The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 15, 1868, Image 3

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~.\.'ON journal Local Column. Aa the Dawson Journal and Chatta hoochee Mirror are being published by th o satin' proprietor, great inducements are offered to subscribers taking bmh [a efg , those v»hO wish to invest in cheap reading matter should avail themselves of tho opportunity by sub scribing for both papers at once. Th" Journal is printed on stroDg white p per, oontains 14 wide columns, and has an extensive circulation through out the cotton regions of Southwest Georgia. The Mirror is printed on strong white paper, also oontains 12 wide columns, (in clear bold type ) and has aa exten give circulation throughout Southwest Ga and Southeast Ala.J B >tb papors sent to one address one year for $3,00, six months 1,75. Making a cost of only $1,50 for each paper, or, 87i cents for six months. V3T Subscribers will please bear in miud that we are compelled to pay cash for our material, cash f>r our labor, cash for board, and casa for everything we use. You surely can’t expeot us to furnish you with a paper without the cash. We therefore respectfully ask you to come up and settle for your sub scription. Those who are due for their paper prior to January Ist, 1868, will be allowed to the 14th of October to sct'D. Those living at a distance may send in registered letters, or per itx press at our risk aud expense. Sub scribers will know who the above ap plies to, by a cr ss X b“ing attached to I tb' ir names. We h >pe delinquent sub srribers will conform 'o the ab ve re-: quest; otherwise your taper will bo discontinu 'd sf* r O b e 14th 1868. lie I igi oil • >«»( !«•«». T ' 4’h q . re- .i p'ting fir Daw son three w: be li’M a' N wII pc. () i her. 7: e conference will b# held ou Saturday ■Maib is re el'll. . . ifed ’’’ vresent The ■ bes that tbit i- the ltd Quarterly meeting t r his circuit for . ir. and arratg • ace. rlmg Iv - o- g has been said about filing We would like to have some of o’, filed if it will reduce expenses, F -rui rs end others who store Cotton wn, will b r, ar in mind that Capt doilN \ Koi.Ton has a largo and c'm i u War house on Main St., near D o". He,will s'ore your CVfon un liberal t rms ; or ship it to reliab’c parties in any pert and sired; be will also advance money on cot rn v. ry liberal, giving tho ben fit of the highest market prices R''e his adv 'r'isem nt Ye that are weary and heavy lad n, hungry, and bare f ioted, in search of rai : -ng aud anew pair of shoes, can have year wants sup;lied, by g'i ß g round to Messrs Alexander & Parrott’s The- l ave in connection wi’h their fam ii Grocery, a shoe shop, on tho south side of public square, formerly owned by Mr. W. VV. Lee. Tbia well known establishment is manufacturing shoes dti y. You can g)t anything there from the ctarso brogan, t) tho fiao L dis bootee. S;c tbeir advertisement in ar.o‘h r column, aud send ia your orders. Caution.— This i, to certify, that I have sold all rigl t, title and interest in •he Simmons Liver Regulator to J H. Zeilin & Cos., who are the only ores that have any right to make tho same, and the only ones that hava the original, true, and only receipt for the same. Any one manufacturing or offering for sale the Simmons) Liver ll'gulatnr.’.or Sim mons’ Medicine, other than that put up by them is an imposter and counterfeit er. None genuine but that put up by J. H. Zeiliu & C". C. A. Simmons. Important to Cotton Planters. I'.anters will please h- ar in ajisd that LOYLE3S & GRIFFIN have the 1 largest, best, md m >sl centrally lo cated Warehouse io out town ; and arc prepared to rmko liberal advances of or M rebandiae of any kind on all GOT ION or and with them, or shipped i to their f-’o ..1,, to Savannah or N w Yark You win,' 1. <ve given liens ami morgag"> on y ur crops and and > not wish to sell at t! present price*, " ill Sod it to your i ' • h-.i.jg your Cotton to | tie i ?'t •. ; ,•, ' i'c