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wsked the reporter of an old drugaist,
“Dr. Pierce's preparation 3" he replied.
“They are sold under a positive guare
antee that they will, in every case, give
satisfaction, or the money I 8 promptly re
funded. His ‘Favorite Prescription,’ for al
those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other
derangements peculiar to women, is used with
unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear
ing-down sensations, irregulavities anqd weaks
nesses common to the sex, and being the
most perfect of tonic medicines builds up
and strengthens the entire system. Thy de.
mand for it is constant, and | am conversant
with scores of cases cured by it.”
Returning after a few moments’ abgence,
the venerable wielder of the pestle remarked,
“the number of Sarsaparillas and other, goe
called, * blood medicines’ is legion; but Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical D' ~overy outselis
them all and it is the only 1 d-purifier out
of the many which I am oblized to keep upon
my shelves, that is grarazteed to benefit or
cure in all cases for which it is recommenged,
or money paid for it is refundod.” .
*ln the line of Pills,” remarked the old on
tleman, **the little Sugar-coated * P::lgtts'
put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in
amount of sales and the general satisfaction
they give my customers.”
Copyright, 1588, by WORLD's Dls. MED, Asg'w,
’fi N ’fi £ Ury EBEH
/ 85 D @ ErTTyTeg
for an incurable ease of Cae
W tarrh in the Bead by the
proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, By
its mild, soothing and healing properties, it
CUres L worst ¢lBes, no matier of how long
‘standing. By druggists, 50 cents.
Braca WeLLßony,
5 s
™R F:‘"‘ D fpin parn
tall and try my clezant new
chair. Polite attention to custon: -
ers, good work and nestness th e
rules of the shop., Duallus Bec's
worth’s old stand.
IIN D 4y =
l‘(’i:“ '“"}-Fo
We will conwe Y your sawdust ‘any
reasonable distanee irom your niill,
if you will auilow us the use (/f the
exhaust steam {rom your earine,
Patent appiied for.
J. A. Warp axp J. D. L five.
Dawson, Ga., Nov. 7
TN A N e
f£3 AN T YQU
~itl By 5= Weg B &3 eade, WU
Bia by Bl €OOO
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SAVANNAGTL, Ga., Nov. 1, 1888,
Foriy Thousand Southern Homes nado
‘ll'l’y'wilh fine instruments siuce 1570,
aud still the good wvork goees on.
3‘9"0 Pinnes and Organs xold last year,
3,000 oup mark for this year. Lower | ricess
Botter Instiumentss Basier Terms and
Sreater Induceinents will guin uy this ine
Creased sale, b
,Tlmusnmlu of IMomes yet unsupplicd with
t;""‘lllm'nh that might to.duy be enicying
?m ‘lhronuh 6Ur easy system ol seflivg.
A( "“"}0 Pay down not needed. We linve
PLAN by which, WITIOUT Hisik, any
one can obtain an lustrument of nny Style
Qu.lrices making ciiber SIONTIILY,
lnlll Paid for, meanwbhile enjoying use of
fe,l% eXxtortionate prices, No Uisk. No Tors
“:‘“‘C of all cash paid if Tusialment: cane
PA[M Promutly paid. Contract peviectly
thag 1 EQUITATRLE, protecting purs
ers from all imposition or loss.
%’l‘fl‘_}"‘" point out the way {6
Wuiiy and ain Low
B\fl(‘v;\\mfi" bargains for Sall 1888,
» Set S i A
%l any before offered, Prices
——ntlore offered. Prices
l‘"_“‘" Reduced. Notice thoso SPECIAL
Upright Piano omy $2OO
vy 0% Octaves—Overstrung Scale—Three
s‘“"l-!-\—l:o;(:\lrom]wlfulwy Guaranteed
P —Sweet Tone, Catalogue Price, $660,
arlor Qrgan . . . gny $656
Four Sets Roeds—ll Stops—Couplers—
s Handsome Case, Catulogue Price, $2OO,
191, Cover, Instructor, Music Book
ot 219 all Freight Paid,
Bouy ; Decial Offers just as good. Largest Stock
oi, 1008 from.” TEN GRAND MAKERS.
for ¢ w{{" ent Styles. Cun suit all buyers, Wrile
Paper ~'sl§”“'~"»”rmmr.e, and Free Copy of our new
Worma}uf:ps and Flats,” giving full and valuable
?S’- oy fi ) § -
E" 3Y\ e B BN 3 B AL S e
R & °E B . A/ a/
b i:f? o 131 j E § % o
M. LFB i i 25 2 ? : : Q
"iz:= i « » o
He Explains Wiy the Eapth js Raceding
From the Sun.
