The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.) 1889-current, March 12, 1902, Image 7

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1 MODERN TRILBY. fere in Dawson thére lives a very wise girl And she is 80 charming and sweet fJer name I'll not tell, but you'll know her I'm sure By her exquisitely beautifal feet. ])”)[aurier’s Trilby would have en vious been, ‘ Though bher feet were 8O per[ecn and | fair, of this Trilby of Dawson, with whose peautiful feet Trilby’s own feet alone can compare. g elastic her step and so lLight is her tread, so graceful ber carriage and stately her mien, You well mighti mistake this fair Georgia girl For & priscess or even a queen. Lut ladies, now lisien; if you'll heed what [ tell, Her charms may be yours, for ’tis true The secret of her beautiful feet and her grace Lies in her well-fitteé tineshoe. With no corns on her feet, no pinch to her toes, She walks just as mature intended, po more. And the reason 18 this: she always has bought Her shoes from W. P. Hornady’'s gtore. The shoes that he sells are strictly high grade, » None better to buy, for there’'s nmone better made. ‘ —EmeLiXE T. BECK. Mrs. C. L. Mize, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Da;/;/—s_J Ga. R NG &\ J < :7‘3'/- g (‘ A % Wine of Cardui is the guardian of & woman’s health and happi ness from youth to old age. It helps her safely into womanhood. [t sustains her during the trials of pregnancy, childbirth and tiotherhood, making labor easy and preventing tlooding and mis carringe. Tt gently leads her through the dangerous period known as the change of life. WINE*CARDUI cures leucorrheea, falling of the Wwomb, and menstrual irregularity in every form. It is waluable in every trying period of a woman’s life. Tt reinforces the nervous System, aects directly on the geni ?lul organs and is the finest tonic for women .known. Ask. your drugeist for a $l.OO bottle of 'Wine of Cardui. . 2 e e e ————— " | Batesville, Ala., July 11, 1900. ks am using Wine of Cardui and Thed ford's Black-Draught and 1 feel like a different woman already. Several la dies here keep the medyicines in their } Bomes all the time, I have three girls and they are using it with me. Mrs. KATE BROWDER., l For adviee and literature, address, giving Yinptoms, ** The Ladies’ Advisor{ Depart “it7, The Chattanooga Medicine Company, thattancoga, Tenn, - A MUSICAL TREAT. Senor Andonegui’'s Masterly In trepetation of Soulful Melody. To those who have never heard a genuine artist handle his bow, the playing of Senor Andonegui, the Span ish violin virtuoso, at the opera house Thursday night,would have been quite a revelation. He deserved a crowded house, butdid not get it, and the vent ure proved a financial failure for the Guards, under whose auspices it was held. ‘ The senor exerted himself as con seientiously as though every seat in the house had been filled, and held his hearers entranced froth the first vi bration of his instrument. As to tech nique, probably not a person 1n the audience appreciated the real mean in of the word, but the most unmusical ear could not fail to realize that a master hand was at work. The per former loved music and loyved his vio lin. His body swayed in -rythmic ac cord with the melody of the instru ment, and he seemed lost in the music produced. Those who averthey can not appreciate classical music should hear Senor Andonegui. He plays noching except classical, yet his in-‘ tarpretation is so masterfully simole ¢hat full appreciation comes involun tarily. Just as much an artist in her line as the senor in his was Miss Gus sie Parkharst Hill, the pianiste who assisted him, and whose handling of the ivories won all the hearts present. Red top cane and German millet seed at Kendrick’s Drug Store, corner Main street and Third avenue. DR. L. P. DOZIER DEAD. AR T | He Was the Father of Mrs. J. J. | Hill of Bronwood. | Dr. L. P. Dozier died at his home near Hatcher’s Station oo Sunday of last week, aged 71 years. He was the father of Mrs. James J. Hill of Bron wood, and besides her is survived by a wife, four sons and one daughter. Dr. Dozer was a prominent physi cian and one of the most popular citi zens of Quitman county. Many triends of the family from Eufaula and else where attended <he iunterment at Georgetown. ; Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi is, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflama tion and removes the cause of the ais ease. Absolutely safe. Acts atonce. “‘One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it,’”’ says justice of the peace J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. “My wife eould not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family.” DAwsON DruUG CO. International Silver Pine Healing oil at Fulton’s. Mr. Williams a Passenger. Mr. Jonathan Williayns of Dawson was a passenger on the Albany and Northern train which ran over two negroes a few days ago, an acecount of which appeared in the daily papers. One of the negroes lost a leg, and death ensued. The other was