The South western news. (Dawson, GA.) 188?-1889, November 07, 1888, Image 2

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THE NEWS. | Yo 2 ADAMN AT TR CJ:IGIAJJ C".’l\T:\;}i U TER” - —3TmR7 : RL.[J.U C‘:‘u;\-i. S 1T HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ROBERTS & MARSHALL, Prep's. i GEORGE M, I OBERTS, W: K. PILSBURY, ditors ~nd Fuciness Managers, i DAWSBON, + GA,, ‘ November 4 Tth, I 1888, i e e : Fine Cane ! y —_— | Terrell has med- a fine cane crop. this year. Mr. R. E. Jennings was in our office yesterday and presen ied ur with some fine stalks. On one quarter of an acrea he gathered enough to make 95 gallons of syr np. Seven stalks ground out 2} gallons Who can beat this? LA Festival at Chenubbee There will be a Festival at Che nubbee on the 15th Kverybody invited A good time promised to all. Furniture, Sewing Machinzs &c. Messrs. A J Baldwin & Co,, are in receipt of a fine lot of Furniture which tLvy will sell cheap for cash or on the iostallment plan They will sell alav the same way, sewing machines, whose popularity steadic ly gnins as they are used. Saddles of the | est ma[‘w, and sold cheap Imo & e The Latest Candidate. 1 have concluded to make the race and you will find me next door to A, P. Hatcher’s, where I have opened a new Bar and a full line of Groceries and will not be undere sold. Finest liquors, cigars, tobac cos ete. Mr. John M. Reynolds is with me and solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public Give us a call, we will please the most fastidious. W,J. SLADE. Charged Bade. I have changed my place of busi pess. From now on those wanting meals at a tirst class restaurant can find my doors open at all hours and I will give them the best the market atdords. Tam loeated up staire over O. B. Thomas’ Saloon. M. F. MowxT. Eletric Bitters. ‘ This remedy is becoming zo well | *nown flnd 80 pflp"lfll‘ as to n(‘(‘d fio gpecial mention® All who have used Electric Bitters sino the same song of praise.—A purer medicine doeg not exist and it is guuranteed to do all that i 3 clained. Electric Bitters will cure all discases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and orher aflections aused by impure blood.—Will drive Malaria trom the system and prevent as well as curc Malarial fever.— For cure of Headeches,Constipation and Indig estion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfuction guaranteed, or money refundad.—Price 50 cts and 81.00 per bottle at any Drug Store: From Tennessee. Morrisrowx, Tean,, July 4,1888 The Swift Specifit Co., Atlanta Ga: Gentlemen : Five years ago 1 was so uafortunate asto contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My boves ached and my mucles began to swell and contract. I was under treatiment of the phy sician from the inception of the disease nutil I found that he could do me nogood: Yhen through the advice ot a friend I began taking 8. 8,8. Your medicine seemed to bave animmediate efect. I com menced to improve at once, and in a very short time all evidence of the disease disappearcd. 1 took #ix bottles, and today am sound snd- well,. That was two or three years sgo, but I have zeen no evi dence of the return of the disease and I take this opportunity to thank you for what ic has done for me. It saved my life. You can refer any one to we, R. M. WaLL. For sale by all druggists, TaE Swwt SPECIFIC UO, Draw er 8. Atlanta, Ga: New York. 756 Broadway, London, Eng, 35 Snow Hill, FOR $5O We will convey your sawdust an reasopable distance from your mil{ if you will allow ue the use of the exhaust steam from your engine, Patent applied