_ Professor Wiggins says he, cone
§n!ers his discm'ery that the earth
14 receding from the sun the greats
et astronomical event of the cen~
}llry. This recission, he declres,
1s proved by what is known as the
procession of the eguinoxes, which
| canses the tropics! year to be shorts
er than the sidereal, the latter hes
l'u; the real meusure of the earth’s
ncreasing orhit. Bis secord nmof
he gkl the moon’s seenlar :;«-ce]-
eration, for it is agreed on by all
astronomers, so he asserts, that the
moon travels faster in her orbit
now than two centuries before the
hristisn era. - When the earth
approaches the sun, as she does
when moving to her perinelion,
the moon reeedes and travels in a
!:ll‘:er orbit, aad whon approach
-11 r aphelion the satellite approachs
¢s our planer, and thus not «nly
wovesin a smwaller orbit, but mm.ev_g
more gpeadily. The eirth, there
fore, in retreating from the sun
- causes the mooa to move ira con
stantly Jdecreasing orbit and,
theretore, with inereascd repidity.
As the earty, therefore, is receding
frou the sun, it is cecting less m,}i
lesssubject to sciar attractions,
and must, thereiore, Le constantly
| expanding, so that cur oceans are
gracually becomivs more shallow,
! because they are covering a cons
saantly increasing surface, and the
;‘fixm’r will comme when it wil be nees
| essary to carve up the coutinent by
| canals, as we see on Murs, and the
{same is no doubt true of the
1 planets Saturn aad Jupiter. Trees
i will be planted along these canals
| to produce swrial moisture, as aps
| pears to be the case =Jong the
{ canals of Mars, which aceount for
| their appareut great breadth when
E viewed throush a telescope.
Sl e
‘ . A<lass of Ic: Water.
i A glass of ‘ee water on a hot day
i is a delight vl thing,
’ It is cooling and retreshing and
fills a long :elt want
! And yet it is deadly and the
Cdrivker is commitiing suicide,
'Sometmes a man glowing with
[ hieat fills his stomach vith hot food
{and them d ases iis interior with
'ive water. Such men drop dead,
| fall vietims to Bright's dizease or
! yield to paralysis.
[ We are stating cold ficts,
| commom experience and the testi
! mony of the doctors will bear us out,
- Dr. Willian A, Hamniond, exsurs
zeon general of the United States,
savs that water for drin_ivg pur
| poses should never bLe below fi ty
degroes. In the hottest weuther we
| can vet this by letting it run a jew
i minutes trom any fuucet, or hy
drawin: it trom a well If ice
water should be generally disearded
as a drink, ssys Dr. Hawmnond,
the average daration ot life would
be lenzthend and exiztence would
b rendered more tolerable.
Afier rending this the perspiring
individual who is about to give s
‘ rude shock to his whole system by
| wulping down a olass of ice water,
will fell some appreheusion if be
has any sense.
This ice water buisiness is one
ol the worst forms ot intemperance
It kiils either suadenly or graduals
lyaboutasm:ny peoplein this conn
try as whiskey kills. In fact, a
molerate dose of whisky is notus
dangerous 2s an immoderate drink
of ice water, end a tablespoon ul nf'%
the latter is an immoderate quantis |
tv. !
" Now, cct your ice water and|
pour it dow: your throat, it you|
teel like it. You know the conse- |
quences— Constitution,
Cerei s
Is Life Woria Living?
Not if you go throuch the world I
a dyspcp’lic. Acker's D}'SP('])“C i
Tablets are a postive cure for the |
worst form ot Dyspepsia, Indizess
tion, Flatulency and Constipation. ’
Guaranteed and sold by
W. (. Kendrick- l
e e
Are You Skeptical? I
If 5o we will convinee you that
Acker’s English Remedy tor the |
lungs is superior to all cther prepars l
atiors, and isa postive care for :11
Throet and Lung Troubl s, Croup, f
Whooping Cough and oid. - We
guarantee the preparation and will
give you ¢ sample bottle free.
