The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 03, 1868, Image 4

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AGKH I l/ri « 11 Tliv llog For llioSonth. Os the multiplicity of subject* that present themselves to the Southern farmer at this time, says the Memphis “Appeal,” none is of more importance than the hog for the South, since it is clear that we must raise our meat, and by sufficient preparation, judicious se lections and proper management, V\ eat Tennessee can compare with Western Kentucky, where there is great profit realized by raising hog*. But simply to procure hogs of fine blood, fire form and size, is not sufficient to guarantee s successful and profitable propagation of the same in our climate. The want of success which has heretofore attend, ed the raising of stock in this country, has occurred from insufficient preparation and want of proper atten tion io crossing with our hardy and nativo breeds. Belying upon the prop agatior. of the pure Wo<kl of stock im ported within onr parallels ol latitude, bred and raised within o hers far from us, impressed by a different atmos phere and subsisted upon a different food, will always be a failure. Water is the fishes’ element, and ho must have water to thrive. Feed a carniv orous bird on grass, and it will soon die. Uhe Chester, Berkshire, the Grazier and Suffolk, all have a nature peculiar to themselves. They flourish in their own country; hole they do not, and to attempt to preset vs and raise the pure blood here, wou*'J al ways be a s nking bus ness. The Chester hog is, undoubtedly, the best bog that we can procure, though a serious objection to him is his co.or— he is while. A w hite bog is more eas ily and deeply impressed by the debil itating influence of the hot summers) sun, than the long-haired black hog. Hcuce ho is more subject to distnea :n the sumino". In hot 6 amour he gets Jazy, lies around, becomes debilitated and diseased, and is more subject to an attack of the tiog cholera, than the long-haired black bog. The Chester hog matures early, takes on fat easily, and carries a great deal of flesh. We -might proenre tbu finest Chester bogs Ttbut I’eunsylvauia could furnish, give %hem our best care and attention, en deavor to propagate the pure blood, and they would degenerate and be comae mere scrubs; but to cro;s them with our long haired native black hog, and be careful to select for breeders those that are Hack and most resem ble tka Chester in form, w e can pro cure an improved stock. We have the aptness of the Chester ta take on flush, combined v itli the industry and barui hood of the sp'.f supporting woods-hog. In short, »'t have a black Chester, the very beg lor the country, that will do veil in a ecmmoD range S. HAMMONTRKE. S. IV. Uc-orgio—Cutliug Tim ber. Editors Southern Cultivator:— South Western Georgia is oue of the beet peach countries in the so-called United States, but for the white worm - around the cellar of the treo.— I’ve fought them for years with many weajKms, but with no one have I con qured them. Would be greatly oblig ed to you for some successful plan. I see from the last No. of your journ al, which 1 had in my hand a few mo. ments, and the only one I’ve seen since the war, that the subject es cut ting timber, with a veiw of its lasting, is still discussed. Now of this I’ve been satisfied for years, and thought all men Si experience were. Apart from my own experience, I have the documents to prove—if I had time to collect them, and it was worthwhile— that when the sap is rising and in full flow, even now in this section, is the time. All timber for building, lor rails, for carriages, or any other purpose, will last about four times as long cut now, as at any other. Stakes cut now, whether split or round, and set top in the ground, will last "forever,” com paratively. NIMROD RAMBO. Drayton , Dooly county , Ga , April 6 th, 1868. Horses. —The horse, above