for. J. A. Wakp axp J. D, Laxe, Daweon, Ga,, Nov. 7. BIDS WANTED. Specifiéations of the Shellman Eaptist Chutch to be Let to the Lowest Bid der, November 10th, 1888. TeE buildivg 13 to be 85 feet wide and 60 feet long, 16 feet be tween jointk. The overhead " of buildiug to be ceiled, tne chaire boarding around the entire walls to be ceiled 33 teet, the flooring to be raised 12 inches, beginning at the entrance doors, (entering the church, gradtially sloped. becoms g level at the foot of the pulpit. The pulpit floor and all space thereto th be raised 14 inches, Thereate to be 2 rooms in the rear of pulpit; BxR feet doors ta each room, to let a water tank 4xlo feet and 4 ! feet deep. There ate to be be 2 1 16x16 feet basements bhuilt, begin ning at the church entfance wall. }ruvninfz in advance of 8 {eef in excess to the orizinal dimensgions. There iz to be an outer wall 8 feet from the church entrance wall, { oming a vestibule. The studding | is to he 18 inches upart, Fourteen average size windows, 1 Jarge Goth. ic window in the front of building, The two named 10x10 teet base ments are to be tied or connected properly with main building, one ot the steeples to be 56 teet high with weather-vane support; the other steeple to run about 35 feet high. The building to be coverad with shingles—2ao feet rafters, The entire ontward oroutside finish isto be finished up with proper moulds ing, steps and all complete. The building is to Le fully finished up cxeept plastering, All material for the entire building will be fur« nished and lumber. The pillars for the buildiug will be placed ready for ttie contractor. The specifica~ tions are approximate. The right will be reserved by the building committe¢ to make any small changes—it desired—not; however, to increase the cost vpon the cone tractor. In addition to the above specifications meationed the door and windowsframes will be ready ‘or placing in the walls, corner boards and step lnmber will be in shape for use, All bids will be duly considered by the eommittee and any tnformation given. | W. J. OLIVER, Gro ARTHUR, C, M. MARTIN, J. W, Byruy, ' d B, Payxg, W. S. EpwaArps, Com. Shellman, Ga., Nov. 3, 1888, FIVE KUKCRED DOLLARS. HARDSHELL CORN. I sell at §1,75 per gallon, J. B. Lanier’s, of Salishury, N. C., Corn Whisky called Hardsheil Corn and challenge any mun to put five hundred dollars or any smaller amount to us low as five dollars that I dovot. Tam not atraid to back what I advertise with the security of the cash. Those who advertise it 4 years old do not consult their conscience, for I will give them to day one huadred dollars as a gift to show me a barrel four years old, but I learn they have admitted they never hud any atall. Gentles men’s advertiserients, to have this desired effect, should not be as a novel, but speak Irathfully, F. BETHUNE, Proprietcr Excelsior Saloon. —Best Whitkies, Brandies &e., of medicinal use, at Cheatham & Deans. Ice Cold Beer at W J Slade’s. A. B. HAY, DAWSON, Gi, I have just received a fresh lot of Y ; 2 T 18 GROCERIES ————An E T \ FINELIQUORS And invite the public to give me & call. 1 guarantee to sel ¢ 0 AS CHEAP ASTHE CHEAPEST ' and my goods arg ] FIRST - CLASS In every respect. A B.lTar THE IRON KING. **My dear, pray what shali we do?" Once asked my loving wife; We have no cook; you know, now, To stem the kitchen’s strite; This stooping and cooking Over fires large and hot, Is perplexing and vexing, Oh! who Las elt it nnt? “*The lubors ot the kitchen, Since our negroes went away, Were Loth wilgome and irkeowe, And stili are so to day; Can’t you lighten and