The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 01, 1868, Image 3

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DAfrON JOURNAL' Local Column, JET Bubscbibkus will please bear io mind that we are oompeiled to pay oub for our material, cash fir oar labor, cash for board, and caao for everything we oee. Y”U surely oan’i expeot us to furnish you with a paper without the cash. We therefore respeoifully ask you to come up and settle for your sub scription. Those who are due for their piper prior to January Ist, 1868, will be allowed to the 14th of Oatober to scl'le. Those living at a distanoe may send in registered letters, or per Ex press at our risk and expense. Sub scribers will know who the above ap pl es to, by a cross X being attached to their names. We b >pe delinquent sub scriber* will conform 'o the above re qtest; o herwisc your paper will bo discontinued after Ostober 14th 1868. Important to Cottoaa Plauters. 1» sniers will please h. ar in tniud tbai LOYLES3 k GRIFFIN have the largest, bent, and moat oentrally lo cated Warehouse in our town ; and are prepared to mike liberal advance* of Ca*h, or Merchandise of any kind on all COT I ON stored with them, or shipped to their f-ifciids in Savannah or New York You who have given liens and morgages 0D your orops and do not wish to seli at the present prices, will find it to your interest to brieg your Cotton to them They will advance wba' money yot need, and hold y n ur cotton until the prices suit you. Briog along your Cotton,they will treat you as liberally a* any Warehouse men in our town, LOYLKSB & GRIFFIN. Sept. 10, ts. GEORGIA) Terrell County. I OkdisakvV Office tor hum Loui.t) ) 1 T. M Jones, Ordinary in ands r •uid do hereby certify that I bavs'tbis day tecleJ the Scales u*ed by Messrs. Loyless & (iriffiu for the pur pose «>f weighing Cotton at their W arehouse and tiud them to bo cor reel; said weights balancing with the standard weights ot tue State of Geor gia, in my office lor the use of Terrell county. In witoess, whereof, I have hereto signed my name officially aud affined the seal OI my office. T. M. JONES, Ord’y 'leirell County. Sept. 28th, 1868 J£3£T’ Merchants aud Planters visit ing AUeun from South Wostern Geor gia, will do well to call on Messrs John s >u Campbell k (Jo., examine tbeir i e v, and well selected stock of family Groce ries, which they are offering to the pub lie at very low figures for cash. Dju’i fail to call on them if you want goods cheap. See their advertisement in an other column. Frank Leslie— W e call atieutioo to those who love to read beautiful, interesting and thrill ing s'ories, to subscribe for Frink Les lie’s Cb rnoey Corner and illustrated paper. Price $4 per annum. Also F.auk Leslie’s Boys & Girls Witk : y, and reoouimeod it to the boys *td girls of our oi'y aud surr uuding country. Prioo $2 50 per annum. Frau a Leslie’s Lady Mags sine of Factions is at band, with its beautiful i-sbiona for the Mouth. Price $3 50 per annum £3r Tii '■« wbo want b<Bid on re«- •oueo.e itiuid, amide ire tu 'derate ex «reii>e eta rec.ivo tnioruiatioa by apply ing »t thU L&ca InprtiTcmenU Uur town is gradually improving.— We notice as tbe bu-imss set son opens that building inert usee. Tbe carpenters hammer may be beard in and ffirent por tions of the town. There are two stoie roums on tbe east side > f Main Street, owned by Moser.