The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.) 1889-current, November 29, 1893, Image 1

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THE DAWSON [ NEWS. By E. L. Rainey. "DAVIS & DOZIERS freat (0t Price Slaughter Sale S TIT.T, CGCIEINCr SN, PRICES DROP LOWER AND LOWER ON OUR MATCHLESS BARGA INS! Our immense trade and our wonderfully low prices are the talk of the country, Don't miss it—the BOTTOM IS Now ouUT. Come to see us and get goods at your own prices. $lO,OOO worth of new goods just arrived—bought cheaper than ever. Rare Barg ains and they are for you. Pon’t fail to see and price our goods before you buy. o Domestics. 5,000 yards good Homespun in Plaids and Small Checks at 4 cents ver yard. 6,000 yards best Riverside Checks at 6 cents per yard. 5,000 yards best § Sheeting at sc. 4,000 yards good yard-wide Sheeting at 5 cts. Drillings, Canton Flanuels, Osnaburgs, Cheviots, and all other domestics just as cheap. We have the biggest lot of Domestics ever in amy one house in Dawson and cheaper than the cheapest. Lk e eet Good all Wool Worsted at Bic. per yard in all the new and pretty colors. Come and see us. We have the goods and we will not be undersold. DAWSON, GA. o Furnish the £et W€ DO THE REST. | ) = bAd 59 ] = v i -_— YT i v: et ii i A LTI iy s = AU | *ns\“’ff, L = Pey ‘.!.e“-‘:a!@m\slu: gty | 0 o f WERAL 0)2 Y T e o 1 1\ & ol 2]l - g //:,./, 1. ?‘ ,‘ #0 :li\! («. e -\w.' 2, Il v = ,*'/’,‘ ' w};‘l-“' .. = “ - B . T SERE e OOBWSANELE S - . o o b ot e Comiort, Duvability amd Neamet , k| Are Combined in Every Failr SITOES We Sell. WE CAN FIT YOUR FEEI and your pooket‘book voth. TEE: SEOE STORIE: Baldwin Block. J. W.PAUL, MagT. Dawson, Ga., Wednesday, November 29, 1893. Good all Wool Double-Width Cash mers at only 12}¢. per yard Big lot of these goods just arrived. 2 spools good Thread for se. 5 balls No. 1 Thread for sc. | 100 Children’s Suits, 4 to 14 years old, at 85c. per suit. 300 Children’s Suits, 4 to 14 years old, at $l.OO. 200 “hildren’s Suits, 4 to 14 years old, at $1.50. We can show you the best line of Chil dren’s Suits ever in Dawson. We have a big line of Men's Suits at $3.50, £5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $lO.OO and up wards. We are selling at a great sacri fice. Come and give us a look and we will sell you. Wraps. We can beat the worldin this line. We have secured some rare bargains in Wraps and Jackets, and they are for our customers. We have all the news styles, shapes and colors. We can sell you a mce all-wool jacket for $1.25, worth $2.50. We will sell a beautiful cloth cape for $3.50, worth $6,00. Don’t fail to see this line. i ————— Ao Great bargains in Shoes. We are sell ing Ladies’ Pebble Goat Shoes, 3 to 7, at 70c. a pair. Ladies’ Glove Grain Button Shoes, at 85¢c. a pair. Ladies’ Kid Button at $l.OO and so on, T T NT T T oy FS 43 vernment, Und@jw.——— the mroe doctrine the administréls6n can istrue such acts as nothing less than offense. If Europe can without let hindrance land troops in Brazil and nace the security of that republic, 'rope can do likewise in every Amer u republic.—Minneapolis Tribune. e s . 20 S AAt Good Shoes. '. 0. Whitchard & Co. are sole agents the celebrated Harper Blaek Shoes. RROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. recent discovery is that headache, iness, dullness, confusion of the mind, _are due to derangement of the nerve ‘ers which supply the brain with nerve 23 that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, lin stomach, ete., arise from the derange t of the nerve centerssupplying these or swith nerve fluid or force. This is likewise s of many diseases of the heartand lungs. nerve systemislike a telegraph system, will be seen by the accompanying The little AT te lines are .j;’,’g{“-j: nerves which @ -ey the nerve P\ e from the e centerfq }m o R 'y part of the "R R 7 qust as the fi i / R \ 