all ani mals, want* careful handling. See that the shoes are well put on, aad the caulks sharpened as icy weather ap proaches. W arm blankets save bid der and promote health. If the young folks go on a sleigh ride, insist upon the horse blanket to keep company with the robes for Tom and his sweet- ! heart. There will be bids enough to | settle without a sick horse in the sta ble to be doctored. dear, 5 * said a rural wife to her husband, on her return from town, “what was the sweetest tiling you saw in bonnets iD the city?” “The ladies’ faces, my love.” p. 11.1. urn STOVES. STOVES. WE have en bund and Tor sole TBw, 200 Stove*, of the most improved patterns, and have the exclusive sale of the unproved iron Witch Parlor and Office Grates, Nail’, Curry combs, Locks, Wire Sieves, Tiu, Wood and Willow-ware, House -Fur nishing Goode, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Iran Pipe, Steam Fittings, k, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF 2 IX WARE, Tin Pistes, Sheet Iron, Block Tin, Sheet Copper, Ac , kc. We have oo hand a nice lot of Fruit Jars, and in fact everything that is necessary or l could be used lor furnishing a house, can be found here, sod for prices to suit the times. G F. k H. E. OLIVER, .V«>. 12 Third Street, MACON, OA, june4:3m* HKLJAULE DRUGS & MEDICINES. Pt certain to take the same Bridge that hoe \ alleys carried you over eufe. -e, .>• - - - , , I— fpHE undersigned, after devotion 87 yeflW j A to ilie Drug and Apothecary business, is ' now, as heretofore, able to furnish his friends ' and the public at Urge, with Fresh and Gen uine Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Var niahes, and host of other articles usually kept in a hrst class Drug and Chemical Store, and at as low prices as anywhere. Special atten- 1 tioo paid to Prescriptions. GEORGE PAYfIE, Druggist, june4Bm Macos, Ga. T. W. FREEMAN & CO,! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, FINE BRANDIES WIJSTES, Tobacco, Cigars, &c j —AL 0- and Oysters in Ihe cason. 88 Cherty Street, : : Macon, Ga. 1 juue 26;3tn To Planters and Cota Beaks OF MIDDLE & SOUTH ■ WEST OA. \\J E respectfully announce that we have v T secured the entire charge and coutrol of the Cotton Warehouse, occupied the past season bv our Mr. Jonathan Colons, and An derson ti Woollolk, whe’e we purpose doing a strict and legitimate Cotton business, and we offer our undivided attention to all btisi ness eutrusted to c.r care, pledging an hones' endeavor to ple .se all. And as reference, we offer our reputation. We respectlully so licit your patronage. .JONATHAN COFFINS & SON, Macon, Ga., June 4,1868—3 m PLANTERS LOON TO YOUR INTEREST ! WE have in Store and are constantly re ceiving, an immause supply of Produce and Provisions, Consisting in part of 75,000 lbs Tennessee and Western B t con Shoulders, Sides and Hams 100 Barrels Bump Pork. 50 “ Mess “ P 25 Pkges Lard, ail si*-s. 2000 pounds Breakfast Bacon. 10,000 pounds white Euglish Bacon. 600 bushels Cow Peas. 100 bands Flour. 300 sacks “ 75 barrels Whiskey, all grades. 50 “ Sugar. 35 bags Rio aud Java Coffee. 1500 bushels Corn. 25 bbls Molasses. 40 Pkges choice New Goshen Buttor, And many other articles, all at the very low est prices for CASH. Semi us your orders or come yourselves, which will suit us better. Recollect, Fair IJeallng, GOOD GOOES, and I.otr Frieca, is our Motto. Lime, Plaster and Cement always on hand. JOKES. BAXTER A DA l, june4Bm. Colton Ave-jue, MACOX, GA BETTER THAN GOLD ! OCR NEW GOLDEN PENS. Are recommended by itankem, Lawyers. Profes sors, Teachers, 3lerchauts. aud all who have tried them, as tl»c best Ten lAanststfured. They are nou-corrosive, and manufactured with the greatest care, rendering them more durable thau any pen now before the public. Sent post-paid to any address for 75 cents per box, containing one dozen. Orders containing money for the same sent at our risk. Do not forget to try