-. J. W. R bom & Cos., whieb are rapidly approaching comple tion. The largo i tore bouse mxt to tbe hotel, owned by Mr. W. W. Lee, i» undergoing repairs; one room has beeo fiuiauod and rc ocoupud by its farmer tenants, tbe vacant room is also being fitted np for busiutss. On tbe nor,beast o-rner of tbe public square, Capt. John P Allen is Suing np his grist mill, that the hungry may have bread ;be is also making some access •tons to his wood shop. Wo also no tioj that l ime new side walks have been made, which rtflcn much credit on om energciio Marshall. The fellow Pierce whom the negroes n week or two ago nominated for Con gress, at Albauy, was Freedman’s Bu re*u Agent'et Bmithville, and he has eat®* Coining, says the Early County ■bluet, but atolen bread and meat for the last year, and kept the company of none but nigger bucks and wenches. This will, of course, insure him the while dirty Radical vote. He is from Ken *uoky, where he served s long time in a bounty jail J. ir hog; stealing. ~ L An ewbr ge 6iji: ® and Grant that we may See more P»'riotism during the next four years * »n we have seen in the past, and that w bile the greet American people deal to Colrifactt, they may learn how mneb l^**r *“terest it is to encourage a lit- markets by Telegraph. Nsw York, * P. M.—Cotton demind fair ; Firm at 254- Sales 600 biles, Gold 4 lp. DAWSON MARKET REPORT Corrected weekly by J. L. TUCKER & BRO. OROCSRS AMI COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COITOAT, 11.40 Ot, 1.40@1 *6 SIL ns.ll, l.*o(8l 86 GROCERIES Jc PROVMVN*. R-#CC>»V—Clear aides (i-moked) 21 (822 Clear ribbed sides (smoked) (8 -0 Shoulders, 17@I8 Hams (plain,) @2* C«nv<«s*ed h»ms, (-ugar cured) @25 COFF££-Pii«u Rio, @3* Good Kio, @:<o Ordinary Rio, @2B SUOullt- (According to grade) 16@25 TEod— Black, @1.50 Green, @2.25 Young Hyson, 1.50@2.00 HIVE— @l6 F'JLltUß— Superffoa, @<>.6o Extra, @7.'M) Family, @8 oO L.I RU 24 @25 EISU-M. ckerel hf. bis. 12 * sli @l2 Marketel iu Kiis, 4.50 Whi rtlah p.-r S>. 12A@16 BUTTER— Goshen, @oo Couulry, 2.’<@3o EGGS— , 16@20 CHIC REJTS — 16@25 RFA'Mf’JA- 26@30 @io b r« cp— 76@i.00 W'MJTEUUR- 05 80 SeAE'l' Liverpool, s4 oO Virginia, «8 60 VT'UiStLE I”—Com. Rye, * 00s 4 00 Corn, 2 so»* 00 Fine Neolar, 6.00.8 OO TO BeAU CO— Common, 50a 7 6 F<ne, I.ooa 1.60 GfltlM'-Corn (western) el *6 Corn (country) a1.2” JItEUL 1. tOat.6o Rag gin, Rope, ts Tit*. Baooino, Gunnt— 28) <3B Kemucky, aSO Iron Tit*. Buckle, »sl2i Ror«— alo The Apppolutments On the Dawson Circuit will be filled as follows for the year 1868. DAWSON, Ist Sunday, Revs. T. T. Christian and H. V. Molkey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. L G Evans. 3rd “ “ T T. Christian. 4th “ “ A. L. Hamilton. DOVER, Ist Sunday, Rev. John Skipper. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, Rev. J J Session*. 4th “ “ H. V. Mulkey. NEW HOPE, Ist Sunday, Rev. James Spence. 2nd “ “ (Vacant at present.) 3rd “ “ H. V. Mulkey. 4th “ “ T. T Christian and L. G. Evans. CHICK AS AWHATCHEE, Ist Sunday, Rev. Wm. Hay*. 2nd “ “ John J. Sessions. 3rd “ “ Tbos. L. Speight. 4th " “ Tbos. T. Christian and L. G. Evans. PLEASANT GROVE, Ist Sunday, Rev*. Tbos. T. Christian aud H. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. James Spenoe. 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4th “ Rev. Wm Hays. BETHEL, Ist Sunday, Rev Tbos. L. Speight. 2ud “ (Vaoant) 3rd “ Rev. L. G. Evans. 4th “ (Vacant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, Rev Tbos. T. Christian. SALEM, l*t Sunday, Rev. L. G Evan*. 2nd “ •* T. T. Christian and H V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, (Vacant.) 4th “ *• Special •Yoliccs. TO COJTSVMTMWES. The REV. KDWRD WILSN Will aenp (free of charge) to all who desire It, the preecrlp tion with the directions for making and using the simple remedy bjr which he was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consump tion. His only object la to benefit tba affliced and he hopes every sufferer will try this proscription as it will cost them nothing, and may proves blessing. Please address REV. EDARD . ILSN. Wo. 165 So tit h Second Street, WtlUamsboroni h New York. 42 tsa-, ATTENTION. COTTON PLANTERS k SHIPPERS \1 OOLFOLK, WALKER * CO OUrTKSPORS TO WOOLFOi.E 4 aN- O DERSON, at tbe Harris 4 Ross Ware home, woulu respectfully call tbe alteeiion o ■ heir planting friends and cotton