a most deecptive sflaiv. It is
nov only the nidus of microbes and
bacteria, but it is unhealthy even i
when it is pure It paralyzes the
stomach, ruins the digestion, uudi
leads to Brizht’s disease. |
It you will drink, as you ought
to, drivk water fresh from thc!
wells.[* you want it seasoned give it |
atouch of lemon and sucar ; but let :
ice alone. lee is much colder than it |
isin the winter, and it is no more
Lealthy at one season that at an- |
other. ’
We are giving some famous ad~
vice liere; but the best thing, af:er!
all, is to keep in a good humnr.l
The good humored man may g(-tl
too hot occasionally, but it doesn’t
worry him ; and the man who isn’tl
worried carves little tor the heat.--
Constitution. I
Peforms un Operation upon Himself. |
- De. W. N. Shoemaker, a promi- [
‘ nent young physician of Bira:ing-|
ham, was seut to the asylum last
week, having become suddenly in -,
sune, He filied his pockets with |
pistols and knives, and goin 1 along
the streets chased every one l»el
met in doors until he was overs|
powered. Last December Dr. |
Shoemaker suceessfully performed l
on himgelt one of the most difficult |
operations known to medical r-ci~§
ence, and one o danzerous that he |
could find no physician who would |
‘undertake it. He was suflering |
terrible agony from a tumor on !
hs liver. While alone in his room ‘
~one night he made an opening in
his abdomen large enough to ins ‘
sert his hand, and then with his |
!kuife removed the tamor, which |
was alwmost as large as an 4-;:;.7.;
He then sewed up. the wound |
without assistunce. His recovery .
- was considered a little short of
‘ wiracle.
| Sl
i Happiness and Contentment.
| Cannot go haud in band if we look
L on the daik side of every little obs
' stacle. Notbing will so darken life
- and make it a burden as Dyspepsia.
| Acker's Dyspepsia 'l‘ubi‘;ls will
| cure the worst form of Dyspepsia,
;tuualipution and Indizestion, and
I 31ak9 liie a happiness aud plez:sure‘.
- Sold at 25 and 50 cents by W. .
| Kendrick.
e R D
l Crickets bring good luck to a
" bouse; its unlueky to Lill thew,
Shoes& Slippers,
The largest and cheapest line in
Dawsen, from 50 cents per pair
up. Can give you anything made
in Shoes, at the very lowest prices,
with quality guaraateed.
Callie Bush Doomed to Fifteen Years in
ths Chaingang--only Seventeen
Years 01d.
When Gorertor Gordon some
time ngo pardoned the only white
woman in the Georgia penitentia
ry, the act met with universal ap
proval. The petition to his excels
lency was overwhelwingly indors
ed by all classes of citizens.
In the interest ot decency and
humanity, executive clemency will
now have to be asked ugain, unless
the legislature will take such ace
tion for the punishment of such
criminals as will ot consizn them
to a vile camp filled with brutal,
hardened negro convicts,
Principal Keeper Towers has res
ceived from Dade county Callie
Bush, a white girl ouly 17 years
of age, who is under sentence of
fifteen years in the penitentiary.
She has been ascigned to the
penitentiary at Graysville camp,
and iz the only white woman at
this time in the Georgia penitentis
This convict is a woman o! bad
repute, and was in some way cons
cerned with a man with whom she
was in§imate, in the murder of sn
other men But she is a youny
woman and white, and it is inhu
man and unutterably repulsive t»
every sense of decency to doom
her to such a fate.
Strictly Buisness.
Whit is the Swift Specific Com~
pany ? Who compese the organ
ization? Is it a elap-trap patent
medicine bumbug, gotten up
to deceive and make money out of
the people? These questions we
think are answered by the officials
and citizens of our city and Stat>,
Atlanta,Ga., Nov. 10, 1838,
We know the gentlemen com
posing the Swift Specific Company.
They are prominent citizens of ur
State, men of means and of high
character and standing.
W. A. Hemeuiry, Pres. Capital
City Bank,
J. H. PorrtEeß, Pres. Merchant's
Pavr RoMare, Viee-Pres Atlan
ta Nat. Bank.
