The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 17, 1868, Image 4

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JIGRICVLTUItyIL. < ■ 1 I !■—== [From the 8 >. Cult!»»'or WORK FOR THE MONTH. In the “olden time/' picking cotton *u the work of tbin mootb« To a very great extent, it will doubtless still con tin oe to be the chief occupation of the Southern farmer during September.— Cotton and money are ao nearly synon ymous with our people, it is hardly nec essary for us to spur them up on the subject of ootion picking. Everybody knows that the fiields should be picked over rapidly, to keep the lint from be coming trashy and stained by rain \Y here the cotton opens rapidly, hire as many extra hands as you can work to advantage—’twill be true economy in the end. American cotton is sought af ter for its good quality ; other countries can produce inferior oottons obeaper than we can. Let every attention, therefore, beto gathering the crop and preparing for the market in the best style. Sun well all that is damp. Buy a good gin, if you havo not one, and do not spare ging, in making neat, weil-covored bales. Do not throw your cotton seed out of doors snd lose half of their value as ma nure. Keep them under shelter until you are ready to plow them in, (which can be done at aDy time in fall or win ter, without daDger of their germinat ing,) or until you are ready to kill them in someone of the many ways suggested by articles which we have already pub lished. But whilst looking well after the eot ton crop, let us not forget that there are other things which elaim attention now. Fall oats should be pat in this month. Sown now, they are not apt to be ‘winter killed’*- are not so liable to rust as spring oats, snd will largely exoeed the latter in productiveness. We would Strongly urge upon our readt rs to de - vote all the land they oanjo-ffetr ciop ” if fromany cjujggtEeysbould fail, the ~fkutifwill be known soon enough next spring to allow the land to be planted in corn or some other orop. Are not two chance* better than one ? This al so, it will be remembered, is the time for sowing grass snd clover, when not mixed with a small grain crop. Plow and harrow the land well, sow seed snd oover with a roller or brush. Barley, Bye or Oat lots should be Beeded down now, to furnish winter grasing. Ite member that the retarding effect upon growth of the winter cold, can only be counteracted by having the ground ex ceedingly rich ; and that no labor or ex peoditure pays tbe farmer better than such lots properly prepared. Save all the bay you can, whether gras yie vine or clover. Our people never have forage enough to winter stock properly. Let tbe picture of the P< or, starved cattle be seen every spring awaken your sympathy and stir you up to “making bap while tbe can sbices.” As opportunity offers, gather in corn.— The sooner this is done after it is dry, the better; tod if you are building a crib this year, be sure to set it some dis tance above the ground, and cover the poets on whioh it rests with old tin or sheet iron, upon which rats cannot climb, and see to it that there are no projec tions about the tops of these posts, or the lower part of the crib upon which a rat could stand • A lady parting from her husband in the cars, says the Boston Traveler, got off the following in one breath : “Good.bye, Will; write to me every day, won’t you ; I’ll expect a letter three times a week any way. Take good care es my Sunday school class, for I’ll want it when I come back. If Miss Smith calls don't give her more than fifty cents, for we have to support our own church, you know. Don’t forget to biing my silk dress and my other shoes. Come as soon as you can. Good bye. Don’t forget your cane, and let your moustaohe grow. $3,000 a Day. — Only three thousand dollars a day lor the privilege of bear ing negro speeches! Cheap, cheap, very eheap. Gentlemen of the House, there is reason in sll things, and all nonesense must came to an end. The people are too poor to afford the luxury yon are now enjoying, and we respect fully suggest than you put on the cut water, close the valves and dam up the leak. Your magnanimity has been abused, and your liberality is used as a license for rubbery. A word to the wise is sufficient.