The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.) 1889-current, April 20, 1892, Image 5

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% T A\NNOUNCEMENTS. For Tax Collector. | o candidate for the office of Tax | lam; “)f‘ Terrell county, subject to ‘} { l'l“‘:{‘-'t:ri(’ nomination. I ask the Pt e voters of the county, and SUPPOL 0 pledge a faichful perform if elel T("] . duties of the office. ance 01 LIC 1 Jo D LAING. one Store House on Main street, next } dooor to N. B. Barnes’ jewelry store. Apply fo . Mgrs. M. M. ANTHONY. For Sale. COTTON - EED MEAL by the Sack or Ton. cheap for cash, at . DAWSON OIL MILL. “Spring filTinery. Spring - Millinery. Call at Mrs. M. M. Anthony’s for the [atest Styles in Hats for spring and qummer. Prices to suit the times. ee e N ITY INTELLIGENCE. Fresh millet seed at Dean & Brannon’s. Dt - - > ——— New line of Oxtord Ties at the Square Deal. =L L Callon W. T. Arrington & Co. for gr(»cel‘ivs. Fresh \\'z\tm'(il'oul}d Meal always on hand at E. B. Bridges’. i b Lt oz Callon L. A. Lowrey & Co. for Blank Bros’. French Candies. ~am e —— : L. A. Lowrey & Co. have the finest Mess Mackerel in the city. | . ‘ The only line ot Straw Hats in the city at the Square Deal. | Golden Dent Corn. Considered the best. Sold at Dean & Brannon’'s. . You will find Buckwheat and Graham Flour at L. A. Lowrey & Co’s. Call on W, T. Arrington & Co. for hay, oats, corn and bran, i Rl ' Order Greene’s Concentrateed Fru Cider from any wholesale grocer. ‘ R ——— Choice lot ot Easter goods, at Ar thur, Crittenden & Whitehead’s. Straw Hats to suit any head, at Arthur, Crittenden & Whitehead's. Fishermen who wear Square Deal straw hats will have good luck—we hope. A fresh supply of Gunpowder English Breakfast Oolong Tea and Young Hyson leas at L. A. Lowrey & Co's. A e Seed Irish Potatoes, the Peerless, Early Rose, Goodrich, Beauty of Hebron, all choice potatoes. Sold at Dean & Bran non's, Special attention is called by Lowrey & Orr to their stock of children’s shoes. Lhey have a full stock at low prices. . W. T. Arrington & Co. carry a full line of tresh and pure groceries, aud sell them to suit the times; b e e i Notice. [ am selling 20 pounds of the best franulated sugar for one dollar., C. W. Snoxges, The Leader. -.- e Manager Gabbett, Mr. Cecil Gabbett has been appointed -v-'vncr:}l manager of the Columbus South ot The road is fortunate in securing Lis services, Fishermen Did It. ] _Ml‘- W. B. Christie recently had to t’;“ll‘l 100 yards of fence to replace some t“"‘”,l‘f"l been carelessly burned by a par- Ot tishermen, These occurrences are xing place too often, On the §. A. M. Road. ;"‘(t:ll[')?rs St. John, formerly of Graves, o l“.\ county, is now a section master aLt 1€ 5. A. M. road. Capers was always ' 300 d boy, and deserves promotion, Look Out, Dice Throwers., hi » « . l;‘_({:‘;,l“"f‘ Hatcher has instructed the po fio oree to make cases against all par : ‘~;“"‘«kl“.':ht throwing dice rezardless of 4¢e, color, or previous condition, i s A Tannery at Parrott. l:‘{-_nlt.v R. W. Terrell is making arrange -3 [I‘S tih establish a tannery at Parrott. B ;bl rell may also build a large ‘.,U\M;,’ ““"I‘} Sl‘thluent water to run his ¢ ¥uY WOXKS. ang P use i 5 i in Parrott. for use in case of fire - ——a O - & Piles! Piles Itching Piles! - and ::ill":f‘“"‘“)lmsture_; intense itching SCrat'vhi}fllrng’ most at night, worse by 111<»1-§i‘u1-]”' If allowed to continue tu i (1?]1, Which often bleed and ulcer- OINTy gy NINZ very sore. SWAYNE'S ing 1 e'll 3 :tUDS the itching and bleed o dIS awrats . TeMoves z] ticeration, and in most cases i) fo} ):; Ctégltlors. DAt druggists or by >} s S. Y. Sw r Q I liladelphig, Swayne & Son, —— i ! GREENE S concentrated 11b, Bot- Mk IDER. tle, $1.50, LoKes 16 gallon ke, T 1 Cider Co, Biprrs o - The A, B, Greene " Blrmingham, Ala, FROM THE CONGRESSIONAL RACE IN FAVOR OF COLONEL WOOTEN. Two Letters That Explain Themselves--A Difference of Opinion as to the Effect of the Judge's Retirement, As predicted last week, by Toe NEws, Judge Guerry has withdrawn from the race for congressional honors. His retirement has created more than (_n:dmary interest, because Lie requests his friends to support Colonel Wooten as the race is now made up. It was thought by