W. C, Kendrick: " !
| ——
| The A verage Age of Man is Steadly In
’ “Life grows longer as the world
grows stronger,” pavaphrased a
' physician yesterday. “In the de~
generate days of the Cwmsars, when
'the Empire was getting
} ready to totter and fall, the duras
tisnof the average Roman's lite
was 18 yeass. Now, despite the
unsavory reputation of the Ho'y
City as a fever-breeding centre,
averaze age at death is 40 years.
The United States forzes ahead of
every other nation on earth in re
spect to the longevity of tieir cit~
izens, 55 years beiig the average
- "Of all the European nations
Russia is said to be the most fre
que:tly visited by the grim reap—
er. Insomeofits remote orners
fortysuine deaths in every thou
saud inhabitants is the annual ra ‘e.
Aud thereby hanus a tale. Rus
sian weather is not of necessity |
more deztruetive than what Genes |
ral Greely serves up to Awericans,
nor our sanitary regulations so far
in advance ot the Czu's; but
when you note that there is in the
empire but one regular physician
to every 5,400 inhubitants, wlile
i this country one out ot every}
609 aflixes a bona fide M. D. to his
name, you can form some idea of
the cause of America’s greater
“These tacts furnish food for re
flection to the green graduate and
impecunious practitioner. The
medical profession is overscrowded
in the new world, and the throngs
of physicians are so minssed togeths
er that it is impossible for an un
derling ever to sgramble up to a
~seat in the room that is said al
waysto remain at he top. But
‘there is a greit need of practition
crs in far-away Russia, and ii sev
! eril shipments of emigrants from
this country should go thither,
armed with phials of quinine and
;lwll;nl\mnn, they would dsubtless
o cordially rece’ved in the land of
Cossacls and dynamiters. Knizhts
~oi scalpel would be doubly wel
come, as there is but one surgeon
to every 100,000 inhabitants
“The average Englishman is
not so long-lived as his American
brother, but with that sin.le ex-.
ception ke approaches more nearly
to the Psalmist’s three-score-ands |
ten than any other inhabitant of
the earth. Elizabetl’s suljects had
a score of years liid to the credic |
of exch, while Victoria's miiiions |
reach an averize age of 52 years, |
whic: shows a development in |
three centurics. The averaze Lons
| doner of to-day dies at 47, and the 1
hardy Lancashier yoemm lives to |
!b: 54, Frince's statist cs are truly
!remurk;;h!c, ard to the thc;rist;
niight furnish reasonable proot of
; the suceess of Republican }:0\'01‘11*1
‘ment. I the past balt century
her average has gone booming up
l from 28 to 45} years, whicl isthe
| measu:e of a wodern Frenchman's
! life. : .
“It is estimated that the lite o!
| hun anity has gained 2% per cent,
all the world over in th~ last fifiy
years. The lowest average that
has been calculated is 23 years,
whizh represents the life expectan
Uy of the Soudanese; but even this
is high when it 18 remembered
th at in Geneva in the thirteenth
caritury 14 years were ull that
wat allowed to man. The United
States census ot 1850 skows that
7.47 per cent. ot the perswos who
died in the jwevions decide were
over 70 years of ae; in 1850 the
per centage 755, and in 1880
it vas 17.35. ' Uhe deaths of acults
have diminishec ina continuous ra
tio, so that the ' proportiou of ins
fant victims to t be whole lumber
of deaths is con: tantly on the in~
erease. In 1850 16.90 per cent. of
the whole numbe ¢ of deaths were
of chitdren less th an 1 year old; in
1860 the per ceatage®was 20.74;
in 1880 it wasd@Fß 24 These five
ures in thdlselilres show the in
creasing ph of medicine over
death, giaee the, r evidence that it
is the new-born. semi-lifeless in‘«l
fant and not the adult invalid that
fails to respond to the physicialfi%
curative touch:”
“There is no doubt that the
graduates of our nineteeuth cens
tury medieal colleges, with theif
notable discoveries, are materially’
lengthening humanity’s lite,” coms=
mented another physician. “Cooks
and Plumbers and honsekeepers all
have their share in the general ads
vance. We have ess foul aic and
more wholesome food and a greater
cleanliness about ! earths and homes:
than our forefuthers fell heir to.