wha* money you need, -tid hold you- cotton-until v- ■ prices snr- j a. Bri' g«1 >r.g ■ our i' i! tl.ay .il ■ jar y. -s liberally as any Warehouse men in t ur town LOYLKSS & GRIFFIN. * 10 ts | X, Torrfll Comity. ) • ;f h vaky'- Office for said # obanty. ) j |. X. y Joups Ordinary in ands r • '»! rminty do hereby certify that I this and »y l the Scales u-ed hy Vi* -i t.oylcw* & (iriffin fur the par f»*t f * figtiififf Cotton at their r* h n-e and find them to he cor r-ci ; paid weights balaneinsf with th* ** itnPiui we’urhto oft e State of Gcor tfi in my office t r the u?e of Terrell oounlv In witnea-*, where -f, I have hereto signed my name officially and utilised the seal of my office. T. M. JONES, OrdV Terrell County. Sept. 28th, 1868. somiluing Good for Every Family. It wiil bo seen by reference to tbc announccmcntof Capt John A. Fulton in another column, that be has on band and will furnish his numcrons customers with a good Cookinci Stove. Who would not like to have something ol thatk nd 1 Try him for yourselves. PUGH’S PREMIUM, Photograph & Portrait Gallery. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, OA. TIIE PRi'PIETOR OF THIS TIME HON ored Gallery, which has long been known as one of the institutions of the country, is 9 till producing first class pictures of every style. He would be glad to serve any of the good people of Southwest Georgia. When you visit Afacon, he certain to visit Penn's headquarters and have yourself immortalized. He is making life size portraits from ambro types of deceased persons, as well as from the living ;tar<«s tie vinite, and fine pocelain pictures as low as any first class gallery. The proprietor procured all the late improvements during his recent visit to the great Ci ies of Europe. Those seeking the best, he will be certain to please. octß' f DATVSO.V VIAIII4ET REPORT CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J. L. TUCKER & BRO. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTO.V, 20.22, Sit. I‘lilt, GROCERIES A PROVIMOW. RHCOJY- —Clear sides (smoked) 2h@2l Clear ribbed sides (smoked) IS»@2O Shoulders, 17@I8 Hams (plain,) @22 Canvassed hams, (snear cured) @25 COFFEE —Ptime Rio, @3B Good Rio, @3O Ordinary Rio, @2B Sl'Utlll- (According to grade) 18@20 TEH- Black, @1.50 Green, @2.25 Young Hyson, 1.50@2.00 MCE- @ls EM. it l'll— Superfine, @6.50 E»na, @7.00 Family, 7.8n@8 i I.HItO- 24@25 | JF’jf.S Ml— ATsckeral hf. bis. 12 3 sln@l2 | Mackerel in Ki's, 4.50 Wl'i efisfi per lb. 12j@ 1 5 It UTTE #4—Goshen, @6O Country, 25@30 EUUS— 16@20 111 ICE. E.VS— 16@ 25 It EES n-HX 25@30 THE 1.0 ll*- @lO STift/P- 75@l 00 fi.yeuhh —65-8 o SHI.T Liverpool, a5.75 Virginia, a8 50 tv'll ISEE I'—Com. Rye, 3 00a4 00 Corn, 2 50a3.00 Fine X-c'ar, 6.00a8 00 TO ItH C C O —Common, 50.r75 Fine, 1.00*1.50 UltHl.Y— Corn (western) al 35 Corn (coumrv) aI.DO JHEHE— al .50 ISngging, f.iopr, Si Tics. Bagging, Gunny— 28*30 Kentucky, • aSO Iron Tics. Buckle, 9*12 Rope— alp Special • Yoficett . Rntrsmi Lodge, F. O. O. F. Vo. f>C A I EETS on Monday night in o ch week. d>l J. M. SIUMOXd, N. G. John A. Bishop, Sec’y. EAWREYCE CHAPTER 49, MEETS Fourth Wednesday night in each Afonth. J. M. Simmons, H. P. J. C. F. Clack, Secretary. P. X. srlilev I.otlge, Vo. 229, F. A. VI. MEETS Third Saturday in each month, 2 o’clock, p. m. C. C. Truss, W. J 7. J. B. A vast, Secretary. TO C OJt S UJITII 'ES. The REV. FPWI'D WII.SX will simp (free of charge) to all wlm desire it, the preserip tion with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which 1m was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consump tion His only object is tobenetit the a(11 iced and he hopes every eulfeZer will try tliia proscription as it will cost them nothing, and may prove* blessing. /’lease address RKV. KDAK 1) . ILSN, Ko.lßßß Second Street, Williamsborouph New York. 42 4m-, Tint Apiipoiiiluutul* On the Dawson Circuit will bo filled as follows for the year 1868. DAWSON, Is* Sunday, Revs. T. T. Christian acd 11. V. Muikey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. L G Evans. 