some that when 5’ udge Guerry retired he would throw his influence to Mr. Stevens, and when it be came known that he would stiil Oppose that gentleman, though not in the race himself, speculation was rife as to what effect his retirement would have. A great many are of the opinion that Colonel Wooten’s chances are materially brightened, while others seem to think that it will have but little effect either one way or the other. . One thing is certain, however, and that is, in those counties in which Judge Guerry was the strongest his friends have turned, enthusiastically, their sup port to Colonel Wooten, and predict that under his leadership they will be viecto rious. Mr. Stevens and his friends, however, do not appzar to be at all uneasy, and say that the Terrell gentleman will carry every county in the district except one or two. As the campaign progresses it becomes more interesting, and there now promises to be a number of new develcpments be fore the nominating convention meete, The following interesting letters, writ ten while Judge Guerry was holding court at Blakely last week, tell of his withdrawal from the race: Hon. J. H. Guerry, Blakely, Ga.: DrAr Sir—Since now you are no longer in the race for Congress, I think it would be of great interest to your many ardent friends ard. supporters for you to giye expression as to the claims of the two remaining candidates now in the field, Col. Wooten and Mr. Stevens. Yours very respectfully, T. M. HOwWARD, CL’n Dem. Ex. Com. Early Co. T. M. Howard, Ch’n Dem. Ex. Com. Early County: Yours of this date received. In my judgment Maj. Wooten is one of the ablest men in the district, and being qualified for the position every way, I believe he ought to be the choice of the democratic voters of the district, as the race is now made up. Respectfully, # J. H. GUERRY. i Per: onal. Corporal Gunn was in the city Satur day. Mr. O. D. Glover visited his parents at Andersonville Sunday. Miss Mary Rainey, of Perry, is in the city visiting relatives. Mrs, T. R. Thornton has returned from a visit to her mother at Hurtsboro, Ala. Col. E. J. Hart, a few days ago, visited Schley county on professional business, Mr. J. L. Bunch, of Leary, spent Sun day and Monday in the city with reia tives. Messrs. E. E. and E. S. Pinkston, of Parrott, were In the city a portion of last week. Mrs. L. D. Hatcher has returned from a pleasant visit to her mother at Hatcher Station. ; Col. Edwards went up to Rural Hill, Webster county, on professioual business last Saturday. Two staunch alliancemen of Quitman county, Dr. Mason Raiues and Mr. W, S, Rutherford, were in the city Saturday. Misses Ellen Gibson, of Geéorgetown, and Alice Barham, of Griffin, are visiting the family of Mr. S. V. Brown, in this city. Mrs. F. S. Hester and Mrs. Rosalie Shutler, of Atlanta, and Miss Lamaitine Bostwick, of Richland, are on a visit to our city, the guests of Mrs. E. P. Keni day. Col. T. C. Carter, of Wildwood, Fla., is visiting the family of Mr. Peddy, in this city. Col. Carter is a prominent citizen of the place in which he lives, and has filled offices of trust at the hands of his people. Miss Lucy Bascom Lowrey, a niece of Prof. J. W. F. and Allen Lowrey, of this city, has been appointed to a scholarship in the Nashville Peabody Normal School. Those appointed get $lOO a year, rail road fare and free tuition. A Duty to Yourself, Itis surprising that people will use a commen, ordinary pill when they cen secure a valuable English one for the same moeney. Dr. Acker's English Pills are a positive cure tor sick<haadache and all liver troubles. They are small, s'veet, eesily taken, and dv not gripe. Sold by Dean & Brannon. - et DB @ s e Religious Items, The protracted meeting at the Baptist church continues to increase in interest. Rev. W. H. Patterson, in his labor of love from day to day, endears himself to all classes of our people. Services are held morning and evening each day. Dr. W. C. Bledsoe, of Lafayette, Ala., is here assisting in the meeting At the Methodist church, Sunday, Rev. H. R. Felder, of Cuthbert, preach ed an able sermon from the text: “He is risen.”” A luwrge congregation listed to this masterly discourse, - i ) P Thursday will bo ““Bargain Day” at the Square Deul Dry Goods