brizhten This load ot heavy eate, That distresses, oppresses, And drivgs e to despair ?” Said I, “T'll go to FuLTox's Aud there a stove I'il bay; No matter what the price is, Aun Irox Kiva I'll try; Then roasting and toasting, Will not wear away your life, But a pleasure and a treazure Be to you my angel wife.” So down to town T hurried, Aliest as quick as thought, And there from Joux A. Furrox, An Iroxy King I bought; And now broiling and boiliLg Are the sweetest works in life, No niore earing, despairing, Distresses now my wite. Farewell; ye dirty negroes, I'm independent now, For wife cau do the cooking, With a smile upon her brow; No whining, no fepining, No angry threatenings ring, But my meals now, reveal now, How cheap is Irox Kixé. So now if you'd appease A weary, suflering wife, Her kitchen trials set at ease, Secure a stove for life; IYll warm you and charm you, Drive discontent away, Both your wife then, and life then, Prove sweet as flowers of M ay. The above are the sentiments of at least one hundred men, in this and adjoining, counties to whom ] (and H. 8. Lee betorcme) have sold the celebrated Iron King Stoves. | am confidest—and they all agree with n:e that they ure the best Stoves in the world. - I remember the vames of a few pflrties to whom ¥ have sold” them, and refer the public to the following: W E Sesslons Sumper Ga, Col. L. ©. Hoyl, Dawson, Ga, A Helton & ‘ J J Buckhalt b L D J W hitfield . “ Col. J. G. Parks £ s Dr. W.C. Kendrick ¢ “ Jesse Kendrick ‘ 8 Burrell Bridges ct “ Jonathan Bridges ¢ “ Robert Lundy i “ R. A. Lundy ¢ “ W. H. Lundy s " Silas Sinith 4 “ P.T: Bnith - o G E. W, Snith & ¢k Sam Thompson i “ ‘ Newt, Thompson ¢ 15 A. J. Young L “ G. G. Young £ “ l W M. Jenkins ¢ i J. M. Jenkins 3£ ' B. F. King i 4 S. T. Jordan A 3¢ W H. Heidt L 4 Jas, J. Brage i & Jas, Fitzpatrick o 2 H. P. Bigelow . 4 D. A. Ganmage s 2 5. W, Arnett x =t Miflard Welborn ¢ $e 5. S, Stokes " o J. 8. Jones is 4 B H. Brown, et ot J. T, Kitchens o o S. N. Rauch 1 o Jesse Tucker . £ W. J. Slade o ¢ Frank Helton, " A W N Lott . £ W M BeNeil ot ke Steve V. Rudd, Shkellman, G. H. A. Atkinson 5y re J. A Crymes, Weston Ga. J, H. West, Chenubbee, Ga, S, M. Whitchard, Coftee county, Ga, This stove might appropriately be called the “widows triend,” to which the following ladies will tes tify: Mrs, Betey Cabb, Dawson, Ga. Mus, 1, M Joned | 1 M. E. P, Keniday ¢ ! Mw. JB. “m-slcy . 28 Mrs, Mattie Kieth o . Mm. N. C. Sapp, Webster coun ty Gu, and others, I have a cheaper stove called the “PERBY” Of which I have sold a great many, and every stove has given entire satisfietion. I remember a few names which ¥ gzive below, so that others waoting stoves may learn as to their werits &e. S B Edwards, Shellman, Gi MJ Williams Dawson, Ga. ' E Lewis £ o Thomas Crawford ¢ > JE ausey o o John L Snith £ e Newt Bingeg - o C C Davidson " o W C Tumer a o W C Bigelow i 2 George Pollcuk i % Mre. W E Johnson ¢ i Mis, A E Christie - Tom Metil] " 54 " F Heisler, Dawson, Ga. F M Wateon, Brouwood, Ga. Mrs. W & Dozier, Bronwood,Ga. Powell Holland P = H M Bloeumb, Chenubbee Ga. l W B Pace Leary Ga. i W F PBragg, Dawson, Ga. ‘ Wash Vanover, Sas=er, (Ga. b J 8 Cutts, Webster county, Ga. | e | The EAGLE s the best step | stove in the market. I have sold a {grvat many of them, and guaran teed every one, and have heard no complaint. I am selling them very low The MARYLAND RANGE iz one of the finest and best ranges 1n ex istenee. I reler to i l J B Perry Dawson, Ga. 1 8 Hannah = 2 Johin Fuller & = ' J:l.“ ,l‘ Il(‘(.