3rd “ “ T. T. Christiao. 4th “ “ A. L. liantiltou. DOVER, ; Ist Sunday, Rev. John Skipper. ! 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and I H. V. Muikey. 3rd Sunday, Rev. J J. Sessions. 4th “ “ 11. V. Muikey. NEW HOPE, Ist Sunday, Key. J tines Spent)?. 2nd “ “ (Vacant at present.') 3rd “ “ IJ. V. Muikey. 4th “ “ T. T Christian and L. G Evans CHICK AS AWHATCHEE, Ist Sunday, Rev. Win. Hays. 2nd “ “ John J. S-ssions. 3rd “ “ Thus. Tj. Speight. 4th “ “ Tbos. T. Christian and L G Evans. PLEASANT GROVE, j l s t Sunday, Revs. Thos. T. Christian I ano H. V. Muikey. 1 2nd Sunday, Rev. James Speneo. ! 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4ih “ Rev. Wm Hays. BETHEL, Ist Sunday, Rev. Thos. L. Speight. 2nd “ (Vacant.) 3rd “ Rev. L. G. Evans. 4th “ (Vacant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, Rev Thos. T. Christian. SALEM, „ lot Sunday, Rev. L. G Evan«. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and H V. Mtlkov. 3rd Suuday, (Vacant.) 4tb “ “ [OFFICIAL] PROCLAIIATIOI. By the Governor. Whereas, Notwithstanding the Executive Proclamation of September 14th, 1868, many lawless acts have occurred in violation lh« re of, whereby the lives and proper ty of ci die ns have been destroyed, the right ol free speech impaired, the performance of the duties of the offices to which citizens have been elected, denied, the lives of citizens so threatened as to cause theui to abandon their homes and p o erty : Am> Wiikreav, “The protection of persons and property is the paramount duty of Gov ernment, and shall be impartial and com plete And Whereas, The Sheriff of etch county is, by law, charged with the preservation of life, property and peace, in each county ; Now, Therefore, I, Rufus B Bullock, Gov ernor, and (loinm uidir'in Chief of the atm? and navy of the State of Oeorgia, and of the militia thereof, do hereby is-ue this, mv proc lamation, charging aud commanding the said Sheriff*, and each and every other civil of!!' cvr in every county in this State, to see to it that the lives and property of all citizens, and the peace of the community, are preserved; and that all persons are protected in the free exercise of their civil and political rights and privileges. And, further, to make known that for failure in the performance of duty, the Slid Sheriffs and other civil office's will be held to a strict accountability, under the law. And, to charge upon every person, res ident, in this State, that they render prompt and willing obedience to the said Sheriffs and other civil officers, under all circumstances whatsoever; and that they demand from said officers, protection, when threatened or dis** tut-bed, in their person or property, or with denial of poli'ical or civil rights; aud, that, failing to receive such protection, they report the facts to this department. The following extract from General Orders No. 27, dated October 8, 1868, from Head quarters, Department of the South, is pub lished for the informetion of Civil Officers and the general public, b) which it will be oeen that said Civil officeaa will, In the perform* ance of their duties, be sustainad by the mili ! tar? power of rhe United Stites. Given under my hand and tlic Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, Ga., this 9th (lay of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty eignt, and of the /ndepend • ence of the United States of America, the ninety* third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cottiug, Secretary of .State. “Hkadq’rs, Department of* ttte Socth, ) Atlanta, Ga October, 8, 1868. ) General Orders Xo. 27. “Whereas, by an act of Congres of the United Stiles, approved March 2nd, 1860, it is made the duty of rhe military au'horny to preserve the peace at the polls at anv elec tion that may be Held in a v of the States ; and, Wiiereas, this duly has become the more imperative, from ihe existing political ex* ci'emeot in