not so seriously injured and will recover. They laid down on the track and went to sleep. | Farm for Sale. I'have for sale’ a small farm near 'Dawson, about one and a quarter miles ‘from the court house. A good dwell ‘ing, new and painted, with three 16- ‘foot, rooms. and out-buildings and a good well of water. Farm well im proved and fenced. Anyone wishiong to purchase will see me. ‘ J. W. ADAMS. | Announce for Re-election. Inthis issueof The News appears the announcements of Sheriff D. K. Chris tie, Clerk of Court W. S. Dozier, and Tax Collector H. O. Thornton, all for re-election. They have made court eous and competent officials, and will doubtless be voted the offices for another term. Find the red spot in THE NEWS. Job Couldn’t Have Stood It if be’d have had itching piles. They are terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wiil cure the worst case of piles on earth It hascured thous ar.ds. For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c. a box. Cure guar teed. Sold by the Dawson Drug Co. Farmers Behind With Work. The farmers of the county have been greatly hindered by the inclement weather of the past several weeks. Very little-if any work can be done with the soii in such-a soaked condi tion, and they are greatly behind In planting. ; The Indian Doctor, . My office is now located in the old court house, where those wishing to buy my remedies can find me. Consul tation and examination free. T. P. PARKS. ~ Real Estate Deal. Through Mr. J. A. Horsley, Colonel M. J. Yeomans has purchased the home of Mr. A.C. Howard on College avenue. The purchase price was $5OOB e R Headache often results from a disor dered condition of the stomach and constivation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these dis ;finrders and cure the headache. Sold by Farrar & Harris. SEED IRISH POTATOES—Landreth’s Bliss Triumph, Early Rose, Pride of the South, Peerless, Burbanks, Goodrich. Either Store. " DAWON DRUG COMPANY. MAIN STREET PHARMACY. ~ CAUGHT ON THE CURBSTONE. ~—All furniture, carpets, rugs, mat tings, cooking stoyes, cruckery, glass ware, tinware, clothing, shoes, no tions, ete., ete., are included in Pace’s cost sale. But three days are left of the bird season. After the 15th inst. it will be adyisable to put away your gun and let the birds that are left alone. —La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley’s Honey and Tar. There is nothing else “‘just as good.” —The salesmen of Dawson are long ing for the coming of the balmy sum mer days, when the stores will close at six o'clock. | —At the Epworth League meeting last night, led by Mr. B. B. Perry,} “The Secrct of Endurance”’ was dis-]: cussed. —Pratt's food, fresh for stock, swine and poultry at Kendrick’s Drug Store, corner Main street and Third avenue. —Boys, if you want a bicycle go 0 Baldwin's Hardware store. Will sell you a Monarch for $25. —Mr. L. J. Atkinson of Chickasaw hatcheee, who has been so seriously ill with pneumonia, is improving. —Mr. R. D. Thomas of Clayton, Ala., is now assistant agent at the Central railway depot. —Foley’s Kidney Cure makes the kidneys and bladder right. Contains nothing injurious. ~~Mr. W. L. Pace, who lives near Bronwood., has a babe very sick with pneumonia. : —Call and examine Mrs. F. W. Clark’s new line of spring and summer goods. —Dont fai: to call on Myrick if you want your picture made. Tent near the hotel. —The prettiest shirtwaist goods ever shown in Dawson at J. W. F. Lowrey’s. —The ladies will be specially inter ested in “A Modern Trilby"’ in this issue, —C(Cabinet Photographs 81.50. per doz en atMcCollum’s for the next 60 days, --Demijohn and 1 gallon best vine gar for 40 cents at Dismuke & Janes. —One hundred bushels of best seed peanuts at T. O, Whitchard & Co’s. —Weber Wagons, and they are good ones. Sold by A. J. Baldwin & Co. —Ladies, earry your fine skirts to Daniel, the tailor. —+*Twin Brothers' Crystal Oil Axle Grease at Fulton’s. —See Daniel, the tailor, fortheright sort of work. —Best home home-raised lard at Fulton’s ' —Ballard’= Obelisk flour at Fulton’s, Find the red spot in THE NEWS. —Textile machinery and building. GIRARD BROWN, Dawson Ga. A Severe Cold For Three Months. The following letter from A. .f. Nus baum, of Batesville, Ind., tells its owa story: “I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist pre pared me some medicine, and a physi cian prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley’s Honey and Tar and eight doses cured me.” Refuse substitutes. DavipsoN DruG Co. Minder Begins His Sentence. I. Minder, the former Dawsonian who was convicted of murder in Macon and whose senience was recently com muted trom death to life imprisonment, ‘has been sent to the Chattahoochee Brick Works, near Atlanta. Minder’s case has aroused interest throughout ‘the country. Raw or Inflamed Lungs. Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura tive and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. Itprevents pneumo nia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. DAviDSON DRrUG Co. For wash fabrics of any kind call on J. W .F. Lowrey. ' An Fmply Plate ' & Suggests Uneeda Biscuit to fill it. Always healthful —always the same—always crisp, tender and delicious. Order a 5 cent _ package of or P Biscuit . The In-er-seal Package keeps them 4 fresh and good until they fill the plate. % h RPN k ASSESSORS ELECTED. Messrs. Marlin, Crowell and Mel ton Will Continue in Office. At the regular monthly meeting of the city council Messrs. R. R. Marlin, Geo. S. Crowe:l and R. L. Melton were re-elected city tax assessors. They have rendered conscientious and disinterested service in their capacity of assessors, and their re-election will give general satisfaction. This was the only important mat ter taken up by the council, the meet ing being devoted to routine business. —New cabinetstyle Photographs at McCollum's. Come and see them. | SALARIES RAISED. Rural Route Carriers Will Re ceive $6OO Per Year. Postmaster Alexander has received notice from the department at Wash ington that on Marcb 15st. the salary of rural free delivery -carriers was increased to $6OO a year. They have heretofore received only $5OO. T his will be pleasing news to the carriers. They deserye the raise, for their work is far from easy. Terrell county’s six rural routes are handled by gentlemen «f intelligence and thorough capability, and The News congratulates them upon their good fortune. : If you want something nice in Photo graphe call on Mvyrick. I'ent near the hotel. A Printer Greatly Surprised. “I never was so much surprised in my life as I was with the results of using Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,” says Henry T. Cook, pressman of the Ashville (N.C.) Gazette. ‘'l contract ed a seyere case of rheumatism early last winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several things fer 1t without ben efit. One day while looking over the Gazette I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaranteed to cure rheuma tism, 8o bought a bottle of it and be fore usiug two-thirds of it my rheu matism had taken its flight and I have not had arheumatism pain since.”’ Sold by Farrar & Harris. Find the red spot in THE NEWS. An Interesting Pamphlet, The Central of Georgia railway is sending out a very interesting pam phlet, “On Historic Ground,” describ ing the trip of a tourist aloog its lines, A copy of the pamphlet will be mailed to any address upon the receipt of two cents in postage by J. C. Haile, gener al passenger agent, Savannah, Ga. Broke an Arc Lamp. ~ Moses Bradshaw, a negro boy, was given a sentence of sllor 25 days by Mayor Lowrey Thursday morning for breaking an electric arc light globe. Bradshaw shattered the globe wish a rock from his flip, and was caught in the act by Mr. E. R. Slade. An Error Corrected, In the article in last week’s News re garding attendance of the Methodist Sunday school pupiis at church, it should have been stated that 80 per cent of those enrolled were present at Sunday school, and 50 per cent. at church. Great Embroidery Sale. I will commence today to close out embroidery at 5 and 10 cents. Their value is 15 to 35 cents per yard. _ J. 1. ROBERTS} The Circus. The Maretta tented shows exhibited in Dawson Monday and yesterday. showing twice each day. Fairly good crowds attended the performances and pronounced them creditable. All furnitare, carpets. rugs, matting, cooking stoves, crockery, glassware, tinware, clothing, shoes, notions, etc., etc., are included in Pace’s cost sale, EXAMINED DISPENSARY. Messrs. Hughes and Edmonson ' Take Dots in Dawson. Messrs. Hughes and Edmonson, prominent citizens of Rome, were in Dawson Friday and Saturday examin ing the workings of the dispensary. Rome is soon to establish a dispensary, in accordance with the result of ghe lelecbion recently held there, and Daw ‘son’s dispensary has made such aj| splendid reputation for itself and tbe,’ county that Rome would like to know more of ite method of operation, con- ' sequently the visit of Messrs. Hughes and Edmondson. The county commissioners and Or dinary Roberts are frequently request ed by other towns to give information regarding vhe dispensary here. Rec-| ognizing it as a model one, other| towns and coucties are anxious to du- ! plicate its method of operation as nearly as possible. ’ New line of all the grades of black dress goods just received. | J. W. F. LOWREY. | QUITMAN COURT. Interesting Session Began Mon day With Three Murder Cases. The spring term of Quitman supe: rior court began Minday at George town, with Judge Sheffield presiding. Solieitor T.aing is not present, owing to the serious illness of his mother, and Col. M. J. Yeomans is acting so licitor in his stead. The session will be an interesting one. Three murder cases are on the docket, one of the defendants being white and two colored. Robert Terrell, the white man who is charged with acapital offense, is de fended by Yeomans & Raines of Daw son. The trial of this case has been con tinued on account of Dr. Raines’ ab sence in Dawson in connection with the waterworks case and Colonel Yeo mans being acting solicitor. For the Complexion. The complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impuri ties from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions. DeWitt's Little Eariy Riszers keep the liver and bowels in a healthy condition and re move the cause of such troubles. C. il. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: “I took De Witt’s Little Early Risers for bil iousdess, They were just what I need - ed. lam feeling better now than in vears.” Never gripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle. The very best pills. DawsoN Drue Co. M. D. Ferry's garden seed at R. D. Goss’s. Merchants Back From New York, The Dawson merchants who went to New York to purchase their spring and summer lines of goods have re turned. The Dawson merchants who make this trip annuvally are keen and discriminating vurchasers, and the buying public of Dawson will profit thereby. Plant for Parrott, The Parrott Square Bale Gin and Mill Co. has been organized, with the following gentlemen as directors: Geo. H. Ford of Atlanta, and H. A, Cook, J. H. Prichard, J. Z. Turner, E. W. Aven, L. L. Tilley and G. W. Kenyon of Parrott. Find the red spot in THE NEWS. Chionic Diarrhoea, Mr. C. B. Wingtield, of Fair Play, Mo., who suffered from chronic dysen tery for thirty-five years, says Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used. For sale by Farrar & Harris, Hon. DuPont Guerry in Dawson. Hon. DuPont ,Guerry, a promnient ‘candidute for governor, is in Dawson as one of the city’s counsel in the wa terworks case. Mr. Guerry is making a vigorous campaign and has many friends and admirers in Dawson and Te:rell county. Preshyterian Protracted Meeting. The Presbyterian church of Dawson will begin a protracted meeting on Friday before the first Sunday. in April, continning through the follov - ing Sunday. The meeting will be ccn ducted by Rev. J. W. Quarterman o Poulan, pastor of the Dawson church. Brick Store Going Up. Work has begunon the new brick store of T. O. Whitchard & Co. im mediately south of Bell & Baldwin’s. Small crowds watched the work of ex cavation Monday morning. The work wiil oe pushed to complevion as early as possible. Petition in BankrupicY. Mr. E. C. Collier of Chickasaw hatchee has tiled with Referee Wilkin son a petition in bankruptey. The as sets are stated to be $3OO, with liabili ties of $1,603. The first meeting of creditors will be held on the 19th inst. ' Notice. I am prepared to do blacksmithing and repair work of all kinds, and so lieit your patronage. First class work‘ and prices reasonable. | 1.. R. BeacH, Sasser, Ga. G You are thinking of painting your house. Go to Baldwin’s Hardware store and get theirprices on white lead and oil and ready mixed paini. They seli a-high grade paint, wnich covers ‘more surface and lasts more years than cheap paiot. » };’;l' = ISy b ] mm'\fi\ A 0 e 5 21 e 74!' ‘fr 9 o T ‘ Wi gg : j%:if?‘ s W 3 Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash, Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS,' 93 Nassau St., New York. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. WE KEEP —— BRICK, LATHS, LIME, LASTERS, CEMENT, HAIR, SASH, MOULDINGS DOORS, MANTELS, BLINDS, NEWELS. PINE AND CYPRESS SHINGLES Ceiling, Flooring, Weatherboard« ing and Table Ornaments, Lathe and Scroll Work, Dressing and Matching. LUMBER—-GREEN AND KILN DRIED. ~ Weatherboarding from $7.50 to $11.00; Flooring and Ceiling $9.06 to $15.00 according to grade, Mouldings 25 cents per inch. All kinds of woodwork accurately and promptly done. Our prices are right. Compare them with others and - see. Special prices on car load lots. The Variety Works Co. f Soft / | ¥ 11arness { ' (@ ! @} You can make your har b & ness as soft as a glove and as tough as wire by using EUREKA Har ness Oil, You can | lengtnen its life—make it : last twice as long as it § ordinarily would, ' / 8 Harness Ol [ | ki looki hlr' { ] makes o { ne:| ll:merw?o M“:io of i ] pure. heavy bodied oil, es -4 pecially prepared to with- i , stand the weather. \ Bold evegwhm \ / in cans~all sizes, ‘ @BB/ Made by STANDARD OIL CO. F. P. ALLEN, Saccessor to J. P. Allen, Jr. : Watchmaker and Jeweler. Personal attention given to customers and first-class service assured. F. P. ALLEN, Dawson, Ga. o Dr. F. H. McCalla, DENTIST. e Wny A graduate with 16 years experi ence. Office over Jennings Bro's. store, street. Dawson, Ga. CANDY CATHARTIC I e i 10e. AD 35e. Goe. Druggists. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In ulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.” 3 TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Lifeaway! You can be cured of any form of tobacce “Sin§ easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of | new life and vigor by taking KO-TO-BAC, that makes weak men strong. Many gain l ten pounds in ten days. Over 508,000 | cured. All druggists, Cure guaranteed. Booke | let and advice FREE. Address STERLING | REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York, 437,