‘, e T { J H Brim b o i W v Lee £t £t : I have alsn ‘the ARCADIA ,R:\l\'i',{-li, which s a beauty; and | geveral other cooking and heating | stoves, which I will sell at very low prices. I keep a larce nesortment of CHBE\P. BURNITURE, . DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, PRO VISIONS,GROCE TS, HARD WARE, TINWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ( ORN HELL ERS SEWING MACHINES &e I pay no rent, vo clerk kire, and can tell goods as low or lower than any merchant in the eity. Capt. Bob Fulton is now cons necte:l with the husiness, and will be glad to see all his old iriends aud make az many new ones, JOHN A. FULTON, Tawson Gu.Sipt. Ist 1888, | PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R s 'T. HIT.I.MAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Réspectfully solicits the patronage of {he peonle of Dawson and adia. cent “icinijties. Office up stairs \frontin% Court-house square, Lee | Street, awson Ga. | ar=Consaltations free, i“;—_h—— 5 Vy"\’ Y W'V‘ N E. C. LASSETER. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, DAWSON, - - - - GA, VI‘ENDERS ms professional servived 1 the citizens ot Teirell and adjoining counties. Having the xXperienca of a l widely evtended practice and having graa. uated at the best medical colleges inthe United States, he fecls assared of continn ed kuccess in his practi~e [le can be found at his home, apnwive W. T, Riordan’s store,in the Speight Baldwin house. Dr. C. A. CHEATHAM REMEMRER.--That vou can save the mileage and visits by cailing on old Dr. €. A. CHEATHAM af his | Office, for a Preseription and Med. icine, and in most cuses do s WELL as if he saw the easo, (S When necessary, Tie will vt Fatients iy ey or g ‘iht. l i 14 Hoyl J G Pucks | % gI3A Oy { HOYL & PARKS | Attornavz.ct-l aw. | gwson, Terrci; O unty, Gaarvia ‘VH.L practice in Stat . fus booora Courts Imwedire qiepte n pivon o the busines: of every elj ot Collecitorn eceive spacial attsntion and prose g UrNgs ma ie, wayLe 6 G,UE}RRY & GRIGD | ATTORNIYS AT LAW, ‘ DAWEON. GEOHGIA, Ofiice in front rooms, uyp &'airs, in Hatcher & Bros., new building. riv rat » v I.H. THURMOND DINTIST DAWSON, - - GA. | YO —— { ATISFACTION Guaranteed in FILLING and PLATEL WORK. Highest recommended Ancesthetic used for Pain less Extraction of teeth, | m tn omwe No harm, 1o dimags 1o guus ¢ | EE AT . } Patrovage respecttully solic' ed B Office in Farrar Buildu., sept. 22-'B6.t. GEEE L o e e : ' 1 T. Y. Marlm? AGENT, l DAWSON, = GEORGIA.! | == —t l o 4 S Ess Py - Dealer iu Fancy Groceries, Can r ned Goods, Tobaceo, Ciwars, Contectionary and all things i clse, kept in a first class es- l tablishment. His BAR is | filled up with the best | grade of LIQUGRS. A i Restaurant is counected with | hig establishment, open at all l hours, with the best the mark et affords. All his goods are ' fresh, and ot the best, and will be ' PES~SOLD AT | \ - < - REASONABLE PRICZS. | ] | FOR SALE 08 RENT. | " ¢ roomdwelling with con- ! veoient and suitable out houses | and premises Will sell with house | trom 2 to 20 acres of land, apply | to W. L. Simpson. | oct. 1,88, o 1R R DR NG I | | vl Gr .._._____.._.__..______._._-————————-———-"G) and the way to keep it off, is to buy . . rEn 3 B > 9 vour Liquors at “THE BLUL BAR, iD 2 W s ON, ';'_7"43,'."‘* P. LIPPMAN & CO. PoiaPP M & 0 lerorrisrons | We are HEADQUARTERS for Pare liquors, and being connected with two LARGE Weaovessne Liquor Hos . we are prepaved to offer to the trade the Best goods for the LEasT money of any firm in Southwest Georgia We are A X LI it Co A ST {or onr goeds and when you buy from us vou save the mid dle man’s profit. If you want to save wouey, keep youw eye on our prices. We sell PPute Rver for ...0.. .00 % 1,40 worth32,ooo Hardshell Corn 8 y'is oid for... 1,75 worth 2,50.) BEATS the = soab s $6 00 2400 worth 3,00 S WORT - Pure Bolland Gin for ........ 