them. M. MeALPiX A CO. Louisville, ivy. Please state where you saw thh ariveriiatiuettt. juneil:4m* ISAACS’ HOUSE, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. E. ISAACS, s s : Proprietor. ES~Free Coach to and from Hotel. LE. J. PETEK, SUCCESSOR TO PETER & BLACKSHEAR, Wholesale & Retail Druggists. IS* Orders Solicited. Jj£ J june43tnos Wacon, €la. COHN AM) BACON. —ON TIMf— OR FOR THE CASH! i WE Propose to sol! to the consumers : of Terrell county, Baeon anil Ooru ON TIME, for approved scoeptances. We will exchange, when desired, Bacon for I cotton, taking security for delivery of tho oottou. For particulars, apply to LAWTON k LAWTON, 4th Street, Macon, Ga. jnoe2s;Btn TANNERYT IN connection with my Tannery, I hate opened A Urge 1 SHOE MANUFACTORY! Oiithraooth side public pq’Hfe, or ders lor Tork or Leather will ttieet with pojuaptatten lion. W. W. LEE. Dam so u, Ga. March 19, 1868; if. HT J LAWTON, J M LAWTOH. R F LAWTON. LAWTON & LAWTON, I Fourth Street, Macon, Ga. WHOLESALE PRODUCE, COTTON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bagging, Ties, Hope, Bacon, Com, Ilav, Flour, Meal, Tobacco, etc’., cons autly oo hand. Hpriiave nujple facKities lor the Storage ami Sale of COTTtIK. dPti) Liberal advances made on Cotton and Pro. •luee. Cottoo held at a reasonable rate of interest when parties wish to draw on it aud await higher figures. A«uta for the sale of Houston Factory I Sheeting. juo2s;3m BROWN HOUSE. JE. E, B2£OWN A SON, Fourth Ft., Opposite Passenger Depot. Macon, Georgia. IT'HOM the Ist of July tho business of this House will be conducted bv E. E Brown k Son, toe Senior having attocUta*) ins stm, Wm. F Brown, in tho management artdf In-j terest v( }he Hotel. The hou«e contains sixty rooms, which are reserved ebicliy for thftuse of travellers and transient guests Cotrfpetent assistants have been se- cured in every department, and eve ry attention will be r aid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and the table aUv iys supplied with the best the country affords. Dorters attend arrival and departure of alt trains to eouvej baggage and conduct passengers acro.-s the street to their quarters. july 27,tf TB SOUTHERN MERCHANTS —AND— PLANTERS : N \ T E have an immense Stock of Staple and T T Kancv DRY GOODS. Boots Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Yankee No ions. Hosiery, Bleached and B.own Domest'cs! Prints, both English A American manufacture. Lumens and Cottonades, Strine*, Plaids, O-mabtirgs, Macon and Houston XX Biown Domestics, Bock Factory and other brands. 78 Brown j Domestics. ALo Tobacco, Sugar, Giffeo, Candles, Candy, italics, Sardines, Soaps, Starch, Pickles, Plan. Bitters, Schiedam Schnapps, Canned Fruits, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Cotton Cards, Powder, Shot, Gaps, Wrapping I’apcr, Ball Thread, Cigars, Gun Caps, Pocket aud Table Cutlery, Tubs Buckets, Brooms, Hollow Ware, , Iron, Flour, Whiskey, in casks and bbls., etc. etc, Which we offer at unusually low prices, and especially solicit orders from Gash or Short time good paying eustomeis. We are deter-'' mined not to be undersold by any House in Middle Georgia. J. If. ROSS & SON., WHOLKSAI.S OXALIC RS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES 36 Cherry, cor. Sd street, MACON, Ga. junell;3m* MART i CURD, DEALERS IN . . -• .• a.H jj llarrtware, Iren and teel, Na ils, Agricultural Implements, Carriage Materials, Rubber and leather Belting, Circular and Mill Saws, Bolting cloths, Mil! Stones, Cittun Gins and Sorews, Paints, Oils, Glass, And Tool* of every description, at I 1 their Iron Front Store. 