— At Comtitutum. A negro member of the Georgia Leg islature entered the ladies’ car on a railroad train near Macon the ether day The conductor ordered him oqi, but uj« on his refusing to go, he was given one minute’s time to consider between eom plianceand a smashed head. When the time had nearly expired ho picked up his carpet-bag, and sneaked out into the negri s car. Upon arriving at Mil - len he was seen to enter the negro’s car on the Augusta train They do things out West on a some what magnificent scale, a prairie far mer in 111 nois advertises for contrac tor* to break up four thousand acres prairie land for three dollars an acre houses and lumber for stables furnished. TANARUS! is is farming on a seale hardly ap preciated in this section of the oountry. The advertiser, however, is the owner fa forty thousand acre farm. c C3T “Does the dentist kies vouj when he pulls your teeth, pa f * “No, my eon ; why V “Oh, nothing, only he kissed ma, and sbe said it took the ache all uway, HDd I guess it did, for she laughed all tbe way home.” A. A. Knight, a full Mooted carpet bagger, elected, by negroes to the Florida Senate, recently offered a res olution in that body that the Radical papera in that State must be sup; ort ed, and that ‘all the low, dirtv, insult ing Democratic papers be set on fire and burnt up.* t.w.freeman&co, Wholesale snd Retail Dealtre In CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, FINS BRANDIES WINES, Tobacco, Cigars, &c — AL O- Fish and Oysters in The cason. 88 Cherry Street, : : Macon, Ga. juoft 26;3m ISAACS HOUSE, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT t Cherry St., Macon, Ga. E. ISAACS, : i : Proprietor. lyFret Coach to and from Hotel. Sri m. j. peteh; BUCCEBBOR TO PETER & BLACKSHEAR Wholesale k Retail Druggists. frarOrders Solicited. A T T IS N T ION. COTTON PLANTERS k SHIPPER I *. H OULFOLH, WALKER A CO Successors ro woolfolk * an- DERSON, at the Harris & Ross Ware house, would respectfully call the attention o their planting friends and cotton shippers generally, to the fact they h«ve formed a co partnership under the shore style, for the transaction of a WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BJJS’ijNESS, pWdg'wg JjftiiiHefVi g to give ti ' ...JiVttted attention to the inters TSSmvftheir patrons. We will make liberal advances upon cotton in store, and will also 611 all ordere for our customers with promptness and dispatch. We solicit your favors. JAS. A. WOOLFOLK. JOEL A. WALKER. aug2o JNO. F. HAFER. fm W. A.. Ls TTE E. WHOLESALE DEALER BACON, CORN, FLOUR, OATS, PEAS, MEAL, SAGGING, TIES, ROPE, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, SYRUP, SALT, Etc., Etc., TIMS PRICES. I am now selling, to all good patties, Corn and Bacon on time,as follows: Bacon Sides 19J cents payable IS October Bacon Shoulders 16$ “ « Corn |1 40 per bushel. Warehouse acceptance is all that is required. CASH PRICES, Bacon Sides at 18f cents. Bacon Shoulders at 15£ cents. Corn at $1 25 per bushel. W. A. HUFF. I have a lar?e stock of heavy Gunny Bag Rope and Ties of every description, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Lard, Hams. Salt etc., all of which I will sell LOW FOR CASH! OK TIME, with a small per cent, added. W .A. HUFF. FHOTJR, I have now the largest and most select stock of Flour in Macon, and at the following prices: 220 sacks Superfine at $4 50 per sack. 290 sacks F.xtra at 6 50 “ 800 sacks Family it 6 50 '* 276 sacks Fancy at 7 50a8 00 SALT, I have on hand 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, for sale at $3 00 per sack. BRAN. 25,000 pounds Wheat Bran for sale at $1 25 per hundred pounds. W.A HUFF. WOODRUFF WAGONS, -AND— WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGIES I am consiantly receiving these beautiful and cheap Vehicles, and will sell at JVew York cost and carriage, for CASH, or oi time, if parties desire, adding simple inter. s> for the time desired. No sales made for a longer time than the first of December W A MUFF. aug2o lm CORN AND BACON —OK TIME— OR FOR THE CASH! WE Propose to sell to lie consumer' of Terrell county, Bacon and Corn ON TIME, for approved acc' rtancet. We will oxohanyn, when drsire.d, Bacon for cotton, tskiug security for delivery ol the cotton. For particulars, apply to LAWTON & LA WTOM, 4th Street, Macon, Os. june2s;Bm TANNERY. IV connection with my Tannery, I have opeued a large SHOE MANUFACTORY! O nthesouth tide public square, where all or derstor work Or Leather will meet with pojmptatten tion. W. W. LEE. Dawson, Qa. March 19, 1869»tf. w