the public mind, from the recent organization of civil government, and from the fact tha f Congress has, bv statue, prohib ited the organ zition of military forces in the several S'ates of tliir Department, it is there fore, ordered, “That the several Disnict commanders will, as 8 >on as practicable, on the rect ip', of this order, distribute the troops under their com mand4' a-* follows: In the District, of Georgia : One company 16th Infantry, to Albany. One company I6h Infantry, to Columbus. One company 16 h Infantry, to Macon. One company 16 h Infantry, to Augusta. One company 16>li Infantry, to Washing ton, (Wilkes coun y ) One c< inpany 16 m T ifan'ry, to Americus. One company IC h I* faiitry, ro Tbomat»ville One company (C\) Adi cavalrv, to A hens. The company a' i avannah to be i» infor* ed, should octasion require, by such number of tb; men at Fort Pulaski as can be spared from the post. ♦ * * * * * ‘‘Detachments, when necessary, may be made to points in the vicin ty of each post ; but in no cane, nor on any pretext wba ever, will detachment* be s°ut * i bout a eommis aioned officer, who will be fully instiueied by his post commander. “The troops will be considered tie in the field, and supplied with the nec ssary camp equippage ; the men to be furnished with Common terns if practicable, and if not prac ticable, wi h shelter tents. Commanding offi cers aie pertnit'od to hire quarters, tempora rily, wlitn it can he done for reasonable rates; but this will not preclude the necessi - ty of carrying tents, as the commands, in all C4Bes, must be in r»a<] ness *o move »t the shortest notice, with all supplied required for their efficiency. “District Commanders will instruct Post Commanders in their duties, and the relative position of the civil and nv'i'nrv powers They will impress on Post Commandos that they are to actio aid and co-operation, and iu suboidination to the civil authorities; t lat they are to exercise discretion and judge ment, unbiased bv political or other preju dices; that their object should he exc'usively to preserve the peace and uphold law and Older, and they must be saii-fied such is the object of :he civil officer calling on them for aiu ; that they man in all cases where time w 11 permit, apply for instruction to superior authority, but they must at all hazard-* pre serve the peace, >nd not be restrained by technical points, when, in their conscientious judgment under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to act. Po9t Commanders on be ing notified of the proposed holdirg of polit ical meeting*, m *y send an offi »er, and if nec essary a detachment, to watch the proceed ings and see that the peace is preserved. “To the people of the several Spates c< m posing the Department, the Major General Commanding appeals that they will cooper ate wiih him and the civil authorities in sus taining law and order, in pr serving the p ace and in avoiding those scenes of riot an bloodshed, and the wanton destruction of property and life, which has already, in some ins ane* s, b* en enact' and iu the Depirtu ent. He urges abstinence from all ii 11 .mmt'orv and incendiary appeals to the passions; dis countenancing the keeping op*n of liquor shops on da>a of political meetings and of elec ion; the abstaining from carrying arms, and asserting the individual right of constru iug l.iws by force of arms. No just cause is ever advanced by resort to v olenc**. Let there be chan-y and to bearance among po litical opponents, whatever may be the re sult ; let each good ci'ize i do*ermine that all who, under the law, have tin* right to the b«l lot snail exercise it undisturbed. If there are disputed points of la'* - , let them be re tern and to ihe Courts, and let not mbs or poli'ictl cluhg, or oilier irresponsible bodies, construe a-d undertake to execute the law. This ap peal is made in the earnest hope tha* the Ma jor General Commanding can relv on the good s *nre and coned judgment of the mas- et the people, and that he wiil not be compelled to resort to the exercise of the power with which he is intrusted, and which ho will most reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty to make known, that so far as the power un der his command will admit, he will not per mit the peace to be broken, and that he will not be restrained iu the cosci°ntious dis charge of his duty by technicalities of laws made when the present anomalous condition of iiffkirs were neither anticipated or provid ed for.