59 Cherry St, ; : MACON, GA. jun* 2n;Bm Notice to fLMsiutcrs. The undersigned, having leased THE PLANTER’S WAREHOUSE, Now building, near the Passenger Depot, Opposite Byingtou's Hotel* Would respectfully infotm their patrons and the public generally, that they will remove to the same on the fiist ol August next, where they will have increased laediliea lor storing and selling Cotton. Thankful ior the very liberal patronage received the past season, and flattering them selves that they have iu some degree merited the same, they itope it aiU be continued iu their new quarters. ADAMS, JONES i REYNOLDS. june4:3m HAVENS & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail BFOKBELLERS, STATIONERS, And General News Dealers—Triangular Dlock, Cherry Street, ,*lacon, Ga. Ms Mlllf IN DOVER. HAYING secmedjdli* service- of Mr ShlPPEßsniMr. yOHNSOX, two com (retest workmen, we ere prepared to make Shoes of all Kinds and Sires, in tbo very best styles. Farmers citi have their orders filled for plantation shoes to ad vantage. Produce of any kind token in ex change for shdes. Prices for work reasonable. Our ptae'e of, business is the old ‘•fttevegrou’.' stand Vt’I.KEY * SWANSON. Dover, Ga., May 28,, 1868-ts j ROB’T I'ALKNKIt, Q. W. BURR, R. t. WOOI.XOLX. 1 Falkner, Burr & Wooifolk, MANUFACTURERS DF j Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Wholesale and Retail Dealt re in Store*, Grates R Hollow ft'are, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cutlery, Plated Goods, Lames, B'Ushea, and Houre Furnishing Goods, ROOFING, PLUMBING, And jUlKilida OIJOK WORK, No. 46 Third Street, MACOX, D'A, ji»ne4;3m* .—4 V ) - V Glt (ft ■IISJEE.r A to., j Kano Forte Mannfautureis, 4»t» Hroadtvay, .Vent fork. r I''UESE Pianos reeeiveit tire, higbokt award 1 ofmeritat the Wosid'# Fair, over best makers lrom London, Paris, Germany, ths cities oi New York, PJiilatielplri.i, B .lti more snd Boston ; also, the' Gold Medal at tlie American Institute, for Five Successive Years 11 Our contain the french Grand Actfofi, Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, Bhd all moderd improve ments. Every Instmurent warrented five vears. Made under the surpervisiou of M»*. J. 11. GKOVESTEEA, who has a practical experience of ovey thirty five years, and is lire maker of over eleven thousand ptaoofortes. Our facifl'ies ior manufacturing en,abje us to sell these, instruments from flbfi to f-200 cheaper than airy first class piano forte. Aug. 81-lyr THE tJREiT W( UK COMPLETE ! Voi. IV of Victors HistoryJ'd’nl, Political and Military) of the Southern Rebellion is now ready. THIS completes this great National work. It is, by far, the most exhaustive and satisfactory of all the narrative of the late Oivil War. It has the endorsement of numer ous Governors, Members of CiMigreae, Emi - nent Officers and Civilians. It i‘, in fact, the only history of the War worthy of the name. Sold bv Ageffts; or Faflr bv Express to any address on receipt of price, viz : In Muslin blading, J3,2b per volume, In Leather, | t4,CO per volume. Address WM. H. GIFTING, Gen’l Ag’t, Hptuee Street, New York. IW AGENTS, TAKE NOTICEI .This great work being enmpfvsa will n*t:A eotu rnaiid a large circulation. Good Canvassers, male or iensale, can readily realise $lO per day in taking names for if. V.rv liberal comluisgioqs allowed and exclusive territory given. For Circular of particulars address as above. may Mil JAS. D. TURKEY, J'uhlish. r. 4 iio “Grurcui'en Piano I’oilc’ Rec’d the hiehestawafil ol nr oiit at tf.eeade hratod World's Farr, where were exhibi ed Inslnihificte from the best makers of Louden, Paris, German'-,PliiUdr id.ia, Baltimore, Bos ton Itnd New York and also at ihe Amerieau lusiilute for five successive years, the Gold and Silver Medals'ti'om both of which' Can bt‘ seen »t our ware ioqius. tly the introduction of improvenyents we 'make a stilT more perfectTlano-fO'le, atiTby imurSf«ctiß'hi(r largely, with a strictly eaeir system, are euableil to offer these instrument ll at a price which wilT preclude all cent petition. Onr prices ard fsorn SHK) to S2CO cheaper thau vny Hr s class Piano forte. TERMS.