shippers generally, to tbe fact they hive formed a co partnership under the above t yle, for the traneiction of a W A REHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, pledging tb.mselv.s to give their undivided attention to tbe inters esra ol their pinions. We wtil make liberal advances upon cotton in store, and wit) also 611 all orders for ovr customer* with promptness and dispatch. W« solicit your favors. JAR. A. WOOLFOLK. JOEL A. WALKER. augSO JNO. F. HAFER. tm BROWN HOUSc. E. E. BROWN dfc SON, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Macon , Georgia. FROM the Ist es July the business «f tbl* House will be conducted bv E. E Btowa & Son, the Senior having associated bis sou, Wm. F Brown, in the management and in terest, of the Hotel. The house contains slaty rooms, whieb are reserved chiefly for the use of travellers and transient guests Competent assistants have been se~ cured in every d-partment, and eve ry attention will he paid to enaure comfort to their oaetomera. Rooms clean and airy, and the table always supplied with the best the country affords. Porters sttend arrival and departure of all trains to convoy baggage and conduct passengers aerate the street re their tjwsrfsrs. HAVEALWAYS on HAND FLOUR, of ail Grade*, JfIEoIE, GRITS , RR*IJT, SHOR FS, and CO W-FEER. ALSO, THE FAMOUS SELF-RAISIN G- SFLLOTJSR, M«ijrVF*ICTURED TO OR BAR , ZN ANY SIZED PACKAGES Bavin reoeotly added new Machinery, and given our Mill a thorough overhauling, wo are ® now fully prepared to make Flour, which we will guarantee to suit the moat faatidioua. Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Cases . Or money refunded. ryHighest market Price paid for Wheat, flcl BLEDSOE & CO . j,30«2m SCHOFIELD’S HIN THIS, ADJOINING THE PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GEORGIA.. schofieldT patbiii cotton press .Patented September 3d. ISGT. rpHIS PRJYSS most commend Ittelf to the Cotton Pl»nterß of Georgia for Ilf Durability I Simplicity of Cona’ruction, and the ease with which it ran be operated by either Hand Horse, Water, or steam Power—the charge from oue to the other being effected in e lew minutes. . Another gnat advantage which this Press possess is, it take* up so little room thst it may be placed in and iud in the Gm U«u-e, thus saving much extra labor and loss of lime, the Coiton being placed in H as fast as giuned. Occupying but little space, and kept out of the weather, this press la very durable, end not liable to gel out of order, both the Screw and the Flame bring of wrought iron. These presses are all pul up complete and perfect betore leaving my e tabliahment, thus putting the purchaser io uo extia trouble and expense iu procuring a man to pot them in running To show with what favor and satisfaction these Presses have been received the past sea son, I append the following certificates and names, among many others, of gemlemen who have used them : Houston Cobntt, Giceoia, June Ist, 1868. Mr. J 8- Seohfield, if aeon, Oa : Dear Sir lu leply to <our note of the 15th ult., I have this to sav in regard to your Patent cotton Screw : "IT FILLS TUL BILL,” and is all you c'aim lor i’. I regard it au perior to any Press I have seen. I am, very respectfully, E. H. EZ&’LL. Houston County, Ga., June 2d, 1668. Mr. Schofield Macon, Georgia : Dear Sir— Your Uvor at hand. lam well pleased with your Cotton Pres*. For pow r and durability I don't tbinß it can be excell and. Very icspccituliy, J. W. Wimberly . Axsaiccs, Ga , June I4tb, 18fi8. Mr J. 8 Sch-field Macon : t , . Ola a Sib —W« are in receipt nf your letter and ia reply, say that the Screw is a perfect sncoi-se, and I have do doubt will have ready Sale. We can pack l,o<m lbs in an ordinary site bale with tour bands. Very Respecifully, yours, J. R. PRICK 4 BON. Hoots Caxix, Wilcox Cocrrr, June 25th, 1868. Mr. J. S Schofield, Macon, Georgia : g,B Tbe <7.i ton Press I buug, tof you last fall, works well ; snd lam vary well pleas ed with it. I packed with it about one hundred bales ot Catton. | I consider the Preee su derior to all otheis for packing cotton, at it can be worked with lea# labor, and Will pack as heavy bales as soy farmer warns. Wood Screws and Pi ess for baling cotton must surely give way and place to your Iron Screws. All I regret, is, that I did not get »n Iron frame from you, Complete. Youre reepedfully, 8. D. FULLER. Gen Thoe F. Drayton, Maoon county, B. H. Myrick, Baldwin county, John , H*rt roe oounty A. J, White, cotiutv, Capt. Orrie Tuf-s, Jones conotv, Cleayelsnd 4 Bai lee Baker county, Long 4 Whitaker, Taylor county, Robert Thompson, Lea county, A Dawson, Wilkinson couun, H L Khvss , Houaton county, Jerry Hollis, Monroe conoly D W Masses Houston counts, L. C Bryan, Lee county, Allen 4 Oranniss, bibb county W W Dews Baker county, Arthur Foster, Bbb county, W. A, Banks, Monroe joumy, J S Griffin Hons ton county, Thos. J Cater, Houston county, W. J. Afr.ick, Baldwin county R p., B.ldwin count., H. M More, billed eviße, Jes. W Bro.n, rt. Sol moo, Gordon county, W W. Turner, Hancock oounty R. G, Harper, Jf. Hedge y.lle, J J Colli us if,eon county, J. L L.mpk.o, Wilooi county, John L Bryant. Houstoo coun fy Pleasant Ray, Dooly county, J, W. Jo.don, Lee counts, W E. W.-ren, Hous-on county, Nat Hester Baker county, R L Af.mms, Terrel! county John W. P*ol. Terre- --»-*>• In order to place these Pr.eses within the reach of Planters, 1 offs'•them for sale for Drafts accepted by responsible parties, payable irom the let to tbe 16tb of October next. July 9 WESTWARD, THE STAR OF EMPIRE TAKES ITS WAT, 1 SECURE A HOME IN THEGOIDEN STATE! The Imigrant Homestead Association of California I INCORPORATED seder tbe Itwi es the S'ete, November *<Hh, I*B7, for the perpoee of providing HOMES FOR ITS MEMBERS. and thereby, in dare 1 migration. CAPITAL STOCK, Divided into share*, at $5 each. Payable ia UNITED STATEB CURRENCY, rertiflcates stock issued to subscribers immediately upon receipt of the Money. MO PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MORS TUAN FIVE SHARES. A circular containing a fall deecription of the property to be distributed among the Stockholders will be sent to any address upon receipt of stamps, to cover return P°* ta £«- -- intmrmmt Information as to price of lands In any portion ol the State, or upon any other aebjeot of llUsiim to parties proposing to Investigate, will Be cheerfully funiiibed upon receipt of stamps for postage. 11 letters should be addressed, Secretary Imigrant Homestead Society, Post Owes Box, No. 86, p*pt9;2m« SAN FIUNCKCO, CAL SASH, ihuhhiiiir RL‘ADY-MADE SASH GLUED. —ASH ALL K.IRDB OF I I Ornamental, Cottage, Rouse k Jtof* -W ; < A. ' Work done to order In the besfstd latest styles. MOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Planing, Sawing and Turned Work, Coun ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores. Repairing of all kinds done ehesply, and with dopa'ch. It will pav to send or call at Factory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf St., Macon, Ga. GREENVILLE WOOD. june2s;lyw ADAMS. WASHB'JHS J CO FACTORS and Commission Merchants, OFFICE No 3 Stoddard’. Lower Rang*, jul. 80 ts -SAVANNAH GA Correapondent at Dawson, Ga., 8. It- WESTON D. R. Adams, Os Estonton, Oa. H. K. (Fashburn, Os Savannah, Ga. A. A. Adam., OX Amerlcu., Ga. 11. J. PETEK, secession TO PETER k BLACKBHEAR Wholesale & Retail Druggists. gy Orders t-olicited. HACOii, ... GEO. ASIATIC Ct.OLEfIA IN CHINA. Almost Every Case Cored With PAIN KILLER. Read tbs following loiter from Rev. R. Tel ford, Missionary to Cbi: a, now vxaitiug bis boms iu Pennsylvania: WasHiNOTOX, Pi , June 26, 1866. Messrs. Perry Davie A Sou, Piovidence.R I.