*’ By Order of Major General Meat>b : R. C. Drum, oc'lonoSGw A A. G. * Newspapers within the State of Georgia, will pie se insert d»Mf aud weekly until 3d ol November, proximo, and send bill to Executive Department, Atlanta. JOB WORK It,nit With .VeatntK* aiul MUs patchat TIM IS OFFICE J. L. TUCKER. II.TUCKER. j. 1. min & iu.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN ! . i ..*<■{*! t*. •:: v PttODUSE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. | - Wc keep oonstantly on hand a general assortment of Such as TOBACCO, SUGAR, COFFEE, CANDLES, SOAPS, STARCH PICKLES, CANDY, FXUJITS, SPICE, PEPPER, GINGER, POWDER, SHOT & CAPS, PEPPER SAUCE, SODA, MATCHES. cia ars, ais; and sMOKiisra tobacco WINE, WHISKEY AND BRANDY. Tin-Ware, Brooms And Buckets, And also au assortment of STATIONARY I SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CONSIGNMENTS —OF— A.NY DE9KIPTION. address J. L. TUCKER & BRO., West Side Public Square, - - - DAWSON, GA. PETERS OfSMGAZIiF TIIR cheapest and best in tiib WORLD Splendid Offers for 1869 This popular Monthly Majcazin*' giretfnr the money than any in the" world. For IS6S, it willin' greatly Improved. It will c ontain Tli»li>nrid I’iiSK ! I?oiu Nplentlitl Meel Plale* Twelve itiainnlh Fashion Plale* ! Twelve Colortl Berlin Pat lenw ! TKitar* Hnndred tVoocl Fills ! Ttveuty-fonr Pa-«*s of TSn»i«'! All this will he given for only TWO P01.1.4R.V a vrar, or a dollar loss than Magazines of tho class o t “Peterson.” Its THfSiLLiNQ TALES AND NOVELETTES arc- tho host publish**! anywhere. All the most popular wrtter are employed to write- originally for “Peterson.” In 186(1, in addition to its usual ounntitv of short stories. Four original Copy rights novelettes will bn given, viz: M iry Antjo ni-tu-'s Talisman,” 1-y Mrs dim 8. Stephens, The Mi-tery .4 Blackwood G-rang”. ’ t.y th author of “Sir Noel’s Heir;” “Katie’s Winter in Washington.” by Ira k Lee Benedict!; and the “Story of Mag gi",” by author of “Susy L’e Dairy ” M A MOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES Ahead of all others. These plates are j engraved on steel, twice the usUAt, RIZE. and contain six figures. They j will be superbly colored. A's n , a P' tl - which u Dress Child’s Dre es can bo cut ou’, without the aid of a man'ita-m-kor. Also, sev eral pages of II ttsehold and other rere.ipt : in short, everything interesting to Ladies. jfajmrti Tmuiura sugnving d'o every person gettincr up a Club for i 1869 will be sent GRATIS, a copy of ! nur new and splendid Me zz-'int for framing, ( ize 24 inches by 16.) “The B'ar of Bethlehem,” afte r the eeltbrated mas er-peiee. by (Lmme, the famous French artist. This is the mo<' detsi a hie premium ever 1 fto r ed. 1' r large clubs, is wiil b ' seen below, an extra e >pv wi l bo sen* in additi n. TEH H"> — AI way* iu Advance: One Copy, for one ye ar $2 <lO Three C pies, for one year 5 00 FoorCopies f-.r odc year 6 00 F ve Copies, one year, (and one to getter up of club) # OP Eight Copies, one year, (and one to ceitrriip of clnh) 12 00 Fourteen Copies, for one year,(and one to getter up of e-bib) 20 00 Address, Post paid. CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 306 Chestnut St. PniUdciphia, I*a. tyySi ecitnens gent to those wialiing to ger up club*. If you want to buy fresh*Winter Bun comb Cabbage seed, go to J. L. Tucker 4 Bro., west side public square. Prof. H. H. KAYTON & CO., Sivacnah, (j, > Proprietors of Kayton’s popular reme dies. KAYTON’S DYSPROTIC PlEßS—Cures Si.