The use of anaesthetics has saved
many a life in these lattor dnys.;;
Men have learned more about tem
perance in all thinzs and know
how to be their own doctors, an?
the introduction into alinost aaily
use ot drugs that once were
renked as poisois has tended great
ly to the stren_thening of mun-
Jind's fibres. A Georgia doctor
said the n*her day t hat he believed
quivme alone had ad ded twc years
to the average life of ¢i 7ilized man,
and I & n’t doubt that he wus pret.
ty near the Lrutlr.——["hi«“'“let'zlhtfl
A Year »"ithout a Summer
Tha Constituhon, of last Satur
dny, says:
In the early paiv of the pre:ent
century we had in tnis country a
year without a summer
Those were dole ul das. No
picnies, no strawberry festiv, Is, no
summer yirls,
There were vo flies on that spm
In that gloomy year there was
frost every month, or ice and snow,
The crops iailed to mature, and the
]penplc had to worry alonz on halt
Toe nipping and eager air ot
yesterday veealls this notable year.
With ice and snow in Michigan
and overcoats in Florida one feels
that the times are out of joint.
Arve we to have a repetition o: the
vear without a summer?
It will be recollected that the
fiendish Wirgins hasjust bulletined
us that the earth is receding from
the sun, and must necessarily grow
colder. Every fellow who hunted
around yesterday moraing for the
kay to his co:l house feit deep
d wn wichin himself th-t Wizgins
was fight. To say that the carth
is rc?&'n; from the sun is putt,ing‘
it too]y. Leaping would
come nearer the mark, and there
are some people wiling to sweari
that yesterday the earth took a
header that carried it in one
straight shoot about ten million
mailes further away trom the sun.
Mr. J. R. GrinstraD, Senora,
Ky., says: y chilllren have l
sometime had boils and othee sizns
ot blood impurities, with loss uf|
appetite, ete., at which time I have 1
tound Swift's Specific a most suc- |
cessiul remedy. in po instance fail-‘
ing to effecta speedy and perma- '
nest cure.
Swift’s Specific is a great blessing
to humanity,” saysMr P. E. Gor
don, ot 725 Broad street, Nashville,
Tenn., “tor it cured me of rheuma
tism ot a very bad typs, with
which T bad been tronbled for three
or four years. S. 8. 8. cured me
after I had exhausted everything
Mr. Russell Myrick, of the firm
of Myrick & Henderson, Fort
Smith, Ark , says he wishes to add
his t stimony to the thou&amdsl
which have already been given as to
Swift’s Specific. Hesays he derived ;
the most signal benefit from its use |
to cure painful boils and sores re-‘
sulting trem impure blood. |
v hen taken for a tew days, pot
ash mixtures impair the digestion,l
take away the appetite, and dry up
the gastrie juices which should ass
sist in digesting and assimilating |
the food. Bwi t's Specific has just]l
the opposite effect; it improves
digestion, brings uppetite, and
builds up the general health I
s Ll
Use Brown’s Iron Bitters,
Physicians recommend it, All dealers kee;
it, $l.OO per bottle. Genuine has trade mug
and crossed red lines on wrapper., WA
. We had been held in reserve for
five long hours while cannon thua.
dered and muskets cracked spite~
fully along the front, a mile away.
A procession of dead and wounded
had filed past until we were sick
with horror. Shot and shell and
bullet had fallen upon us behind
the woods until the dry, dead grass ,
bore many a stain of blood.
“Attention ! Forward—gnide l
right--march !” : i
. Qur brigade was going in at
iast, and there was a look of relicf
.on the face of every officer and man
as we got the word. :
“Guide right—lront—fcrward
—march !”
As we s vung clear of the woods
a gust of wind raised the smoke for
a minuteand I saw the plain—lnour
fiont blue with dead and wounded.
Away beyond them was a line of
‘eurthworks, and I had one swift
[glimpse of a thiv blue line kneeling
behina the cover.
i ““Bteady! Right dress! Double
| quick—rmarch!”