Store. T cures stratch- KILL GE &M es on horses, mange on dogs and other animals, with one or two applications. For sale by Dean & DBrannon. About Memorial Day. Memorial Day will soon} be here—a day most sacred to all Georgians: The Confederate dead in many cemeteries will be lovingly remembered. Will they be in Dawson? To the noble women of the South this duty is specially entrusted, and they, above all others, are looked to to keep in remembrance :he deeds of those who perilled all that was cear for home and country. Noble dust sleeps in our cemetery. On each mound let the flowers of spring be scattered in loving remem brance by tender hands. We place this matter before the ladies, and suggest that they make arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial Day. Silpe i andy DEMOCRATS ORGANIZE. An Enthusiastic Meeting Last Wednesday Night, The Young Men's Democratic Club is the name of a strong and very enthusi astic club that was organized at the op era house Wednesday night. M. C. Ed wards is president and W. B. Brannon secretary. Terrell county is proad of her young Democrats, for they are energetic and ever loyal to the grand old party whose doctrine they have been taught since their infancy, and whose flag they will ever bear aloft to proclaim their fidelity to the party of their forefathers. SR Soga g e THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Find the Word ? There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one one word. The same is true of each new one appear ing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a *‘Cres cent on everything they make and pub lish. Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you book, beautiful lithographs or samples free. S R How Arethe Folks? “Oh they are all well except mother, she’s about the same. Poor mother, worn out by household cares, exposure, and over-work. No wonder she gives up at last and takes to her bed. But oh! how much brighter the family fireside would be if mother's chair was not va cant. The doctors don’t seem to do her any good. She says their medicines don’t seem to go to thespot. She feelsso weak and longs for strength. ‘Oh give me strength,” she murmurs. Why not give her the remedy her system craves? Her impoverished blood and shatterred nerves are starving for just such ingreci ents as are contained in B. 8.8. Then try a b-ttle of this excellent remedy. Itis truly woman's best friend. It qyickly relieves pain and restores health,strength and functional regularity. James W. Lancaster, Hawkinsville Ga., writes: ‘‘My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and as many more patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her,” EEla oSt g A Cruel Joke. It was a eruel joke that some of the negroes upon Mr. E. B. Bridge's planta tion play upon an old negro man April Ist. The old neg-o had a bale of cotton stored away for future use. In an evil hour he missed his cotton, and spent the whole day endeavoring to find it. sending runners to all places in the county and walking himself footsore. When the announcement was made to the old man that it was only an April joke his expressions of joy were extrava gant. Ladies! Your special attention is called to Miss A. B. Smith’s stock of new spring mil linery. She has the cream of the market in cheap, medium and fine straw hats and ‘bonnets. Lovely new flowers, gauzes, ribbons and ornaments. Some of her pattern hats fit the poet’'s dream and beauty. Come and see them. She will take great pleasure in showing ycu through her stock, and by the 15th the entire stock will be open and on display. —— et G@ P b A Singular Episode. This singular episode is one of the many curious things that make up the varieties of life. Two gentlemen in this county married each other’s sister, and now they have nine children each. One family has two girls and seven boys, and the other family has two boys and seven girls, P R O Should Be Severely Punished. Jim Lambert, a negro, and Emma Newsome, a white woman, are in jail for living together. The police captured them Saturday night while looking for other offenders. L Ice Cream. Mr, C. A. Wallace will, in a few days, establish in our city an ice cream manu factory. His cream will be made from the