-k Headache and all Billions disorders. KAYTOX’S OIE OK RlFE—Cures P.iins'in the Back, Bteaut, Side, ShoulJcrs audJJoints flic PUSfERS’ WAREHOUSE. j’O the Planters of Clay, Ti’.rly, ant] Ctl I boon counties, Ga.. and 11. nrv and Dale ■ounlies, Ahbama, the undersigned would nn st respectfully inierm his Fi lends aud tie Planter* of the above named counties, tba' he has erected a LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, On the corner of\Vasi ng ton and H.ipforeJ Street*—Opoeite the Alasouic Hall, where he is prepared to Ree-eive nnd R’ore .11 Cotton and oile r /’ruducc that may be brought to him. He will Sell or Ship Coton O reliable parties in New York, N.vannah, New Orleans, or any point his fitends may ie-iri—either hy Hailroad or N camboat. lie will ulwawa keep on band a good supply of BAGGING, ROi’E, IKON-TIES, SxLT --AND— Plantation Supplies, Which he will feirm-h so farmers ss low as any house in Southwest 0 orgiu. He hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a rea sonable share of public patronage. .1. T li, j FORT GAINES, GA , Sept, 17th 1868 S pi 17 3in HO.MI.riS TUH TOH'S SHE E. . virtue of an order fioin f’ne Court of I y Ordinary of M <»sc®£ee Cos. Ga., will be s»old before the Couit tlouse door in the town of Morgan, in Calhoun county, on the fir-t Tuesday in November nex», that v«lu»ble plantft'ion situated in the third District of said County and known a* the“ Bond IMace,*’ formerly own**d bv M dison Carter, »djoin- ! ing the lands of S G. Weaver and* ihers, 1 eoiifaininif 625 acres, and consisting of lots ! ot land Nos. 86, 45 and the Sonrh half of 44 j in the thitd District of oiiginally Eaily, now | Calhoun comity. Terms of Sale. One half Cash, balance in twelve months from day of sale, with note secured by Mortgage on the premises. /\ir chaser to pay for papers. S A J/UEL D. TUVIN. Ad in’r JAM KS BOND. Sept. s'h 1868. ids. A T T i: N T ION. ( OITOXPiAXI’EiIS & SHIPPER 1 n OOLFOLK, WALKER A CO SncrE3 !: ORa TO WOORFORK & AN _ DER.SON, at the Harris A Ross Ware home, woula respectfully call the attention of their planting friends and cotton shippers generally, to the faet they hive formed a eo nartnerehip under the above style, for the iransietion of a W tREIIOIISE AND OOM MIBPION BUSINESS, pledging them*elves to give their sndivideei attention to the inter, es’s of their pas roi s. We will make liberal advances upon cotton instore, and will also fill all orders for our customers with promptness and dispatch. Wc solicit vour favors. JtS. A. WOORFORK. JOEE A. WAEKER. s tjr !0 F, HAVER. WAREHOUSE l COMMISSION MERCHANT, DAWSOOST, GEO- mom —- FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE I I AM NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE," weigh, mark, store, sample And sell, nr ship your ootton at moderate rates. Will liinkr liberal CASH advances on cottou stored inmyWarebousc, and allow the ] 1 inters to lull »s tong as they wish—sell when they see proper, Or ship it at any time, and to any place they choose, i would advise my patrons to sell hkrf,, but if they wish to try other markets, I will ship •heir cotton to parlies in M eon, Savanuah or New \ ork whom I know to be responsible »ud reliable gentlemen, and who will guar antee the planter entire satisfaction. My Scales aie correct, as the Ordinary's Certificate below, will show, and they cannot be changed to make them weigh mere or less ; GEORG I t , jl Ortlinory’B Office Terrill County j, i\ r mid c> unty. I, T. M. Janes, Orl nary, in ands r s#i 1 empty, do herely certify that I have this day tieted the Setlts used by John A Fulton so. the purpose of weighing eot*on At his Warehouse Bed fititl them corree', said weights balancing With tho Standard weights in tny office for the use of Terrell county. oFojjf?'*. 