The air is alive with the ping of
bullets and the whizz and shriek of
| shot and shell. We bend our heads
as if breastin - a fierde ;Yulo laden
l with: icy pel'ets. There is'a w. il ery
—a shiek a groan as men u.®
{ s ruck and .21l to the earth, but no
l one Yeeds them-- N 0 one hesitated It
is a hutricane of dexth, but we feel
’ a wild exultation in Lreasting it.
Men shout, curse, sing, s sing their
hats and cheer. : ‘
We were driving through the
smoke clond when there is a flagh
of firein front. I seens torisein-o
i the air an? float hither and thither,
[g' na the sensation is 8¢ dreary and
! full of rest that I wish itcould last
forover. It is suddenly broken by
“the sovtud of my voice. Is it
my voic 7lt sounds strange and
‘afi: off to me. Why should I cheer
and curss hy turns ? What has
Ah! now I come hack to earth
agaiu ! Above and arcund me is
the smoke the earth trembled
under the artillery—men are lying
about and beside me. Where is
the brigade? Why did I drop
out? I am lying on my back,
and I strogele te sit up and look
around. I rise to my kuees wave
this way and that- topple over
and struggle up again. There is
red fresh blood on the grass- -on
my hands—on my face. I take
it on my lips as my parched tongue
thrust itself out in search of mois
\t ho is gromine ?Whois shriek
ing? Who is cheering ?And why
should I laugh aud exult ? Have
we held the line against a grand
charge? Did we scatter and dec
imate the legions hurled against
us? ilive we won a great victory
0 be flashed over the country and
caus the bells to ring with ¢lads
ness? Let me think. Give me
time to remember how it all hap
pened. Strange that my thought
should he so confused and the de
sire to sleep be 0 strong upon me
when ! should be up and doing. 1
will ehake it off. T will spring up
and tollow after the brigade.
Here —”
* * * # * *
“How do you feel ?
My eyes are wide open, and I
amon acot in a Lirge room. I see
people walking about—other peo
ple lying ou cots like my own.
“I fell all right. Why ?”
“You were hit in the fight four
days ago, my boy.”
*“So there was a battle?”
Y ed,”
“And I was wounded.”
*“Had your le't arm shattered by
a piece of shell and we had to am
putate it.”
Don’t Hawk, Spit, Cough.
suffer dilzziness, indigestion in
flammation of the eyes, headache,
lussitude, inabillity to perform
mental work aud indisposition tor
bodily Jabor, and annoy and dis
gust your triends and :wquaiumnc-l
es with our nasal twang and o
feosive breath and consfaut etforts
to clean your nose and throat, when
Dr Suce’s “Catarrh Remedy” will
promptly relieve you of discumfortl
and sufferinz, anl your friends of
the disgusting and needless inftles
tions of your loathesome disease? |
I likethe Anglo-Saxton speech
With its direct revealings;
It takes a bold and seems to reach
Far down in your feelings;
That some folk deem it rude, I
And therefere they abuse it;
But I have never found it so,
Before all else I choose it.
I den’t object that men sheuld air
The Gullic they have paid for,
With ‘‘au revoir,” ‘‘adieu ma
chere,” 2
For that’s what Frenth was for.
But when a 2reny takes your hand
At parting to address you,
He drops all foreign lingo ard
He says: “Good-by, God bless
I'bis seems to me a sacred phrase
With reverance impassioned;
A thing come down from rightheous
Quaintly, but nobly fashioned.
It weli becomes an honest face,
A voice that s round and cheer~
It stays the sturdy in his place
And soothes the weak and fears
Into the porches of the ears
It steals with subtle unction,
Aundin yom heart of hearts ap
pears |
To work its gracious tunction;
And all day long with pleasing
It lingers to caress you,
I'm sure no humaun heart goes
That's told “Good-by, God bless
S Al
I l«)\'z:i!e “\"\rds:, Pfirhaps; l\ficause,
When [ wag “eung. motler,
By cotda i *, =“nlemn pause
Stanaing avlast in . ~ther
- We looked at one op .
And I, Tssw in mothers ¢ ~e
The love she could not tell »
A love cternal as the skies,
Whatever fite betell me.