L. 4 HiLw, Pres. Gate City Nat.
Bank. ’
Jxo. B. Gorvox, Governor af
Avrrep H. Cowrqurrr, U. S.
J. T. Coorer, Mayor of Atlay
H. W. Grapy, Editor Atlanta
Tue Best i~y rue WorLp,
I think Swift’s Specific is the
best blood remedy in the world, 1
bave known it to make some won
derful cures of patients who were
considered ineurable.
D. M. Grayson, Crowville, La.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis
eazes maied fiee,
Tur Swirr Seeeirie Co., Dray
er 3, Atlanta, Ga,
Nalure's Capars.
The inhabitants of a Dakota
town have recently been treated to
a shower of frogs. In old times
this would have been an unex
plained occurrence, but in these
days it is known that a hurricane
caught them up from some poud
and scattered them over the couna
try. In 1804 there was a rain of
wheat in Audalusia, snd it was res
garded as a most wonderful phe
nomenon; but the explanation was
a vety simple ove. In Africa,
acrcse the straits of Gibraltar,some
laborers were threshivg wheat, A
cyclone came along, sucked up the
grain and sowed it over in Spain.
It was simply natur’ cutting one ot
Ler capers.
e el < s
QUAY SAYS THAT the Harrison
admiuistration is *‘oo interpally
pious. Why,” he says, “they
open oysters at the white house
with peayer.” There's nothing
pious about Quay hewever,
Forcign and comestic—plain
with fi_ured to mateh, with exqui
site effeet. The largest and choies
est stock in the city, and selling
fast. Also just received Noveleties
in Broeade Stripe, and
Stripe Sashes, and numerous other
choice noveleties not to be found
Call and see them,
Terrible State of Affairs Feperied in
M:tckell County.
' There Jives in Mitchell county
‘and about nine miles trom Ca
milla, and about three miles from
Pelham station on the Savannah,
Florida anl Western railroad 8
family of people by the name of
Nix, who ahout a fortnight ago
were visited by a disguised band
of marauders, who enterved the
house, took Mr. Nix, his wi‘e and
three davghters out in the yard
and proceeded to inflict upon them
one of the most merciless and
brutal beatiags that was ever visi
ted upon human beings. There
were two men at the house of Mr.
Nix that were al:o heaten nenfy
todeath. The men who visited Mr.
Nix, were not armd, yet they
fought manfully until they were
In covseqnence of this high-hand
ed outrage, the peopla in that
vicinity were terribly ex ited, and
there were many conjectures as
to the guilty partics. Suspicion
soon fell upon certain parties,
By some mismanagement on the
prrt of the people, th: White Caps
found out that some o* thoir mems
bers were suspected,snl on last Fii
day nizht they cosomitied avother
crime that would bring the blush
of shame to the tace ot the wildest
savage. One old gentleman, Mr.
Hevry Butler, was enlled upen by
the same coward’y band of maraud
ers, aud after forcing open his
door, they took him iuto the yard
and with a piece of iron trace
chain Leat him untilhe was uneon~ |
scious. They then took an old
lady, who lives with Mr. Butler,
and beat her into the same coud'»
Mr. Butler is a very old man,
has grcat erandehildren and sorved l
through the late war. Old wid |
decrepid as he was it was no haid |
task to overpower and beat himl
into the bouse and laid Lim on the
bed. ‘
They next proceeded to ile
house of his son, a young man liv
ing within a few hundrd
yords of him, aud with the soma
instrument beat him.
Not yet satisfied this lawless
band went to the house of cne
Aun Adams who has been un
invalid for several months past,
jerked her viclently out of her bed,
dragged her into the yard, and
with the trace chains beat her un
til she faiuted. They then to)k a
gitl who was stopping with th's
last woman, and beat her almost
to death. Replaciug their victims
upon the bed they departed telling
them that it they were still in the
country after the expiration of
ten days, they would eome
again aud hang them., T'hey told
Mr. Butlerand his son that they
were going to heat thew because
tuey had zecused innocent men of
the work.