1° witness whereof I have hereto sigueJ my name ofiicial y'P\ lv, and affixed tho Seal of my office. September 28th. h GA. n 1868. <&/ T ‘ M - JONES, —Cl r ' Ordinary, Terrell County. COOKING STOVES! COOKING STOVES? I HAA E J HE LARGEST AND FINEST assortment of Cooking Stoves that has ever been brought to this market, and I will sell them below Macon prices, with freight, aided. I invite all, and espeoiall) the ladies, to call and examine nty stock; and wmld advise every family who has n me, to pu-ohasa one as soon as convenient, as the demand is so very great, the prices will certain ly increase during the coming winter. Sell, or draw on one Bale Cotton, AND BUY YOU A GOOD STOVE WITH FURNITURE AND FIXTURES enough to last a life-time. You will have no more tlse for negro flooks, who are becoming a nuisanoe, but every hdy can do her own co 'kiDg with pleasure, even with their “Sunday harness’' on, without stooping or straining, ani without scorching, smoking, greasing or smutting her hands and faee, or dross. Tne following aro some of my best patterns of S oves. I have sold a great many of them, aud every ote has given entire satisfaction BARLEY MIEAF, lined throughout with Tin R floeter>. FOREST QtJEEN with dx lodes and Ho' closet. IRON WITCH, with all the new improvements’ ORIENTAL, UE!> JACKET, PALMETTO, DELTA, EAS l REX, PREMIUM, Ac- If pirtirs should want any Cooking or Heating Stove which I have not on hand, I will order at and sell it, lower than it can be bought in New York, or any other place, at retail, aud laid dowa here. JOIEJV A. FULTON, 00’15-n 36-3:nj 'WESTWARD, THE STIR OF EMPIRE TAKES ITS MV SECURE A HOME IN THE GULDEN STATE! The Imigrant Homestead Association of California! INCORPORATED under the laws of the State, November 30th, 1867, for the purpose of HOMES FOR ITS MEMBERS. nnd thereby, induce 1 migration. CAPITAL STOCK, 1,000,000 Divided into ehat-ea, at #5 each. Payable In UNITED STATES CUItItEN’CYi Certificate, stock issued to subscribers immediately upon receipt of the Money, 1 8 AO PER SO if ALLOWED TO HOLD MORE TIIA.V FIVE SHARES. A circular containing a full description nf the property to be distributed omomr the Rtnckhni . will be Hcnt to any address upon receipt of stamps, to cover return postage b rs Information as to price of land, in any portion ol the State, or upon anv other anbjeet of inter to P’ 1 ri“ t ' t *"J”(iV,j’'',,J ” 111 00 cUwrfu,,>r furEi “ ll< ‘ <l upon receipt of stamps for postage'. Secretary imigrant Homestead Society, Post Office Box, No. f ; C. sept3;2mw BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SHOE MANUFACTORY n DOVER. nAVING seemed the service's nf Mr SKIPPER and Mr. JOI/XSOX , two competent workmen, we are prepared to make hoes of all Kinds and Sizes, in the very best styles. Farmers can have their orders filled for plantation shoes to ad vantage. Produce of auy bind taken in ex change for shoes. Prices for work reasonable. Our place of business is the old “Stevenson” stand MULKEY A SWANSON. Dover, Ga., J/ay 28, I BGS- ts IT. J. PETER, StTCCRSSOR TO PETER &BLACKSHEAR Wholesale & Retail Brufgis'.a, Solicited, g- JKACC.V, - - ur.o. C. B. WOOTEN, ATTORNEY Af LAW, llairsoif, da. >r»n tQi JS6B ly HAVENS & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail 3!’oK> ELLERS, STATIONERS, And General News Dealers—Triangula Block, Cherry Street Jtlaron. Gtt. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. VBOUT Throe Hundred Acres of good p n« land lying in and adjoining Daw on, Terrell county, Gt., also three Store ouse* and it dwelling in said town, which will be sold low. For further particulars inquire of Wm Coker, E.«q., of Dawson, who will act, as mv re presents'ive In the sale, &c. aug2o 3iu* ROBT. J. HODGES. lT COHEN , IMPoaTKR eg Brandies, Wines, Segars, % DKALKR IS Rye,Bourbon & Monongahela Whisks, M nuufacturer of the Oft*brJife and STO.YEIt'HEE MUTTERS, ! itiTFnat.L ft.l’J I f 11 > CA . 111 t 3 IIDSTISTRY. Dll li. IKOBI-.E is now In i his city, and ail persons wisidug DENTIAR op eraiions will tin well to avail themselves of his services He can give satisfactory relcr ances. Ollice secoud door north Journal of fice. mig2o lilt