She put her erms about my neck
And scothed the pain of leaving,
And though her heart was like to
. She.spoke no word of grieving;
bhe‘ let no tear bedim her eye,
For fear that might distress me,
But, kissine me, she smd good-b
And asked our G ke
nd asked our God to bless me.
Money on the Farm.
’ Mr. Thomas Jaynes, atone time
a merchant in Dawson, wssin A's
bany a few days iygo. While there
he said to a reporter:
“I wou'd rather runa two horse
farm than work for a salary of $2OO
per n:outh in Albany. About five
yearsazo I had been merchandis
ing in Dawson. Burglars broke
into my store through the transome
and literally ruined me. I came
back to the country without a do}-
lar. My wife had 65 acres of land
upon which we settled. I could
not buy a mule on time to culti
vate my crop without good indorse
ment, which I obtained, and start
ed to work., Afterward I bousht
a farm of over three huadred acres
on time, which T bave since
for; and new I work four mules
and nake forty or fifty baleso
cotton annually. My boys are .
crowing up and help meon tl‘(-}
tarm T am now worth over four
thousand dollars. I have enough
corn and meat to last me through
another season and pay cash tor ai)
I buy.” |
e |
This Shouid Not Be.
" This town has some prominent |
men who glory in and work for the
downtall of anyone who is trying
to wake an honest living. They
seem to think no onc ougkt to pros
per but themselves, and they never
let an oppertuvity slip to say somes
thing nean about some young fel
iow whois trying to help himseif,
without consulting these men who
call themselves christians 2ud sit
upon the amen benches in church
aud mourn for sinners. We think
they are the ones to take a back
seat and get eome of those they eall
sinuers to pray for them, as they
are ten times worse than the sins
Scrap of Paper Saved Ker Lifs.
It was just an ordinary serap or
wrapping paper, but itsaver he
life. She was in the last stage «f
consumption, told by physicians
that she was incurable nnd) could
sive buta short tinie she weighed less
than seventy pounds. On a piece
ot wrapping Baper she read ot Dr,
Kiug's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle; it helped her; she
hought a large bottle, it helped her
wore, bought another and grew
better fust, continued its use and
is stfong, bealthy, rosy plump
weighinz 140 pounds, For fuller
particulurs eend stamp to W, H.
Cole. Druggist, For Smith, Tyial
hottle of this wonderfu) Discovery,
Free at Crouch Bros Drgsioie,
N-I.A;:y l’e;t;;sA b
il;\;n‘f:on’l ov;rwork lo;l househ&?i {0.:5:
own’s llron tters kepuilds
T e, ceion, aancycs et
The fact that the kissing Labit
furnishes an easy vehicle for the
dissemination of disease germs is of
itself o sufficient reason for its
abandonment. Many instance have
heen vited to demonstrate its dan
gerous character in this regard, ard
medica! men have repeatedly sound
ed the warning azainst its continu
ance. A little thought will empha
size the point in the readers mind.
I he woman who goes about kissing
all her women friends and acquaint
ances and their children, old or
young,sick or well regardless of the
condition of their blood or lungs
and oblivious of the possibility that
they have recently been kissed by
a dozen other persons respecting
whose hygienic conditions'she has
16 knéwledge can hardly plead that
the practice is innocent of danger.
‘Fatal diseases may be and somes
times are communicated by the im
pact of the lips and the mingling
of their moisture and of the breath
and disorders that are less immedis
ate or direful in their effects,but no
less certainly to e dreaded, are
more casily and often propagated
by the habit. The person whom |
you kiss may be entirely
free from any dizease or unhealth
ful condition yet her lips may car
ry a.poison recently taken from
those of another person. You
may be yourself the innocent means
of transmitting the disease germs
from one to another. Poisonous
cosmeties and facepowders mutilply
and complicate the malignant con
sequencss of whatis held to be an
innocent expression of affectionate
. vd though it must be admits
regu - ' as usually practiced, the
ted thay is oftener the cloak
social kisg There have not
of hypoerisy. ams claiming ‘
been wanting pers. ‘thority of
to speak with the au. verted
knowledge who have contro. 'to
t_l)ese arguments and endeaveréa .