1,75 worth 250, Pure Imported Holland in for 2,50 worth 4.00, Pure Coxndordt .. . 0.:...: . ... 1:40 worth 2,00, Purh Wiie IoF . osen,ve oo o 0 1,26 worth 200, Pure Millerium Rye, f0r....... 8,00 worth 4,00, Pure Baker Rye, f0r...0...... 4,00 worth 6,00, Our Milleninm Rye is Seven yv’rs nnd our Balker IRye is Nine years old. and without an ex ception is gusaranteed to be thebestgoods everbrought MO THIS MARKEST. Don't forget that we have two Large Wholesale Houses at Macon and Cincinnati, and can sell you geods cheaper than the cheapest and remain in the ring, T TRAR. X 7 DN WE MEAN. WHAT WE SAY, If you dou’t believe it call und examine our goods. We are aiway< glad to show themni, ™ i) A AT R 2. LIPPMAN & Co. DA SON. ) RMONTHZUM A ¢ : Ga. and MIACON. 3 and CINCL.xNATI, Olhio. eant, . 18RI tf. . Bucklan's Araica Sulya. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Braises Nores, Uleers, Salt, Rhieum, I“t-\'ur,gz.rus(Y(‘ttnr, (_‘hnl,»- pod Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptiors, and rositively cures Piles, or no pay rcquired, It is guarantecd to give perfect satisfaction, or money refused. Price 253 cents per hox. ———— s eeS A e e . Cholera Cordial will cure you ot that bowel affection, whether it be Dysentery, Diarrhawa, ¢ holera Morbus, or Cholera Infantum. Tor sale by Crouch Bro's, o Go W. Hlll & CO. North side of the Punlic Square, DAWSON, - - GEO2GIA. DEALERS IN Faney and Ntaple Groceries ; Y Y ’ Can ed Goods of all kinds en their helves. Tobaceo. (i -gars and all things else ‘ept ina live establi-hment. Wiil naiter for Eggs, Chickens, Butier, Hides and all things eso. ; G. W. Hill & cCo, Are offering their goods at such prices as to make it to the interest of all who trade with them. A rapid sale of their goods as seen in their store every day is an evidence of the trade that they are doing. Oct 3. Meals at all hoursat Mounts’ Restaurant. Now is the Time to Buy. John W. Brown, has on hand a superb lot of the best wa: ons. His wagons are made ot the best wood, and will tand the wear and tar of ycars. Bargains will be re alized it you eall on J. W. Brown, and purchase his wagons ot the best workmanship “Pure liquors for sale, by Cheat ham & Dean. X 3 o A. P. HATCHER'S SALE. S I am going to sell, at L D Tlat cher & Bro’s,, old stand, on Main street, Dry Goods, Notions, Bonts, Shoes, Clothing, Stationerv, Blank Books, Pens, Pencils and Slates. Also, Family and Faney Groceries and a nice and well selected stock of Tubaccos and Cirars, Crockery ware till you cant lest (both, fan cy and common), Water Sets, Ti and Wooden-ware in large quanti tics that will be sold, A bareain i 3 offered in Tools—Hammers, Hatchets, Saws, Chizzels, Aucers, Brace and Bits, Squares, Broad and Club Axes, Iron wedges, Shovels. Spades, Hay forks, Cya. cles, in fact Hard<ware of ali sorts. If you want Cooking stoves, Grates and . Hollow-ware, Furniture, Looking Glasses, Pictures &e., ro member that [ am headquarters for these goods. I need money and the goods are for sale, : Yours truly, A. P.HATCHER. oct, 24 1888, Tt youare haimi:i a new h(nHC, remember that I hive the best win dow ocksnow in the market. They hold the window up at any hicht and prevent it from being raised from the outside. J. 4, Bishop, Dawson Ga o GEORGIA, Terrell county. Ordinary’s Office, October 2, 88 Where:'s, A J Kenney, admin istratorof 1. D Reyuolds, de reased, represents to the Court in his pe tition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fuliy adminise tered said L I Reynold’s estate. This is theretore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and ecreditors, to show cause, if any they can,why sai? administrator should not be discharzed froni his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Junusry 1889. 