The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.) 1889-current, June 22, 1898, Image 1

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THE DAWSON NEWS. fiy E. L. Rainey. e LEITER TALKS OF HIS DEAL, S § 1 The pecline in Cash Wheat the Cause of . His Troubles. Joseph Leiter, the wheat plunger, Speakinguf his deal, said: “It is a case where the fail has begun to wag ipe dog. This statement has an illus gration in the fact that futures began preaking faster than cash wheat de clined. TLogically, the condition spouldghave been exactly the reverse. For several days—in fact, [ may say for some weeks, cash wheat has been slow sale, and especially in the north west and around milling centers, gen erally. woa certain extent this has been offset by & fair degree of activity at the seaboard 1n response to an inquiry from the other side, but the local parkets have been decidedly inclined 1o drag. There nas been a steady mark oting of cash wheat, but I cannot say asto the quantities in which it has gone t 0 home consumption or abroad for foreign use. W[ see no objection to stating that all my holdings of futures have been dis- AT DAVIS & DOLIER'S \ Beginning from this date we will place on sale our Entire Summer Line of . neo it ‘ ' Dress Goods, Lawns, Dimities, Check Muslims, Laces Orqandies Swisses and Everything in the Line of Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. We are compelled to move these goods, and prices, when ac companied by the cash, will be cut to the hilt. We have just received a bigline of New Summer Goods from New York, consisting ot Fize Piques, Ducks, Lawns, Crashes, Organ dies, Swisses, Ribbons, Gloves in all the latest shapes, beautiful lines of fine Vale Laces. In fact, we have completed our lines in every department, and these goods will share the fate of the others—we will put the knife in them to the hilt. Late summer shopper: will find 2 feast ot pretty new things here and at prices astonishingly low. We Wil Dutiwly Not Carry Over Ay Sommer Goots So don't fail to call and see the bargains. We are offering fully 50 per cent. off on all lines. Again in- Viting ¢he trading public to call and look through our mammoth stock of rare bargains, we remain Tours Anxions o Ploase posed of. A good deal of gossip has come to me on the general subject of ‘alleged treacherous, conduct on the ‘part of the northwestern grain inter lests, which [ have always heretofore considered friendly to me in a personal and business way, but I have nothing l whatever to say on the subject. If in l ) the history of the deal there have been | eyents to which the public is entitled, Lin is more than likely to come out in . good time, but not from me. It is a 'source of considerable satisfaction to | me that my affairs, for a moment more or less tangled, are in a fair way to be settled without the intervention of a trustee or without calling on the courts for adjudication.” There are some things you can do without, but you can’t afford to risk another day without & bottle of Dr. Thichenor’s Antiseptic, the greatest chemical discovery of the age. Heals Cuts, Burns, Gun-shot Wounds, ete., quicker than anything. And don’t forget that it cures Colic, %00, while you wait about ten wminutes. For further information apply to Farrar & Harris. Dawson, Ga., Wednesday, June 22, 1898. ROWDYISH IN THE RANKS. Citizens in Walker County Want Protec. tion from Ruffians in Uniform., Governor Atkinson has been asked by several prominent citizens of Walker county to take cognizance of the rowdy ism which they claim is prevalent at Chickamavgua. On last Thursday night, it is alleged, the officers of the Chatta nooga, Rome and Southern railway called on the civil authorities of Walker county | for protection, stating that without iti ‘they could not transact business. They also called on General Brooke for pro tection, and a provost guard was placed vn the depot platform at Chickamaugua. General Brooke, it is said, has offered to furnish a regiment, if necessary, to as i sist civil officers in making arrests. Re | cently a Jew who'keeps a store there of lfended the soldiers and according to a story which has reached the governor, | they put a rope around his body and dragged him out and looted his store. Goverpor Atkinson said tonight he would investigate the matter and if the facts prove to be as reported he will communpicate with the president or war = b | & / 4 > /20 LRroap S 7. DAWSON GA. Ny department insisting upon order at the . big camp. 1 Chickamangna park is in Georgia, and although a government reservation, 1t is within the jurisdiction of the state courts. ‘ -~ Can Beat Any Man. From the Hawkinsville News. | Hurrah for the ‘‘one-eyed plow-bow from pigeon roost!’ Consider his ugly pictur’ he can just beat any man run ning for governor that w~e ever saw, heard or read about. We were against him but everybody is for him now, aund What he lacked of maklng a clean sweep in the primary he will finish up in the ‘next round, when the populists tackle him. An Expensive Qork. That old hulk, the Merrimac cost the government $341,000 since this war was begun. So Hobson closed the bot tle with an expensive cork. It will be seen that it costs money to go to war. “One Minute Cough CLure 1s the best preparation I have ever sold or used, and I can’t say too much in its praise.”’ L. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga. SALE-DAvVIs Drve Co, Vol. 14.-—No. 43. Distress After Eati Pains in the Head and Constant Aching of the Joints—All Have Been Completely Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. “I was troubled with a pain in my stomach after meals and a constant ach» ing in my joints. I also had pains in my head. I took medicines but without benefit. Seeing so many tcstimonials in regard to Hood’s Sarsaparilla I was in duced to try it. I bad taken it only a short time when I felt a change. I can now eat & hearty meal without suffering distress, my joints are free from pain and I weigh more than I have for eight years.” E. G. FOLLENDORE, care W. E. Jenkins, Macon, Georgia. “I had severe pains in my stomach every morning. I took Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and Hood’s Piu\;’nd the pain has ‘entirely left me.” M. E. Hopags, \ 68'; Randolph Street, Savannah, Georgia. - Hood’s Sarszparilla Is the Best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier, Sold by all druggists. Price, $1; six for $5. . re the only pill§ to take Hood’s PI“S :rith Hpod’z é‘arsapa.rmz.