—iNkt U*sn in current funds. De scriptive circulais Srkt note- Aog i7,lvear SUPERIOR IMITATION GOLD HUNTING WATONES. The Grolete tt'atch Factory. oTH>rr>fc r*A c K V a l.i wtv discovered Vomposi tion, oujeelves, precisely like ; gold iii appearance, kcepiug ita eyior ay tong us , word, and an well finished as the bent gold once. I These wateiieb are in bunting Okies made at our own Factory, from tin* l>eFt material*, oi the latest aud most approved style», are jeweled and • well finished, trith a view to the best results in regard to wear aud time. For appearance, dura bility, autl tiiiH;, they have never been equaled by watclmp costing bye tunes ac much, p och one warrunfed by special certificate to keep uocurate time. Tricep 6. GentUmeu’sand Jaitlies’ aiaes. | For this siuall sum any urn- cuu have an excel ; lent Watch, euuul iu api»earanco, and as good for j time as a gold one costing $l6O. Oroide C'huina, us well made as those of gold, lroui *2 to ! SO. Goods seut to auy part of the United States ;by f'Xjrrcss. Money need not be sent with the I order, as the bills can be paid when the good* i are delivered by the express. Customers must pay all the express charges, i C. K. COL 1.1 N8 A CO., .17 and 99 Nftssnu st., N! >;.,Opposfte J*. 0., (upstairs). TO^XPot—Whorf six wiitcTies arc ordered at one time, we will send one extra watch, making •oven watches lor ninety dollars, f At TiON\ Hiin e our Oroide wutehee have i attained high a reputation, and the demand for I them lias greatly increased, many persons are i ofFnrhig* consmon and worthless watches lor sale, representing.them to be Oroide Watches, in some instance* staging that they are oar agents. We will stats most positively that we employ no agents, and that no one else can make Orotde ; consequently these representations ore false. The genuiue Uroide Watehe* 'Cam only. bf uUAUed by o”4 l ‘ r fo-P dirtX'Cl/lront ul. angG-ihfte ftl MMONb’ LiVEB RAEULATOR, —the— greatest Known Remedy for LIVER DISEASE, I DYSI'EPSIA, CONSIJ CATION, HEADACHE. J. H. ZEELIN & CO., I Druggists, MACON, GA. Proprietors. t'lT' Sold by all Druggists. June! 88m MIX & KiRTLAND, ■WHOLKSILI AN!) RETAIL DEAI.IBB IN LOOTS & SHOES, And Lratber of all Kinris, i Together with s good Assortment of Shoe Finding, J‘». 3, Colton .frntifo,« juru4:itti MACOX, GA. mm f|||i§ , ;> r ’ • ; f ;: MOULDINGS BRACKETS REAM-MADE SASH GLAZED, ANP AI.L KINDS OF— | | Htl'MV IW» !m* >.ci' ,' ••'! | Ornamental, Cottage, House & ? tore 3 wo tradi it- «.( ui mu ■ ■ - w ' ••; VVoik Jodo to order is the best and latest styles. .*! |*A ’J- n ■ HOUSE AXD KITCHEN FURNITURE Planing, Sawing and Turned Work, Coun ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores. Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, nod with drrpaipb. I 1 will rav to send or call at j Factory, foot of Third, on | Wharf St., Macon, Ga. GREEAVILLE WOOD. I june‘2b;lyw in iTLIOii »i. (> EOKGIA, Ctiihuuii County: J Iu the -upgi ror;o#urt. P-esent, Uie Honorable Davii> A, Yason, Judge ol said Court. JLeuTy H its, Jos. TV. Huberts, ) Mortgage, and jelsC n. Griffin, J Ac. V '-J ffeept. Adj’d. Jolm G. Mi-Culler >. ( i', i in, 1867, IT appearing io the Court by the petition oi liuurv Hays, Joseph W. Roberts, and Jesse 11. Griffin, accoiup.iiiird by note uiid Moiig.i*:e deed, that on the firel rjav of Feb ■] rijafy, Hundred and Fifty Nine, - lie defendant, mad.- in conjiectioa with Jordan B. McCull- rs, h ; s Hen, and delivered to J. 11. Pi: man bis promissory note, bea isg date ihe day and year aforeraid, whereby the defeiidvr.t and his then pariuer, promised, on or before the firs' day of Janua. v r ex', uf-er i ihe date ol said note, to nay J. 11. Pitman or be'nrer, lour hundred dcifls.s for tile hire of aCI r', nr) negro I’e'cr, n.i:h. llr.nry liars, Joseph IV. K rber's, and Jesse 11. Griffin, af securitioe u- said mre, and afterwards, on the d*y mid year afirrr«»id,rhe defendant, for ihe purpose of iiide'ir.i ifyingand , said Hays, Roberu, and Griffiu, securities, in the evi ut of tin ir having lo pay said nme, •just and good remuneration, io make to tin iu j iorAhe monies, which they and each oi them might be compelUd to advance, arid all ex • perr-PF whieh might be inetirred by them, ex , rcutyd and (Lslrrei ed to plaiulifl iu deed of Mortgage, winreby the sajd defendant mort gaged to pl.iirttriD, Town lot ol land, No. twonty-air.e, iu the Town of Morgtu, iu said counry, contain!: g one acre, more or le.