j lawton, j ii lawton. a r Lawton. LAWTON & LAWTON, Fourth Street, Macon. Ga. WHOLESALE PRODUCE, COTTON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bagging, Ties, Rope, Bacon, Corn, Hay, Flour, Meal, Tobacco, etc., constantly on hand. jpWHaVe ample facilities for the Storage and Sale of COTTON, OFI Liberal advaucea made on Cotton and Pro duce. CottOD held at a reasonable rate of interest when parties wish to draw on it aud await higher figures. Agents for the sale of Houston Factory Sheeting. jue2s;3m BROWN HOUSE.. E. E. BROWN A SON, Fourth St., Opposite PasseDgcr Depot, Macon, Georgia. FROM the Ist of July the business of this House will be conducted by E. E. Brown & Son, tiie Senior having associated his son, Wm. F- Brown, in the management and in terest of tbe Hotel. The house contains sixty rooms, which sre reserved chiefly for the use of travellers and transient guests. Competent assistants have been ee* cured jo ewydepartment, and eve ry attention will be paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and the table always supplied with the best the country affords. Porters attend arrival and departure of all trains to convey baggage and conduct passengers across the street to their quarters. july27,tf T 9 SOUTHERN MERCHANTS —AND— PLANTERS! "YYTE have an immense Stock of Staple and V V Fancy DRY GOODS. Boots Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Yankee No ions. Hosiery, Bleached and Biown Domest'cs! Prints, both English & American manufacture. Lumens and Cottonades, Stripe”, Plaids, Osnaburgs, Macon and Houston XX Brown Domestics, Rock factory and other brards. 78 Brnwn Domestics. Also Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Candle*, Candy, Raisins, Sardines, Scape, Starch, Pickles, Plan. Bittera, Schiedam Schnapps, Ginned Fruits, Spice, Pepper, Oirger Cotton 6’ards, PoTjdor, Sint, Caps, Wrappine Paper, Ball Thread, Clears, Gun Care, Pook-jt and Tabie Cutlery, Tubs Buckets, Brooms, Hollow W ere, Iron, Flour, Whiskey, in casks and bbls., etc. etc, Which we offer at unusually low prices, and especially solicit orders from Cash or 6hort time good paying custoroeis. We are deter mined not to be undersold by any Bouse in Middle Georgia. S. U. ROSS dc SON., wholesale dealers in DRY GOODS AND GROCFRIES 96 Cherry, cor. Sd street, MACON, Ga. junell;Bm* MART I CORD, DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron and tecl, Na ils, Agricultural Implement*, Carriage Materials, Rubber and Leather Belting, Circular and Mill Saws, Bolting cloths, Mill Stonos, Cotton Gins and Screws, Paint*, Oil*, Glass, Ami Tools of every description, at their Iron Front Store. 50 Cherry St, : : MACON, GA. june 25;3m PROPERTY FOR SALE. ABOUT Three Hundred Acres of good pins lsnd lying in and adjoining Daw eon, Terrell oonntv, Ga., also three Store Houses and a dwelling in said town, which will be sold low. For further particulars inquire of Fm. Coker, Esq., of Dawson, who will act as my representative in the sale. &c. aug2o 3m* KOBT. J. HODGES. BETTER THAN GOLD I OCR NEW INDESTRUCTIBLE GOLDEN PENS. Are recommended by Banker., Lawyers, Profes sors, Teachers, Merchants, and all who have tried them, as the best Pen manufactured. They are uon-oorrosive, and manufactured with the greatest care, rendering them more durable than any pen now before the public. Sent post-paid to any address for 75 cents per box. containing one dozen. Orders containing money for the same sent at our risk. Do not forget to try them. M. McALPIN A CO. Louisville, Ky. Please state where you aaw thi. adverti.tment. Juaelktm, sim m HAVING seemed the service* of Mr SKIPPER and Mr. JOHNSON. tw. competent workmen, wo are prepared to make Shoes of All Kinds and Sizes* In the very best styles. Farmers can have their orders filled for plantation ehoes to ad vantage. Produce of any kiud taken in ex change for ihoea. Prices for work rpaßonubk. Our place of business is the old ‘'Stevenson” stand MULKEY & SWANSON. Dover, Ga., Mey 28, 1868—ts GROFESTEEJC 8 Cos., Piano Forte Manufacturers, 499 Broadway, JCeu) York. r I''BESE Pianos received the highest award X ofmerit at the World’s Fair, over the beat makers from London, Paris, Germany, the cities of New York, Philadelphia. Bdti more and Boston ; also, the Gold Medal at. the American Institute, for Five Successive Years 1! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all modern improve ments. Every Instrument warrented five vears. Made under the surperviaion of Mr. J. H. GItOVLSTEEN, who has a practical expetience of over thirty five years, and is the maker of over eleven thousand pianofortes. Our facilities lor manufacturing enatile us to sell these instruments from SIOO to 4200 cheaper than any first class piano forte. Aug. Sllyr THE GREAT W(RK COMPLETE! Vol. 1V of Victor't History ( Civil , Political and Military) of the Southern Rebellion is note ready. r |''HlS completes this great National work. L It is, by far, the most exhaustive aDd satisfactory of all the narratives of the late Civil War. It has the endorsement of numer ous Governors, Members of Congress, Emi nent Officers and Civilians. It is in fact, the only history of the War worthy of the name. Sold by Agents; or sent by Express to any address on receipt of price, viz: In Muslin binding, $3,25 per volume. In Leather, $4 CO per volume. Addresa WM. H. GIFFING, Gen’l Ag’t, 13 Spruce Street, New York. ty A GENTS, TA KE NOTICE I This great work being complete will now com mand a large circulation. Good Canvassers, male or female, can readily realize $lO per day jo taking n.»*».»» for At. Tleif Jiberal commissions allowed and exclusive territory given. For Circular of particulate address as above. may2Btf JAS. D. TORREY, Publisher. The “Groveslcen Piano Forle’ Rec’d tbe highestaward of m eiit at the cele brated World’s Fair, where weie exitibi ed instrument* from the best makers of Londsn, Paris, Ge*tnanv,Phitade phia, Baltimore, Bos too and New York and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the Gold and Silver Medals ttom both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-fete, and by manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instrument* at a price which will preclude all competition. Our prices are from SIOO to S‘2CO cheaper than v.ny firs class Piano forte. TERMS.—iNxt Caen in current funds. De soriptive circulars sts> T fpke. Aujt 17,1 year SUPERIOR IMITATION GOLD HUNTING WATCHES. The Oroide W*atch Factory. OROIDE CASES, a uwwly die covered composi tion, known only to ourselves, precisely like gold la appearance, keeping its color as long as worn, an i as well iinished as the best gold cues. These watchus are in hunting made at our own Factory, from the best materials, of the latest and most approved styles, are jeweled and Well finished, With a view to the best reshits iu regard to wear ar.d time. For appear an e, dura bility, and time, ♦bey Lave never bee* equaled by watches costin-r five times as much, i acb cue warranted by special certificate to keep accurate time. Price Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ sizes For this small sum any one etv ha 3 «r> excel lent watch, equal in appearance, uri as good for time as a gold one costing siso. Alto Oroide Chains, as wed made as those oi gold, from to $5. Goods sent to any part of the United States by express. 31 cue) nt**l not be sent with the order, us the bulls can be paid when the goods are delivered by the express. Customers must pay all the express charges. C. K. COLLI N S A CO., 37 and 39 Nassau st., I?I Y.,Opposite P. 0., (up-stairs). TO CLUBS—Where six watches are ordered at one time, we will send one extra watch, making seven watches lor ninety dollars. IyCAHTIOX. Since our Oroide watches have attained so high a reputation, and the demand iof them has greatly increased, many oersons are offering common and worthless watches lor sale, representing them to be Oroide Watches, in some instances stating that they are our agents. We will state most positively that wc employ no agents, and that no one else can make Oroide; consequently these representations are false. The genuine Oroide Watches can only be obtained by o-dering directly from us. augG-JB6d SIMMONS 5 LIVER REGULATOR j —THE— Greatest Known Remedy For LIVER DISEASE, DTSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE. J. H.ZEILIN & CO., Druggists, MACON, GA Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists. junelßSm HARDEMAN & SPARKS TO THE PLANTERS IN Middle <lc Southern Geoagia FOR TWENTY YEARS we have served you, we believe faitbfullf. Our success depends upon your prosperity ; hence we have zealously sought to promote yout inter, est and advanoe it by every means in our power. As Commission Merchants we again tender you our services, at our old stand, which has withstood (he fismes of a bnrning square (hereby proving its security,) and where we hope to merit the very liberal pat ronage always given us. The salts ;f Cotton is our speciality. Wr fl 'iter ourselves none can excel us. To old friends we return ihanke ; to new oues, try us, we will try to please you. Usual accomodations given to enable you to make a crop. THOS. HARDEM AN, Je. July 16:3m O. G. SPARKS. J 013 WORK Dune ffVth .Vealnraa and IBs (NffrA at THIS OFFICE SASH, lUK’UIKETS RKADY-MADE SASH GLAZED. AND ALL KINDS OF — Ornamental* Cottage, Housed More Work done to order in tbe best and latest styles. HOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Planing , Sawing and Turned Work, Coun ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores. Repairing of all binds done cheaply, and «ith dispatch. It -ill pav to send or call at Factory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf St., Macon, Ga. GREENVILLE WOOD. june2sjlyw ADAMS. WASHBURN l CO FACTORS and Commission Merchants, OFFICE No 3 Stoddard s Lower Range, july 80 ts SAVANNAH. GA- Correspondent at Dawson, Ga., S. R. WESTON D. R. Adams, Os Eatonton, Ga. H. K. JFaehburn, Os Savannah, Ga. A. A. Adams, Os Americue, Ga. Terrell County: X Whereat*, Joseph SStevensou applies to me for letters of administration on estate ct J/is. J/ gg’o Stevenson, late of said coun ty, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persons to be and appear at my office wiib io (he time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, wby said letters should not be granted. Given under mv h*nd and official sigDa urc, (his Aug 18, 1868. T. M.,/ONES, auglß-80d* Ordinary. Postponed TERRELL SHERIFF SILLS TT/ILLbe so'd before the Court Iluu-o T V door, in Dawson, said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, wiihin the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Oue half interest in lour Siore Rooms in the Loyless Block, Nos. 1, S, 4 and 5 : No. 1, occupied bv .V. H Perples, N>. 3, by Har rison Rogrnp, No. 4, by Wiliiam Wooten, and No 5, !>y Lovless & Wall. One half interest in tire Ware Bouse, aud lot known as me res. idet.po of E. 11. Loyleas, containing six acres, more or less; one house and lot, known as the McLin lot, and now occupied by Mrs. Sanders, containing one ac"e, more or less ; one house and lot known as the house and lot where J E Lovless now resides, contain ing two acres, more or less; oue house and lot known as the Brantley Academy lot, con taining five acres, more or less ; one lot con taining ten acres, more or less, lying North of L. M. Roberts. Ail of (he above being in the town of Dawson, Terrell county, Ga , lev ied on as ihe property of Elliot B Loyless to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said countv, in favor of Deleware Morris vs Elliott B. Lovless, maker, and John Boyd, endorser, for the use of John B. Ciim. Prop erty pointed out by John B. Critn. aug6:tds S. F. LasSETER, Sh’ff. ASIATIC CHOLERA IN CHINA. Almost Every Case Cured With PAIN KILLER. Read the following letter from Rev. R. Tel ford, Missionary to Chi-.a, now visiting his borne iu Pennsylvania: Washington, Pa, June 25, 1866. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R. I. —Dear Sirs : During a residence of some ten years as a missionary in Siam and China, I found your Vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy lor that fearful scouige the cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it moat effectual to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweet ened with sugar; hen after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a tablespoonful of the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the ex tremities. Bathe the stomach with Pain Kil ler, clear, and rub the limbs briskly. Ol those who bad the cholera and look the medicine failhtully in the way stated Hbove, eisht out of ten recovered. Truly Tours, R. Telford. In an attack with Diarrhea.!, Dysentery, or Cramp Cholic, don’t delay the use of the Pain Killer. Sold by all medicinj dealers. Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Swatow, China, Sept. 22, 1865. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son : Dear Sti s—l ought, to have acknowledged long ago the box of Pain Killer you had the goodness to send us last year. Ils comiDg was most prov idential. I believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. The cholera ap peared here soon after we receivrd it. We resorted at once lo the “Paie Killer,” using as directed for cholera. A list was kept of all to whom the “.Pain Killer” was given, and our native assistants assures us that eight out of every ten t» whom it was prescribed re covered. It has, too, been very useful in va rious other diseases. It has ptoved an incal culable blessing to multitudes of poor people, throughout all this region. Our native preach ers are never willing to go out on ttivir ex cursions without a supply of the “Pain Kill er." It gives them favor in the eyes of the people, and access to families and localities by »hom otherwise they would be indiffer ently received. Believe me, dear sir, grate fully and faithfully yours, etc. J. M. Johnson, Mieaionaryin China aptSo’*Bly ID .A. W SOU MANUFACTURING CO. Rail Road Car, Foundry and Machine Works. Orders for Cais Promptly Filled and Work Guaranteed, FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. HILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: BUGA.R MILLS 12 INCHES. “ “ 15 “ “ 18 “ KETTLES, 60 GALLONS. “ “ 80 “ “ 100 GUST GEARING, 9 EEET. * “ lO “ “ 12 Corn Shelters, Water Wheels, Smut IWills, W heat Thrashers, Cotton Presses, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Ac., Ac, INGINES Repaired, and BL ACTCSAfTTIT <UaJ Work of every kiud executed iu the best manner. Dressed Lumber Furnished from best Long Leaf Pine, Orders Solicited. Prices to suit the times. Address DAWSON MANPF ACT URING CO. DAWSON, GA , June 25, 18C8—3tn SKIMRIM MACON, GA. ( at the White Corner, ) WHOLESALE GROCERS AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ARE now receiving on 3 of the largest Blocks of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ever brought to this Market, which they will sell to Merchants and Planters As low as any House in the city. They have a regular Broker iu New York City, with in structions to take advantage of any depres sions m the Grocery Jdatkei, and they -ii! endeavor to please ail who favor them with their patronage and make it to their interest also. Our Stock consists of 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt 100 Barrels Whiskey’s 500 Saoks Virginia Salt. 5 Car Loads Celebrated Whaley Tie 500 Rolls that heavy Kentucky bagging 50 Bales Heavy Gunny B-eging 50 Oases Walker’s Tonic Bitters 500 8 icks Choice Tennessee Flour 120 Hhde Bacon-sides and shoulders 20 Tierccj Sugar tured Haros 100 Sacks Rid and Java Coffee 200 Barrels Sugars, all grades 25 Uhls Fine Syrup 50 11 Common Byrup and Molasses 50 Bbls and 100 Kegs Leaf Lard 200 Boxes Candles 150 boxes Soaps 200 Cases Liquors, imported 100 boxes Candy 100 CaLS Potarh 50 “ Pickles 50 Bales Domestics 175 boxes Tobacco, all grades, With everv other article usually kept in a Wholesale Grocery Establishment. WE will buy all the Wool, Hides, Tallow and Wax, that we can get at Market prices for caab. june 253 m KIDDLE’d mum tipis MACON, GA. FREE EXHIBITION OPEN ALL DA ST, AND UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. Uiflure Gallery on Ihe First Floor. Lading and Gentleman viuirinp the city on business or pleasure should not fail to nee thin Wonderful display of Photographic portrait ure. A pleasant place to paF§ an hour after ten. What i« more interesting: or entertaining than to upon beau-tiful picture* ? It biirign up pleaaant Pemembrances, and you forgot yoniself for the while. RIDDLIS Has the happv gift of making every one look handsome. For who want* an ugly Pic ture f RIDDLE’S la the only Gallery in the South that em ploys, all the time, a Miniature Artist to col or bis Pictures. RIDDLE Can copy any sort of an old Picture larger or emaller, and make it look better than the original. He can change the style cf Dress in a Picture—can add to or remove any ap pendages of the head. Has instruments of long and short focuses for makiDg all kinds and sizes of Out Door Views. Has inane meals for making Pictures (direct) as LARGE AS LEFE OR TEN FEET IN LENGTH, IF NECESSARY. In fact, there is nothing in the Photogripb 1 ic line RIDDLE cannot do. He has taken 23,975 Card Pictures ioce the Mar* Besides many larger ones. All of tell the tale that Riddle’s Gallery is the pl» ce PICTURE FRAMES. e Gold Gilt, Rosewood, Rustic P Frames and Brackets, Anew lot just oeived. Hours for operating, from 8 a. m. to • P HgTPcrsons havin g children to bo 1 graphed, will please make engagements JV. j. RIDDLK’, jylfl;2m PROPRI^O 1 ”