'griccurrent is N L N\ | ‘eyed along 7189 BN b ; telegraph L '<’,‘//.:/’ 3 stoevery /u \ 4 .on, large or i/ Vb 7, 8 t L. Ordinary 78 |\ dcians fail to /g f/r;'./ \‘;'\v\',' f )rd this fact; AT 8\ ! e | ;ad of treat- 4] PN , henerve cen- Vg ‘j » for the cause A yhe disorders iy /J/x‘ ng therefrom ) 7l treat the , 7 affected. / inklin Miles, ‘ J ~ LL. 8., the y t iy celebrated p 1 ialist and s i bnt of nervous diseases, and author ljmy noted treatises on the latter subject. b since realized the truth of the first iment, and his Restorative Nervine wpared on that principle. Its success iring all digeases arising from derange ¢ of the nervous system is wonder 's the thousands of unsolicited testimo in {msses.\iun of the company manufac iz the remedy amply prove. ‘Miles’ Restorative Nervine is a reliable dy for all nervous diseases, such as .he, mnervous debility, prostration, jessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de ;. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It is 3y all druggists on a %ositlve guarantee, at direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., art, Ind., on receipt of price, $1 per bot ix bottles for 85, express prepaid. storative Nervine positively containg no I ses or dangexus drugs. : —80" D BY—] 5T arrar & Frarrar. We stand ready to serve you. Yours anxious to please. ® Calicoes. 5,000 yards new and pretty Calicoes at 4, 5 and 6¢. per yard, worth a great aeal more. Everybody buys calico here. We keep the prettiest styles and give the lowest prices, and that's shat the people want. e e o ipois it AN 100 pairs Men’s Sunday Shoes 6 to 11, at $l.OO, 100 pairs Sanday Shoes at $l.OO. s it eSS 1,000 yards good yard-wide Sea Island, worth 9¢. a yard just arvived; we will gell it as long as it lasts a; 6¢c. a yard. This is a great bargain. 1,000 yards good Ticking at 6ic. and upwards. DAVIS & POZIER. of heaviest weights at lower prices than ever before. VW. C. KENDRICAH, Puvwsician anp |Drucaeisr, PAWSON, GA. Keeps a full line of FRESH DRUGS always on kand, alsoa good selection of PATENT MEDICINES. A five lot of the best 5 - Whiskies, Gin, Rum, Brandy, and Wines, including that celebrated purified RIVERSIDE WHISKY, MADE ESPECIALLY FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. All of which will be sold at : Reasonalkle Prices. I e itrenst knowing themselves indebted to me wiil please come PARTIES forward and settle ai the earliest time possible, as I am Lot in condition to WALL tor the TOP CROP 10 OPEN this year. W .C. EK endricls, /M. 1. DAWSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, The FALL TERM of the Public Scho~ls will begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1893, Matriculation fee for resident pupil: iz $2 per term. Pupils more than 18 years of age, and those not living in Dawson will be charged »s tollow. : Primary School per el R b i Grammar School *¢ B i b iivise i ey High School " B iiak i aaia sk A On application for admissien into the schools, the superintendent will furs nish vhe pupil with a blank certificate, which must be carried to the treas urer, with the matriculation fee for the tull term, The pupil will return the certificate, sizned by the treasurer to the superintendent at once, wheres upon he will enroll the name. _ Parents are requested to send their children in promptly on the first daye M. J. YEOMANS, SUPT. Vol. 10.—No. 25. \ o Giughams. 1,000 yards new and pretty Dress Ging hams justin. We will sell them while they last at 64 and Tic. per yard. 5,000 yards good Jeans at 124, 15, 20 and 25¢. The best and cheapess line of Jeans we ever had. Be sure to look at it. 250 yards good all Wool Red Flannel at 124 c. per yard. We have also a grand line of Flannel, Red and White, at 15, 20 and 25c. pex yaud. B R Sit it Al bt 1,000 yards gcod Dress Ginghams, Beautiful Plaids and Stripes just arrived thils week at sc. per yard.