-s; and it fdTi her appealing rhat said delen t danr, nciifh*r naid Jordan H. McCuilers has ever paid said no'e. k It is therefoi e 0 dered, that said defendant flo pay into fXurt, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, in- J teresta aud costs on Said not -, or show cause, | if any ho enu, aud that on the failure of the defendant to do so, she equity and redemp tion in and to said mortgaged premises, be forever thereafter debarred and foreclosed And it is ordered, that this rule be published in the Dawson Journal, onoe a month for four months, previous to ihe next teim of this Court, or served on the defendant, his agent or attorney, at least three months before the next term of tins Court, WOOTEN & BECK, Pl’tffs Att’ys. A tru* extract from the minutes of the Court, this April 17rFt, 1868. api3l>4m W. G PIERCE, Clerk. f t EORGlA,Calli«iiii County: vjf In the Superior Court. Present, the Honorable David A. Yason, Judge of said Court. Henry Have, j Jos. W. Roberts, | Mortgage, &c. Jesse 11. Griffin, 1 vs. | r ep t c mb e r Ad- John G J/cCnllers, J jourued Term, 1867. Jordan B. McCuilers. J IT appearing to the Court, by tie petition of Henry Hays, Joseph W. Roberts, and iJe >se H. Griffii, accompanied by note aud j Mortgage deed, 'tint on the firs, day of Feb : ruary, Eighter: Hundred aud Fifty Nine, the I : defendants m md delivered to J II i'it : man, their promissory note, bearing date the j I day and rear aforesaid, wher-by the defer,- ! I danls promised, on or before the first day of 1 I January next, alter the date of said note, to ; pay J. H. Pitman or bearer, the sum of four | I hundred dollars, with Henry Hays, Joseph W. Roberta, and Jesse H. Griffin, as eecuri- i ties, and that afterwards, to wit: On the day aud year aforesaid, the defendants, for the i purpose of indemnifying said Hays, Roberts, 1 ! and Griffin, aeceritiea to the said note, iu the i event ot their having to pay the said no'e, just and good remuneration to make them for the monies which they and each of them might be compelled tv advance, and all ex penses winch might bo Incurred against thrm, tn-ide arid executed to said Henry Hava, Jos eph W. Bob- rts, and Jes.e 11. Griffin, iheir deed of B»or gage, whereby said defendants inprrgiged to |ilatniiffs, Town lot of laud, Nd. (32) tidily.-two, in ihe Town of Afotg.D, in said-county, containing ene hundred and fifty by two hundred feet, more or less. And it further appearing that said note is unpaid, j and that said plaintiffs me held responsible j tor the payment of the same. It is therefore ordered, that ihe said defen dants do puv uiuo Court, on or before the j | first day of the next teiui thereof, the pria j j cipal, interest and cors due on said note, or ; j in default, show cause to the contrary, if any j I they can, ami that on the failure of the Slid j | defendants so to do, thuiquity of redemption in ana to said mortgaged premises, be loiever I 'hereafter dt burred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this rule bc'pnblished in the Dawson Journal, once a month for I four months, previous to tho next term of J tnis Cmirt, or served ou the defendants or ! their Sfecal agent or atto-ney,at leas', three months previous to the next term of this Court. WOOTEN A BE' K, FL’fTs Att’.y | A true extiact Lorn the minutes of the i Court, tliis April 17tb, 1868. ’ nprSOlm W. G. FIERCE, Clerk. ID Ak. W B o ir MAMFACTARING CO. <• a / . 