richest milk, and from arecipe known only to avery few. His secret of making ice cream has been contined to his family alone, and for long years the intrinsic merit of his cream has been such as to excite in others the desire to know his valuable secret of preparation, but so far no one knows but Mr. Wallace the ingre dients which compose his valuable ice cream. The proof of what we write can readily be obtained by trying this ice cream. This is a long-felt want needed in Dawson. e The American Eagle must be a gay old bird—he is bald. If you don’'t want to be bald, use Hall's Hair Renewer, and you wont be. Try it. R R A beautiful line of Pattern Hats, at Mrs. C. L. Mizg's, A R KILL GERM, e * to cure Itch in thirty minutes. ¥.rsale by Dean & Brannon. - LINGO IN LIMBO ' , ' A SON OF THE AMERICUS CHIEF OF | POLICE D {Arréstegl in Dawson on a Telegram--Do ! mestic Troubles and Two Stealing, | Scrapes at the Bottown of It. Saturday morning Chief Hatcher re ceived a telegram from Americus re questing the arrest of George Lingo, a young white man. Lingo was found about ten o'clock, and was arres ed and put 1n jail, and the authorities of Americus notified. Lingo was drunk when arrested, and the bruises and black spots on his face gave him the appearance of having re cently been enzaged in a fight. Baliff Hawkins came down from Americus Saturday afternoon and re turned that night with the prisoner. The Americus officer says that the career of Lingo, who isa son of the chief of police of that city, has been a checkered one lately, Lingo has had domestic troubles, and he and his young wife recently separat ed. His present troubles and bruised face are largely due to that fac., In Americus, the other day, he had a fight with another man about his .wife in which he sustained a black eye and was atterward sentenced to a term of ten days in the chaingang. | While serving his sentence a warrant was sworn out charging him with steal ing a suit of clothes, He was taken be fore a magistrate and a bond of %25 was assessed. While endeavoring to give the bond Lingo gave the officer the slip, and started in the direction of Dawson. On his way here he came across the coats of a number of gentlemen who were out fishing, and relieved one of them of a watch that had been left in the pecket. | After reaching Dawson Lingo made several attempts to pawn the watch, and finally gave it to Wm. Lingo, a half brother, who has been in Dawson some time doing brick work. Wm. Lingo left Dawson during the day with the watch, -but the officers think they have ! him located. It is very probable that he, too, will soon be in the meshes of the law. / Frost, ] Early risers reported a big frost Satur- | day morning. | TOTN S P T TR T S M |OOAT W TROR AW P WIS SR LT MRS | N -.x?wfi-—\ | x ‘ . make a long T A tail (talej short, A man, after . he has eaten AP S VO' a good dinner, e may feel extra vagantly joyous; but the next day— oh ! but he is surly and grim, his stomach and liver are sluggish, he is morose, despondent and “out of sorts ” generally. But he may get a prompt return for his money by urchasing Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant g’ellets. There’s nothing like them. The‘{ are tiny Liver Pills, sugar-coated, but thorough in results. One Pellet is laxative, three to four cathartie, For Indigestion, Biliousness, and ‘all derangements of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, theF work like a charm, and you get a lasting benefit ~snd a permanent cure. ~ They’re the cheapest Piil, because safe and sure, while the manufact urers guarantee they’ll give satisfae tion, or your money is returned ! ~ You ouly pay for the good ycu get. Can you ask more? What’s the use! suffering any more from those dizzy sgells, the headaches and all ; make the attack ourself, with one or two of thess {;ttle, Sugar-coated Pellets, and they will do the rest. They are a perfect vest-pocket yemedf. Purely ve%e table and perfectly hart_n!ess. 4 druggists. 25 ceats a vial. JORDAN BROTHERS, Paw son Shyeiegnle Georgia. FOUR. Best Royal Patent, per barrel..... $6.00 Bye 24 poundafor ... ... o 808 Graham, 24 pounds f0r............. 80¢ Rackwhaat . ... o 0 e MG - e I i MEAT. Boston bellies, per pound. ... ... .8 1-2¢ Dove hams, per pound. .. ........12 1-2¢ California hams, per p0und...........9 Boneless hams, per p0und........ .. .10¢ CHEESE. New York ream, per p0und........15¢ Swiss (imported) perpound. ...... .. .25¢ CANNED VEGETABLES, 3 cans Marrowfatpeas.. ... ... ;..... . 25¢c S cans Sering Beahs. . oo 000 0950 ZOoans Spmnaen . opoo ol OIG Honey PUrop Oorn. 000 il i dbe COFFEE, Olbs Beat Qoo ... 0000 . 8100 Arbuckle’'s 4 p0und5.......' .. ... . 9bc Rio. perpound. .. ... 000 .22 180 Java and Mocha, per pound.. ... .. . 30¢c SYRUP. New Crop, perga110n................40¢c Louisana, perga110n................50¢c FRUIT. 3-1 b can assorted California, per can. .25¢ FISH, Imported. can Hamburg Aale. .............85¢c 1-1 b can Ruuianrg‘avia. e s e SERING | ‘ ILLINERY Mmm Of ¥ very li"ind, S AT q I Mrs.C. L. Mize’s ¢ % ® MILLINERY STORE, (Over Arthur,Crittenden & Whitehead’s.) All the Latest Styles of Millinery kept in stock. The LADIES are especially invi ted to call and examine my New Spring Goods. —_— Tax Notice. I will be at the following named places, on the dates named, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1892: Bronwood, Monday, Apnl 4th, Thurs day, April 14th and Monday, April 25th. Sasser, Vednesday, April 6th, Friday, April 15th and Tuesday, April 26th. Dover, Thursday, April 7th, Monday, April 18th and Wednesdav, April 27th. Twelfth Court Ground, Friday, April Bth, Tuesday, April 19th and Thursday, April 28th. Eleventh Court Ground, Monday, April 11th, Wednesday, April 20th and Frid Wy, April 29th, New Eleventhr ourt Ground, Tuesday, April 12th, Thursday, April 2lst and Monday, May 2nd. Parrott, Wednesday, April 13th, Fri day, April 22nd and Tuesday, May 3rd. Walls Store, Wednesday, May 4th. Cross Roads, Hass, Harris, Brim & McLain’s store, Thursday, May sth. I will be in Dawson every Saturday. Office at A. J. Baldwia & Co’s store. G R, CANNON.T. R. T. Q, City Ordinance. Be it ordained by the city council of Dawson that any persons assem bling and loitering on the streets in sufficient numbers, or in any such manner as to be an obstruction to free passage on the streets, sidewalks or crossings, and failing to disperse upon notification of any officer or member ot the police forc2, or any citizen, shall on conviction be punished as prescribed in article 8, section 171 of the ordinances of the city of Daws son, W. E.CHBEATHAM, Mayor. Done at regular meeting of city council, April 4th, 1892. J. L. JANES, Clerk, Citation. Terrell Court of Ordinary, At Chambers, March 15, 1892, Upon reading and considering the petition of S. A, E. Dodwell as ex ecutor for probate of John Sanders n solemn form, ordered that the usual citation issue and be served on the heirs of Eliza J. Davis, W. J. Sau« ‘ders and R. E. Sanders ten davs be fore the May term, 1892, of this court, and that as J. S. Sanders, ‘heirs of L. C. Kersey and M. D. Tucker reside outside of the State ot Georgia and can only be served by publication that they be cited and made a party by publication once a week for four weeks in Tre Dawsox NEgws, before the May term, 1892, of this court, and this order so pub lished constitute such notice. J. W. ROBERTS, Ordinary. The best Rio offee 5 pounds for the doilar at C. W. SuokES, x The Leader of Low Prices. 25-1 b keg Holland Herring. . . .. .. .$1.28 Sardine, sport regates, per can.,,,.. .20 Sardines, pickled and spiced, per can.2oe CANNED Fis -, Salmon Steak, perecan. . ... ..........25¢ Salmon, Alaska, percan.........121-2¢ Lobaters, porean. ... 028 Deviled Crabs, percan31b.......331-3¢ No. 1 Mackerel, 10-1 b kits. . ... .... . $1.25 No.Z Fat Mackerl. ... 00000 TOO SUNDRIES, Grite.perponnd. . oG ad e Oat Fiakes, perpound.. ... ... . .08 Sagorperpounds. .G 0 s GBe Faring, pécpound. . 1, .0 000000 8 SUGAR. 17 pounds granuiated. .............$l.OO WpoRREs Yot il ek 18 polinds entloat. . .. ... i 100 22 pounds granulated and 1 1b of tea 1.50 : PASTE. French Macecaronl.. ................. 108 BPARRRRE. - . e IMPORTED PICKLES, Salz Gherkins,per ga110n............50e SRREE BN ... .oA s Schnitt Bohnen,per pound.. .........10¢c PRESERVES AND JELLIES. Preserves, perp0und...............,10¢ Apple Butter, per p0und.............8¢ Mince Meat, perpound ..............8¢ JOUT TOr POund. (o il vaviaii e