12t Curesin from one to five days. Manufactured only by : I CROUCH BROS. | DEAWIE, . . . &y " B R HORSLEY - & - KIJ], DAWSON, GA —~DEALERS IN— . V "{ T 1 ¢ - 2 3 ye ,y Dry Goods, Clothiny &, AR3\" X 5 - . Gentlimens’ Faraishing (, 1 ° € a Spectalty. WWeareready will be enabledt Fall and winter, Offer the Best duicements totho wihho 'rade with Our stock is a well se'ected ong, was bought so that we can sell tle HGoods at the most reasonahle b QOuar fabries are such as to recon them successfully to the trade 4 desire is that all may visit our esty) lishment and see for themselyve character of our goods as well as to] We are not afraid of Competition,for inducements we offer are open T "TTEE WORL OUR STOREYE is one under the ronage of the FARMERS' ALLIAY and we ask the patronage of evey else. .!*_,.__._______.,___l U kX Americus,; Cra, JEWELERS and DEALERS | —~=w, o ) 2iannag Sy QA O E LChiL\ Is) 4N }. é_} 9« W keep cor stantly on hard the fraest and lar.est assort: entol in onr line 1o be tound i Southwest Goeorgia. CONSISTING o Watches, Diamonds, Solid @ lver and Fine Plated Ware. o "‘""""i‘_"' of ail kinda. Cold and Silver Heud (anes and brellis. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Op Giasses, Mowing Machine Neelles, Oil, Parts and Attack ments. Bentists Gold Foil, and everything else usually kept in o Firsr.cLass Jewenry Store. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted, : B nl_-u-s and Medals made to m‘tlf‘r‘v- : GOODS WIE SELI. ENGRAVED FR Our Music Department is filled with First-class Pianos and Oczans; Violing, Guitars, Bu jos, Tambourines, Accordions, Strings and ‘I rimming and 2!l such other Goods as belong 1 that line. Orden for Sheet Music will receive Prompt Atiention. Onr I L. D. Lockuart, Jr., will co any where in Southwest Geors to tune and Repair Pianos and Organs; or eall upon those ¥ ing" to buy. No house in the State can undersell us in eithe k 3 Write for Catalague to . 3 James Fricker ¢ B i 8 Jachkem St. Amerters égdy b Chbadl J 3 y sept 10,1888, ,_A‘ i - - - \ JALBA GAY NlXRulds ’ e hi | : THE RRTESIA)N Clf [ : ?' D. NEUMAN : —e 4 : e Y T T Leadex ¢ HOUSE FURNISHING GOl Announces that he is now ready to serve the public #ith il stock, ,:\ larger, nicer and cheaper stock to select from, yoU mfi! findin 8 uthwest Georgia. He calls special attention to bis h”f WA L L P 7 T decorate your h?uitfi , : APE R which will make tued uicer and cheaper than even the platnest of painting wii };ei'n 4 1 A £V ANQ Strong and neat—ait BABY CARREAGES Jmopeme Plain Docorated Oroclaer? And CHINA Dinner and gi3 samiprs of all kinds, but especially his beautilt ARLOR and lIBRARY HADNGING B ff' &8 ware in large variety-- Mirrors a nice line, etc. 900 Window Shades all complete on spring rollers. est I\,o\\' cor es his live of FURNITURE which consists “fth(,‘nh‘ PAR LO'R SUI'TS; Redroom Buits; Book Cases; Bide Bflf‘n” Luuu{:vs} ,‘*bring Beds; Chairs; and in fact everythii ¢ DR . e \( Kirst-ciass Furniiure Hous® He invites the public to insnect his stock and cmn['“"'.,p”(titnn purchasing, Boardine houses and Hotels can be turlll-‘ll'(,“ il notice, and all correspond ence and all orders pl'"m!’”y o(o To D. NEUMAN, Albaf