The whole south end of the
county isiv a state of terrible ex~
citement. Several other citizens
of that vicizity have been notified
to leave, and some of the timid
ancsare deing so. A few men with
more courage however, are watehs
ing the bome of the threatened par
ties and sre deterinined to de
fend themselves,
Later news from the excited coma |
munity is that some o! the parties to
this beastiy outrage hLave becn
spotted and measures are beiug
taken to sceure their arrest and con
viction but 1t is doubttul whether
the indignant population will nlo‘
low the law to take its -course.
The chunces are that if caught
soon they will davgle at the end of
the rope.
e S e
A ciuder boundiug from the fire
is either a pvroe or a cofln,
VOI.. Vl.—-XO. 1.
We have an extra large stock of
Straw Hats, all sizes and styles,
and propose to sell them ut aston
ishnzly low prices.
and the Public generally are speeis
ally invited to call and -xamine
our goods and note the styes and
prices. McLAIN PROS &CO.
When the proprietors of a Llood remedy tell yot
that iodide of potash isa puison simply becane
their opponents use it, their assertions are made s ¥
deceive, and your use of 109 bottles of inert sty
their chject. lodide of potash isas essential te ..
true bleod remedy,as pure blood isessential to goa*
health. No Icmedy has proves
QUICK CURE itseli so sufe, sure and guicy.
an eradicator of mercuriay,
syphilitic, scrofulous, malarizl or other poison, fou*
sign to health, that gets into bone and blood, whey
all else fails as B. B. 8. Sendto Dlood Balm
Atlanta, Ga., for illustrated “Dook of \\'un&
filied with coavincing proof of QUICK CURES of
seemingly incurable cases.
A. F. Britton, Jackson, Tenn,, writes: “I come
tracted malaria in the swanps of Louisiana while
working for the telogranh company, and used every
kind of medicine I could hear of without relicf. [ag
last succeeded in breaking the feves
POISON but it cost me vver $100.%0, and thea
my system was prostrated and satw
rated with poison and I became alnost helpless. 1
finally €ane here, my mouth so filled with M
thot | could scarcely cat, and my tongue raw ang
filled with little knots. Various romedizs were ro
sorted to without effect. I bought two Lottles of B.
B. B. and it has cured and strengthened me. Alj
sores of my mouth cre Lealed and my tongueentigs.
by ¢loar of knots and soteness, and 1 feel kke a new
R R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., writes: “] have
afilicted with Catarrh tor many years, altbuug:’:l
serts of medicines and several doctors did their
to cuse te. My Lived was very inpure, and nothe
ing ever had cny eficct upon the
CATARRH aisease until F used that gread
Bicod Remedy knowan as B, B
8., a few bottles of which ./ected 2a entire cure. §
recommend it to all who have Catarth, 1 icfer to
any morchant or banler of Athens,Ga., and wild
reply to any iequiries.”
Benj. Morris, Atlauta, tia., eritss: “f had no
apreiite, my kidneys felt
SORE TONSILS soze, my.thecat was ulcerats
ed and my breast a mass of
running scres. Sievea bottles of B. B. 8., entirely
cawed e G
}L S A f
| ) 3 J 3
| w3Ol~
I Proprietor.
’ I keep always
'onhand thebest
me:ts the mark
’ € q 8
et affords and will
| \ "
seil them at the
i e 8. 8
lowest living fig
‘ res. fmalke aspec
' ialty of Western beef
shipped here in re
frigerating cars.
% - a
It is Fine
‘ o a
- £momistake.
st J O
I am in front of
the Engme House,
on Lee Streel.
L Fd.A. Bishop.
feb 27,3 m 1889,
safe a-r;l cei‘!:xin.:ure for all
A affections ot the Bowels such
as Dysentery, Diarchae, Cholera
Morbus and that dreaded disease
Cholera Infantum, akso the derang
ed bowels of teetaing infants ete,
Priceg. e 000
FOR $350.
We will convey your sawdust any
reasonable distance from your mill,
it {ou will allow us the use of the
exhaust steam frem your engine,
Patent apptied tor.
J. A. Wagrp axp J. D. Laive.
Dawson, Ga,, Nov.7T
ITNE p e b g e o
sleop v'rol_). 13 vestloss, Unaatural fo {ts appetit
OF Wortns : the poviiion. iee ot
iat for it Its Himely use may gave ¥
lmimn its grave. ’