discredit the fact uron which they
a‘e based. But the unchallenged
admission that some danger does
exist has been sufficient to pracii
cally substant’ate the case against
the kissing habit, and the warrant
for its banishment is being signed
and executed by an enlightened
womanhood. ' |
The kissing habit has been cars
ried to its greatest extreme among
Englis‘mpeuking people, and peo
ple ot other blood are often amazed
und amused by the universality and
‘heapness ot the kiss among the
Enzlish nationis, It is not necessa
rilly an argument in its tavor how
ever,that it is thus found to be ap |
weeompainiment of the highest
civilization for it may be promptly
retorted that vice and crime also
increase with civilization, and that
even civilized and refined people
often keep slive barbarious praes
tices inherited trom savage ances
iry. The kiss in its proper function
tas a fine significance and may b
made the vehicle ot the purest em»
otions the honest expression of
legitimate feeling a greeting full o
zenuine volui tary sympathy and
iove. The kissing habit is an
abuse and a nuisance. It has
brought the kizslute disurace and
made it vulgar cheap and hypoeri
ticul, Be it the province of the
gereration of refinement and edu
cation ‘o rescue it from its degra
ded estae and restore it to its nat~
ural elevated and elevating place
and use in the social economy
Good Housckeeping. |
| A Fair Trial .
is all that is asked for Dr. Piorce’s
Golden Medical Discovery iu all
blgod taints, or skin disease, erup
tions; ifit don’t cure, you get your
money back.
O e
Tlis is what yoa ought to have,
in fact you must have it to tully
enjoy lite. Thousand are search
ing for it daily and mourning be
cause they find it not. Thousands
upon thousands of dollars are
spent annually by our people in
L[xc hope that they may attai this
‘boon. Aud yet it may be had by all.
~ We guarantee the Eiectric Bit
ters if used accordinf to dire:tion
and the use persisted in wiil bring
you Good Ihigeston and, oust the
demon ayspepsia and install ine
stead Lupepsy. We recommend
E'ectric Bitters for Dyspepsia and
all diseases of Liver Stomach and
Kidney. Sold at 50c. and $l.OO
per bottle by Cronch Bros., Druy.
vOL. VL.—NO. 4,
N’\ oW B .
o*' 4 WY A
L o 0 s 844
By Be ‘ A
7',;‘ ~)fif " ?5;-’;.‘&"
N A 2
E (0
i s
i 2
wl fae s|)€"' :g ??‘
£3%A BRI Y Lh L.
Frn B\ B L
B %“e’«-’ 5
2 49 l:.;:--l%
8 L
o) VT o i
Abssiutely Pure.
This powder never varies, A
marvel of purity, strengthand
wholesomeness. More econemicd
tban the ordinary kiuds, and can
not be sold in competition with
the multitude of lew test, short
weight alum or phosphate powders,
Sold onlyin cans. KOYAL BAKe
SEN, X, g
1. Martin,
During the yv;.u 1889, I
will keep a full and com
| plete line of
Family - Groceeries,
W hiskies,
Beer, &¢.
and invite the patron
age of the public
verally, I can be
g ‘ my
tound a.
| next door to A J Bal
dwin & Co., on s
ILY Mactin:
a 8 HE | 3
o> ,_"- »‘“ %
N A Rmo lA.
EYecLassES: U
PAT 2 JULY 137 1879,
[bhe well-known Optician of 629
Olive street St. Loais, has appoints
ed Dr, W, C, KENDRICR,
of Dawson, Ga., as agent for his
celebrated Dismond Specteeles and
Eyeglases and also for his I)iamong
Non-Changeable Spectacles an
Eyeglasses. 'These glasses are thd
greatest iuvention ever made in
Spectacles. By a proper cor strues
tion of the Lens a person purchas
ini a pair of these Non~Changeable
Glasses never has to change these
Glasses {rom the eyes, and evs
ery pair purchased are guard
anteed so that if they ever leave
the eyes (no matter now scratched
the Lenses are) they will furnish
the party with a new pair ef
Glasses frec of charge. S
DR. W. C. KENDRICK has a
full assortment. and invites alt who
wishes to satisty themsel#Bs of the
Great Superiority «f these Glasses
over any and all others now in use
to call and examine the same at
Drug Store.
Griggs & Laing,
Dawson, t : Georgia.’
Prompt attention to al! busis