5 * « • >» r * y liail Road Car, Foundry and Machine Works. Orders for Cars Promptly Filled and Wort Guaranteed a ’ - * .' . ~' '^ • 2» ■ <• ] *' *•' «'»•••! be* KOCNDRY t MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. —v»a»I?•>*»! HILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: TJGA.K MILLS 12 ITSTCHESL “ “ 15 i “ “ 18 “ KETTLES, 60 GALLONS. “ • 80 f Kti« f .iwaw “ “ 100 JOIN GEARING, i) EEET. IO « *ldou “ “ . IQ, " * BldfaHM srt •*% ' e r . . .e- rv [ m- C «. W I «W lorn Shfllers, Water Wheels, Smut 111 alls, Wheat Thrashers. Cotloss Presses, Shafting, Pulleys, &c., aVc, Ac. ti *•' * *•’ »'• *•"*' *• '* *' :n '-■ *• *’* ** 74 CW ~ j -• 2 '- » • fJT S 1 Ts r E S K paired, and Ji L A Olv ft M T 'T’TT ort of every kind executed iu the bebt ajuiiiitr. Dressed Lumber Furnished from best Long Leaf Pine. Solicited. Prices to tuit the times. | . . . . . .- - x- Address DAWSON MANUFACTURING CO. DAWSON, GA , June ’25, 1868 —3m Kill, WHY t CO MACON, GA. |( at tho White Corner,) • ! 1 ‘ L . -W WHOLESALE GROCERS j * * ■•- • - - —AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ARE row receiving on 3 of the largest blocks of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ever brought to this Market, which they | will sell to Merchants and Planters ■ 7/ - * ■ / ; • - As low as any House in the city. They have a regular Broker in New York City, with in stiuetiotis to take advantage of any depres. sioos in the Grocery Maiket, and they will endeavor to please all who favor them with their patronage and make it to tbeyr interest also. Our Stock consists of 500 Sacks Liverpool 8»L 100 Barrels Whi-key’s 501) Sacks Virginia Salt. 5 Car Loads Celebrated Whaley Tie 500 Rolls that heavy KtDtucky baggiDg 50 Bales Heavy Gunny B-aging 50 Oases Walker’s Tonic Bitters 500 Sicks Choice Tennessee Flour 120 llfids Bacon—rides aud shoulders 20 Tiurcej Sugar cured llama 100 Sacks IUo tfod Java O' ffca 200 Barrels Sugars, all grades 25 Bbis l'tue Sytup 50 “ Coin*n<u Syrup and M .lar*es 50 Bbls and 100 K.-gs Leaf Lard 200 Candles 150 bcxe-B S 'aps 200 Cases Liquors, imported 100 boxes Candy 100 CaLB Potash •50 “ Pickles 50 Bales Domestics 175 buxes Tobacco, all grades, With every other article usually kept in a Wholesale Grocery Establishment. WE will buy ail the Wool, Hides, Tallow ■ind Wax, that wc can get at Market pi ices for cash. j'im-253tu HIJDUL, J£ 9 S PiIOTOPIiAPRIC TEMPLE macon t , ga. FREE EXHIBITION OPEN ALL DAY, AND UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT. 1 _ o Ticlurc Ciallerj on tbc Firsf FI«or. Ladies snd Gentlemen visiting the city on business or pleasure should not fail to see this Wonderful display of Photographic portrait ure. I A pleasant pi ice to pasi an hour after te«. [ What i* more interesting or entertaining than to gaxe upon besu-tiful pictures F It brings up pleasant remembrances, and you forget youtself for the while. RIDDLE Has the happv gift of making every one look handsome. For who wants an ugly Pic ture ? RIDDLE’S Is the only Gallery in tbe South that em ploys, all the lime, a Miniature Artist to col or his Pictures. RIDDLE Can copj anj son of an old Pictsrs Urzcr or smaller, and make it look better than the original, lie can change tbe style of Dress in a Picture—can add to or remove anjr ap pendages of the head. Das instruments of long and short focuses for making all kinds and sizes of Out Door Views. Has instni* merits for uiakiug Pictures (direct) as LARGE A 8 LIFE OR *■ '.T 'v3 ttii TEN FEET IN LENGTH, IF NECESSARY. •* In fact, there is DO'hing in the /’hotogreph* ic line RIDDLE cannot do. 1I« has taken 33,975 Card Pictures face tbe War. Besides many larger ones. All of whieh tell the tale that Riddle’s Gallery is the plans PIGTURE FRAMES. e Co'd Gilt, Rorewood, Rustic Picturrs Frames and Brackets. Anew lot just ra ceived. Hours for operating, ftoni 8 a. m. to 5 P * rr-p,-r.» ons having childreD to be Fh l1 '*' graphed, will please matte engagements..** TV. J. RIDDLE, ivl6;2ffl rRO T ’ T ' Tr '^”