—Dear Sirs: Doling a residence of some ten wars as a missionary iu Siam and Cfcma, 1 found ioui Vegetable Pain Killer a more valuable remedy tor that fearful acouige the cholera. In administering tba medicine, I found it most .ffectual to give a least oouiu of Pain Killer io a gill of hot water sweet ened with sugar; hen alter about fitteeu minutes, begin to give a tahlespoonful of the >aiue mixture every minute until relief wes obtained. Apply bot applications to the ex tremities. Bathe the stomach with Pain Kil ler, clear, and rub the limbs briskly. Ot those who had tbs cbolsre and took the medicine f.iihlully in the way dated above, right not ot ten recovered. Truly vours, R. Telford. In an attack with Diarrhoea, Draenterv, or Cramp Cholic, don’t delay the uae ot the Pain Killer. Sold by ell medicin, dealers. Price 26 cents, 60 cents aed $1 per bottle. Fwatow, China, Sept. 2S, JH6S. Messrs. Perry Davis 4 Son : Dear Hus—l ought to htve acknowledged long ago tbe box of Pein Killer yon had the goodueee to eend us lest year. Its coming was most pros idsnlial. I believe hundreds of lives wire saved, under God, by It. The cholera ap peared here eoon after we received it. We resorted at once to ihe “Pail- Killer," ueing as directed for cholera. A list w»a kept of all to whom the “Pain Killer" was given, and oor native aeeie'unta assures us that sight out of every ten t> whom it was prest ribed re covered. It hie, too, been very useful in va rionsother diseases. It baa proved an incal culable blessing to multitudes of poor people throughout all this region. Our native preach ers ere never willing to go out on their ex - cur-ions without s supply of the "Pain Kill* er." It givea them favor in the eyes ot the people, and access to families and localities by *hom o'herwise they would be indiffer ently received. Believe me. dear sir, grate fully and faithfully yours, etc. J M. Johnson, Missionary in China aprßfi*(Bl y THE GREAT Wt RK COMPLETEt Vol. IV of Victor t Hietoru (CW, Political and Mi lit at y) of the Southern Rebellion u note ready. THIS completes this great National work. It is, by far, the most exhaustive and satisfactory of all the narratives of '.be late Civil War. It bis the ehdorument of numer ous Governors, Members of Congress, Emi nent Officers snd Civilians. It i», in fact, the only history of tha War worthy of the name. Sold by Agents; or sent by Express to any address on receipt of price, via: In Moslia binding, $8,25 per volume. In Leather, 44,00 per volume. Address WM. H. GIFFING, GenT Ag*t, II Spiuce Street, New Vork. |y j GENTS, TA EE NOTICE! This great work being complete will now com mand a large circulation. Good Canvassers, male or lemale, can readily renliie |ll) per day in taking namee for If. Very liberal commissions allowed and exclusive territory g ven. For Circular of particulars address as above. mey2Btf JAB. D. TORRET, P« Wisher KATTONS MAGIC CURE—’• » eo-emer rsrnedy and caret hr ■*’ ccwp'sints. subschibe fob TIE lillll JIIIIU PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY MORNING, BY M. TUCKER & BRO., At tbo beautiful iud enterprising town of Dowson Om ,fm v•„ r THE is A Paper for the Farmer, A Paper for the Merchant, A Paper for the Family Circle, A Paper for Everybody. It will not ba surpassed by «oy piper is tbis Metics, io its uiTi in iraiu uidt wan, its IaOca:l iNTfiigjLiiaEisric. Its coapilstioo of News franspiriog io tbe State and throughout tbs Bstiouud in 11s tbe requisites thst go to make up a WIDE-AWAKE. FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER. To Advertisers We would tty, no better medium for Advertising is keewn An South West Geor gia We ere deteteiieed to n>rit that nuocen which fiae placed it at the bead of the list for advertising. BATES MODERATE. Terms Os Subscription: ONE YEAR. $2 OO SIX MONTHS* 12ft - Latterr map be addressed “Dawson Journal,” or M. TtJOKEE&BRO., Kdifcrt ".Toaro*V’ raxe'cSa. i-K